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Fandom Gotham: Abandoned Hope


Ancient Warrior of Steel


The OOC discussion page... not much to say, right? If you have suggestions, questions, answers, dilemmas, comments - good or bad, wishes, musical wishes or... cookies, this is the place to be! :D
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@Xtremenerd @TrueBananaz @One Mean Ghost I was thinking of starting this either Friday, Saturday or Sunday... I was hoping to hear your suggestions about that...

Also, regarding the characters. We still have places and people to go, but we can't wait forever. Those that are absolutely necessary at the moment are - Strange, Anarky, Bruce Wayne, Gordon, Bullock and the Mayor. The rest can wait for some time. So, if no one joins or takes them, I was hoping we could divide them among us as NPCs? You wouldn't actually take the roles, just play them in situations needed... I was thinking of this:

@TrueBananaz - you would play your colleagues in the Asylum, as well as Strange for some situations; also Bruce Wayne in certain situations

@Xtremenerd - you would play Strange and maybe some of the other people in the Asylum, also in situations needed

@One Mean Ghost - you would play Bruce Wayne and possibly the police, if needed, some street thugs also

@AncientWisemon - I would play the Mayor, Anarky and Strange in some situations, possibly interplay and plot development, and possibly the GCPD

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Also, thugs, minions and similar guys are always NPCs and you can manipulate them freely :)
I could handle the police pretty well. I can handle Gordon and maybe bullock too, but I'd rather have someone else play Bruce Wayne, otherwise I'll spend most of the time just talking to myself. xD
I'll play Bruce then I guess. I'll do alot of talking to myself though in the Bat Cave and in the mansion because I am also Alfred.
Is the BatCave already a thing, or is this supposed to be Bruce before the Batman? if it's the latter I see some potential mentorship from Vanguard >3
This is, of course, just a temporary solution until the spots are filled. You wouldn't actually be taking the characters, just playing NPCs. But, people, if playing Bruce would cause problems for you both, I can fill the spot for now :)
As far as the Batcave goes... I kinda thought we agreed on him not yet being Batman... but soon to be. The Batcave would exist, but in some primordial form... as a base of operations for a future Batman?
I can see that. The cave is there, but it's just a cave, not all tech fancy.

Depending on how things play out, Dante/Vanguard may just take over the spot filled before by Ras al Ghul, that is, the training of Bruce Wayne to become the Batman.
Im good with playing strange and the inmates at the asylum, but what about joker? is he in the asylum or what ?
Joker... doesn't exist as of yet. You can either create an original origin story for him, being a thug as for now and participating, or you can take the spot and play him when he appears within the plot... probably episode #2. So, as of yet, he wouldn't be playing a big role in the plot. As far as the inmates in Arkham go, there are no well know inmates there yet... just your random crazy folk :)
I'm really tempted to take Joker and use a Heath Ledger approach to him, but I don't want to lock myself in since we only get two characters, especially if I need to take up another character to fill a spot.
In my honest opinion, Joker could really wait a while... we have priorities at the moment and Joker, well, he's not one of them so... it's more important to fill some spots now and we'll see what happens later :)
At some point - certainly :) Depending on the character profiles, I will determine how soon so... if there is a need for them now, they will, in some form, be included in Episode 2 :)
@TrueBananaz @Xtremenerd @One Mean Ghost @Yoshiro @Pleonazam @Accelerate @Deadkool @gogojojo331 The RP is officially commencing tomorrow around this time. @One Mean Ghost is, atypically, going to open the RP with a post that will allow everyone to jump in with their own parts, as per our agreement via PM. Each of you knows their roles, their characters and I wish you all a great game! :)

Also, any individual character development stories... unrelated to the main plot... can be pursued in the IC Rping 2 tab. You don't even have to send a prior notice to me. If IC 2 is already taken, please send me a PM so that I can open another one for you :)
My post will (I hope) give everyone a place to jump in! If anyone has any particular lead in they'd like (for example, Vanguard could stop a violent crime in progress saving a particular character, if someone would like that as a lead in), just let me know and I'll see what I can do!
I'll finish my CS when I get home...but I'm at the grocery store with my grandma. So if I'll be lucky if we leave the store by tommorrow, or I have a stroke from the sheer amount of stress...

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