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Realistic or Modern Haha jk... Unless? 😳😳😳

But ...You did this for what?

  • Why?

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Why not?

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • Why?

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Why not?

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Why tho?

    Votes: 8 24.2%

  • Total voters


𝘜 𝘕 𝘋 𝘌 𝘈 𝘋 ;;

Intro, intro, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah y’all already know what’s poppin.’ That’s right, it’s ya girl Robbie, back and better than eva ~AGAIN PLEASE DON’T COMMENT ON THIS THREAD, OR I WILL COME FOR YOU UWUUU<3~


“As a writer, Robbie is of the rarest caliber. She is not faultless, not perfect, but I wouldn't have her be any other way. She writes only what she is, what she knows, with the genuine emotion of someone sitting right beside you, and the stupid grin on your face will reflect that. Regret bears many names, but never hers."- @Kassandra 20th/05/2020, like five minutes ago.

Well, what MORE do you need? ....Rules you say? Preferences you ask? Alright then buckle up kid, this is going to be one hell of a ride.


|| R U L E S ||

  • Listen, I couldn’t care less where you come from, or who you are or what you identify as, as long as you don’t actually like Nick Cage movies I’ll gladly write with you!
  • That being said however, I ask that you have a decent grasp on writing and the overall English language, at the very least. Cause listen, I may not necessarilly know how to spell necessessary properly, BUTT I can write one hell of a plot line, I promise you that. And as such, I don’t shy away from making literary mistakes and hope that you, dear reader, don’t either. For, at the end of the day, as long as you’re improving, as long as you’re learning, all will be OK. Awww soft robbie moment, now everyone clap.
  • I’m not much of a length freak (I prefer mine to be girthy ;-}) but a simple paragraph or two is the minimal requirement per a post. It would be less but I really dunno how to respond to only sentences sooooo here we are.
  • Okay so, since it’s corona season, I’ll be having a LOT of free time on my hands so expect a post from me multiple times a week if not multiple times a DAY. You, however, do not have to follow the same schedule. Because I know how busy & stressful life can get- trust me, I’m a student so I can 100% relate. And so, as long as you have a weekly post out (and a ton of ooc chatter just for funzzz), then I don’t mind you being absent at all. If anything I actually ENCOURAGE you putting your life before, well, me because that’s just dumb as hell if you don’t.
  • Be respectful or else...

|| P R E F E R E N C E S ||

  • I prefer more realistic themes within my roleplays. However, that doesn’t immediately abolish any plot which revolves around fantasy and the likes, I just mean that in being realistic, it involves the character’s actions and dialogues. I suppose I just like to have my children be as flawed as they are perfect and act the same way one would act when facing whatever situation it is, y’know?
  • That being said ABSOLUTELY NO PSYFY (I know it’s spelt “sci-fi” it’s just an inside joke) I SUCK BUTTHOLE AT IT SO PLEASE, SAVE YOURSELF BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
  • As for gender preferences, I’m really good at Mxf (that’s right, ya girl’s straighter than a ruler) but I’m open to experimenting with fxf. The only thing I’m iffy about is MxM, mainly because I don’t have male genitalia that I know of. And so, I’d still be open to it if not a lil bit reluctant.
  • I like using POC face claims, though it’s 2020 and that really shouldn’t be an issue, fight me racists.
  • For lucky number five, I can play both genders, but I prefer female just because that’s what I’m naturally good at. Although I can also play male but the plot and opposing character has to be enticing enough. Though I do love side characters and multiple oc’s for that matter, so do not hesitate to PM me if you’re the same!
  • Ok last thing I PROMISE. I am an absolute HOE for character inspiration and/or other media, so much that my Pinterest is filled to THE BRIM with that shit. But not only that, I always love to see people who are just as passionate about their characters such that they’re willing to delve deep into the world in order to bring them to life. Call me a nerd or whatever but I think it’s pretty cool.
  • That was a lie this is the REAL last thing, but alright, I dunno if this is weird or nah but I prefer befriending my writing partners just because it’s easier to collaborate. However, if you’re not comfortable with that THEN CAN YOU PLEASE APPROACH ME AS IF YOU ALREADY KNOW ME I JUST CAN’T DO SMALL TALK. K thanksssss~

|| H A L F_ A S S E D_P R O M P T S ||

prompts because I’m desperate

  • Two beyond angry exes reunite after years of what seemed to be years of passionate disputes, isolation and change. But now that they stand in front of each other, face to face, it’s up to them to clear the lines between true love and heart-trending loneliness... Perhaps ending it wasn’t the answer.
  • College. The very birthplace of experimentation & failure, of trial & error, where both hormonal men and women alike explore to their hearts content. From trying out different aesthetics, to hanging in different crowds, it’s all about finding out who you are. So tell me, who are you?
  • A blast from the past. Lights! Camera! Action! Let us both delve into the golden age of stardom, when drive-in movie theatres, retro diners and musicals were at their peak. But more so, allow us to unravel the ties of love, drama and betrayal through movie sets, landlines and love letters. All done through a truly, a more interesting time.
  • Something with a cute exchange student and a native student figuring out their way around a country, seems like an adorable idea.
  • A contract of love, perhaps two characters must pretend to be a couple, or perhaps there’s something more that binds the two together.
  • If there are any k-weebs out there... A fictional idol falling in love with a mere trainee would be C O O L... Hit me up.
  • Bruh, I know this is really cheesy but I’m REALLY craving a soulmate AU for some reason. Please don’t tell me that I’m the only oneeeeee.
  • A Mr. & Mrs. Smith plot sounds dope as hell, tbh.

    ***Really craving a bad girl x good boy kinda shtick.***
  • Again, I’d love to hear any cool ideas you have too!

|| A C T U A L_P L O T S ||

I have five brain cell, leave me alone

(I lowkey don’t even know if this counts as a plot but it’s more developed than all of my prompts soooo here we are.
Preferred gender pairing for this would be mxf. Lots of fantasy, mythology and angst in this, U w U)
  • Love is blindness... Evil, they called her, ugly, they sneered. Psh, if only they knew that the only ugly thing there was, was the cruelty found within their own hearts. For, as long as she could remember, as long as she’d been this way, humans from all around the galaxies had come to catch a glimpse of mythology’s most heinous creature. Medusa. A slithering beast who was not only hideous to look at, but held the dangerous ability of turning man- no, scratch that, of turning anyone into stone, with just one lethal look into her eyes. All because of a crime she hadn’t committed, all because of him... In fact, many would be surprised to learn that the beloved gorgon had once been a young, innocent woman. A woman who much like you- very much enjoyed a good book, loved to laugh, loved to live. But after so many years of torment, after so many years punishment and humiliation, she’s now turned into this- a hideous beast, truly. And rightfully so. For, one cannot expect a person who's treated like a monster, to act as anything but... That is until, you came along. Slightly clumsy and bookish, you happened to find yourself stumbling into the lair of the fabled villain- be it by accident, or out of genuine curiosity, you were bound to catch a glimpse of her either way. Only, you couldn’t actually see her, hell, you couldn’t see anything at all really. And after nearly threatening your life on multiple occasions, perhaps even attempting to look into your sweet face, she realized this, realized that not all who came stumbling into her life would view her as a monster. At least, you didn’t. And so, with each eventful visit, the gorgon found herself falling deeper and deeper for the clumsy little human, and in turn, slowly feeling a little more human herself... That’s it, that’s all I have.

(Honestly I d k what this is but YOLO.) T A K E N
  • Oops... You’re a prince, and a very charming one at that. Perhaps even too charming. For, known to be *insert kingdom’s name*’s most notorious bachelor, many think that it is unlikely that you will settle- and by settle I mean the M word. That’s right, marriage. And though you want nothing more than to continue with your douchey ways, you have a certain duty to uphold. Why, being heir to the throne, you require an heir of your own (that rhymed). And with aging parents, there’s not much time left to do so. And as such, your concerned parents have decided to throw a masquerade ball, filled with the most eligible nobles in the country. Why the masks? Well, let’s just say that you aren’t extremely big on personality, hence the many useless flings. But, with all this disguise, surely anyone can enter right? Right. And that’s where my character comes in. Perhaps she’d been a simple palace maid all along, or a beyond mischievous commoner. Whatever the case, she somehow found herself walking the floors of the infamous ballroom, not entirely knowing the intentions of the event in the first place. And as such, just as she thought things couldn’t get any weirder, it had. For somehow, for some strange reason, she caught the prince’s eye. And to think, all she wanted to do was to try the macaroons. And so, unable to escape the desirable attention of the man, nor the death stares from envious visitors, my character is pulled into a very, very, VERY large mess. Because remember, the prince hadn’t known about her non-royal status, and now that they’re practically head over heels for one another...Well, good luck Charlie

    (I apologize to everyone that had to read this I-)

    Alright so, everyone who has ever read fanfiction knows what’s about to go down. Picture this: small city/town, tons of mom & pop shops okay? Okay. Now, a young and once thriving florist realizes that all of her competition has flocked to an up and coming tattoo parlour just across the street from her own little shop. Guess that tattoos are far more everlasting than flowers, huh? And so, determined as ever to reclaim her territory & status, a war has begun. Only trouble is, the shop owner’s a total hottie. Hm, perhaps the line between love and hate isn’t so thick after all.

    (I actually write good , I promise >_<)
A woman, who’s extremely down on her luck, has found herself unable to provide the necessary needs in order to continue comfortably in life. And with the eviction notice taped onto her front door... Let’s just say that things aren’t likely to look up for awhile. However, just as she contemplates throwing in the towel and returning to her more than uptight parents, an ad catches her eye. “Fiancée for hire” it says. Not quite the typical job search of course, but your character’s desperate. For, if he were to return home without a woman by his side come thanksgiving, well, let’s just say that things would not be pleasant. Never mind the fact that his mum keeps pushing him into meeting the most irrational women found on earth- nor the fact that his dad probably thinks he’s gay. No, let’s not focus on that. For, when the two meet, it‘ll soon appear that despite their differences, a deep bond had been created. One that blurs the lines between fake love & true love far too often.


Now, for my final attempt at wooing you into writing with me, I will leave you with this:

You can’t spell quarantine without U R A Q T... what’s up tho? 😎😎😎

...Did it work? Did I get the girl?🥺

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