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Realistic or Modern GreenGlen Laboratories (Plotting and Chat Thread)

Actually going to repost this from the interest thread:

Important Announcement: Because of the influx of more doctor characters, I've decided that I will begin creating the RP soon! I'm probably going to wait a bit for more people to finish their forms before posting it, but just know that it will be released hopefully soon! Additionally, just because the RP will start does not mean the thread is closed, if people still want to join even if the RP has already started, they will still be allowed to join.

Can't wait! Also, would we be able to use website like Picrew or Artbreeder to make images for our characters?
Added a reference image for Luka. I couldn't find a Picrew image that I liked, but I found a character from a mobile game that worked with his description.
I'm just gonna put out some ideas for my characters' relations with others. Feel free to add on!

  • Onyx singing, and J Auguste Cortes playing the guitar once they're in better spirits. Perhaps Ruth joining in?
  • I can see Calvin and Marianne having rapport, Calvin would certainly respect them.
  • Onyx can relate to Luka's dislike of spicy foods for sure.
  • Dr. Dreadnought noticing Dr. Bell's reserved-ness and poor health and attempting to support her.
  • Dr. Norton being universally despised by the patients who see through his attempts to be relatable.
  • The drawing with Onyx and Harley happening in the future, once Onyx is no longer in pain.
One more I just thought of:

  • Patients flocking to Calvin for extra food and herbal remedies.
I feel like Harl would come up to Calvin and demand something at least once a day, from "Apple!" to "Miniature Palm Tree!" and tries to climb on his wheelchair if he ignores her or says no.

She probably just climbs people in general, if she wants something, or if they're just tall.

Seeing as her slime body is sticky when she wants it to be, that'll be a pain for both doctors and patients 😂
I feel like Harl would come up to Calvin and demand something at least once a day, from "Apple!" to "Miniature Palm Tree!" and tries to climb on his wheelchair if he ignores her or says no.

She probably just climbs people in general, if she wants something, or if they're just tall.

Seeing as her slime body is sticky when she wants it to be, that'll be a pain for both doctors and patients 😂
I love this idea!
Other things Harley does:
  • Gives people weird nicknames, like Calvin's is probably something similar to "Vegan Vending Machine" probably doesn't know actual names, but has memorized patient numbers.

  • When she's really bored she tries to be as loud and annoying as she can be.

  • Sticks thing into her slime instead of carrying them, and randomly pulls out things others have lost and she has stolen.

  • Sticks herself on the ceiling of her cell and above doorways and drops herself on people to scare them.

  • Mocks people with their own voice, and imitates the appearance of people she's talking to if she likes them.

  • If people try to shake hands with her she just reverts her hand to slime and gets their hands all sticky.

  • Tries to put her hands in people's mouths if they're open too long.
Possible ideas for Luka:

~ Having recently taken an interest in crochet, he is now making scarfs and hats for everyone, possibly even some blankets.

~ Likes making drawings for the patients but has yet to work up the courage to actually give them to anyone.

~ Will cuddle up next to someone if they let him.

~ Unconsciously purrs when he is happy, gets embarrassed when he realizes what is happening.
Possible ideas for Luka:

~ Unconsciously purrs when he is happy, gets embarrassed when he realizes what is happening.

Shjshfjshkshsjhf that just made me think of this-

Harley squeaks like a dog toy a lot (When she or her ears are squeezed, when she's bored etc.) Like one of those really obnoxious dog toys, (like this) and now I'm just imagining anyone with predatory traits being gained after infection totally getting a prey drive around her when she's like hiding somewhere and squeaking.

So they sometimes display aspects of certain aspects of prey stive like Search (watching her closely, listening, in general wanting to keep an eye on her for no reason, looking for squeaking when hidden), Chase (If she moves too fast sometimes takes an accidental step, before realizing that they were about to chase her.) and maybe if their drive is too high, Bite and Stalk.
Shjshfjshkshsjhf that just made me think of this-

Harley squeaks like a dog toy a lot (When she or her ears are squeezed, when she's bored etc.) Like one of those really obnoxious dog toys, (like this) and now I'm just imagining anyone with predatory traits being gained after infection totally getting a prey drive around her when she's like hiding somewhere and squeaking.

So they sometimes display aspects of certain aspects of prey stive like Search (watching her closely, listening, in general wanting to keep an eye on her for no reason, looking for squeaking when hidden), Chase (If she moves too fast sometimes takes an accidental step, before realizing that they were about to chase her.) and maybe if their drive is too high, Bite and Stalk.

Luka would absolutely get distracted if he hears her squeaking. He wouldn't necessarily pounce or stalk or anything like that, but he would definitely be distracted and seek out the direction of where the squeaking is coming from.
Luka would absolutely get distracted if he hears her squeaking. He wouldn't necessarily pounce or stalk or anything like that, but he would definitely be distracted and seek out the direction of where the squeaking is coming from.
Shajajshakjj Now im imagining-

Luka: *hearing distant squeaks* What is that???

Luka: Spends thirty minutes wandering around trying to find the noise.

Harley: *Hiding behind a plant and moving every time Luka gets close, an inch from losing her mind and devolving into laughter.*
Shajajshakjj Now im imagining-

Luka: *hearing distant squeaks* What is that???

Luka: Spends thirty minutes wandering around trying to find the noise.

Harley: *Hiding behind a plant and moving every time Luka gets close, an inch from losing her mind and devolving into laughter.*

Oh my god, yes. It would drive him absolutely insane.
Harley would also start squeaking any time anything serious was happening or when someone starts talking and she's in a particularly mischievous mood.

The people she tortures the most probably are the ones she likes the most too. If she doesn't want someone to leave, she'll steal their stuff so they have to go looking for it, its nearly impossible to get out anything from her slime body if she doesn't want to let it go, that includes people. When she doesn't want to walk somewhere she'll just stick herself on the biggest/strongest person nearby.

Oh my god, yes. It would drive him absolutely insane.
While Harl can speak English normally, she refuses to do so, and as he wanted to be an English teacher she would probably drive him insane with her strange grammar too.
While Harl can speak English normally, she refuses to do so, and as he wanted to be an English teacher she would probably drive him insane with her strange grammar too.
He wanted to teach children so it probably wouldn't bother him that much.


Other thoughts for Luka:

~ Has an instinctual desire to groom the people he is close to; has to remind himself that he is, in fact, not a real fox and that licking people is rude. (Might lick the doctors that are mean out of spite.)

~ Developed a strong dislike for baths, though showers are acceptable. Prefers unscented or lightly scented shampoos as strong scents are over-powering.

~ Has a nest of fuzzy blankets and comfortable pillows in a corner of his room, gets upset at any attempts to clean it up or organize the mess.
He wanted to teach children so it probably wouldn't bother him that much.


Other thoughts for Luka:

~ Has an instinctual desire to groom the people he is close to; has to remind himself that he is, in fact, not a real fox and that licking people is rude. (Might lick the doctors that are mean out of spite.)

~ Developed a strong dislike for baths, though showers are acceptable. Prefers unscented or lightly scented shampoos as strong scents are over-powering.

~ Has a nest of fuzzy blankets and comfortable pillows in a corner of his room, gets upset at any attempts to clean it up or organize the mess.
If he likes kids, he'll probably like the menace that is Harley, >< she is less of a total handful if you do treat her like she was five.

I feel like Harley would try to lick Luka if she ever see's him lick someone and he'd have to try and curb it from becoming a habit because she defiantly would try and lick everyone she meets once she sees someone else do it. She got the put her hand in someone's mouth thing the same way and copied.

Harley is also a bit of a burrower and has a similar amount of blankets but with more things she wont let the staff take away, including like wrappers and broken toys/items.

She'd defiantly tey and put ribbons in Luka's hair, and do stupid stuff like that.

The doctors probably do treat her like she is younger than she is due to how her symptoms presented.
Hmm... I can also imagine Dr. Dreadnought being a major yarn supplier for the patients who knit or crochet. Like, she has a vast collection of yarn at home, and I could see her sharing it with her patients. Although I suppose the government could supply the yarn instead.
Hmm... I can also imagine Dr. Dreadnought being a major yarn supplier for the patients who knit or crochet. Like, she has a vast collection of yarn at home, and I could see her sharing it with her patients. Although I suppose the government could supply the yarn instead.
If Harls ever gets any string/yarn i can see her using it to decorate her room in a sorta spider webby way that makes it so no one but her can really get around her room with ease unless they can contort themselves like she can.

I feel like she tries to get anything she can, I mean pens, scrap paper, paperclips and has to be shaken down a lot and forced to give up things she's snuck into her room, which is an utter mess, and they have to give her stuff so she'll stop being so interested in their stuff and stealing. She is def given a lot of crayons and child friendly items.
WolfStar12 WolfStar12 To what extent can patients furnish and adorn their cells? Would it be allowed for a character to have a UV lamp in their room in order to maintain a potted plant?
For plotting purposes, how messy are belongings/office/desks of your chars, so ik how likely Harls has stuff of theirs, and how likely stuff like paper clips will be on the desk 🤔


Dr. Hearth
  • Has a ton of pictures of her kids on her desk and goes into a rant about them any time interest is expressed, she loves showing off her kids.
  • Can down any shot, medicine, or alcohol, without flinching.
  • Forgets people aren't used to how needles feel, accidentally hurts patients a lot.
  • For stoic unfriendly and in her mind 'doesn't party enough' doctors, she admires them a lot because they have control and stability she doesn't.
  • Whenever someone says something incorrect she'll exclaim "Objection!" occasionally with your honor tacked on at the end.
  • Has stolen many of Dr. Hearths' family photos. Nicknaming her kids Cheezey and Screamo.
  • Can decide not to dissolve nonfluid medicines, so she is strictly on liquid or injected medicine which she auto accepts into her body.
  • If she's told to let go of something or someone she really likes, cue the meltdown.
  • Doctor hugs are her favorite, especially when they get annoyed.
  • A sure-fire way to get her to shut up for about 10 minutes or so is to give her a paper and crayons tell her to draw her something specific for you and she'll be totally distracted, and then she'll give you a really bad usually not what you want drawing in horrible colors but you have to accept it or she'll cry.
  • Was one of the early early infections, and got it because she went to the origin sight for vacation for a week and lived in New York regularly. Likely caused the spread of the virus to that area. Is one of the less new patients.
  • Presses her cheek against things a lot, like a cat would.
Dr. Norton
  • Has a model of a green Lamborghini Urus on his desk.
  • Keeps his desk fastidiously neat, but does not use any racks or baskets to sort anything
  • Keeps paperclips, writing utensils, and whatnot in their original packaging when not in use
  • His desk is ridiculously bare
  • Because he doesn't like his job and wishes he'd have chosen something easier to make a career of, he's usually pretty easy on his patients when it comes to experiments and testing, but he still doesn't often fail to make judgemental comments and out-of taste jokes about them.
  • Instead of outright asking for his peers' opinions, he makes statements with his intentions or hypotheses and waits for somebody to contradict what he has said. He's known for saying he's going to do things that he doesn't always wind up doing in the long run.
  • He doesn't talk about his romantic life at all, not even to ask anybody out, but wishes he weren't single.

Dr. Dreadnought
  • Has a few pictures on her desk, one of Emily, one of Schrodinger, and another being a childhood photo of herself and her older brother. She considers reaching out to him from time to time, but hasn't yet.
  • Keeps pens, pencils, and paperclips in little fabric baskets she made herself. These baskets get switched out to match the season and holiday.
  • Papers are kept in a system that she knows, but that looks messy to outsiders.
  • Weather permitting, she has a small bouquet on her desk in a round, transparent vase.
  • Known for cheerfulness.
  • She's always up for conversation, and always willing to help her peers with their work, but is completely oblivious to Dr. Norton's method of advice gathering. She isn't an enemy of his at all, but she thinks that he's "still mentally a teenager" and generally has Opinions about him.
  • She tries to be gentle with the patients in the execution of procedures, but is still pretty forceful when it comes to getting them to comply. She often acts like she's still in a regular hospital, and it doesn't quite get through to her that the other doctors can be unnecessarily rough, or even cruel. When patients aren't acting in a way she deems ideal or at least extenuated, she can be very dismissive of their point of view.

  • Is still very much disoriented, as they are still sore from the transformation and currently being medicated with inadequate painkillers. They preen often, but stop for noticeable periods of time in which their feathers are puffed out and they rock their head. Also, they haven't talked much save for answering doctors' questions with brevity.
  • Has a very sparse cell, prioritizing wing room. They don't want to knock anything over. Also, instead of a bed, they've got a large pile of straw. This is because they can't fit in a standard issue bed.
  • Will insist on figuring out how to hold a pencil between their talons once they get a better presence of mind.

  • Takes drawing requests when he has art block, or in return for favors or commodities.
  • Takes most requests for plant matter appearances, but refuses to provide anything that he knows is poisonous, illegal, psychoactive, or thorny to fellow patients.
  • Conjures Charlotte's Web leaves when he thinks nobody's looking and eats them to help manage his leg pain, as the doctors won't prescribe painkillers that he trusts.
  • Has a messy cell, with art stuff on nearly every surface. If allowed, he has a few self-conjured potted plants- Mother-in-law's tongue, English Ivy, and Dracula orchid.
  • Complains openly about procedures and experimentation, but usually complies with them. Claims to the doctors that he knows they are just doing their job, and that he doesn't hold it against them.
  • Is firm yet tolerant with Harley.
  • Is secretly plotting escape.
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