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Realistic or Modern Greenfield High School; Home of the Pirates. (Open apply in recruitment.)



The Broken Princess
Breaking News!!
Greenfield High School teenager missing!
Vance Woodrow, 16
Height: 162 cm
Last seen in: Walking home from school alone
Last seen wearing: A purple graphic shirt, jeans, white converse, and an oversized trench coat
He has Dark brown hair and Dark green eyes

If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact the local police station!

It's been three months since the news of Vance's disappearance struck us to our core. No one could believe that one of Greenfield's own was missing. It feels like everyone is slowly giving up on searching for him, like they believed that if he wanted to be found, he would let us find him. Everyone started to act like Vance never even existed, it's truly sick to watch. My relationship with Vance wasn't a complete friendship, but I was always civil with him. I never caused him any reason to hate me, or like me. We kind of just existed in the same space together. As for me, I am not overly popular but I knew mostly everyone in this small town of Greenfield, Massachusetts. When I say I mostly knew everyone, our graduating senior class consists of 120 kids. Everyone knew everyone's business, if they liked it or not. As the saying goes, word travels fast in a small town, and it could not be truer than this situation here. I know I haven't stopped thinking about Vance, and I wish I was closer to him more now than ever. I feel for his parent's, I feel for his close friends he held dear, and I feel bad for him. I just hope that wherever Vance is, he is safe, and not suffering.
Vance Woodrow
It’s been a weeks now, months maybe. I haven’t been able to keep track of the date. I didn’t bring my phone with me or anything. Last I heard, cops can track your phone or something, so I didn’t bring it with me. I wanted to bring it, to bring something really, anything, but if anyone were to figure out what was missing, they would probably find me. I left everything behind, my friends, my family, every one of my belongings.. I didn’t even bring a backpack, no blankets, no new clothes, just me, myself, and I. I could try and get a new phone or something, use a pay phone, just call someone, tell them I’m okay, tell them not to look for me. That’s not happening though. I’m not going back, I’m never seeing anybody else ever again. I have to admit, it’s a bit lonely, but it’s not like that’s any different than school or home. As long as I move quickly and cover my tracks, I can get out of here. I just hope they stop looking for me soon, from what I’ve heard they’re getting close to that.
Leo walked to the school like he usually dose every school day. With his headphones in he tones out the sound of the students that doesn't know he exited.He usually doesn't speak up when he dose everyone shuts up and listen to him. When you don't he gets angry noone likes to see him angry. He goes to sit on the wall right outside the school to wait for the bell to ring for first period. He takes a drawing pad to draw anything as he lets his mind wander.


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A small framed girl bounced through the clusters of people. "Come on, move please." She pleaded as she gently tried to push people out of her way so she could make it to her class on time. She sighed as a piece of her light brown hair fell out of her neatly done bun, and into her golden orbs. "Nora!" a voice in the crowd called out to her as she looked around for the source. Nora looked to her right just as she saw a tall, muscular man trotting his way over to her. "Hey Ben." Nora rubbed the back of her neck with her right hand, while her left hand clenched tightly onto her belongings. "Why is it so crowded today? Is it an assembly day?" Nora glanced around at her surroundings confused. "Yup! For the big football game! Are you coming?" Benjamin, who is the quarter back of the Pirates football team; wiggled his eyebrows at her. Nora laughed and nodded. "Of course, I wouldn't miss my friend making a fool out of himself now, would I?" Nora smirked, as she turned on her heels towards the gymnasium. "No you woul- Hey!" Ben called after her, but Nora was already ahead of their daily game. "See you later toots!" Benjamin was swallowed by the riot of the student body. The child size girl was not looking forward to the assembly, it was just another reminder of things going back to normal, things moving on. Nora sighed as she couldn't help but think about Vance. They weren't close, but she still had a heart of gold, and cared deeply for everyone and anyone, even if they didn't deserve it.
Steven Miller
Steven pretty much pushed and shoved his way through the halls, not necessarily in an attempt to be rude in any way, but he really didn’t want to be late. This was a first for him, as he was the one who would usually skip class or show up at least 10 minutes late. He wore his usual hoodie and cap, which somehow he didn’t get in trouble for wearing a hat in the building. It’s not because he was treated better at all, he just knew which staff members wouldn’t care, so he knew when to have it on. Quite the effort just to wear a hat, really. But right now, he was in the coach’s office along with a few other students who were in charge of making sure the assembly went like how it was supposed to go. His job for today’s assembly was to read off of postcards about how great our team is, how great the school is, read off the school motto, all of that business. Entrusted by the coach and other staff, he was told not to mess this up. However, Steve had other plans for the assembly, and no matter what he was told to do by coaches or staff, he had to be sure his plan went through.
“Hey. Wake up dumb bitch.” Kyle opened his eyes to see his twin sister Kaylie staring down at him. “Momly said she would drive us to school today.” Kyle sat up and sighed. “Look.. I’m sorry about Vance..” Kaylie said quietly. “Why? He’s not even my friend. I haven’t talked to him since 6th grade.” Kyle said, getting out of his bed. “Now go, I need to get dressed.” Kaylie left and Kyle got his clothes on. He walked out to the kitchen where he saw momly and Kaylie all ready to go. “Kyle! Hurry up and get your breakfast, you don’t want to be late!” Momly said. Kyle grabbed a handful of pretzels and ran out to the car. “You know we have an assembly today?” Kaylie said, applying her lip gloss. “It’s for Vance.” Kyle nodded slowly. They drove to the school and Kaylie ran in, looking for her friend Nora. Kyle took a deep breath and slowly walked in.

Steven Miller
He stood with his peers, helping them set up the different elements that would be used in the assembly. They were told where everything goes, but it was overall his decision for the general get-up. He talked with the technical support kids about the screens and what they’d display and when. He had hold of the remote now, along with those notecards he‘s supposed to read out during the assembly. He put the notecards on a stand in front of a mark on the ground where he’s supposed to stand while speaking, but made sure to keep the remote in his pocket. He did this because, well, it’s supposed to stay with the tech kids. It’s a good thing he’s got a pal in there or else this assembly wouldn’t go as he planned. Steve had better plans for the assembly, more important plans than how great it would be if we win the game. More important than anything these notecards had to say. This was Steve’s assembly, and it was going to be big. It didn’t matter to him whether he got in trouble or not, whether he got suspended or expelled, detention or Saturday School. In fact, getting suspended or something would just make things easier with school no longer in the way. He smiled when he thought about it, when he thought about the reaction of his peers, the shock of the staff, what they would do to try and stop him. Would they stop him? Would they even care? It honestly didn’t even matter to him.
Leo shows up late to the assembly not knowing there is one.He put his hood on and he keeps his headphones on as he walks into the gym. He stands besides the bleachers as he never sits in the bleachers.
(Open for interaction)
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Nora sighed, taking in all the students filing into the auditorium. "Joyous." she muttered as she pushed herself off the wall, walking into the auditorium. Scanning her surroundings, Nora spotted a familiar face. She gave a crooked smile and walked over to Kylie. "Hey Ky." She pursed her lips together as she looked for an empty section in the auditorium. "I'll be right back Ky, I'm gonna go see if Steven needs any help." Nora shrugged as she headed off towards Steven's direction. Ben spotted what she was doing and raised his eyebrow at her. Nora never went out of her way to talk to any guy, let alone Steven.
Leo starts dancing on the side of the bleachers feeling lost in his music that's blasting from his headphones. He dances pretty good. He taught himself how to dance and sing when he was young. He doesn't care if people see it he's particularly invisible.
(Open for interaction)
On the way to visiting Steven, Nora got distracted by Leo's dancing abilities. She smiled and turned on her heels towards him. She waved her hands, hoping to catch his attention. Ben being the brute brotherly type to Nora, noticed this. He marched over to her and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her around to face him. "Nor, What are you doing?" He tilted his head to the side, his top lip scrunching up slightly at her weird outward behavior. "I'm going to go say hi to Leo, and tell him he has sick dance moves. Since when are you my keeper?" She shook out of his grasp, and took a step back. "I just know you don't really interact with anyone, and it's just weird to me." Ben shrugged also taking a step back. "Its fine, Im allowed to go say hello to anyone I want. Last I checked, you broke up with me about a year ago." Nora shook her head and turned away from Ben. "I know... but- Still!" Ben shouted over as the volume in the auditorium was growing, signaling that most, if not all of the student body was present.
Nora smiled sleepily. "I just wanted to say hello, and tell you I think your dance moves are awesome. Where did you learn to dance like that?" Nora was genuinely curious as to how Leo learned. "I have always wanted to free move, but I always get so, Stage fright? I think is the word I'm looking for." Nora chuckled softly, mainly to herself. Nora always felt self conscious when she was doing anything that involved people, and their minds. She knew how peoples minds could be. Ruthless wasn't the word for it. It wasn't easy for Nora to openly open up to people. It took her a lot to trust them, she has bones in bags she carries.
He stutters as he's not used to people talking to him." I taught myself. I just get lost in my music. I'm a loner people think I'm invisible." Pulling his hood back up to hide his face.
zuneboo zuneboo
(Picture in last post is what he looks like)
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Steven Miller
He stood at the podium looking into the crowd of people. He moved the stand the microphone was on a bit further from him, but took the mic in hand. He signaled for a dimming of the lights, this way, it would be easier to see the screens that were facing toward the student body. He made sure that he, himself was illuminated at least by a single spotlight. He held up a hand and sort of shouted into the mic,
”Hello, Greenfield High!”.
He then put his arm down, and his hand into his pocket, holding the mic with his other. Then, in a normal tone,
”Just a mic check. Our assembly will begin shortly.”
He said, looking somewhat enthusiastic. Well, I guess he was supposed to come off that way, or it would appear something was wrong.
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His social phobia starts showing through."I got-ta go" stuttering he runs into the boys bathroom. He slides down the wall and places his head in between his knees. "Why now I was perfect ly ok. Stupid phobia."
zuneboo zuneboo

Steven Miller
Steve tapped the microphone, an intense look on his face.
“Can I have everybody’s attention, now?”
He seemed a bit less cheery now as he looked around the room. He stepped away from the podium, leaving the flash cards. He turned slightly toward the nearest screen.
”Today’s assembly has a special section.”
He turned on each screen simultaneously, the screens filled with pictures and videos of Vance before he went missing.
”This is Vance Woodrow,”
He began, his voice seemed a bit upset as he said the boy’s name.
”He’s been missing for about three months now. You all know who he is, so don’t act like he never existed.”
He sounded a bit pissed, and reasonably so. Vance was one of his friends and when people started to give up hope, he couldn’t deal with it right.
“Please. Someone in here tell me, someone at all.. do you still think there’s a chance he’s-“
The sound of his voice was cut off when the connection to the mic was removed. Staff members came in and began to escort him out. He began to yell instead, trying to assure people could still hear him.
“He’s still out there, right? Something had to have happened, there’s no way he just up and disappeared! There has to be someth-”
The doors closed behind him, and the assembly was returned back to its normalcy by another student who resumed from where it was supposed to begin.
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