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Fandom Halo or Mass Effect RP?


I've been replaying halo 5 lately, and got in the mood for a halo roleplay. We'd follow the storyline, with some deviation here and there as necessary. We'd be starting from game one, and moving through the five storylines, with one major difference. Instead of just one protagonist, we'd have three teams of five, each working parallel with each other towards the same ends. Some lore would be a bit rewritten, but otherwise it's just halo.

Or, since ME Andromeda is coming out soon, I could go for a mass effect RP. Something to do with space mercenaries. My plot ideas aren't as concrete with this one, but I could come up with something if this is the one we want to run with.
I am dying for a Mass Effect RP though not one necessarily with military characters or at least not with that sort of action being the norm.
I was toying with another idea for a mass effect RP. Basically just a bunch of outcasts who've banded together and sort of blow around on the space breeze, getting into adventures and trouble. It would be more of a character development and exploration type RP. There would be a saving the universe plot behind it to, and plenty of gunplay, since it is mass effect. But I agree, military settings work when they're done right, but are rather limiting.

If you got any other ideas, shoot.
Hi, I saw the 'Halo' rp idea, and I am interested.

I love the idea of a Halo Rp, Maybe one focusing around the average soldier and their struggles.

(But it's up to you.)

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I'm in need of something to do with Halo, I've got a stock of characters for it, but like Panzer said, I'd think more on the average soldier would be more interesting.

Also what level is this going to be? Simple, Casual or Detailed?
If I do the halo RP, I might incorporate that. Spartans and normal Marines. Main thing with that is balance. I've just always wanted to play a Spartan in a halo RP, but because of how picky I am about RPS, I never found one I was crazy about.

And the difficulty would be set at casual or advanced. Simple isn't fun for me. Little to No details.

And with the technology present in both universes, maybe an ME and halo mashup could work. Biotic Spartans.
If I do the halo RP, I might incorporate that. Spartans and normal Marines. Main thing with that is balance. I've just always wanted to play a Spartan in a halo RP, but because of how picky I am about RPS, I never found one I was crazy about.

And the difficulty would be set at casual or advanced. Simple isn't fun for me. Little to No details.

And with the technology present in both universes, maybe an ME and halo mashup could work. Biotic Spartans.

Just throwing it out there, I would rather not do that. I'm not a huge Halo fan, mainly because of Halsey and the UNSC.
I will also run both if enough people are interested in both. I just need some more people to show interest on this thread.
If you were to go along with the Halo roleplay, I'd prefer it to be solely Halo and without other players as OpFor (Opposition Force) because simply put, it's dumb idea that neither is allowed to kill the other right out just because it's a roleplay when in-fact they would immediately kill the other. Also the mixing of Spartan's and Normal soldiers would again make it harder to do since the amount a Spartan can take compared to the amount a Marine/Soldier/Crewman can take are drastically different, either Spartan (S-III's and S-IV's) only or Non-Augmented only.
Well alright, that makes both seem very likely then. As for the halo RP, who wants to play Spartans and who wants the normal soldier idea? As @Lord Shaxx said, that would ruin the balance of the RP.
I would like to be a part of the Halo RP. I'd go for average soldiers only, simply because Spartans are just too badass, especially in the books if you've ever read them. Having only marines just seems to leave so much more room for fun stuff. On the other hand, I'm more concerned with the setting-how lore-friendly would it be, etc.
We could do odst, they're not quite spartans but are above average marines. We won't be 1 person armies like a spartan but we'd still be powerful. (Though I am partial to the Spartan idea.)
That's an idea. I suppose it works. is probably really easy to Gary Stu a Spartan. I've always wanted to RP a war god though.
I am interested in a mass effect RP, actually getting ready to start my own with the plot already complete and ready. 

I don't care to be in two mass effect ones, though I don't know anything about halo. Never owned a X box so :/  
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I'll be running two. I decided that the halo RP will be a run through of the main storyline, but from the perspective of average soldiers, on different missions to the same ends as the master chief storylines.

As for the Mass Effect RP, we'll be playing a rag tag group of mercenaries. It'll be a job based RP where the team takes on Merc assignments, and those jobs will lead into an eventual saving the universe plotline 


If you change your mind we'll be here.

@everyone. I'll post up the threads this weekend.
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Hello all. Just thought I'd give you an update. Got some bare bones work fine in both rps this weekend, but family came to town to visit and I wasn't able to get it all together. I will work on it more this week and hopefully will be up this upcoming weekend.
Works for me. I was planning a marksman type character with a DMR and a battle rifle. That or a guerrilla fighter with a SAW and an SMG. Haven't gotten that far yet.

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