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Fandom GTX: Gnu Forks - A "Glitch Techs" RP (Character Thread)

Main Post


K.i.D Player 10
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check

All the players are Glitch Techs at Hinobi Affiliate Store No. 10,810 (a.k.a "GNU Fork Computers"), owned and operated by a CAF veteran known to his staff only as "Davenport". His only current employees are...

Eddy Davenport

"Dave" for short, a fat but cheerful guy with a PTSD trigger of being tapped on the shoulder from his time as a communications veteran in the Canadian Army (apparently he got tapped on the shoulder during a particularly tense moment). Wears a red shirt and black pants. Doesn't take kindly to Karens.

Davenport's robot support dog and Alexalike, built by Hinobi at around the same time as the BITT series that Phil had in the show. Skipper identifies as female and is capable of speech, but otherwise is very much a friendly canine companion!

Kelen Davenport

Davenport's wife. Currently an unaging avatar by little choice, due to having lethal cancer throughout her body.

Zeke Daniels
A sickly, tall but skinny white nerd "mad scientist" with chronic migranes who only does phone repair and never goes out in the field, but loves hearing about the adventures everyone else goes on. Not really an action guy, his interest is more of a curious bystander and his role more like Q in James Bond than an actual Glitch Tech proper. Dresses in a white lab coat, sweatpants and faded Chomp Kitty t-shirt.

Sashiim Al-Samie

Pakistani immigrant turned Atheist geek who knows audio equipment and has a video editing gig on the side. Too busy with his jobs to be a Tech.

Henrietta Baker
Perky African-American goth girl gamer, fan of Andy Husshrew's webcomic "Gnomestuck", and camera enthusiast who runs the photography section of the store. Also makes sure nobody, but nobi-buddy, is able to get photo evidence of Glitches that isn't able to be passed off as a UFO or a blurry photo of a Sasquatch.

Tobi Sox

Somewhat bulky but very entertaining asian gamer girl with a blue-and-pink hair dye and clothing style, who also works in the photography section when not out hunting glitches. Cosplays as Helpy when out in the field. Wants to become a Hinobi game developer.

Juan-Phillipe Bonilla
The main Glitch Tech to actually do field work in Gnu Fork. Also works the front desk when Dave is unavailable.

That should cover everything you would need to know, since this RP is one you're supposed to go into blind. Character signup thread pending.
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Gadg8eer's Characters - Gadg8eer

Oliver Kind

A dorky writer with an adorable avatar who needs his new job as a "Glitch Tech" at Hinobi Store No. 10,810 to be able to pay for the equipment he needs to upgrade his household with Hinobi's new smarthome equipment (they don't call him Gadg8eer for no reason).

His Hinobi SpyWear goggles and the attached Hinobi RumblePack are an XR device and PC Backpack respectively, allowing him to sit at home in his beanbag chair and enter the Hiverse, the popular new Hinobi metaverse application that everyone into tech or gaming is talking about as much as go outside to play games like Nobi Coil or Flunky Quest Go! Even his Skleatshoes, soccer cleats with studs that extend to become mag-suspension roller skate wheels, were a prize for building a complete replica of his hometown in Nobies Skylines II.

However, he's no fanboy. Far from it, in fact, he laments the days when Hinobi wasn't the only game (company) in town...


Neo GamePlayer

Other companies like Quill Computers (makers of the iqTop 64), Kakari (makers of the Kakari 3200 Video Game System, or Kakari VGS), Gadgetzone Teletronics (makers of the Neo GamePlayer) or Dega (makers of the Dega DreamPunk, the last non-Hinobi game console) had all been driven out of business over the years. Gadg8eer has his suspicions but relies on electronics too much for anti-trust activity to stop him from buying Hinobi's products, and is actively annoyed that his iqTop and Neo GamePlayer have outlasted their Hinobi equivalents 4 times over during the 20 years and still show no signs of breaking down.

Recently, he was one of the winners from the local area's gaming competition. Along with his avatar, the prize - for completing a fully geographically-accurate and architecturally-correct replica of the City of Gramd Forks - was a job as a Glitch Tech at his local Hinobi Store. Since he needed the money, he accepted the position thinking he was just a janitor, and would show up on the first day to "clean up a few messes"...
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Lord Moldoma's Characters - ZoeIRL
Alice Samson Wingon
Self Proclaimed "Pervayer of Shitty games" and "World's greatest speedrunner." Despite her skill at video games, she seriously lacks in the social department and gets angry at real-person problems, or if games are genuinely shitty, that makes her angry too. She has a bunch of pens in her jacket although I've never seen her write anything down.

She uses her Avatar for Vtuber streaming and has been informally banned from competitive play among a lot of the other Vtubers because she kept on stomping everyone at even the most casual shit like Mario Kart and it stopped being fun because something in her brain makes it hard for her to hold back. (God forbid you try to one up her in her home territory games: Skullchicks, Darkletter, Sins of Purgatory, World of Hate, Pizzapopolis Tower, or DAEMONSEED.)

She used to stream a lot of bad Hinobi Entertainment System and Super Hinobi Entertainment System shovelware but she ran out a year ago.

She's a bit mentally off her rocker, or at least she'd have to be, because her "one dream in life" is to "hook herself up to a permanent VR rig" and stop "feeling so damn lonely." She has what's come to be recognized in the post-Metaverse world as a "Bardiel Complex" and is deeply transhumanistic.

Nobody has seen her publically outside of her avatar, although we do know she's AMAB and pre-transition transgender. So she likely looks significantly different in person.

Alice's recruitment was a product of Hinobi's leaderboard application invitation process. Considering she's the top ranker on over 30 games, and holds a slew of speedrun and challenge run records, there's a good reason they offered her the position.

Who knows, maybe getting to fight glitches IRL might give her life some purpose other than just gaming.

(Battle Body Prior to Plixel Avatar Unlock (First Saga) :



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Sir loin's Characters - The Council of Doom
The Council of doom!
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! these sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose:To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the glitch techs but so far their leadership consists of...

An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom girl" (Adapted from one of Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma 's ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the Game world as well.
Shinobi man:Shinobi man is one of Eight "Machine Overlords" Atom Girl must defeat in Atom girl 3 and the first Male Machine Overlord in the series, his weapon the Shinobi Star is particularly Effective against Cathode Woman and the First X Fortress boss of the game.
Snare, Doctor X's fourth response to Atom girl.
Boomerang Beetle:Boomerang Beetle is one of the 8 Selectable Bosses of Atom Girl Z for the SHES console, one of the Renegade Hunters who Joined Omega in his war against humanity due to finding his Logic Sound Boomerang Beetle gives the Weapon "Boomerang Slasher" upon defeat
Torpedo octopus
Magnet Centipede
Fiery deer
download (1).jpeg
Blizzard Bull
Blaster Bee
Typhoon tyto
Lava Dragon

The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Street gladiator" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:M. Bison (Street Fighter) Some of these might need to be changed.
streetfighter-raul-julia-900x0-c-default.jpg (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
Saget:(Sagat analogue)

The King of the mighty mites and recurring nemesis to the super dario bros Linguini and cheese who always opposed his efforts to kidnap princess screech (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
Gummies (Goomba analogues):sticky Balls with angry black beady eyes that roll in one direction that can Be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
Mighty mites(Koopa Analogues):giant Beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
Ghoulians(boo analogues):Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): these are birds that divebomb you.

A legendary demonic ram man Oni King. Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him. but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The legend of ella" Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworlds destiny forever. Possesing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary hinobi 64 game, "The legend of Ella The tonkori of time."

"Ha Ha Ha! I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, MUHAHAHAHA!"

The primary big bad of the Hinobi hard Brawlociraptors series of video games by the company Sparse (It's the in-universe version of Rare) She leads an army of Space mutants, Cyborgs and Robots that pose a seemingly unstoppable threat to her home Galaxy...well that is until Three Random video game testers experimenting with virtual reality that got trapped in their avatars (They got Cool powers as a consolation prize though) when a jealous rival programmer accidentally turned the virtual reality machine into a trans dimensional teleporter in an attempt to BSOD the device that needless to say did not malfunction the way it was intended to.

*Madame vile Hates the use of cheat codes. This is a running gag throughout Sparse's game Output.

*Yukhoe is a giant beetle like the mighty mites.

*Snare's predecessors were known as the Atom girl killers, guess what they're based off of and you get a cookie.

*Dr X is the Glitch techs: Gnu forks counterpart to Stench DSC.

*Yokai was summoned from The legend of Ella:The tonkori of time

*why Colonel Sirius can float menacingly when powered up or about to use his final attack is never explained.

Trust me Gadg8eer Gadg8eer i have a lot of work to do on the council of doom concept.
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Lord Moldoma's Characters - Worldender-Battlemaid Charlotte
Worldender-Battlemaid Charlotte:

The Final Boss of Skullchicks and ZoeIRL's main. She used to have brown hair and blue eyes prior to becoming the Worldender.

She wears a maid uniform that she found in the manor that served as the makeshift orphanage she and Patty Pepper lived in after escaping their abusive enslavement. It was formerly a nobleman’s house, so they made do with the clothes that were available, i.e. maid uniforms. Charlotte took care of housework and “clicked” better with the maid uniforms. By wearing it, she appeared more grown up and the other orphans listened to her more.

Charlotte obtained the Ancient Heart of Worldender through unknown means. She used it to punish the slavers who had tormented her and Patty, and who had killed their respective parents. But as her wish was impure, she began the inevitable transformation into the Worldender in the process. However, her strong will allowed her to resist the influence of the Ancient heart and continue her quest of vengeance - having disposed of the ones who enslaved her and Patty, she turned her attention towards their sponsors: the Pacino Mafia.

After arriving in Water 8, Charlotte set up base in the catacombs of the local abandoned cathedral. She joined forces with Enigma, an eldritch horror somehow connected to the Ancient Heart, although the exact nature of their meeting is still unknown. Charlotte also came into conflict with Pandora's Box and wiped them out. The sole survivor, Easter Islands, was coerced forcibly into joining Charlotte's slowly deteriorating rage driven tirade as her second elite minion.

Some time later, Charlotte discovered that a number of people around the Light Blue Kingdom were seeking her out, each for their own reasons. She waited in the catacombs beneath the cathedral for anyone bold enough to challenge her, but the true "ending to the story" remains unknown.

Zoe feels a personal connection to this character, and it's no secret among her fanbase. Fanart shipping the two is a running theme among a lot of artists, both SFW and NSFW. After donating 25,000 dollars to the crowdfunding campaign gathered during a stream she did specifically to support said campaign, Zoe herself, along with her fans that donated, received quite a few perks, including a personal piece of artwork and a personal ASMR piece from Charlotte's voice actor.

Because of this, if Charlotte were ever to become a glitch, Zoe wouldn't be able to bring herself to "Delete" her, like she does to other Glitches without a second thought. And would probably end up breaking down.

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Sir loin's Characters - Formatting Discussion 1
The Council of doom!
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! these sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose:To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the glitch techs but so far their leadership consists of...

An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom girl" (Adapted from one of Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma 's ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the Game world as well.
View attachment 1098032

The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Turf fight" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:M. Bison (Street Fighter) Some of these might need to be changed.
View attachment 1098035 (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
Saget:(Sagat analogue)

The King of the mighty mites and recurring nemesis to the super dario bros Linguini and cheese who always opposed his efforts to kidnap princess screech (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
Gummies (Goomba analogues):sticky Balls that roll in one direction that can Be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
Mighty mites(Koopa Analogues):giant Beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
Ghoulians(boo analogues):Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): these are birds that divebomb you.

A legendary demonic ram man, Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him. but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The legend of XXXXX" Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworlds destiny forever. Possesing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary hinobi 64 game, "The legend of XXXXX The accordion of time."

[SPOILER=Madame vile]"Ha Ha Ha! I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, MUHAHAHAHA!" [/SPOILER]
Trust me Gadg8eer Gadg8eer i have a lot of work to do on the council of doom concept.

Your last spoiler tag is broke. "[SPOILER"
Sir loin's Characters - Formatting Discussion 5
The Council of Doom!
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! These sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose: To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the Glitch Techs but so far their leadership consists of...

An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom Girl" (Adapted from one of Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma 's ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the game world as well.
View attachment 1098032

The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Street Gladiator" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:M. Bison (Street Fighter) Some of these might need to be changed.
View attachment 1098035 (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
  • Saget (Sagat analogue): ?

The King of the Mighty Mites and recurring nemesis to the Super Meatball Brothers Linguini and Meatball who always opposed his efforts to kidnap the beautiful and kind but shy Princess Cassis (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
  • Gummies (Goomba analogues): Slimeballs with adorable little angry black bead eyes that roll in one direction that can be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
  • Mighty Mites (Koopa Analogues): Giant beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
  • Ghoulians (Boo analogues): Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
  • Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): These are birds that divebomb you.

A legendary Oni king, Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him... but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The ['https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2']Legend[/URL] of Ella", Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworld's destiny forever. Possessing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary Hinobi 64 game, "The Legend of Ella: The Tonkori of Time."

"I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, MUHAHAHAHA!" The mysterious one. Description pending.

As seen above, I renamed the games to be more true to the TV series or use other well-named fictional video game expies you probably haven't heard of, and adjusted for typos. How's this?

[CENTER][B]The Council of Doom![/B][/CENTER]
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! These sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose: To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the Glitch Techs but so far their leadership consists of...

[SPOILER=Doctor X and his minions]An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom Girl" (Adapted from one of [USER=97756]@Lord Moldoma[/USER]'s ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the game world as well.

[SPOILER=Colonel Sirius]The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Street Gladiator" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:[URL='https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/M._Bison_(Street_Fighter)#Powers_and_Abilities']M. Bison (Street Fighter)[/URL] Some of these might need to be changed.
[ATTACH=full]1098035[/ATTACH] (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
[*]Saget (Sagat analogue): ?


[SPOILER=Yukhoe]The King of the Mighty Mites and recurring nemesis to the Super Meatball Brothers Linguini and Meatball who always opposed his efforts to kidnap the beautiful and kind but shy Princess [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackcurrant']Cassis[/URL] (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
[*]Gummies (Goomba analogues): Slimeballs with adorable little angry [URL='https://allthetropes.org/wiki/Black_Bead_Eyes']black bead eyes[/URL] that roll in one direction that can be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
[*]Mighty Mites (Koopa Analogues): Giant beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
[*]Ghoulians (Boo analogues): Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
[*]Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): These are birds that divebomb you.

[SPOILER=Demon King Yokai]A legendary Oni king, Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him... but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The ['[URL='https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2%27]Legend[/URL']https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2']Legend[/URL[/URL]] [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelda_Fitzgerald']of[/URL] [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Fitzgerald']Ella[/URL]", Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworld's destiny forever. Possessing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary Hinobi 64 game, "The Legend of Ella: The [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonkori']Tonkori[/URL] of Time."[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER=Madame Vile][I]"I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, [URL='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZoe-r9qb0']MUHAHAHAHA![/URL]"[/I] The mysterious one. Description pending.[/SPOILER]
Sir loin's Characters - Formatting Discussion 6
The Council of Doom!
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! These sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose: To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the Glitch Techs but so far their leadership consists of...

An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom Girl" (Adapted from one of Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma 's ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the game world as well.
View attachment 1098032

The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Street Gladiator" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:M. Bison (Street Fighter) Some of these might need to be changed.
View attachment 1098035 (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
  • Saget (Sagat analogue): ?

The King of the Mighty Mites and recurring nemesis to the Super Meatball Brothers Linguini and Meatball who always opposed his efforts to kidnap the beautiful and kind but shy Princess Cassis (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
  • Gummies (Goomba analogues): Slimeballs with adorable little angry black bead eyes that roll in one direction that can be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
  • Mighty Mites (Koopa Analogues): Giant beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
  • Ghoulians (Boo analogues): Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
  • Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): These are birds that divebomb you.

A legendary Oni king, Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him... but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The ['https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2']Legend[/URL] of Ella", Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworld's destiny forever. Possessing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary Hinobi 64 game, "The Legend of Ella: The Tonkori of Time."

"I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, MUHAHAHAHA!" The mysterious one. Description pending.

As seen above, I renamed the games to be more true to the TV series or use other well-named fictional video game expies you probably haven't heard of, and adjusted for typos. How's this?

[CENTER][B]The Council of Doom![/B][/CENTER]
The most fearsome alliance of gaming's greatest villains to have ever appeared! These sentient glitches have banded together for one purpose: To take over both the real and virtual world with no heroes to stop them! Clearly they forgot to account for the Glitch Techs but so far their leadership consists of...

[SPOILER=Doctor X and his minions]An ambitious mad scientist from the "Atom Girl" (Adapted from one of [USER=97756]@Lord Moldoma[/USER]'s ideas) series of video games who dreams of world conquest and proving his intelligence, the council of doom was originally Dr X's latest devious idea to take over not only the real world but the game world as well.

[SPOILER=Colonel Sirius]The Dreaded leader of the Shadow Syndicate in the "Street Gladiator" Series. already bent on world conquest in his home game, the master of the Koketsu power's only reaction to learning that his dimension was virtual was to decide that he wanted to conquer the real world. hence why he joined the council of doom.
Powers:[URL='https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/M._Bison_(Street_Fighter)#Powers_and_Abilities']M. Bison (Street Fighter)[/URL] Some of these might need to be changed.
[ATTACH=full]1098035[/ATTACH] (Yes im using the movie version, appearance wise.)
[*]Saget (Sagat analogue): ?


[SPOILER=Yukhoe]The King of the Mighty Mites and recurring nemesis to the Super Meatball Brothers Linguini and Meatball who always opposed his efforts to kidnap the beautiful and kind but shy Princess [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackcurrant']Cassis[/URL] (Who was goth before it was cool) for various reasons. Fighting this fearsome foe is a difficult task for Yukhoe is capable of throwing axes, breathing acid and various other feats
[*]Gummies (Goomba analogues): Slimeballs with adorable little angry [URL='https://allthetropes.org/wiki/Black_Bead_Eyes']black bead eyes[/URL] that roll in one direction that can be easily jumped on and defeated in one hit.
[*]Mighty Mites (Koopa Analogues): Giant beetles that hide in their carapaces when hit and can Be kicked to K.O enemies.
[*]Ghoulians (Boo analogues): Ghosts that only move when you look at them.
[*]Magic Birdies (Lakitu analogues): These are birds that divebomb you.

[SPOILER=Demon King Yokai]A legendary Oni king, Yokai's origin story goes a long way, one legend says he was the reborn hatred of the dark lord Gotterdammerung, destined to make war on all the realms but to never truly defeat the side of righteousness, for heroes would always rise to oppose him... but before becoming the dread emperor of evil and primary Big Bad of "The ['[URL='https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2%27]Legend[/URL']https://www.behindthename.com/name/zelda-2']Legend[/URL[/URL]] [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelda_Fitzgerald']of[/URL] [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Fitzgerald']Ella[/URL]", Yokai was just a mortal named Yokaiosan who had an unquenchable thirst for power that would kickstart events that would alter his homeworld's destiny forever. Possessing great dark powers the first rise of Yokai would be chronicled in the legendary Hinobi 64 game, "The Legend of Ella: The [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonkori']Tonkori[/URL] of Time."[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER=Madame Vile][I]"I have devised a ice cannon powerful enough to send the entire Galaxy into an ice age! Stop me if you dare RaptorJerks, [URL='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZoe-r9qb0']MUHAHAHAHA![/URL]"[/I] The mysterious one. Description pending.[/SPOILER]
Okay, nice alliteration on the Ella game. Colonel Sirius might be a useful name. gonna base madame vile's home game off of Battletoads. I might use the double dragon crossover to my advantage.
Pizza Pyramid 2000 - Separation from NCU
Should Pizzapopilis Micheal be a former council member?
Maybe he should have an equivalent but it shouldn't be the same to separate the two's existences and cannons?

I don't know if it's more interesting to imply that the video game characters are similar characters or to imply that they're alternate universe versions of the same entities.
Pizza Pyramid 2000 - Brainstorm
Maybe he should have an equivalent but it shouldn't be the same to separate the two's existences and cannons?

I don't know if it's more interesting to imply that the video game characters are similar characters or to imply that they're alternate universe versions of the same entities.
Ok, we need to brainstorm the equivalents name.
Sir loin's Characters - Council of Doom Trivia Critique
*Madame vile Hates the use of cheat codes. This is a running gag throughout Sparse's game Output.

*Yukhoe is a giant beetle like the mighty mites.

*Dr X is the Glitch techs: Gnu forks counterpart to Stench DSC.

*why Colonel Sirius can float is unclear. Does he have boots with Magnetic train tech in them? Is it a side effect of the Koketsu power?

Nice try, good guy! But Madame Vile doesn't like your style! *deletes save data*

Giant Beetle Samurai.

Who's Stench and what's DSC?

That last one feels... eh. How about... *Colonel Sirius can float in the air menacingly when powered up or using his finishing move. This is never explained.
Sir loin's Characters - Council of Doom Trivia Answers
Nice try, good guy! But Madame Vile doesn't like your style! *deletes save data*

Giant Beetle Samurai.

Who's Stench and what's DSC?

That last one feels... eh. How about... *Colonel Sirius can float in the air menacingly when powered up or using his finishing move. This is never explained.
Stench DSC is a character we established during our planning period of Novel Comics. He was already an expy of Dr. Wily.

I'm sorry for pseudo-linking the two settings, I like referencing my other works, but I'm getting the feeling it was a mistake.

Also DSC is doctorate of Sciences.
Sir loin's Characters - More Council of Doom Trivia Answers
Nice try, good guy! But Madame Vile doesn't like your style! *deletes save data*

Giant Beetle Samurai.

Who's Stench and what's DSC?

That last one feels... eh. How about... *Colonel Sirius can float in the air menacingly when powered up or using his finishing move. This is never explained.
Another tactic to make Brawlociraptors hinobi hard

He has the samurai armor.

What Moldoma said.

That can work.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 1
Stench DSC is a character we established during our planning period of Novel Comics. He was already an expy of Dr. Wily.

I'm sorry for pseudo-linking the two settings, I like referencing my other works, but I'm getting the feeling it was a mistake.

Also DSC is doctorate of Sciences.
Not a mistake, I do it all the time. Mostly because nothing I made has been published except the New Real and I value a good character more than I value a setting. Settings are like building a house. Characters are like bonding with treasured objects that you interact with for 10 or more years, like your favorite toy or the landline telephone that was on the end table in the living room in your previous house or the first car you ever owned.

I just wanted GTX to be Original Flavor in feel, if not lore or available technology.

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