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Happily Ever After


Chess had easily caught up with the group of vagabonds. The mirror dropped her off on the roof of the building next to the Inn they stayed at. She had quietly followed them as they left. Using her years of spying and disapparation and teleportation powers to keep herself hidden. She followed the four to Thorndike, a odd choice in her opinion. During the short time she has watched them she was able to access a lot about the group. Although many words came to mind she thought the best way to describe them was, utterly useless. She couldn't believe that these three children and a monkey could defeat any magical creature.

I'm a cat, It's not my place to judge.

However, it is not in her right to judge. Her job was simply to observer and that's what she would do. She continued to follow them as they arrive din Thorndike. She wan't a big fan of bustling areas, towns, villages, or anywhere bustling. She sat in the forest for a moment dreading the thought of going in. Her ring grew hot as the group began to move out of sight. She winced a little and sighed vanishing out of sight.


Chess watched the events of Edith and Red from up on a rooftop. She was in her cat form so she wouldn't stand out while she watched the two. She shook her head at the two trouble makers as they attempted to evade what seem to a patrol of some sorts. I'll have to keep that in mind for later. She noticed that the boy wasn't with them. She watched the two girls for a while before deciding that she should go find the boy. Vanishing in a single step it didn't take Chess much time to locate the boy. He seemed to have missed his friends dogging down the alley and continued strait until he reached the next road.

A bird brain if I must say. He seems to have his head constantly up in the clouds. Appearing on top of a awning she looked down at the boy who seemed to have realized his mistake. I better help him. It is better to spy on a group who is all in one place. Chess gracefully hopped from the awning down onto Chase's shoulder. She looked at him and mewed lightly.
"I'm not knocking the Fuckers out. Whatever this relationship is you don't tell me what to do!" Edith finally snapped at her.

Fuck everything. Next time she saw that fairy she'd tell her that getting fairy help was not worth it to pay back. Frikken....

Red knocked out the merchant.

But edith heard the clanging of armor. It was either for red since she was being ridiculous or it was to kill her for impersonating a knight.

Fucking....she wasn't a coward. Red took off. She turned to see soldiers, drew her blade but that fucking fairy. Growling edith sprinted after red.

As they made it to an alley way edith grabbed her arm and pinned her against the stone wall. The alley they had gone down was so narrow one soldier at a time could squeeze in so edith could handle whatever was thrown at them.

"You're going to tell me what you're ru nong grom. And why. i need a fucking reason why I'm risking myself here!"

she wasn't going to let go u til there was an answer.

Forgetting about chase all together.

One of the books nellie had grabbed was the personal journal of the merchant. She grabbed the genie's lamp and other nicknacks none of you will know until i decide. Ha. Ha. Hahahaha.

Fourth wall qas broken today. By a bear.
Red listened without saying a word, barely paying attention to the words Edith was saying. She was trying hard to hear the sounds of soldiers in pursuit, but the sound of their armor was faded, they had at least a little time.

Red took a deep breath and looked Edith in the eyes, not knowing if the girl needed to know the full story. Edith knew at least a little if she had paid attention during their fight with the Demons, but if she hadn't or even if she had, there was no way of knowing the complete truth.

"I am a princess of Cascain. Princess Rowen Sorell, younger sister to Prince William Sorell, third in line to inherit the kingdom of Cascain. I have been sent here as part of a marriage alliance between Haevia and Cascain, and to act as a diplomat between our two countries." Red conveniently left out the part where the idea of marrying, or worse, sleeping with, men was the worst fate she could ever imagine, but that could come up later.

"The idea of being forced to marry someone I've never met, someone I could never love, is awful. And when I read about how terribly women in Haevia are treated when compared to Cascain I just... I ran." Red felt tears welling up, and she did want to release them, but the situation they were in was not one she would worsen by crying.

"These guards, they are high ranking Cascainian soldiers, ordered to keep me alive and get me to the capital of Haevia at all costs. They have my bow, my favorite dagger, my map, my adopted father's ring... Everything I loved is in their possession, but I let it go to escape. I was hoping that merchant had something that could allow me to find the soldier's camp and retrieve my belongings without being caught."
The anger and hostility died in ediths eyes died. she sighed still looking irritated and aggrivated but she let red go. "I'll help you get your stuff back."

She knew she should bow or curtsie....show some sort of respect but edith refused, this was her prize and she refused to bow to anyone right now.

She did kind of...sort of...understood the marriage thing. "But if we work together we do it as a team. No bullshit mutes or throwing me into half baked plans without me knowing. You may be a nobleman but you're going to treat me like an equal and not some servant. You understand?"
Red didn't know what to say. She barely knew this girl, and beyond their argument at the bar earlier that day they had no real conversation. Looks were often deceiving, it seemed. Red didn't know how she had forgotten that. Her adopted father, the huntsman, was a giant of a man with a beard reaching down to his waist, yet he was the kindest man she ever knew. Edith - was she like him?

But before they could do anything, Red noticed that they were missing two of their 'people'. Will and Chase were both gone, not with Nellie, Red, or Edith. "Where are the others? Where are Will and Chase?" She asked, panic rising through her body. Had Chase for some reason been caught? Did the soldiers go after him?


Will hated this. He was small, unable to get any attention, and nobody understood him. His own fellow soldiers, men he had worked with for years, didn't even recognize him. He tried so hard to get them to go after Red, but they worried more about the unconscious merchant with his supplies scattered everywhere.

With no chance to get any attention, Will ran off to follow the boy, Chase, down a hall and deeper into the city. Since he was a very small puppy who couldn't go far very fast, by the time he reached Chase several minutes had passed.

But when he reached Chase, there was another animal perched on his shoulder. The cat mewed innocently, focused entirely on Chase.

Will felt like something was wrong, though. Whether it was something in the air, or some internal animal instinct, Will had the urge to get rid of the cat.

Grrrr... Will growled at the creature, a look of fury in his adorable puppy eyes. It needed to go, immediately.
"Chase is right....God damn it, the bloody moron." Edith snapped.

Now realizing there was a monkey on her back. Great she was a monkeys uncle. "I am not transportation!" Edith snapped trying to grab her but stopped.


"Uhh you stay...nope bad idea. Ok. Let's go fund the idiot before he's dead."

She started out the alley. Stopped to see the guards still focused on the merchant andeft room for red to go past her so they could look for the Moro .
Chase stiffened when he fellt something land on his shoulder but relaxed when he heard the little mew. "Hello kitty," he said pleasantly reaching up to pet the cat. He scratched it behind it's ear and noticed it was purple. "Well aren't you an interesting purple cat... Your not magical are you? Because I have met a lot of magical people and to be honest I wish I could be just as magic-" He heard a growling behind him and turned mid sentence.

"A dog?... Well hello... Am I just an animal magnet or something? Because first there was a monkey and then there's a cat on my shoulder and now there is a dog..."

Chase scratched his head distressed. "Can either of you tell me where I am? Because that would be helpful." He looks at the dog, "Growling... Growling is not helpful."


Nellie chuckled, "You are a ride accept it!" She was checking her waist pouches carefully to make sure noting was sticking out of them... That could happen sometimes and people sometimes screamed when suddenly a portrait face poked out and stared at them from her pocket.

Then she climbed up to Edith's shoulder and looked at Red. "So your a princess?... That explains why your stuff was so cool."
"I am not a ride!" Edith snapped. Her decision to ignore the monkey now gone as she tried to grab the little fuck. When she couldnt, she tried squishing the damn thing by slamming her back against the alley.


"How long have you been roaming around by yourself?"

Chase would look up to see shiloh leaning against the wall of a building just next to him. A moment ago she wasn't there. Green dust residue where she stood. She took a swig from her flask and smiled. "I wouldn't wish for being magical. All magic comes at a cost my young naive friend."

Shiloh was dressed in green travelers robes appropriate for any maiden, not her little fairy dress that looked like it was made of magical leaves from earlier. she still had the same close around her. "The cat is magic. I don't know what kind yet but she wreaks it. I would be careful."

(Just like shiloh knew inir had fairy in him, any magical being she will know it's magiCal. But having her wasted makes it harder to read exactly what magical thing you are)


Chess purred as Chase scratched behind her ear. She may have a human form, but she was still a cat and cats love being petted. Chess looked at the dog as he came up to them and began to growl. A slight smirk grew on her face as she looked at the dumb dog. Bark, bark little doggie, you can bark all day, but the cat will play. She brushed against Chase's ear and nudged his face, purring. She liked those who were kind, even if she missed Jack dearly. She was soaking up the affection.

Suddenly a wave of magic and alcohol could be smelt. Chess leaned back and wrinkled her nose as the fairy came into view. Chess looked up at her and mewed confused. She remembered varies, Jack used to feed her some of his sometimes. She remembered the sparks that they gave off when she crunched. Fairies are so bold these days, public drunkenness and appearing to unknown magical things. Very brave. Chess turned to Chase and looked at him with wide eyed innocence, she tilted her head and mewed a little softer. She licked his faced and purred nudging his face playfully.

She couldn't speak as a cat, not yet. However, she hoped to convey to him that she wasn't going to be dangerous. She wouldn't harm anyone, her job was to watch. Now what the others who see what she sees they are a different story. She gave a sweet long "mewwwwww!" and turned back to the Fairy looking at her curiously. Although, Chess had tasted fairy she didn't really have the need to eat them again, unlike Jack. She looked at the green fairy inspecting her head to toe. All the sparkles made her want to chase her.
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"M-My stuff?" Red asked, shocked. When did the monkey get her stuff, and what did she take? Red immediately checked her pockets and money pouch, but as far as she could tell everything was there. On her second check, she finally found what had gone missing: The signet ring of house Sorell.

Taking a moment to breathe, Red held out an open hand for the monkey to place the ring. Red, stepping next to Edith, looked at the monkey. "Please give me my ring back." She didn't care too much about it, but to noble strangers that ring was the only proof beyond word of mouth that she was the princess. It was useful.



The Ruins of Lillendale

Two hours after the group left

It seemed like the town had been destroyed and the villagers turned to stone. The castle had been demolished, and there seemed to be one human corpse among the rubble. How depressing, the town was actually a fairly entertaining place to stay.

The inn, where he intended to stay, had evidence screaming that there were recent travelers through it. Possibly more recent than when the curse had been cast. Were they responsible? It was probable, the village never had troubles with magical beasts, and there were plenty of powerful magic users who weren't the Master or Replacement.

Wolf had no intention of staying in a ghost town. At the very least it was eerie, and at worst he could be blamed by a patrolling force. The nearest town was hours away, but he had to stay somewhere.

His path decided, Wolf headed to Thorndike before continuing on his journey. It would be nightfall by the time he got there, but he'd arrive, at least.


Two nameless troops


"I'm tellin' ya, I saw 'er. I never seen nobody with a red 'ood like that, it 'ad to be 'ers." The first soldier was telling his companion as they searched the back alleys.

The first thing they came across was a boy with a cat on its shoulder. Obviously he didn't fit the description, so they had made their way across the streets in their search.

It didn't take too long, they found the two girls and the monkey within minutes, and immediately called out. "My lady!"




Red jumped back when she heard the voice. Two soldiers, men Red couldn't name, had recognized her. Oh no. She thought, immediately scanning the area for something to fight with. They would kill Edith if she fought them alone, even with the advantage of being in a small alley.

"Edith, we have to go!" Red said, pulling Edith's shoulder to try and get her to the exit opposite of the soldiers. They had to lose them and find Chase as soon as possible. They had no hope of getting her things from the camp in quiet if they didn't get there before Red's arrival was announced to the others.
Fairy and cat had stared at eachother for quite some time before the cat went to soften itself towards Chase. Shiloh took another swig from her flask. Cracking her knuckles she paced around Chase, eye contact still on the cat. "See that dog? She was a man who threatened me, cat. I'm onto to you." Finger pointing she sounded more like a paranoid drunk than a credible source.

Her index finger tapped the cat's nose and green dust and light lit around the creature until it was on the ground next to the dog. Dust on the ground by her side. The drunk then snorted as she grinned. "See, poof. just my widdle index finger. Imagine when I use all ten magic cat. You don't touch my....what are we?" She looked confused at Chase. "I mean you're not my charge...so what are we?"


"I can handle them! It's just two lousy...I literally helped destroy a castle and you want to run with two adults! NO FUN!" Edith snapped exasperated. She drew her sword and was ready to kick some butt.

Really, she was practically invisible. Magic sword. Magic sheild....the sword didn't work...MAGIC SHIELD...she could destroy any foe! At any time. She was a frikken HERO IN TRAINING for god's sake! Blessed by a fairy....a drunk fairy...who wasn't here doing her job...doing god knows what.

But Red looked scared, tugging her shoulder ready to take off. Edith grumbled and rolled her eyes. "FINE...whatever...I don't even care..." Before she left, a good four feet above them were clothes lines. Edith jumped, with incredible height considering she was wearing a metal suit of armor to protect herself, but it was high enough to swing the sword, cut the lines as towels, dresses and other clothing fell on the soldiers.

Allowing Red and Edith...and the damn stealing monkey....a few extra seconds to get out of there undetected. Stupid Red...she really wanted to fight...
Chess looked at the fairy confused, ether the woman was drunk off her ass or knew she was a magical cat. Luckily, either didn't matter to her, but she should be cautious. She wrinkled her nose as Shiloh poked her nose. To her surprise, she was suddenly transported next to the dog without her knowledge. She didn't know how she had gotten there, it was a first to be transported unknowingly. Must be fairy magic. I can tell from all the.... the..... the.....


She gave a adorable sneeze at all the dust forming around her. The cat licked her paws and then looked up at Chase and mewed lightly. Chess paid no mind to dog, he couldn't hurt her if he tried. As a talented poised and all around better species she could easily take on a man or dog. She wasn't one to care much about the current events of others. She walked over and rubbed against Chase's leg and then looked at the dog curiously. As if to say, are you going to bark at me puppy? Or are you going to be a man? Heh. She wasn't one for taunting but she did enjoy the occasional taunting of dogs. Well I am a cat after all, I can't help my nature.
Chase enjoyed the attention from the Cat. I mean. He really did like animals, (Not spiders he was forever against spiders) and this cat was particularly sweet.

"Hi shiloh!.... What do you mean this makes us...?" Nothing. This makes us nothing. Chase said in his head... but he couldn't say that out loud that was rude.

"Oooh the kitty is magical! and super cute. And I hate to break it to you puppy but I'm a cat person." Chase cooed picking up Chess and petting her. "But really. Do you know where I am? I seem to have gotten lost..." Chase might have said that to the cat... but he looked up at shiloh at the end to show the question was to her as well. He knew he was lost but Chase didn't mind too much. He knew he would find his way back to the girls eventually. Usually whoever he was looking for turned up before too long by some way or another. Mostly luck.

One time he was looking for his mother and he hadn't known she was suppose to be gone for the day but when he wanted to find her he decided to go to the market and he happened to run into her! He really did have great luck.


Nellie was just enjoying the show from her perch on Edith's shoulder. Edith tried to get her off by ramming her into a wall but Nellie was much smarter than Edith and much quicker!... She was sad that Reds reaction wasn't as good as she hoped it would be. I mean, this was one ritzy ring!

So she would just enjoy the mayhem for now... Possibly add to it... but later. When the situation was more dire.
Red watched in awe as Edith, a girl barely larger than Red herself, wearing light armor, jumped above Red and cut a clothesline to block off their escape. Unfortunately Red didn't have time to focus on such a feat of athleticism, immediately she led Edith down the alleys to, hoping to find-


Red turned a corner and was immediately staring right at him. Her captor. Her hunter. The protector of heiress Rowen Sorell, keeper of the keys to her gilded cage. Red turned around, trying to pull Edith in the opposite direction, but the two soldiers from the other alley immediately cut them off. They were surrounded.

Immediately Red moved to block him from getting to Edith, before he could hurt her. He walked closer, still not saying a word, and bent to be at eye level with both women. "Hello princess. Long time no see."

And with that, he knocked Red out with an armored punch to the face and his two men rushed Edith, attempting to capture her as well.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to puck up magical things you know nothing about?!?" the fairy jumped full alert when he just picked the cat like it was no big deal.

Well he didn't know her either. The drunk snorted a few giggles to herself but shool her head as she snapped her fingers and the cat was back where shiloh first teleported it. Sprinkled in green dust.

"You're in thorndike. Edith and "the princess. "And red aren't too far. Did edith leave you here or was this an accident?"


She should have been concerned that Red was knocked our, but she drew her sword and looked at the tall newcomer. "I wanted this option Anyways. Be prepared to have your ego shattered." She smirked.

Because, you know....true heroes don't rush over to protect their charges. That would be just silly. They just like hitting things.

The two soldiers froM earlier caught up. Not too pleased to be stopped as something as trivial as clothes. The first thrust his sword at her firsr, edith easily avoided by clashing back.

For a sixteen year old girl she was rather skilled. Far beyond her years. Her movements with the two soldiers from swinging, ducking and leaping we're like watching an artist dance.

The first soldier went down when the second swung at her and she dove between the legs of the first like she was a baseball player getting a base. The second was already in motion ad the first turned around confused that a girl just did that. Crash into eachother, first down the second on top.

Before they had a chance to get up the handle of her sword was slammed in each noggin knocking them out cold.

Grinning edith forgot about the third man....who wasn't in her line of sight anymore. She walked over to red crouching. "course you're knocked our. You just missed me clearly kicking butt of royal guardsman and not a lick of a bruise on me. And you think I can't handle myself with these guys." She checked her pulse. It was there. No severe bleeding from being knocked out.

In her cockiness she didn't hear the man behind her.

"Next time we are going to go with my plans because i can handle my-"

There was a bright sharp pain at the back of her head, stars everywhere as her vision was spinning.

Then blackness.

Marin Javik's Tent

Red slowly opened her eyes to see her surroundings, wondering what had happened. She remembered a punch, hearing some noise, and darkness. Immediately she moved around, looking for Edith. She struggled to move - her hands and feet were tied - but she could still slowly reposition herself to see the entire room.

Edith wasn't with her. Immediately Red thought of worst case, that Edith was dead in their alley with Javik's sword through her chest. Second worst was that she had killed the two men behind them and escaped. That was murder, and she would have been hunted down like an animal. Red ran through each possible scenario, hoping that Edith was still alive. No matter how Red may have felt about the girl, she tried to help without any incentive to do so. As far as Red was concerned, she was a-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of grass being stepped on. Someone was coming. Red did her best to sit on her knees and look directly at the entrance. When they came in, they would be staring directly into her eyes.

Of course, Red wasn't expecting the man who walked in.

Prince James Sorell

Marin Javik's Tent

James walked in to see his little sister staring right at him, an expression of shock on her face. She had a black eye, grass and dirt covered her body, and smelled like she hadn't showered in weeks. There was no question that it was his sister.

With a smile he gave her a hug, remembering the young girl who first came to Cascain all those years ago. Red, despite all those years of lessons, hadn't changed a bit.

Standing back up, James spoke to Red. "You need to get cleaned up sis. You've got someone special to meet." With those strange words he left, keeping Red completely in the dark about their new arrival.

Princess Alice Sorell

Edith's Tent

"My dad says that you might be a bad person, but I don't mind." Alice said to the strange girl, smiling. Her healing had made all of the girl's injuries vanish, but it was taking a toll. Alice already noticed she was exhausted, as though she had worked for a dozen hours. On the bright side the stranger's wounds were all healed, and she'd probably felt even better than she did before she got captured.

"Everyone should be helped, no matter what kind of person they are. Plus aunt Red was with you, so that must mean you're trustworthy." Alice wasn't supposed to reveal that Red was her aunt, but it probably wasn't important. There was no way Red had told the girl she was a princess, so there was no problem.

Before she could keep revealing information, her father walked into the room, seeing Alice only a few feet away from the chained up girl. Without a word he pulled her away, looking more scared than anything. "Don't do that again, Alice. We don't know what kind of person that girl is." Alice wanted to disagree, but she didn't have the energy to argue with her father.

Before she knew it Alice was inside of another tent, though this one was better decorat-

"Red!" Alice said, completely forgetting about how the tent was decorated or anything else meaningless. She rushed in and hugged her aunt's neck, a wave of happiness rushing through her. She knew her aunt would be okay, but seeing her face to face was so much better.

"How are you Red? Where've you been? Are you excited? I'm so excited, I can't wai-" Before she knew it her father was covering her mouth, which was the easiest way to shut the girl up.


Marin Javik's Tent

"I'm good, Alice. It's good to see you." Red said, a genuine smile forming on her face. The last two people she had expected to see were both right in front of her, after so long apart. Little Alice the White, and James the Golden. Their family was good at being colors.

"So James, you're obviously not here to bail me out. What's going on?" Red hated not being able to talk more to her niece, but it was obvious that both of them were standing in front of her for a reason. Teleportation magic wasn't something easily cast, especially when it involved multiple people over dozens of miles.

James sighed for a moment, before beginning. "You know my lovely wife. She and I made a deal. We all know you want to have some personal freedom for as long as possible, and I need an heir. Alice gets legitimized and becomes my heir in every way, the duchy stays part of Cascain, and you get to take care of yourself for a few more years. You just have to take Alice with you on your adventures." He grimaced at that, not wanting to lost his daughter. Everyone loved Alice, but him most of all. Agreeing to this must have been incredibly painful. Red owed him a yes, especially after years of his kindness.

"Of course, James. You have my word that I will protect her. Though I have to know, is Edith okay?" Red needed to see her companion again, that girl was a hero in more ways than one.

"Yes, she's fine. As soon as we get your things we'll head to her." Red twitched as James said 'things', curious as to what he meant. She seemed to have all of her previous equipment on her, did he mean the things she left behind in her first escape?


For Edith, ten more minutes after Alice left would pass, and by the time everything was finished she would see Red walked in with Alice and the man who first took her. Red, of course, was now fully equipped, with her bow and full quiver on her back, four daggers inside as many sheathes, and a ring on her finger.

Red cut unlocked Edith's binds and prepared to explain everything to the girl, ready for the many, many questions.
Head throbbing edith felt a warmth go through her entire body. It was like a small vibration and she was being hugged by a warm light.

But emotionally her pride was still bruised. The tail of a monkey brushing her face Edith sneezed and groaned. She slowly opened her eyes to see a small child.

"Get off me monkey!" Edith tried whacking the thing and listened to the girl talk. "I am a knight, thank you very much. And I don't need any help. I help myself."

What kind of person she was. Edith huffed but then stopped. "Thanks...I guess..."

But she sat herself up and began wiggling her hands around the rope, her hands were tied in the back. She could find a way to wiggle out of this, she was Edith Thatcher, she could find her way out of anything. She sneered a smile at the man's response. "I don't know what kind of person you are, but leaving a person tied up and looking at them like they are an animal isn't a good indicator you're a good person."

She had one finger loose. By the time Red had come one hand was almost out, she was close to getting out but Red cut the rope. She looked at the Royal Guardsman irritated but bit her tongue. Instead she looked at Red. "Whatever nobility or code you might be following, Red...to do what you don't want to do....don't. The only person that matters in the decisions you make for your life is yourself."

Her sword was gone. SHe looked up at the man. "Lucky break, I'd beat you if it was a fair fight."

Edith's Tent

James laughed at the half threat, not worried too much about the words of the stranger. "I don't doubt it. I've got very poor skills as a soldier, that's the job of my little sister." With that, he got within inches of Edith's face, his own expression getting significantly darker. "You said I wasn't a good person earlier. You weren't wrong, but remember that you are the lawbreaker here. I was well within my rights to execute you, but I didn't. Red trusts you, or at least is reliant on you. This means that I will place my own faith in you, miss Edith. My daughter is going with you on your journey, and if she's hurt I will end you."

When he was finished, James backed away and handed Edith her sword, his golden smile once again plastered on his face.



Edith's Tent

Red was utterly shocked at Edith's words. Was this really the same person who ran into a castle hall and attacked two spellcasters alone? She really wasn't curious about the inclusion of Alice, or Red suddenly changing her mind about going her separate way from Edith? This was a different Edith entirely, had a soldier come in and threatened her with death if she didn't accept everything?

Red looked at her brother as he threatened Edith, and part of her didn't doubt that he would resort to using soldiers. But then again James was the type of man to do dirty work himself. He could have done it earlier, and he obviously referenced an earlier meeting, but still. "So you're okay with us sticking together for the time being, then?" This time Red focused more on Edith's expression, wanting to see if there was something hidden behind it.



Edith's Tent

While her father and aunt were speaking Alice was captivated on the blindly light emanating from the girl's sword. It made everything else harder to see, but also made her feel at home, as if she had just returned home after a long trip.

"Your sword... It's glowing." Alice said to Red, wanting to know what was causing it to glow so brightly.
(since time has passed what should I do with Chase?)

Nellie cackled from up on the ceiling. She put herself there so others couldn't reach her. She had escaped earlier up a wall and followed her companions to the camp of the royals. But distinctly royals of another country. Nellie who enjoyed making things worse decided to mess with a prince.

"You do know you are a royal from another country. AND killing or attacking someone of this country who was just defending themselves could get you in trouble with the guard. I should know. I got off on a theft charge because of that. of corse that was about... Three countries ago but it could happen here too."

Nellie might only be a 17 year old cursed monkey girl but she has traveled a lot her whole life.
"Well I know where I am! I just don't know where I am... in where I... Well I know what I mean! And why do you keep doing that it's just a kitty. It might be magical but your magical and I'm not being mean to you." Chase thought this was a very valid point since he really didn't like fairies... "Why are you here anyway? You know... near me... why aren't you by Edith? You said earlier she is your charge not me. So why?"

(sorry super short)
"I don't like it." Shiloh retorted. Her nose wrinkled. "You shouldn't be so damn trusting. You'll get killed for it one day." The irony of it being Shiloh was still a complete stranger to Chase. The fairy sipped from flask as he brought up that point. Why she was here and not with Edith.

"You were alone. Aimlessly wandering alone. Edith's my charge but I have a feeling she wouldn't find you and you're obsessed with that sorcerer. And you, whether I like it or not, seem to get her to use the best parts of her. If she's going to succeed, she's going to need you. And if you're going to find that sorcerer, you're going to need her to keep you safe."

The fairy sneezed green dust flying everywhere. "So you want to stick around aimlessly or do you want to sing a song with me as we get back to Edith?"
"I'm not too trusting..." Chase mutters before he shrugs and picks back up the cat. He blows the dust off the kitties face because even if that sneeze was adorable he takes care of his companions. "Only if I can bring the kitty will I sing. Otherwise just lead the way or magic or something?... But yes. I need to find the sorcerer! Also is the dog really a person the girls told me but she seems like a puppy to me. But really is the dragon the only thing you know about the sorcerer because fairies always seem to, or at least act like they know everything and in general things that know everything should know where a sorcerer is."
Shiloh groaned when he picked up the cat. Another drunken swig she looked at the two kitties...one kitty. "I'm onto you...you...furball."

An orchestra of music began to play but no instruments were seen. She would let the furball stay because she liked singing. When Chase asked about the sorcerer the music stopped like a broken record.

"The sorcerer doesn't like me very much. If she knew I sent Edith, Edith would not be seen. Best you ask the dragon where she is, she knows how to conceal her power from me tracking it."

"BUT LETS SING A SONG ALREADY!" Trumpets playing.
Chess blushed as he called her cute, and picked her up. She liked the boy, he smelled good like sweets. She purred loudly as he petted her. She almost smiled, but held back. She made a vow to only smile when she found Jack. He was he was everything to her and he was gone. He simply vanished without a trance, even she couldn't find him. I depressed her greatly. She rubbed her head against his hand and chest and mewed.

Suddenly she was transported back next to the puppy. She was a little bit dizzy from the sudden change of scenery and stumbled around a little. "Merrrooowwww?" She finally regained her balance and shook her head. Fairy dust flew off her fur. It tickled her nose and she tried her hardest to stifle a small.


She liked fairies in a dish rather than up and about. She licked her fur trying to get the fairy dust off. After tastings the fairy dust she regretted it immensely. Ugh! Bleah! What a horrible taste. How could something tate so bad. She finally got most of it off with a variation of bushing and shaking and sighed in relief. Then to her dismay the fairy sneezed sending more dust everywhere.

Unknown to Chess but every little bit of fairy dust that entered her system was ever so slightly making her mad. Not as we would think it to be, but mad all the same. She was lifted up by Chase and he gently blew the dust off her face. She looked at him blankly and gave one more "Chew!" Before purring loudly, she really liked this boy, although she did not know what this singing is.

She looked at the fairy curious about her drunken rant. She called me a fur ball! Why I never! I am extremely well groomed, how dare she compare me to a tangled mass of fur! Humph! She licked her paws clean and glared at Shiloh. When thw music began to play from nowhere she jolted a little, not used to stranded noises. As it stopped she nuzzle closer to him trying to feel secure. She tilted her head as the sorcerer came up. Who is this sorcerer person? This is getting curiouser and curiouser. Deep in thought the trumpets from nowhere startle her again. This time she jumped up back onto his shoulder and stayed there in fear.

Meanwhile, in the Candy Glades....

Inir sighed, "Minnie this isn't getting me anywhere. Can we please stop." Inir was covered in taffy from head to toe and exausted.

"No! You will revarnish my roof so help me I will turn you into a toad young man. Taff on taff off young grasshopper." Minnie nodded agreeing to her wise words.

Inir sighed and did the job spending what felt like a eternity. When he finished he climbed down and looked at his cousin. "Alright I'm done, but I don't see how doing house work will improve my magic."

"It won't, but it will improve my quality of life. So be grateful, you get your Assisting the Elderly, Eagle Scout badge." She pinned a old soda pop lid onto his shirt and smiled.

Inir smiled back at her a little sadly, Minnie sure is a mess. "Thank you Minnie. I appreciate the pin, but I need to understand how to use my magic and why it very does what I want. But I don't think you can tell me so I guess I will be going now." He didn't want to leave her alone, but he needed to be a villain for his father and for Edith. He couldn't waste time here doing meaningless tasks. Maybe Malia's sister could teach me to control my magic.

"STOP!" Minnie shouted twirling Inir around abd pulling him closer with her magic. Shw looked at him with a serious look. She gazed at him for a long time and then brightened, a smile grew across her face. "Well why didn't you say so silly! You're a reverse magician, didn't anyone ever tell you?"

Inir didn't say anything at first he just stared at her dumbstruck. The shock wore off and he shool his head. "No! What is a reverse magician!"

"Well the technical term would be a reverse warlock, I don't know many people who have your skill set. Maybe that guy with the grimoire and of course your uncle Inir. Just say your spells and do your hand movements backwards and it should be fine." She crossed her legs and began to float up again. "See your brain reads and understands things differently. You remember when you were a muchling and had a hard time reading? We had to teach you how to read all proper like." Inir shook his head, he only had blurry memories of his childhood when Minnie was there. "Well it happened and the reason why is because your brain was hardwired for the reverse. I guess they never told you since you were so little. I just eat you up! You had such little feet. Oh I think I have some of your baby shoes with me let me go get them." She went back into the house.

Inir was shocked he didn't think. Why didn't anyone tell me! I've been failing all this time. He couldn't wait for Minnie, he had to try this out. "!etsah ekam edis s'htide ot ecaps hguorht em tropsnarT (Transport me through space to edith's side make haste!)" He vanishes into thin air.

Minnie retired with a small box, "although there is a dangerous effect of using reverse magic, especially uncontrolled magic, it gets to be quite literal especially with names and whatnot, but I can help...?" She looked around but Inir was gone. "Oh well, he'll be fine." She looked at the box and grinned, now let's see those cute baby shoes. She opened the box and a wave of baby shoes burst from the box and flooded the entire front porch. Minnie got swept up in the typoon of shoes, "Sooo adorable!!"

Meanwhile Inir was shocked to fig himself appear right above a war. As hw fell, he learned the true meaning of Edith, prosperity in war.

(Sorry for the crappy post, I am so tired)
Chae hears the trumpets and starts singing his favorite song and he knows it by heart,

"With tuppence for paper and strings

You can have your own set of wings

With your feet on the ground

You're a bird in a flight

With your fist holding tight

To the string of your kite."

Chase sings without noticing the world around him with a voice as magical as the ones in disney movies, and he knows all the words by heart! Then Shiloh starts singing along too. She grabs chase by the arm and pulls him down the the street. She starts skipping, dragging Chase along behind her. Chase holds onto the kitten with his free hand so he doesn't lose her.

"Oh, oh, oh!

Let's go fly a kite

Up to the highest height!

Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring

Up through the atmosphere

Up where the air is clear

Oh, let's go fly a kite!"

Chase finally get's the skipping down and he ends the chorus along with shiloh... Then Shiloh starts changing the words of the song,

"Now you're searching for your friends"


"over all sorts of odds and ends"

"Shiloh I don't think-"

"But you can just come with me

Over 'ouses and treeeeeeeeees"

"Shiloh wait that's-"

"With our arms holding tight

I will help you take flight!"

Chase tries to protest one last time but Shiloh has the trumpets and music playing over him as she lifts him into the air and dances with him, singing.

"Oh, oh, oh!

Let's go fly a kite

Up to the highest height!

Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring

Up through the atmosphere

Up where the air is clear

Let's go fly a kite!"

Chase. Thourghly traumatized even though this is his favorite song, sighs in relief when Shiloh stops singing. Before the dancing he only had enough time to put the cat on his shoulder and he can feel her claws digging into him.

Then as the music starts to peddle out shiloh looks at him and says merrily, "LET'S SING IT AGAIN!" And the music starts up again.

"No!" Chase tries to protest. But it's already too late.

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