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Fantasy Guardians of sin characters


Axolotl be back
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character sheet to guardians of sin.
Template: (must have at least one weakness)

Social ranking:
Species (must make sense with realm):
Weaknesses and fears:

Name: Frank
Realm: Volcanic
Social Rank: citizen
Species: lizard man
Appearance: Brown hair all over his body, bald head, green eyes, smooth skin, golem voice.
Weakness and fears: death and witches
History: he lost a quarter, watched it get picked up, and was sad.
Other: he flies using the wings that replace his eyelashes.
(Ps, this is an example. Please do not be as crazy as this)

Gaudians taken Void, Banished, Light, Volcanic, Nature, human.

Guardians left: Aquatic.

The Chancellors will be played by the one who plays that realms Guardian, except the banished realm, that will be me.

Lesser characters are good to have
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name: Sloth

status: champion of the banished realm

origin: banished from the volcanic realm for picking up a quarter and couldn't give a reason

he is extremely smart but other realms think hes retarded because his vocal chords are too damaged to form actual words so he communicates through grunts growls and yells hes also like a playful puppy with anger issues
appearance1555285D-3D79-4F30-B074-1E1A9B8BF862.png tomb:821C437F-9FE5-461E-AD20-674425D7239C.png

weakness: CHILDREN
can summon a dragon that he directs by pointing his sword chinese_black_dragon-t2.jpg

my character has spears going through his wings and fourarms and also his chest cavity shaped like
( I X I )
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Creature: Void.
Occupation: champion of the Void demention


What it seeks: Darkness, to absorb it. Light, to destroy it.

Weakness: Essence of light. When they touch, it will revert back to its human form. That is, unless it is during the night. In which case, he will reform.

Human form name: Raymond Lucas.

This character is the shape of when personified darkness takes form. It silently lurks in the shadows waiting to crush your hopes and dreams with it’s Abilities of the Void.

It used to be human and may show small points of its history before it became what it is today.

One can tell it is nearby when they feel a chill go up their spine and through their hair.

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Name: Xavier

Creature: Cymaran

Status: champion of light realm

Origin: came from nothing and born different from all other people in his realm. Instead of horns he grew wings, and has a natural affinity for controlling astrial light. He became the guardian of his realm, by being a great strategist. As well as his affinity to the light, the likes of which had never been seen in the realm.

He is generally calm and calculating, but also warm and caring. He is very knowledgeable and can call appon the light wherever it may be found. His power weakens the darker it gets, but strengthens the brighter it gets. He is a lot like a loving older brother, But he likes to be by himself at times to ponder things. Has a pet dragon. Is afraid of complete darkness.

Name: Milana

Status: Champion of nature

Oragin: She has always been the motherly figure, essentially she is mother nature. She was born into the world to protect nature and the magical beings of the forests.

Personality: She has always been kind and nurtiring, loving to all. Not a bad bone in her body. Though she is loving she isnt the smartest. She knows what she knows, and that is not technology or machines!

Weakness: Fire and machines. (completely useless at any machine.)

Looks: (sorry for the sketchyness.)
Milana.jpg Forest Nypht.jpg
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Name: Oli
Realm: Random town
Social ranking: citizen
Species (must make sense with realm): human
Appearance: sloppy black hair, green eyes quiet voice (hoodie, chain mail underneath, glasses, leather leggings, boots)
Weaknesses and fears: dragons bananas and death
History: both parents died when he was younger
Other: He figures things out pretty quick- mechanical minded
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name: captain flint brimstone

status: champion of the volcanic realm

backstory: long ago before he was champion of the volcanic realm he was just a normal pirate trying to make coin, when he encountered abyss, abyss then gave him a quarter, flint then gave it to a guy named frank for rum. by doing this he accidentally set off a chain of events that he didnt know would happen.

weakness: ship in water makes a trail of obsidian, water

His ship
Name: Void
Realm: Void
Social ranking: Chancellor
Species (must make sense with realm): Human
Appearance: wears a serimonial hood
Weaknesses and fears: doesn’t know very much about the other realm
History: created the Void realm
Other: kinda egotistical, very serious
Name: Ryuga
Realm: light
Social ranking: chancellor
Species: Cymaran
Weakness: anything that can kill a mortal Cymaran, accept age.
Fear: the destruction of her realm, the dark realm, dark magics.
History: elected by the ancient Cymaran council (long since dead)
Other: quiet, strategic, knowledgeable
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