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Fandom Harbor View Character Sheet


Gem Name: Emerald

Allegiance: Seaside

Age: Appears 24/25, is actually a couple thousand years old
Gender/Prounouns: Female She/Her
Sexuality: Demi-pan

Weapon/Power: Bow and Arrow is her weapon manifestation, she also has the ability to manipulate plants/greenery
Rank: She's the leader of the Seaside Gems, though Emeralds were originally noteworthy pilots
How long on earth:A couple thousand years now

Height: 5 foot 2 inches
Weight: About 180 lbs
General build: curvy, pear shaped
Hair color: Dark green curly/poofy
Eye color: light brown/caramel
Extra: Gem is located in the center of her forhead, a teardrop shaped faceted cut. When she's startled, flowers will bloom in her hair.

Emerald had been living in solitude for awhile, learning Earth Customs as life progressed. She kept herself out of Homeworld's Radar, all while looking for Gems who were like-minded in thinking the Earth was actually a pretty great place. While in her quest for these Gems, Emerald created the Seaside Gems, a band of gems who would watch over Gem Activity in Harbor View, where she decided to make her base. For 1500 years she's been leading the Seaside Gems, battling monsters in Harbor View and aiding the townsfolk wherever she could.

Recently, Emerald has also found two new recruits in the unlikely forms of Celestine and Rainbow Obsidian, two of her former adversaries back on Homeworld. While Emmy loves Cel with all her heart, the green Gem is unsure of how well Rainbow Obsidian will adjust to siding with 'the good guys.' Nevertheless, she is giving him a chance after everything the three of them had been through together in years past.

Like the gem which she is named after, Emerald is a compassionate person who is fascinated by nature. She seems to have a naturally green thumb, she has the ability to grow plants, specifically vegetation native to a region. Emerald is a level-headed person most of the time unless dealing with plants or animals, which she absolutely adores.

If you happen to befriend the gem, she will constantly try to teach you to grow plants (it's her way of showing she cares, I promise). You will also gain a friend who will go way way WAY out of her way to help you. Emerald is also a hopeless romantic, and enjoys sappy love stories, and will go on any quest 'for the sake of true love'. Meaning, if you and another person care deeply for and love one another, she will lay down her life to protect your love.

She can seem like an airhead and a goofball, but this green girl is not to be messed with as a fighter. Emerald is a formidable opponent, and can think quickly on her feet. She leads the Seaside Gems with a go-get-'em attitude, but also knows when to pull out of a fight and regroup. According to Emmy, there's nothing wrong with turning tail and running if it means you can come back a second time and squash the enemy like a bug.

  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Humans (such fascinating things)
  • Eating (what a weird feeling!)
  • Music
  • Coffee. Ohmygod she'll drink so much of it at any temperature.
  • Thunderstorms
  • Barren wastelands - so much lost potential for green plants!
  • The mention of Kindergartens (they bring back bad memories that she'd rather forget)
  • Sour foods
  • Running into Homeworld Gems who know her. (She basically up and ran so she's not on their 'good' list so to speak)
  • Humans who are rude and can't seem to appreciate what they have here on earth. Perhaps it's because she's been around for many earth rotations. She sees the beauty in its creatures and gets irritated when they choose to throw it away.

  • Emerald is a sucker for love, and, like her gem namesake, she can detect and enhance the feelings of true love. She isn't cupid, but if she can detect that you truly love someone, she will try and stop what she's doing to help those who want a good, strong loving relationship. It's one of her biggest non-physical weaknesses.
  • Emerald loves cartoons and animated movies. Her favorite so far is Alice in Wonderland because and I quote; "GIANT PLANTS!!!"
  • She has taken a fondness of building terrariums in her spare time. If you suddenly spy a terrarium on your porch, you know it was a gift from a certain Green Gem.
  • Emerald might act like she's got herself together. Truth is, she's still not sure she's fit to be a leader.

Room: She loves how the grotto makes it look like there's stars

Gem Name: Celestine

Allegiance: Seaside

Age: 20's
Gender/Prounouns: Female She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapon/Power: Staff
Rank: Healer
How long on earth: A few years

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 140 lbs
General build: Average, a little curve.
Hair color: Long, fine hair that's silvery blue ombre with one dark blue streak.
Eye color: Bright blue
Extra: A Harry Potter tattoo on her wrist, and her gem (located on the back of her neck) has a bit of black flecked in it.

Bio: Celestine and Obsidian are a bonded pair of gems who were born/created on Homeworld. Their past is a little hazy, but what they do remember was that they had popped out of the same hole in the ground as each other. Back on homeworld, Celestine was only deemed 'useful' enough to heal cracked gems in an infirmary-esque place on Homeworld. She wanted to leave since day one; she'd heard tales of the Crystal Gems, of Pink being shattered by Rose, and their fight for freedom. Celestine longed so much for freedom. Her problem, aside from being too weak to fight, was that she couldn't leave Homeworld for the sake of her brother, Obsidian, who was actually doing quite well as a scout for Blue. For thousands of years, her only purpose was healing gems, and she only caught information of the goings-on of things outside of Homeworld from gems that came in. She marveled at the tale of Rose Quartz and her army, and admired her for it. Her brother was not as enthused as she when the news came of the war on Earth. And for the time being, talks of war was quieted by the infirmary staff. Celestine continued to dutifully do her job, all the while feeling guilty knowing that those she healed would go out to fight some more or invade other planets.

It wasn't until a several years ago that she was brought to the leader of the Homeworld Gems with her brother. The two of them were to go on a scouting mission together back to Earth. It was said that some Gems were discovered at the Earth warp pad awhile ago. Obsidian was to go as a scout and defender, and Celestine to be his healer should he need it. Upon arrival on earth, the two temporarily lost contact with Homeworld, forced to blend in and continue their scouting efforts. This continued for the first couple years they lived on earth. Celestine and Obsidian gave up the fact that they'd never be able get into contact with Homeworld again, much to the lighter Gem's delight.

As such, they encountered Emerald, a known rival to Obsidian, and the two fought for what seemed like aaaaaaages. Celestine intervened at some point, and finally managed to cool everyone's jets. She explained that they'd come here to scout, and that they'd lost contact some time ago, probably 'exiled' disguised as a 'scouting mission'. And with her persuasion, Celestine was able to gain hers and Obsidian's safety among the Seaside Gems. She is now acting as a healer, and learning to fight with the help of her newfound comerades.

A timid, quiet person. Celestine doesn't talk much, or if she does, it's a lot of stammering. She is a kinhearted gem who is trying to find her place in this new world. Her heart's in the right place, she thinks, and while on Earth she has tried her very best to be kind to everyone, even if that means keeping secrets from her brother. She expresses deep fascination with Earth Culture, especially their fantasy based movies and books. If you manage to tear down the shyness wall and find something in common with Celestine, she opens up more and is a great friend to have. She loves those she cares about, and will do anything to help them.

  • Harry Potter - the concept of witches, wizards, and magic fascinates her
  • Cutting Hair
  • The concept of eating and drinking
  • Reading
  • Helping the humans

  • Homeworld
  • Being manipulated
  • Being yelled at
  • Being forced to heal people / gems - healing against her will actually taxes her abilities and if she does it too much she will poof.
  • Feeling useless
  • Overly sweet foods
  • Fizzy beverages - such a strange feeling!

  • She loves the idea of pillow forts and is determined to make 'the perfect fort' one day.
  • Her most embarassing moment happened their first week on earth where she was not aware that clothes were kind of a mandatory thing in public. Need I say more?
  • She has withheld enough information from Obsidian and the other Homeworld Gems that could get her destroyed if they ever found out. Celestine is absolutely terrified that her brother will be destroyed as well if she comes clean about the information now, so it's a secret she plans on keeping forever.
  • She has minor crushes on just about all humans. She finds them cute, adorable, and all around a fascinating creature as a whole.
Room: soft lights and fluffy pillows!
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Gem Name: Rainbow Obsidian

Allegiance: Seaside (begrudgingly)

Age: Late 20's
Gender/Prounouns: Male he/his
Sexuality: NOPE. GOOD LUCK.

Weapon/Power: He summons a bolas.
Rank: New recruit, former scout
How long on earth: A few years

Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 213 lbs
General build: Mesomorph body, broad shouldered with defined muscles.
Hair color: Primarily black messy hair with streaks of muted colors
Eye color: vivid gold, and the whites of his eyes are black.
Extra: Gem is a raw chunk of rainbow obsidian close to the center of his torso; about where the sternum ends. Scars all over his body. One large jagged scar over his chest.

Rainbow Obsidian and his 'sister' Celestine both emerged from the same hole in their kindergarden. Obsidian was the more manipulative of the two. He strongarmed his way into a lot of situations, and often bullied others. Not surprisingly he rose swiftly through the ranks of Gems and was often sent out on missions as leader of a scouting party. Obsidian also fought in the war against Rose Quartz, where he sustained a lot of injuries including the wound that nearly cost him his life. Had his sister not healed him, Obsidian's gem would have been destroyed, and him along with it. The only thing he has left to remember the war aside from his memories is the large scar on his chest. Because of this and many other battle wounds he got through the battle and several other battles, Obsidian will push beyond the pain, almost to the point of going berserk. He somewhat finds the pain enjoyable, and if he gets pushed to the point of breaking he will laugh maniacally. Obsidian has the mindset of "If I'm going down, I'm taking as many of you bastards with me as possible."

After the war which the Homeworld Gems lost, Obsidian spent a lot of time in the infirmary to recover. It took him a couple hundred years to reform; partially because of his cracked stone and also because he was in a brooding mood; seeing his wounds as a weakness and flaw. It took the encouragement of his sister to get him to finally reform a physical projection, and when he came back, he took a new attitude on with it. No more was he just the reckless leader of scouting troups. He became more calculating, cunning, and manipulative. The battles for non-gem controlled planets waged on other plantes, and he was in the thick of several. Though courtesy of the Gem War on earth, he had better plans of attack. The thrill of battle was something he loved; and nothing could be better than a fight.

Well, a few years ago, all of that came to a halt. There was talk of trying to obtain Earth again, and reactivate the Kindergartens on the planet. It was Obsidian who was instructed to go on a scouting mission, and to assemble a team to go with. The only person he chose was his sister; thinking that A) it was a simple scouting mission, there's no need to waste bodies just for information on a planet, and B) it would be a good opportunity for her to get out and so that he could whip her into fighting shape. Their travels to Earth had them cut off from Homeworld for awhile, due to a malfunction in their equipment. They learned to blend in with the humans and continue trying to gather information.

That is, until they ran into Emerald. Obsidian had had several encounters with her in previous battles, and threw himself at her recklessly. The two fought until Celestine finally intervened, first talking to Obsidian and telling him they needed to 'blend in'. As such, he is going along with her plea. While they're cut off from homeworld, it would be good to gather information about these traitors. He's begrudgingly a Seaside Gem... for now.

Obsidian is a guy who is hard to approach. He takes delight in tormenting others, especially humans. He cares little for others and sees most humans and gems alike as pawns in his own game. The only person he truly cares for that he shows in his own little way is his sister. Not just because the two of them can easily fuse together, but also because he feels he owes his life to her after the battle between Homeworld and the Crystal Gems. Under the prickly, manipulative exterior that is Obsidian lies a frustrated guy who really just wishes he could go home again. He feels awkward and out of place on Earth whereas his sister feels more at home. While it's easier for her to meld into quiet civilian life, Obsidian struggles with the basic of manners and earth customs. He much prefers fighting as opposed to talking.

  • Fighting
  • Weapons
  • Winning at matches
  • Thunderstorms
  • Loud Music
  • Nature (surprisingly he finds it calming)
  • Training
  • Earth boxing
  • American Ninja Warrior (it's a fascinating show to watch)
  • Hot weather
  • Humans (kinda)
  • The feeling of eating food
  • Snow/cold weather
  • Losing/Feeling helpless
  • Feeling like he failed at something
  • Having little to no contact with Homeworld
  • As much as he outwardly expresses distaste for Humans, he is a little curious about how they act. He wishes he could be as open with them as he sees Celestine act.
  • When he first summoned his Bolas from his gem, he didn't throw them right and almost broke his arm in two because the weapon caught around his wrist.
  • He shows a fondness for earth's animals, especially tiny ones like kittens and rabbits.
  • He goes on walks every day to a secret spot he uses to meditate/train.
  • He enjoys reading, especially Earth nonfiction. He believes that doing so will help him learn some valuable information about the planet when not gathering intel on it during travelling.
Room: books books books books books
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Name: Flynnigan James McElrath (Flynn)

Allegiance: Aware

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Barista
Workplace: Grounds for Thought
Resident For: All their life

Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 210 lbs
General build: Somewhat athletic/muscular build, but also has some pudge.
Hair color: orangeish blonde wavy hair that falls to shoulder length. He usually has it pulled back into a bun.
Eye color: Blue
Extra: A watercolor tattoo of a pirate ship on his left hip. Wears glasses cuz he's a nearsighted lil bean.

Once upon a time a man and a woman got married. Leonard and Julie McElrath are well off people in Harbor View. After awhile they had children; twins by the name of Flynnigan and Freya. The two kids were nearly inseparable for most of their lives. Because their jobs caused Leanoard and Julie to travel so much, they weren't exactly always around for their wee ones. The McElrath parents hired nannies to keep an eye on them. The problem as the kids grew up though, was that the two children together created an awful lot of trouble! Flynn and Freya have a gift, and that gift is running nannies out of their house.

Even up through their teenaged young adult years, Flynn and his sister have created scheme after scheme to get these 'strange people' out of their home. They figure if they try it enough times, their parents will have to come home. Unfortunately for the twins, their latest nanny Keaton is a lot younger than other Nannies, AND apparently has a stubborn streak to match the twins' mischievous streak. Keaton's been the longest-running Nanny the two have had, lasting almost an entire year. Flynn's got all the schemes lined up in a planner to get this girl out!

In the mean time, Flynn and his sister are finishing up their last year of high school, and work as baristas at Grounds for Thought. Both of them are good friends with the Seaside Gems, especially Emerald, and do their best to keep their secret safe. Flynn originally discovered 'Emmy' and the pair have promised to keep hers and the other Seaside Gems a secret. In all honesties, playing with the gems is fun, but he just wants his parents home. The large mansionlike beach house they live in is awfully lonely with only his sister, a nanny, and their pets at the house....

Flynn's the hot chocolate to Freya's marshmallows, the jelly to her peanut butter, and the pancake to her maple syrup. Essentially the other half of Freya, Flynn is equally clever and mischievous like his sister. Along with being a troublemaker, he's actually an organized planner and extremely clean. He's also extremely athletic and outgoing, loving to entertain and plan parties with their.. uh... friends. (Really just the Gems)

  • Music
  • Hanging with his sister
  • Causin' trouble ;>
  • Cooking
  • Organizing things
  • Goin' out and doing things
  • being without his sister for too long
  • Keaton (not really. Just nannies in general)
  • His parents' work lives
  • Lightning storms
  • Feeling lonely
  • His most embarrassing moment was when he got treed by a deer on a school field trip last year.
  • He smokes (don't tell his mum D: )
  • He loves his sister but wishes she'd be a little more outgoing.
  • He struggles with wanting to spend time by himself and not wanting to feel lonely. He likes the idea of being alone, just not being lonely.

Room: a rustic beach house look[/color]

Name: Freya Lynn McElrath

Allegiance: Aware

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Barista
Workplace: Grounds for Thought
Resident For: All their life

Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 110 lbs
General build: Curvy but athletic.
Hair color: orangeish blonde thick, straight hair that falls to the middle of her back. She usually has it pulled into a ponytail of some sort (though it usually falls out).
Eye color: Pale green
Extra: A watercolor tattoo of 2 foxes on her right side (Looks like this ) .

Once upon a time a man and a woman got married. Leonard and Julie McElrath are well off people in Harbor View. After awhile they had children; twins by the name of Flynnigan and Freya. The two kids were nearly inseparable for most of their lives. Because their jobs caused Leonard and Julie to travel so much, they weren't exactly always around for their wee ones. The McElrath parents hired nannies to keep an eye on them. The problem as the kids grew up though, was that the two children together created an awful lot of trouble! Flynn and Freya have a gift, and that gift is running nannies out of their house.

Even up through their teenage young adult years, Freya and her brother have created scheme after scheme to get these 'strange people' out of their home. They figure if they try it enough times, their parents will have to come home. Unfortunately for the twins, their latest nanny Keaton is a lot younger than other Nannies, AND apparently has a stubborn streak to match the twins' mischievous streak. Keaton's been the longest-running Nanny the two have had, lasting almost an entire year. Freya has made it her business to keep trying and get this girl out of their house!

In the mean time, she and her brother go to school and work as baristas at Brewed Awakening. Both of them are good friends with the Seaside Gems, especially Emerald. Prior to that, she also has a good friendship with Celestine, and is one of the few people that know's the bluish gem's secret. Freya cares deeply for her brother, and in all honesty just wants her parents to come home. The large mansionlike beach house they live in is awfully lonely with only her brother, a nanny, and their pets at the house...

She's the marshmallows to Flynn's hot chocolate, the peanut butter to his jelly, and the maple syrup to his pancake. Essentially the other half of Flynn, Freya is equally clever and mischievous like her brother. Along with being a troublemaker, she is actually very insecure about herself, and is extremely shy without her brother somewhere near.

  • Music
  • Hanging with her brother
  • Causin' trouble ;>
  • Baking
  • Watching cartoons on saturdays
  • Gems, especially Emmy and Celestine
  • Being without her brother for long
  • Keaton (not really. Just nannies in general)
  • Her parents' work lives
  • Her height
  • Being on her own
  • Her most embarrassing moment was a bikini top incident last summer
  • Her favorite weird food combination is 3x3 peanut butter sandwich.
  • She actually adores Keaton and thinks she's the best nanny the twins have had.
  • She is hella insecure about her body and the way people perceive her.
Room: she likes the view of the beach from here[/color]

Name: Keaton Marie Beckett

Allegiance: Aware

Age: Late 20's
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Nanny
Workplace: The McElrath Household
Resident For: 5 years (though she's taken care of the McElrath twins for a little over a year)

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 140 lbs
General build: Curvy but athletic.
Hair color: Silvery gray wavy hair with blue ombre.
Eye color: Teal blue
Extra: she's got a full back tattoo that covers up heavy scar tissue

Keaton was born in a little place called Delgany Ireland. Her mother died when Keaton was just a teenager, leaving her father, four brothers, and herself to mourn her mother's loss. For Keaton it was especially hard, since she was away in the americas for college at the time. She dropped out the end of the spring semester to go home for a little while. Seeing as things became toxic with her and her older brothers, Keaton took off back to the americas and found herself in Keystone for awhile. There, she actually took on a modeling career for a few years, making good money and showing off various fashions for the seasons.

A couple years back, she decided she wanted to get into something a little less travel-y and made her last big move to Harbor View. Her first couple months here, she was jobless and living in the Harbor View motel. She made a bit of money here and there going exploring and pawning her findings off at the pawn shop or swap meets. It wasn't until she met the McElrath family that she actually had a decent job and steady income. Keaton was whisked away to their home further on the tops of Harbor View. There, she was to become the nanny to 'little Flynny and Frey', as the parents called them. Keaton learned very quick that these two kids were more than the 'angels' their parents made them out to be. The rambunctious teenagers cause Keaton to chase them around town, and have made her life an active one to say the least. Nevertheless, Keaton strives to do will at her caretaking business. She sees that they act out for attention from their parents, and in a sense, knows what they're going through, having dealt with her younger brothers back in Ireland. The kids may be stubborn and mischievous, but Keaton is 9000 times more stubborn than they!

Keaton's a stubborn girl through and through. She knows how to give the kids and other people tough love. But she also knows how to be patient and tender. Keaton sees the method to the kids' madness and wants to prove to them that they can function fine even when the McElrath parents are not home. Keaton knows how to 'walk the walk' and is often found in some compromising situations as a result of being the subject of the McElrath twins' pranks. Still, she doesn't let her fury show mostly. Rather, she'll take it out into the pub and have a drink or two to relax.

  • Singing by herself
  • The kiddoes
  • Cooking and Baking and Grilling
  • Hiking near the forest
  • Camping
  • Her relatively comfy lifestyle
  • The freedom inside the McElrath Beach House
  • Singing for people
  • The lack of response to authority the twins have
  • Tequila
  • Deep bodies of water (She can't swim)
  • Cherries (She's allergic)
  • Chasing the kids around
  • Her most embarrassing moment happened when she fell off a runway back in Keystone.
  • She adores her job, she just wishes the kids would actually calm the hell down!
  • She doesn't like to talk much about her past prior to Keystone.
  • She adores the kids and is trying real hard to connect with them
Room: it's super nice![/color]

Abalone X Pearl

Gem Name: Abalone Pearl

Allegiance: Seaside

Age: 18

Gender/Prounouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Demisexual

Weapon/Power: Rapier / Force-field Creation

Rank: Former Servant || Current Guardian

How long on earth: 1,000 Years

Height: 6’2

Weight: 102lbs

General build: Like all pearls Abalone is slender in build.

Hair color: She posses a head of short, pink hair that’s styled in bouncy curls.

Eye color: Her eyes are light blue
Extra: Her gem is located on her stomach, right below her bust. || She has pale white skin.
Bio: Many millenniums ago Abalone belonged to a respected fleet commander. Her days were spent as a servant and entertainment for the commanders shoulders. Abalone traveled the galaxy with her owner, her life was pretty simple. Things changed when they landed on earth. Abalone became fascinated by the humans and their way of life. She grew fond of the odd creatures. Abalone tried to convince her owner to leave the planet and spare the lives of the humans. In creating more gems the lives of the humans would be wiped out.

Abalone was then labeled at defective. It was not common for a pearl to speak without spoken to and to voice opinions as well. Before she could be shattered Abalone fled. Later she joined the Seaside gems.

Personality: Abalone is a soft-spoken gem. She always makes sure to use her manners when dealing with others. She carries herself with grace and poise. Rarely have there been times when she’s lost her temper. Abalone seems to be wonderful at keeping a cool head during stressful situations. She’s a compassionate gem who believes that all life is equal. There a hint of self-doubt. She doesn’t think much of herself and is willing to put others before her.

Likes: Dancing || Flowy fabrics || Cats || Star lit nights || Late night walks

Dislikes: Bigots || Homeworld

Secrets: She has a love for human fashion and trends || Wishes to explore the galaxy once again

Room: X

coding by: diaphanous

Gem Name: Coral

Allegiance: Neutral

Age: appears early 20s

Pronouns: She Her Hers

Sexuality: Bi

Weapon/Power: She becomes completely transparent, and as a side effect loses all matter (as gem bodies are made of light.) She can also control water, only to a much smaller extent than a Lapis Lazuli could.

Rank: None

How long on earth: She's lost count, but longer than human civilization. More than 7000 years

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 90lbs

General Description: A tall, scrappy looking gem that you could nearly mistake for a human. Coral has the orange/pink colored hair that is her trademark, a tired look in her eyes, and worn out human clothing that looks like it should be in a museum.

Hair color: An orange/pink crossbreed commonly found in ocean coral.

Eye color: Sea Green

Extra: Her gem is a Y pattern of coral on her shoulders. This allows her to pull things out of her gem as if it were a backpack. She smokes, and when she's not smoking she has a toothpick in her mouth.

Bio: Coral is an anomaly. According to her, she emerged from the rocky ocean floor as far back as she can remember. No other gems around her, no knowledge of any objective and no knowledge of Homeworld. She wandered about the ocean floor, exploring for centuries before discovering the land above her. Then discovering the cruelty of humanity, she tried her best to help people in trouble and thwart those in power. This eventually landed her in death row in ancient greece, and revealed her immortality to both humanity and to herself. She was revered as a goddess, which she used to her advantage to help more people, but eventually she grew sick of humanity altogether. She retreated back into the ocean, the only place she ever knew peace, and there she stayed. During this period, the great war occurred and she found a piece of obsidian she wore as a necklace until one day, the strange sense of a presence like her called out to her, which led her, eventually, to Harbor View. Upon reaching shore, Obsidian reformed on top of coral, and they fused. In this new form, they encountered the seaside gems for the first time and extended a tentative alliance that eventually grew into a steady friendship.

Personality: Direct, impulsive, judgemental, sarcastic, mischievous, humorous, matter-of-fact, confident.

Likes: Cars, Loyalty, the Ocean, fries, strength, mechanical things.

Dislikes: Weakness, false hope, people with a sense of superiority, losing, meat, cruelty, tight spaces.

Secrets: Though she puts on a rough exterior, Coral actually loves clothing and dress up. She's embarrassed by this. She has the same emotions towards her love of sweet things.

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Name: Machiavelli Anders
(he goes by Match)

Allegiance: Knows about his local gems, clueless to any homeworld politics.

Age: 16
Gender: Male

Sexuality: He never even thought about it.

Work: unemployed

Occupation: Plays volleyball (hobby)

Resident Status: Moved here six years ago

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120 lbs

Build: Slender, kinda weak looking but you'd be wrong

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye color: Hazel
Extra: He sneezes when he gets scared or surprised, sometimes for a couple minutes straight.

Bio: Match is basically too laid back for his own good. He easily gets swept along with whatever is going on, usually not caring enough to have an opinion. His few friends recognize that he's hopeless when it comes to effort, and have given up trying. Strangely enough, once there is something to win or lose, He instantly becomes invested in the situation, and tends to give more effort than reasonable. Match has never lost a game to anyone, at least not in Harbor View. When he's not winning a competition, he's either under the boardwalk drinking a milkshake from Just in Thyme or perched on the top branch of a pine on the fringe of the Crystal Forest. He lives alone on the edge of Harbor View in a small house that is nearly empty. Due to his parents' divorce, and his father's complete lack of interest, he gets a monthly allowance in order to live quietly in Harbor View and not disturb his father's political career.

Personality: Excessively lazy, sometimes a bit too honest, almost always tired, kind, competitive, observant.

Likes: Volleyball, swimming, sweet food, cooking, board games, high places, purple.

Dislikes: Crowds, ants, work, secrets, quitting, crying, fancy things and places, money.

Secrets: He hasn't told anyone about his parents or his living situation. He's actually a cooking fanatic. Once a year he goes to a large comic convention farther inland in full cosplay Zero Suit Samus, a tradition he started with his sister before they were separated. He ignores that he enjoys this.

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Gem Name: Black Onyx

Allegiance: Homeworld

Age: Appears 17
Gender/Prounouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Homosexual

Weapon/Power: Mainly uses her Limb enhancers, which can fire lasers, help her fly, turn into large claws and interface with homeworld tech. Has not identified the weapon her gem can manifest or the powers that may come with it, nor does she seem apt to find out.
Rank: Soldier
How long on earth: Just Landed

Height: 6ft 7in
Weight: 190lbs
General build: Underneath her armor and limb enhancers, Black Onyx is thin like a pearl, yet much taller than one.
Hair color: Though much of her head is obscured by her ever-present helmet, what hair is visible is pinkish-red. It is in a state of constant messiness, even when outside the confines of her headwear.
Eye color: Her single eye is pinkish with a vibrant red slit pupil in the center.
Extra: Her gem is located on her tongue.

A gem grown for battle and servitude, Black Onyx was fitted with her enhancers almost directly out of the kindergarten. From the first time she let out her claws, Black Onyx was satisfied with her position. Like other rare Black Onyxes, she was used specifically by higher ranked officials as little more than a trained attack dog. Her life was simple, she'd be given to a gem, that gem would have her break something, and she would be congratulated or rewarded in some way if she succeeded. The more she succeeded, the more frequent rewards would be, and the harder she tried to get more. But if she did too good at something, she would be singled out from her sisters and eventually traded to another official.

And so the cycle continued, Black Onyx spent many years simply following the orders of whoever held possession of her. At one point she was little more than a bodyguard, at other times she was allowed to race amongst other Warrior gems into battle, and she even remembered being paraded around like a pet for a while. As time passed, Black Onyx adapted to any and all situations that have been asked of her. She's actually developed a rather unexpected roster of skills, many of which revolving around combat. But she's also quite knowledgeable in architecture and history despite how simple-minded she may seem at times.

Despite all this, she can't be easily recognized from other Black Onyxes, and has been easily mixed in with her sisters plenty of times. Because of this, many of her accomplishments are unknown, similar to other Black Onyxes who survive as long as she does. This has given her entire breed of Gem rather odd perceptions, especially to their animalistic provocations, but she's never had a problem with anything that doesn't hinder her missions. But perhaps its this odd string of ownership that eventually led to her being sent to Earth in the first place.

Black Onyx is probably one of the most animalistic gems one could ever meet. From her penchant to move on all fours at times, to how she may resort to growls and snarls in combat, a human could easily mistake her for some kind of wild animal at times. Black Onyx is like most others of her specific cut, ready and willing to follow the orders of a superior gem. Though usually she's only owned by a single individual, when on group missions she will often defer direction to others instead of putting forth input of her own. She's quite happy with following orders, almost as happy as when fighting.

Black Onyx is built for battle, specifically due to her limb enhancers being far more combat-centered than most. Without them she can still be quite the aggressive assailant, but they allow her to reach her full potential. She's become so reliant on these enhancers that they are quite literally the only thing she knows how to perform maintenance on by memory. She can be given directions to aid in construction or repairs, but she has no capability to do so on her own. In fact, there's many things she can't do on her own. Specifically, she cannot complete missions without direct input from a superior. If completely cut off from other more proactive gems, Black Onyx will act more on impulse than objectively. It is because of this reliance on input that she seems to raise no question to those who outrank her.

Truly, there is only one example of Black Onyxes ever turning on their superiors, which would be in relation to the great Diamond Authority. Though considering their generally loyal dispositions, perhaps this can be seen as expected. Like her sisters, Black Onyx will completely forego her place in the foodchain if something presents itself as a detractor of the great Diamond Authority. Gems who outrank or superseded her are corralled in the category of detractor even if only by mistake. Though cases of this are rare, it has been noted that Black Onyxes turning on their masters has led to the discovery of conspirators before.

Slashing, Climbing, Breaking, Resting, Shattering, Lounging, Being Praised, Great big battles, getting acknowledged in general, carrying out missions. During down time she will often enjoy following around superiors if allowed to. When out of sight she may find ceiling protrusions to hang from. Oddly enough, Black Onyx has rather heightened senses of taste and smell and can therefore enjoy the process of 'eating' despite only being able to indulge on organic planets. When alone, she may find places where she can just blow stuff up without worry. Is comforted by the presence of Homeworld tech.

Though compliant with demands, Black Onyx is rather disgruntled when ordered away by superiors. Though she can be ordered out of her limb enhancers, Black Onyx will begin feeling a sense of uselessness without them. Anything she considers a negative to Homeworld is seen as a target that needs to be destroyed. She hates having to retreat from a battle, even if ordered to do so. Being completely cut off from Homeworld gems will leave Black Onyx unable to be proactive. In fact, it is known that Black Onyxes will immediately seek out the nearest Homeworld property and try to 'guard' it unless contacted by a superior.

Though none will ever openly request it, Black Onyxes are extremely responsive to petting. Compared to other Gems, Black Onyxes can be considered immensely active when not ordered to remain stationary as they will roam and inspect anything they find of interest with healthy curiosity until given direction. Black Onyxes perform maintenance on their limb enhancers as far away from others as possible, preferring seclusion when without their gear.

Black Onyx herself actually wears a broken headpiece, as its missing the lower portion which is supposed to cover the rest of her face. As none of her superiors have repaired it, since its battle application is pretty much minimal, she is far more conscious of this than others of her kind would be. This feeling is especially heightened due to the particular location of her gem.


Name: Valerio De Luca

Allegiance: Enemy of Gems

Age: 49
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Head Chef
Workplace: Van Gogh Bistro
Resident For: Seven years

Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 168lb
General build: Thin yet toned
Hair color: Flat cut blonde
Eye color: Natural brown, but Valerio's inherited a rather strong case of heterochromia, making his left eye appear increasingly green depending on distance.
Extra: Has a large burn mark running from his right shoulder down to his wrist, though its often hidden under his clothing.

Though his early childhood goes relatively unknown, Valerio was regarded as an academic prodigy with a penchant for being unsatisfied. From early schooling to graduation, Valerio would perpetually downplay the accomplishments of both him and others, citing that there would always be room for improvement. Many of his cohorts just got used to this, but it isolated him from many larger social circles. In fact, it was when a chef took offense to his many criticisms that Valerio's life forever. This Chef had advertised his food as passionate art, and took great satisfaction in every plate. Hearing this customer openly berate his meals with such relentless force led him to react harshly. The Chef demanded Valerio make something better if it was so terrible, the youth went about doing just that.

At first it could be said that cooking was just a method of spiteful recompense on Valerio's part. He was convinced that the so called 'art' this chef seemed to pride himself with could be replicated by anyone who understood the science behind it. And with time he proved that to himself by fixing meals he enjoyed far more than the chef's. However, Valerio soon found proper satisfaction in his creations. Despite his talents in many other fields, Valerio found that he could only criticize his own food so much before admitting adequacy. As the only thing he truly felt finality with, food became his livelihood.

Many could say that he started humbly in the Culinary arts, initially only being satisfied with his meals being available to the public. However, it was quickly found that Valerio's method of serving was as refined and demanding as the man himself was. Using his own capabilities, Valerio quickly sold himself into service to far more classy establishments. Through them he was able to build a reputation for himself through quality production. Though his demands that patrons conduct themselves accordingly on the premises of his workplace made him renown for his lack of flexibility, the sheer quality of his food made many overlook his less than favorable tendencies.

The greatest change in his life came some time after he was hired by the five star restaurant La Ventagi. Regaled as one of the highest rated establishments in the entire northwest, a chef as well established as Valerio seemed destined to get there at some point. His high demands and extreme quality seemed perfectly fit, and many assumed he would rise to a high position amongst the kitchen staff and go down in history as one of the greatest chefs of the time. To many people's dismay problems arose only a month after Valerio was hired. It was a disagreement with the owner over the hiring of a specific cook who Valerio insisted wasn't right for the position.

The argument went on for weeks, with the owner consistently having to pull rank in order to staunch Valerio's concerns. Nobody could find much reason he found such dissatisfaction with the new hire, they weren't as strict as Valerio but many found them far more personable. Their food couldn't even be considered a competitor to his so Valerio's vehement opposition was confusing to most. Soon enough, many wondered whether his complaints were well founded. Six months into his position at La Ventagi, a mishap back in the kitchen led to a massive fire which spread throughout the establishment.

It was the quick actions of the staff that kept there from being any significant damages, the most considerable being to Valerio himself. Many fingers were pointed to the newest hire as they had manned the station which sprouted the flame in the first place, but the Head Chef had controversially distanced himself from the lawsuit which followed. Despite his plentiful opposition to the cook in question continuing to work there, he only added in his accounts of the day in question. He had been on the other side of the kitchen at the time, so he wasn't nearly as moving in the case as many supposed.

After the case, Valerio made to move immediately, practically disappearing from the public eye for some time before showing up in Harbor View to work at the Bistro with little to no warning. Since his arrival he's proven to be quite as demanding as his reputation would, often remaining to himself most of the time whilst silently going about his day. He would simply go on walks in his free time, often found wandering the town over again in some kind of contemplative manner. However, it was in the middle of one of these walks that he became aware of the Gems and their otherworldly battles with monstrous creatures. Almost immediately he began distancing himself from locales they frequent, and openly voices his negative view on them in their entirety. Despite his dismissal of them, he seems more prone to ignoring their presence.

Valerio seems to be in a constant state of unsatisfied, compounded by the frequent gem battles which take place around Harbor View. As such, anyone unfortunate enough to engage him in conversation will be subjected to a seemingly depthless pit of stalwart cynicism. Growing accustomed to disappointment, Valerio seems to have grown expectant of the worst from others. Whether warranted or not, most new acquaintances seem to start as annoyances to him. Good or great to others can only be passable to him at most, whereas most other things are thrown in the vast category of disappointment.

The only thing he doesn't seem to dislike outright would be cooking, as his own meals are, by his account, the only thing he can truly feel content with. Conversing about food is the only time Valerio seems to genuinely seem happy, and its those talks where his rare smiles can be found. Besides that, he wears his trademark frown wherever he goes. He's quite the scholar as well, knowledgeable about quite a wide variety of academics, but his passion will always lie in the kitchen.

Valerio enjoys more things than most would expect, its merely his expectation of disappointment that downplays any positivity he could feel. He enjoys casual exploration and peaceful moments of silence, yet always expects them to go wrong in some way. He even goes on many relaxed jogs when he can. Oddly enough he can relax through a good bout of intense record keeping, as his home has a swelled collection of information. Truly, the greatest pleasure to Valerio is some well constructed culinary arts, Its truly odd how someone so harshly bitter can seemingly cook anything if he has time. From fruit entrees to magnificent meats to sweet cheesecake, if there is a method to make it, there is a good chance Valerio has at some point in his life. Most people learn to bring up cooking in conversation with Valerio, as that's pretty much the only topic one can bring up with him that he doesn't somehow turn into a negative.

There are far too many things in existence that Valerio does not like, but even he has several things which push him past his breaking point. For instance, the Chef has no tolerance for other cooks who cannot see their own flaws. He despises unprofessional business associates and finds no need for overconfidence in anyone. He views excessive confidence in general as a weakness that many never learn from. In the same vein he doesn't enjoy being talked down upon by anyone, as he sees most people as similar in general and therefore undeserving of a sense superiority. But most of these he doesn't display as passionately as he does his distaste for gem kind. He simply refuses to find any likeable characteristics in gems, and has no problem stating how much he wishes for their absence.

Despite his penchant for fine dining of his own machinations, if his schedule is crunched he will seek out cheap and quick meals that he would never eat otherwise. He used to wear a lens to hide his off-color eye when he was younger, but seems disgusted by this nowadays.


Gem Name: Rhyolite

Allegiance: Neutral

Age: Appears 20

Pronouns: Feminine/Neutral

Sexuality: Pansexual

Weapon/Power: Summoning Lava to shoot out of hands or to enhance weapons or cool into rock

Gems: Coral and Obsidian

Height: 7'5"

Weight: 200lbs

General Description: Rhyolite is a titan powerhouse; with the speed and strength of Obsidian and the agility and quick thinking of Coral, Rhyolite is the perfect combat machine. When she's not fighting, she's bragging about fighting, eating food in bulk, or breaking every speed limit she can find in Coral's '67 Impala

Hair color: Ashy Pink

Eye color: Magma Orange

Bio: When Obsidian was poofed in the war, her gem sank to the lower depths of the ocean, where the water pressure wouldn't allow her to reform. She settled there for centuries, until a wandering being happened upon it. The stone itself was unremarkable in appearance, but she felt an attraction to it for some unexplainable reason. She fashioned it into a necklace and wore it for the next millennium of underwater wanderings that Coral is prone to. Eventually the strange sense of a presence like her called out to her, which led her, eventually, to Harbor View. Upon reaching shore, Obsidian reformed on top of coral, and they fused. In this new form, they encountered the seaside gems for the first time and extended a tentative alliance that eventually grew into a steady friendship.

Personality: Loud, Cocky, Hyper, Excitable, ADD.

Likes: Cars, Strength, The Ocean, Reading, Fighting.

Dislikes: Most Humans, Failure, Heights, Cruelty, Weakness.

Secrets: Rhyolite's only secret is that she was an accident.
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Gem Name: Obsidian

Allegiance: Neutral

Age: appears 27
Gender/Prounouns: Nonbinary, She/her & They/them
Sexuality: Pansexual

Weapon/Power: Gladiators' Scissor/Heat on contact
Rank: Elite Bodyguards on homeworld/Currently a Seaside Gem
How long on earth: ~5,000 years

Height: 7'
Weight: 230 lbs
General build: Tall and buff, though slimmer than a Topaz or Jasper, meant to be both strong and speedy.
Hair color: Shiny, feathery black kept back in a windswept, short mane of sorts.
Eye color: Bright orange with black sclera.
Extra: Her gem is located on the inner part of her right wrist.

Bio: Back on Homeworld, Obsidians were used as body guards for only the most elite and special of gems, each dedicated and loyal warriors, experts in close combat. This Obsidian was no different. She was created specifically to serve a white sapphire- her sapphire. As far as she was concerned, her sapphire was all that mattered. Even the diamonds were nary a worry in her mind so long as she wasn't instructed to be concerned of them. Her and her sapphire traveled the cosmos, serving under white diamond.

When the war on earth began, she was largely unconcerned, as was her sapphire. Then the war continued to drag on and, as things became more dire, sapphire's services were lent to Pink Diamond to aid in the recovery of the colony. From what Obsidian could tell, she was making a difference. Yet, the rebellion was always one step ahead. That was when her sapphire began to get the idea that actually visiting the planet, rather than observing from afar, could help. Obsidian obviously despised this idea, as this put her sapphire in harm's way, but she couldn't exactly deny her. Serving as her pilot, along with a small crew of rubies, Obsidian found herself shuttling her sapphire to and from the planet over many years.

And then one time she never made it off. At the tail end of the war, Obsidian could see things were not going well. She desperately urged her sapphire to leave, to flee back to Homeworld. Even the moon was too dangerous- who knew what kind of technology these "Crystal Gems" might have access to. It wasn't until the retreat was issued by the diamonds did they finally leave, only for the ship to crash into the ocean. Obsidian was poofed, allowing her to avoid the corrupting effects of the diamonds' attack. However, it did severely increase the amount of time it took her to reform. In that time, she was picked by another gem- Coral. Carried around for years before she finally reformed, Coral is about the only other gem or person that Obsidian feels any closeness to.

Personality: Obsidian was created to be a loyal protector and, when necessary, killer. She often seems to lack any meaningful emotions, instead appearing either wholly stoic or unbearably obnoxious in her cocky confidence. She loves to joke around (often in ways that are rude) and flirt and flaunt her skills. Her overbearing confidence almost makes up for her aloof nature. She's not exactly the friendly type, especially not upon first meeting. Over time, she may soften some, showing her care in silent ways that may only be recognizable to the individual. For the most part, she comes off as very rough around the edges, painfully honest, cocky, bitter and guarded.

Likes: -Training
-Being left alone
-Showing off
-the Ocean

Dislikes: -People who annoy her
-Anyone who asks about her past or feelings
-Humans, for the most part
-Positively despises all the Diamonds
-Kind of just doesn't like anyone, even other gems
-Fears attachment
-Crabs are terrifying
-Has a bit of a fear of flying and heights

Secrets: Obsidian didn't know how to read for the longest time, but once she did, she read a ton of history books and loves the middle ages. Anything with wars and armor and combat? She's a history nerd, okay. Especially because she lived through some of it. She also kind of loves building and making things. If anyone revealed the wonders of DIY youtube to her, she would lose her mind.


Endless shallows with small islands dotted around, lava constantly flowing.

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