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random.org for dice :)

Oh, boy! The J The J and WordArtist WordArtist baby name websites and generators for the sake of naming characters, that is my area of expertise. My time to shine. Thank you so much for opening that door


"My characters are having a kid and I don't know what to name it"/"I know my characters parents or siblings name but not sure what to name it"/"I want a name that goes with my partner's character's name"/"character name finder"
1. magicbabynames.com
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/baby-name-generator.aspx
3. https://nameberry.com/namehunter/
4. nymbler.com,
5. http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/advanced-name-finder
6. babynamewizard.com (check out sibling names after searching the family names you know)
7. nameling.net
(note: these are in order from best to worst imo though the first 2 are tied for 1st and #s 3-6 are tied for 2nd)

"I want a cool sounding name that's either super common or fucking out there, no in-between"/"I really like great fucking lists"
1. britishbabynames.com
2. belovedbabynames.com,
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/baby-names-by-theme.html,
4. http://www.babynamesetc.com/lists.htm, http://www.babynology.com (lists from dropdown window)
5. alternativebabynames.com (a childhood RP favorite gd its old)
6. whatalovelyname.com (this one allows you to combine lists to find only names that overlap which is fucking cool)

"I want a tool that lets me find names that start with [letter(s)], end with [letter(s)], contain [letter(s)], or have something to do with this word or meaning or etymology or ALL OF THE ABOVE"
1. thinkbabynames.com

"I want to know if a name is TOO outlandish/uncommon"
1. nameberry.com If it's not on there, I oftentimes won't use it

"I don't know what I want to name my character but I know I want it to be male or female"
1. randombabynames.com

"I don't know what name or binary gender I want my character to be"/"I want a random name but I want to pick the number of letters, binary gender, and/or first letter"
1. randomnames.com,
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/name-games/pull-from-hat/

"I have a last name for my character but no first name"
1. babynamegenie.com

"My character is an alien/eccentric rich person/celebrity/child of above"
1. https://www.babycenter.com/celebrity-baby-name-generator

"My character is a hipster or the child of one"
1. http://www.alexdavey.ca/baby/index.html

"I want a different generator"
1. http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2013/03/baby-names-generator/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/generate.htm,
3. http://www.babynames.com/Names/rename.php

"I can't pick between 2-3 names"
1. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/choose-between-baby-names.php

"How popular has this name/these names (you can compare!) been in the U.S./U.K over time?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager#prefix=&sw=both&exact=false
2. http://names.darkgreener.com/
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/name-popularity.html

"What impression does this name give people in general?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com (search a name and check namipedia; good for crossing off names that may not fit your character as well as you thought)

Other baby names databases for your characters
1. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/
3. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names
4. ourbabynamer.com
5. http://www.babynology.com/
6. http://www.babynames.com/
7. nameberry.com
8. babynamewizard.com

Last edited:
random.org for dice :)

Oh, boy! The J The J and WordArtist WordArtist baby name websites and generators for the sake of naming characters, that is my area of expertise. My time to shine. Thank you so much for opening that door


"My characters are having a kid and I don't know what to name it"/"I know my characters parents or siblings name but not sure what to name it"/"I want a name that goes with my partner's character's name"/"character name finder"
1. magicbabynames.com
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/baby-name-generator.aspx
3. https://nameberry.com/namehunter/
4. nymbler.com,
5. http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/advanced-name-finder
6. babynamewizard.com (check out sibling names after searching the family names you know)
7. nameling.net
(note: these are in order from best to worst imo though the first 2 are tied for 1st and #s 3-6 are tied for 2nd)

"I want a cool sounding name that's either super common or fucking out there, no in-between"/"I really like great fucking lists"
1. britishbabynames.com
2. belovedbabynames.com,
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/baby-names-by-theme.html,
4. http://www.babynamesetc.com/lists.htm, http://www.babynology.com (lists from dropdown window)
5. whatalovelyname.com (this one allows you to combine lists to find only names that overlap which is fucking cool)

"I want a tool that lets me find names that start with [letter(s)], end with [letter(s)], contain [letter(s)], or have something to do with this word or meaning or etymology or ALL OF THE ABOVE"
1. thinkbabynames.com

"I want to know if a name is TOO outlandish/uncommon"
1. nameberry.com If it's not on there, I oftentimes won't use it

"I don't know what I want to name my character but I know I want it to be male or female"
1. randombabynames.com

"I don't know what name or binary gender I want my character to be"/"I want a random name but I want to pick the number of letters, binary gender, and/or first letter"
1. randomnames.com,
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/name-games/pull-from-hat/

"I have a last name for my character but no first name"
1. babynamegenie.com

"My character is an alien/eccentric rich person/celebrity/child of above"
1. https://www.babycenter.com/celebrity-baby-name-generator

"My character is a hipster or the child of one"
1. http://www.alexdavey.ca/baby/index.html

"I want a different generator"
1. http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2013/03/baby-names-generator/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/generate.htm,
3. http://www.babynames.com/Names/rename.php

"I can't pick between 2-3 names"
1. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/choose-between-baby-names.php

"How popular has this name/these names (you can compare!) been in the U.S. over time?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager#prefix=&sw=both&exact=false
2. http://names.darkgreener.com/
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/name-popularity.html

"What impression does this name give people in general?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com (search a name and check namipedia; good for crossing off names that may not fit your character as well as you thought)

Other baby names databases for your characters
1. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/
3. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names
4. ourbabynamer.com
5. http://www.babynology.com/
6. http://www.babynames.com/
7. nameberry.com
8. babynamewizard.com

This is cool.
random.org for dice :)

Oh, boy! The J The J and WordArtist WordArtist baby name websites and generators for the sake of naming characters, that is my area of expertise. My time to shine. Thank you so much for opening that door


"My characters are having a kid and I don't know what to name it"/"I know my characters parents or siblings name but not sure what to name it"/"I want a name that goes with my partner's character's name"/"character name finder"
1. magicbabynames.com
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/baby-name-generator.aspx
3. https://nameberry.com/namehunter/
4. nymbler.com,
5. http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/advanced-name-finder
6. babynamewizard.com (check out sibling names after searching the family names you know)
7. nameling.net
(note: these are in order from best to worst imo though the first 2 are tied for 1st and #s 3-6 are tied for 2nd)

"I want a cool sounding name that's either super common or fucking out there, no in-between"/"I really like great fucking lists"
1. britishbabynames.com
2. belovedbabynames.com,
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/baby-names-by-theme.html,
4. http://www.babynamesetc.com/lists.htm, http://www.babynology.com (lists from dropdown window)
5. whatalovelyname.com (this one allows you to combine lists to find only names that overlap which is fucking cool)

"I want a tool that lets me find names that start with [letter(s)], end with [letter(s)], contain [letter(s)], or have something to do with this word or meaning or etymology or ALL OF THE ABOVE"
1. thinkbabynames.com

"I want to know if a name is TOO outlandish/uncommon"
1. nameberry.com If it's not on there, I oftentimes won't use it

"I don't know what I want to name my character but I know I want it to be male or female"
1. randombabynames.com

"I don't know what name or binary gender I want my character to be"/"I want a random name but I want to pick the number of letters, binary gender, and/or first letter"
1. randomnames.com,
2. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/name-games/pull-from-hat/

"I have a last name for my character but no first name"
1. babynamegenie.com

"My character is an alien/eccentric rich person/celebrity/child of above"
1. https://www.babycenter.com/celebrity-baby-name-generator

"My character is a hipster or the child of one"
1. http://www.alexdavey.ca/baby/index.html

"I want a different generator"
1. http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2013/03/baby-names-generator/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/generate.htm,
3. http://www.babynames.com/Names/rename.php

"I can't pick between 2-3 names"
1. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/choose-between-baby-names.php

"How popular has this name/these names (you can compare!) been in the U.S. over time?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager#prefix=&sw=both&exact=false
2. http://names.darkgreener.com/
3. http://www.ourbabynamer.com/name-popularity.html

"What impression does this name give people in general?"
1. http://www.babynamewizard.com (search a name and check namipedia; good for crossing off names that may not fit your character as well as you thought)

Other baby names databases for your characters
1. http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/
2. http://www.babynamesetc.com/
3. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names
4. ourbabynamer.com
5. http://www.babynology.com/
6. http://www.babynames.com/
7. nameberry.com
8. babynamewizard.com
Ohohohohohoho I knew someone of these already, now I have more : D
Just remembered another one, rolz, which is bloody incredible. You can either just use it for really easy dice rolling by typing something like "3d10" or "1d20+4", and it spits out a roll. There are also rooms to use alongside it which are fantastic.
Springhole.net is full of excellent articles, random generators, and such.
Dolldivine.com is full of creative doll makers, as well as AzaleasDolls.com and MissangestGames.com
Ooh, if we're doing name generators and such, then there's one you just cannot exclude:

Fantasy name generators

The absolute best place for just getting a random name for any type of person, place or thing, and for just about any kind of world, genre, or origin you could want a name from. You can even get descriptions of things such as clothing, weapons, places, quests, and other objects you may include in your RP, making for a great place of inspiration as well!
You little greedy man, giving links to your Grammarly account to get (possibly) months of free premium! How sly! How bold!
Arin gave out his Uber code so that not only would all their 3.9 million subscribers would get a free ride each, but he would also be set for another 3.9 million free Uber rides. The code is ARINH25UE for those interested in a free Uber ride for Arin.
Ooh, if we're doing name generators and such, then there's one you just cannot exclude:

Fantasy name generators

The absolute best place for just getting a random name for any type of person, place or thing, and for just about any kind of world, genre, or origin you could want a name from. You can even get descriptions of things such as clothing, weapons, places, quests, and other objects you may include in your RP, making for a great place of inspiration as well!

:-o I use that one frequently! Also, Babynames.com is good too.

EDIT: Well oops... Looks like someone already put that one up lol.
1. Pretty niche, mainly for those who care about pixel perfect codes. gadwin printscreen, a free program for windows. even if i don't use it to take screenshots, i hit ctrl prntscrn (i changed it from the default) and i can measure out a box on screen. it has a magnifier that lets you get it by pixel and tells you how big the selection is

2. colorzilla, the best free color picker from page as well as normal picking, that I've found. It's a chrome extension. i just click that little button up in the corner and i can take the hex code of anything on a webpage. it saves the colors i've chosen and has a color picker too, so i can find any color i want and get its color code

3. Auto text expander. A chrome extension. Throw in some text, give it a shortcut, you can call upon it almost anywhere in your browser, including rpn, last I remember. Pretty decent substitute for post macros, as is the rpn-built-in bookmarks feature.

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