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Realistic or Modern H O N E Y


Trap Queen

“It’s like you’re screaming but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important, that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. And when it’s over and it’s gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back so you can have the good.”


A group of kids from troubled homes, runs away with a traveling sales crew that drives across the American Midwest selling subscriptions door-to-door. Finding themselves in this gang of teenagers, the gang soon gets into the  lifestyle of hard-partying nights, law-bending days and young love.


The description kind of sucks but basically the roleplay is based off of the movie American Honey. Everyone in the group comes from troubled homes. The kids will leave their home towns with nothing but the clothes on their back and head to places across the midwest to sell magazines. Along the way they run into trouble with the cops and run into trouble among the group.



- No god modding

- No perfect characters

- Fade to black if nessecary

- Please reply frequently

- Make your posts at least a paragraph in length



I would love for people to double but it isnt required. I would like for the group to be made up of 8 or more characters. Please submit a character application (below) if you are interested.


Full Name:


Age: (19 - 23)






Appearance: (Picture, no anime)


I'm on phone, this will be fuller and better when I get home. (Probably after work tomorrow). And I kinda know my girl is a 'stereotype', and I'm working on getting her away from it. But you wanted them troubled, and this is how I make 'em!


Full Name: Doreen Heather Dickons

Nickname: Dick, Dory

Age: 21

Gender: cis female

Sexuality: Bisexual, aromantic

Height: 165cm

Background: family is harsh, untrustworthy and verbally abusive against each other. Often skiped classes, started smoking young and got caught stealing more than once. Often acted out both verbaly and physicly towards everyone.

Personality: does not trust others, does not care for having secrets. She is untrustworthy and can be verbaly abusive, this is however how she is raised and she works against it, even if she almost never notive she does it. She is blunt and independent, and she has a hard time accepting help from others. She usually gets more angey if you defend her than if you stand by while she is hit to the ground. She had an abusive boyfriend, who was a familyfriends son, who hit her so she is kind of used to take a beating, though it scares her, even if shr does not want to accept that it does.

Likes: power, small dogs, kebab, fried chicken

Dislikes: pizza, cats, help 

Face Claim: Winona Ryder


Full Name: Henry David Martin

Nickname: Henry

Age: 22

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, heteroromantik

Height: 182cm

Background: Single father with his only son, he always told his little Henry that his mother died, truth is that she went to jail for murder and robbing. Henry loved his father from a young age, and they both had a brilliant time together. He learned how to drive as fast as he could reach the pedals, and even before that he could start one without the key. "Henry, you were born to drive" his father always said, but there were no suprice when the cops bust in the door and took the father and Henry were placed in foster care. He was replaced three times before they accepted his lot in life at 16 and let him stay in a home with 9 other children, most of them younger than him. He longed to turn 18, to get out and start his own life. He did attend school, though mostly slept through boring subject. He liked gym and anything that could relate back to cars. 

Personality: Henry likes having a smirk on his lips, and he is never happier than while destrying a car from the front seat. He does not really care for people but is often friendly towards them. He can get really angry, and when he does he surely will punch anything, or anyone, who is to close to him. He does not like touching, which often ends with him hitting someone. Though if he toutches you, most of the times he likes you. His father died in a prisonfight he helped starting.

Likes: cars, motors, a good fistfight, fuzzy drinks, coffee

Dislikes: Those who has milk in their coffee or drinks it decaff, hard chewed food, 

Face Claim: Mark Rento
Character Sheet:
Name: Jack Dillinger
Nickname(s): Jackie boy
Age: (19-26):19
Gender: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Straight
Appearance: (Realisic Faceclaims Only)

Biography: (2+ Paragraphs): Jackie was born and raised in the Brooklyn, New York. His parents Political Activists who believed in nothing more than the freedom of speech and expression. The encouraged their son to be the same way regardless of anything that he came across always say what you felt. From a young age, Jackie felt a compelling need to write stories. His parent friends were an interesting bunch, characters he used to write stories about. He learned to be self-sufficient and learned that being an artist was quite frankly the only damn thing that mattered in this world, without art you had nothing. Jack's life ended up hitting it's the first bump in the road when he discovered that his father had stepped out on his mother with one of their interesting friends. This infidelity leads to the birth of his little sister Dakota, who Jack believed was the cause of all his family's problems. His father inevitably moved out and started his family and lived a relatively separate life from Jack and his mother. It wasn't until his father and his step-mother had a car accident killing them both that he was forced to face his father's choices once again, In his will, Jack's father left custody to Jack's mother. Reluctantly the bunch became a dysfunctional trio.  The death of Jack's father and the unorthodox slap to the face drove Jack's mother to start doing heroin as well as not taking care of herself. Jack turned to his writing as his only source of comfort, but he was forced to take care of his sister and his mother until the day he wasn't home and his mother almost overdosed. This sparked Jackie's aunt Veronica, (his mother's sister) to come out and take custody of the two kids, effectively becoming the new trio.  Veronica took the kids and decided it was time for a change a scenery taking them back to her home in Southern California the place of dreams LA.

Veronica sensed how angry Jack was and how he seemed to continuously running from the same mistakes, and fears he had all his life. The thing Jack didn't want to happen more than anything was to be like his father and mother but life has a funny way of pushing us to become the things we are terrified of becoming. Or better yet A man meets his destiny on the roads he takes to avoid it. Jack often found himself in trouble, kicked out of three separate schools, and experimenting with drugs. And his unavoidable attraction to girls and inability to pick just one. His aunt saw his talent for writing and encouraged him to use the town for all it was turn his stories into scripts. He reluctantly took her advice and though he couldn't quite escape his bad habits, he found a very good one and an incredible knack for writing impeccable screenplays and captivating characters to fill them. A couple years went by and Veronica was offered a job in the UK, which couldn't have come at a better time. Jack on the cusp of graduating and Dakota ready for the 6th grade, it was time for a new fresh start. Except Jack decided he didn't want to leave, he decided to stay in LA and pursue his career as a Screenplay and see if he could once and for all beat his past, or if the road he was on would lead him to the destiny he believed he was meant to avoid. Jack struggles with his addictions, his love of women and his passion for writing.

Personality: (1+ Paragraph): Jack is an artist through and through, free spirited and full of heart. Deep down he is a Hopeless romantic who desperately wants to be loved and appreciated for who he is. He has a bit of a temper and a defiance, especially against male father figures. He is naturally distrustful. He is James Dean reinvented, he believes in doing the right thing even if no one else agrees with it. An idealistic dreamer who enjoys helping others to see his vision by any means necessary.  He wears his heart on his sleeve and makes no apology for it, he is a bit selfish and possibly incapable of fidelity but wants to be. He is good intentioned even though he often finds that his desires work against his desires to do right. 
Likes: infidellityCigarettes, Rainy days, Old movies, Chinese food and Dogs
Dislikes: Burnt rubber, English pop, Talking about his parents, being trapped
Virtues: loyalty, open-minded and intelligent
Vices: Alchohol, MDMA, other drugs, Vioinfidelity 
Quirks: Collects bottle caps and DVD covers, Smokes only half a cigarette then lets it burn, 

Damn I was not getting notifications for quite some time, are we still on for this?
I'm still interested if I continue my stay here on rpnation, I am trying to get myself to rp again, as I love it..But yeah, I'm still here for you

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