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Guardian Angel RP- PM me!


Guardian angel roleplay idea, just need someone to do it with. Idea: Your character is someone who doesn't make the best choices and gets mixed up in quite a bit of problems. You can create their backstory, the situation they're in, etc. I have an angel character who'll help yours out when they really need it, though she has to keep her angel form a secret.

I'm new here so i'm not sure how things are done but I really wanted to rp this! Leave a message below if you'd like to do this and I'll PM you (I'll send the description of my character, backstory, appearance, etc etc in the beginning). Alright, thank you for taking your time to read this!
Hey, I'm new here too! I'm definitely interested in this idea though!! PM me if you would like/are still looking for someone to do this with!

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