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Realistic or Modern Hamilton high


Welcome, welcome.

This is an ordinary highschool rp with ordinary people. Everyday is ordinary unless you do something about it. Around the town, you can find pretty mutch anything you want to. It is a large city afterall.

The school offers dorms just across the street, if you'd want that. Of course you can live at home if you prefer. In every dorm building there is about 100 rooms as well as kitchens and bathrooms that are placed on each floor in order for the people to share. It is not allowed for girls to live with boys, therefor, the ladies will have the ground floor while the gentlemen will live on the floor above them. In the basement you can find tv's, videogames and other stuff to keep the students entertained.

On your free-time, you can do almost anything. There is a baseball court behind the school as well as a basketball court and a tenniscourt. The gym is always open for the students to work out if they'd like and since the art/music classroom is in a small building next to the school, that as well is alwas open.

The different classes include the maain subjects like math and history but you have an individual choice an hour a day where you do what you like most. The individual choices include; Reading, Martial arts, Art, Music, Poetry, Extra sports, Digital art, the Orchestra, Dancing and Extra math.

For the students, the only rules after school is that you have to be on the schoolgrounds before 11.00 pm since they lock the main gates by then. Also that no alcohol or drugs is allowed, but some secretly do it anyways.

Feel free to join!

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