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Fandom Gotham: Abandoned Hope


Full or Real Name:
Edward Nygma

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): December 1st, 29

Occupation: Forensic Scientist for the GCPD


Height: 6'1"

Weight: 166 lbs

Play-By: Cory Michael Smith

Affiliation: Villain

Biography: Eddie's love of riddles came from a young age when a teacher held a contest over who could solve a puzzle the fastest. The young Edward Nigma set his sights on winning this, craving the glory and satisfaction that would come with the victory. Therefor he sneaks into the school one night, takes the puzzle out of the teacher's desk, and practices it until he is able to solve it in under a minute. As predicted, he wins the contest and is given a book about riddles as a prize. His cheating rewarded, Eddie embraced the mastery of puzzles of all kinds.

Eddie grew up and became very interested in the human anatomy. This interest in human biology, and also the study of crime, lead him down the path to becoming a Forensic Scientist working for the Gotham City Police Department. He has worked there for the past 5 years and has made quite a name for himself for being the best, and also for having quite a strange obsession with the job.

Through his work there Edward met a pretty girl who worked in the archives room and became enamored with her. Unfortunately she was in a relationship already with an abusive and corrupt police officer, the same officer who would regularly ridicule Eddie. Eddie decided to go to the officer outside his house and warn him against hurting the girl anymore. One thing lead to another and the police officer was stabbed, dying quickly. On that moment, Edward's fragile mind splintered and The Riddler was born. From there it was a simple thing to dissolve the body to get rid of the evidence. He continues to do his job, Edward by day, Riddler by night. He has yet to be caught.

Characterisation: Edward Nygma is very much a sociopath. He is unable to pick up on regular social clues and thus comes across as weird. He trys very hard to fit in but finds it almost impossible. He has very few friends and focuses on his work.

Eddie is quite a timid and shy man, caused by his social anxiety and by bullying suffered from an early age. Although socially awkward, Eddie is a kind person and is quite pleasant, in his own way. Eddie has quite a temper though and gets very angry with those who seek to harm him or those he cares about.

Eddie suffers from a number of mental health issues including depression and Disassociative Identity Disorder. His other personality is that of The Riddler. He shares a love for riddles and games with his other personality. Both Edward and The Riddler are very obsessive-compulsive.


Name as Villain/Hero: The Riddler

Leaves question marks at the scenes of his crimes and is known to ask his victims riddles. If they answer correctly he may let them go.

Powers: Genius Level Intelligence



The Riddler persona differs from Eddie greatly. Where Eddie is shy and awkward, Riddler is cool and outspoken. The Riddler is a very calm individual and enjoys showing off his intelligence to others. He is very arrogant, he's the most intelligent man in the room and he knows it, and he wants you to know it. The Riddler has a huge ego and is very self centered. He is a huge egomaniac and sort of has a god complex, believing no one to be able to outsmart him.

The Riddler is a smart opponent and strongly believes in mind over matter. He is very physically weak though and is easily beaten in a fight. He usually faces opponents by setting up traps and games for them to complete. He will usually prefer to run than fight in a situation in which he would be caught.

He does have a good side and is often reluctant to actually kill anyone, preferring to stick to fraud and robbery. The Riddler persona comes about due to Disassociative Identity Disorder which Eddie subconsciously uses to help him to cope with his murder of the colleague, as he can simply blame it on The Riddler. In everything he is the antithesis of Edward Nygma, apart from their shared obsession with puzzles and riddles.
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You received a PM with further instructions. The app is great and, based on that, I will reserve the character for you until I get a reply via PM :)

The Joker

Full or Real Name: Unknown

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): Unknown

Occupation: Rising Crime Lord/Mastermind



6ft 1

Weight: 190 lbs

Play-By: Mark Hamill (Although the picture I have chosen was actually voiced by Troy Baker who, did his best to imitate Hamill's version of The Joker)

Affiliation: Villian

Biography: Not much is known about the man who had emerged from a canister filled with toxic acid as the psychopath known to those on the streets as "The Joker". While having a very dark and twisted past, no one knows the truth behind it except for him. Many times anyone asks about his past life, he would narrate another story that was never told by him before he kills them in sadistic manner. The Joker often hides in the shadows; operating through his henchman to do unorthodox tasks. His trail of crime makes no sense to the GCPD, and his motives are not yet clear. One thing is clear with this man though, he is on the rise, and there is little to nothing to stop him.

Some claim that this man had some affiliation with the crime organization known as "The Red Hood Gang". This gang often pulled off big heists, as well as murdered a noticeably large amount of people; with their leader dawning a "Red Hood". Many believe this to be The Joker's early days as a criminal, a job he used to do to pay the bills for his pregnant wife right before he fell into the acid waste canister that made him the man he was today. There are many theories and conspiracies that are used to explain the origins of The Joker, but none can be confirmed. Some believe he did not have a wife, and that he turned insane all on his own. Others recall a man like him who worked at a local bar as a stand-up comedian, although none can give details about his personal life.

Currently The Joker's whereabouts are unknown, but news of his rampages are spreading all throughout the streets of Gotham. Many smaller time Crimelords want their chance to knock this new player off the grid, while others are trying to find a way to join his merry band of thugs. Occasionally there have been reports of Joker sightings in different areas and levels of Gotham, although the majority who have seen him winded up in a morgue. From what the GCPD currently know, he uses sadistic and insane ways of torture before killing off his victims entirely. Sometimes, they find that those killed by him had smiles carved into their faces by a kitchen knife; most of the flesh of the lower jawbone being torn of the face revealing the teeth and gums while the cheeks were slit open so it left the victims' faces into the form of a giant smile.

Anything other information concerning The Joker is momentarily unavailable, and nothing new to report.


The Joker is a man above the social mores and conformity. A man with his own value set, from his own subjective truth and not part of just conditioning. He's not part of the plan. Joker tends to pattern smash and destroy all things common and makes it a point to treat people like they're part of a game. If he can change their social values then he wins. He can show how quick "moral" people will change given the right circumstances. It's not about money, it's not about fame, it's not about revenge, it's about controlling human will. That is his game.

Sometimes he'll shoot you, sometimes he'll give you a flower. Sometimes the flower has acid, sometimes it's full of money. His unpredictable behavior is what makes him seem crazy. He intentionally breaks the patterns or roles of human behavior even for criminals. His subjective truth is that because there are so many simultaneous subjective truths, then there really isn't any and thus it's all a joke.

Although still in the early stages of his development, everything about the Joker is symbolic of his philosophy. The Joker can be at times, completely irrational and beyond comprehension, but he is often times very intelligent. From his manner of speaking, to his dark, twisted views on the world, The Joker is original in every aspect. With his crime, he likes to incorporate symbolism to give visual aide towards his strange philosophical take on how the world works. The Joker dons the character of a clown, although he is mostly the complete opposite of funny. On some occasions, his henchman had mentioned that he liked puns...

Really corny ones.


Name as Villain/Hero: The Joker

The Joker's traits are stated above

The only power The Joker has is his superior intellect. His extremely well developed brain and thought process helps him outsmart every other human being he has come in contact with. He is also known to be well adept to hand to hand contact, but mainly uses guns and other things to disable or kill his opponents. He can be persuasive as well as manipulative, and he has great knowledge of the psychology of the brain.
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The Jokester

Full or Real Name: Alexis Sinclair.

Gender: Female.

Date of Birth: April 1. 25 years old.

Occupation: Scientist.


Height: 168cm.

Weight: 60kg.

Affiliation: Villain.

Play-By : Evan Rachel Wood.



No one knows who the Jokester really is. Little can be confirmed regarding her early life before she turned to a life of crime. Despite that she had been captured before for small criminal activities, no traces could be found on her fingerprints, dental records, or even DNA matches against the GCPD’s databases. She was known to give conflicting accounts at times when describing past events in her life, more specifically how she got the scars of her characteristic Glasgow smile.

There were several stories made up as to how she got them, creating even more confusion amongst the people who knew about her. One told of her supposed extremely abusive and alcoholic father, stating that after attacking her mother with a knife, the blade was next turned on the young woman, creating her mutilated smile. She had referred to her father and her hatred of him while she was sitting drunk in a bar. She implied that at the very least, she did have an extremely poor relationship with her father.

Another story she told was when her gambling husband told her not to worry so much and that she should smile more than her almost-healed Glasgow smile. This advice went overhead when he allowed his face to be carved by enforcers of loan sharks, and the couple discovered that they didn’t have enough money to pay for surgery. In a desperate effort to assure her husband that she did not care about the damage to his appearance, she took a razor to her cheeks to make her Glasgow smile match his, but the disturbing image instead caused her husband to leave her, damaging her psyche.

Nobody knows if these stories were honestly true or made up since she tended to change them quite some times.



The Jokester claimed to not be insane, but rather just “ahead of the curve”. She is extremely calculating, cunning and quite a good strategist. Being able to plan out certain events and also improvise when needed shows a high level of intellect and knowledge. She had no problems getting underneath people’s skin, and could easily manipulate people into corruption. In addition to this, she was also skilled at appealing to mentally unstable people manipulating them by promising that she would make their mental problems go away, example, like when she told one of her ‘servants’ who had a bomb implanted in his body, she would make “the voices go away”. This extreme scenario of cruelty, sadism end precision proves that this Jokester is more in a realm of a psychopath/sociopath than insanity as she is neither delusional nor has she lost her grip on reality.

Jokester is obsessed with the limits of morality. Despite of this, The Jokester is described as having “zero empathy”, which is shown throughout as being true. Jokester also seems to be quite a masochist and immune to pain and intimidation. Once she was beaten by a mob, demanding for the money that she owned them, she takes the assault with pleasure as she under multiple occasions laughed while being beaten.

Jokester occasionally cares for the people who work for her, she even saved someone (consciously or not). Making it seem like she still has this human side to her. A two fight goes on within her as the biggest part is the one described above while the other part still makes her have some sympathy for those who need it. She had been seen once to give her sandwich to a homeless person who looked hungry or had given her coat while it was snowing. But since most people had given up on her, it had become rare for her to show that side since she thought it was useless anyways.


Name as Villain: The Jokester.

Traits: Strategic, manipulating, intellectual, masochist, a bit of sympathy, sarcastic/dry humor.

Powers: High intelligence, skilled chemist, access to a variety of gadgets, experience in hand to hand combat.


Harleen Quinzel


Full or Real Name: Harleen "Harley" Francis Quinzel

Gender: Female

Date of Birth (Age)
: July 25th, 22 yrs

Occupation: Psychiatrist Intern

Height: 5'4

Weight: 134

Play-By: Ashley Benson

Affiliation: Villain


Harleen had a mother, a father, and two brothers, each of the boys younger than she. Her father had a fairly decent job and her mom worked from home to take care of Harleen's baby brother. Harley had a pretty normal life unless having a pyromaniac psychopath as a mother was not normal. Harley's mother enjoyed playing with fire and people's lives and these mental traits went straight to Harleen, while her mother had medicine to suppress his uncommon urges Harleen didn't. The young girl would occasionally set rodents, dead or alive, on fire just to watch them burn. One day Harleen's mother decided to have the talk with her daughter. Mrs. Quinzel explained the birds, the bees, and the flame.

Later that night Harleen awakened to the smell of smoke and the fire alarm blaring in her ear. Getting up from her bed she ran to the door, knocking it down but also losing the wind from her lungs. Harley in a panic struggled through her house searching for her family, but to no avail. The only thing she could find was the darkness slowly over taking her world and within seconds Harleen lost consciousness.


Waking up from the nightmare of flames Harley wiped the sweat off of her face as she screamed for her family. From what she could remember she came to the conclusion that they had died since she couldn't find them and she began to wail hysterically. Her mother was awaken from the screech resonating from Harleen, but she quickly dispelled the young girls hysteria by clutching her daughter in her arms. After Harkey calmed down it was revealed that her brothers and father were killed in the fire, leaving the Quinzel women to live on without them even though Harley blamed herself for each death and the pain that was inflicted on her mother.

During her high school years Harley would go to a therapist occasionally to help with her night terrors and pouring herself into gymnastics helped, but she could still feel the licks of the flame from that terrible night.


Ever since the fire at her house she had a personality schism. Harleen’s psychotic and pyromantic personality was suppressed and would only come out when people didn’t know who she was, when she was drunk, or if she was far away from home. This personality had taken on the name Harley, while Harleen was the studious, quiet, and reserved personality, but when she gets off from work she tetters on the line between Harleen/Harley and Quinnet. Harley absolutely loves going to parties and clubs, but once she gets drunk is more likely to attack someone for no reason.

Harleen has trained herself not to reveal her true emotions in frantic situations. She carefully selects the words she uses when speaking at all time, making sure that she is dominate in the conversation and controlling the flow of information at all times. Harleen is also very manipulative able to get information out of people without revealing her stand point.


Name as Villain/Hero
: Quinnet ( Harley Quinn later on)

Traits: Quinnet is a self-proclaimed badass, even though she is completely off her rocker. She maybe a complete psycho, but she is actually nice. People are actually surprised when she flashes a smile and greets them with joy. If said person attempts to trick/attack her her smile falls until she has smashed their teeth

: Quinnet is far from a damsel in distress. Being a Olympic level gymnast she is incredibly flexible, but since she grew up in Gotham she knows how to defend herself. Quinnet actually created her own martial arts based around the use of her twin pistols and her bat. In times of distress her high IQ and her extensive knowledge of psychology come in handy.



Quinnet is a loose cannon without much reason. She does things on on a whim and without much thought, but don’t think this young psychopath is just a psychopath you have to remember she has graduated as one of the top students of Gotham University. Quinnet has been known to show signs of clarity when she is in increased danger or when she is faced with a person of equally dangerous intellect

Quinnet is a very seductive villain, using her body to get what she needs when her skills can not. As she used her body to get close she will use her bat to smash your head in,without an ounce of remorse.


"I am Quinnet the badass! As far as I am concerned Gotham is my playground and I enjoy blowing shit up, but let this be known I am not associated with that guy...what’s his name? Anal, Anchor, Analogue…...hmmm, oh Anarchy. I am not associated with that lame douche, I am my own person and I let my freak flag fly.

Full or Real Name: Lonnie Machin

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): 8/15/92 (23)

Occupation: Hacker, Extremist/Anarchist




Height: 5'6

Weight: 145 lbs

Play-By: Matthew Mercer

Affiliation: Villian

Biography: Lonnie Machin grew up in a rather rich family. He was given everything on a silver platter, although most of the time he resented it. He saw how many of the people of Gotham were too poor to experience what the Upper Class could, and how some people used their political powers to get what they want. Feeling things were unfair, Lonnie reached out to his poorer peers at school; charging his father's credit card to buy them better clothes and lunches. Angered by his son's behavior, Lonnie's father took away all of his privileges until he learned "how to use them responsibly". Disgusted in his father's own views, Lonnie grew up resenting both his father and his family. He watched as many corrupt politicians and rich people engage in many illegal or unfair activities, all which were bribed out of arrests from cops. Seeing that the wrong people had way too much power, Lonnie vowed to himself he would do something about it.

Graduating High School at only 15, Lonnie went on to college to learn computer engineering. He had extensive knowledge on computers, which he secretly used to teach himself how to hack. He eventually mastered the art of hacking, and soon donned an alias for his online blog which warred on government. He was known as the Voice of The People, and he expressed his views on his blog, while exposing corrupt government officials with sensitive information he found by hacking into the technology they carried around with themselves. Phones, Tablets, Laptop Computers, he hacked them all to obtain this information to display on his blog. His blog was then shut down by the government, and Lonnie became enraged. Donning the new persona known as Anarky, Lonnie became an extremist who battles corruption through extremist means. Being the voice of anarchy and the will of the people, Lonnie views himself as a hero. Although many do not see him that way because of his terrorist like attacks.

Anarky wants to purge Gotham of corruption, but his methods involve wanton destruction. His idealism matched with a self-importance that makes reasoning with him nearly impossible. He wished to rid the city of its bonds to what he called "Propaganda, through so called entertainment" by destroying anything that to do with big business or capitalism. He also targets anything related towards government.

Characterisation: Lonnie is smart, intelligent, and highly articulate with his vocabulary. Although weak physically, mentally he is one of the strongest people when it comes down to mind games. He can mess with the minds of others simply by choosing the right words to torment them. While he has not studied psychology, he has quite the understanding of the human mind.

Always looking to hack, Lonnie has an obsession with computers and technology, and many of his attacks are technology related. He has a weird respect for those who have the greatest technology, even while he is targeting them.

Secretly lonely, Lonnie often times directs insults and hate remarks towards others as a defensive mechanism. He's insecure, especially since he cannot fend for himself due to his fairly small body frame. He may act intellectual and sophisticated, but when provoked or aggravated Lonnie can become immature, and often times childish.


Name as Villain/Hero: Anarky

Traits: Eloquent, obsessive, and almost always serious, Anarky elected himself to be the voice of the people. He holds his head high, while regarding himself highly. Can be overly conceded, and at other times childish.

Powers: Extreme and extensive knowledge of computers. Intellect, and advanced speech. Can be persuasive to those who share the same views.
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Calender Man

Full or Real Name: Julian Gregory Day

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): September 1st (45)

Occupation: Inmate at Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane



Height: 5ft 9in/1.76 meters

Weight: 215ilbs

Play-By: Jonathan Banks


Affiliation: Villain


Born into a small and dysfunctional family, Julian's first memory is of the departure of his dearly loved father Dr. Augustus Mayhew Day onto a trip from which he would never return, a respected doctor and engineer who worked for a tech company in star city Augustus was the only person that Julian was ever able to connect with the boy, Julian having several issues with mental health and being unable to fully fit in with other children or make friends, Julian being bullied constantly in his youth for one reason or another.

His father had originally promised to be home for Christmas a promise Julian thought he would keep waiting by a bus stop for three and a half days before realizing that his father had lied and had no intention of returning and by them he was cold and bitter, his mind filled with dark thoughts having almost died to hypothermia.

Julian would fixate on that day going to that same bus stop near every Christmas for reasons he couldn't explain, over time these trips became more and more frequent, Julian now visiting for every major holiday his already unstable mind reasoning that his father couldn't have lied to him and that he mean't to be home by Christmas he was only delayed, that he'd be back home soon, ready to wish his son a happy holiday.

What started out as a slight quirk about visiting every holiday grew into an obsession and Julian would become strange on every holiday his mind going back to when his father left him, his mind growing worse and worse until he finally snapped.

Mothers day came in the day household and Julian's mother May was growing increasingly worried about her son, not allowing him to visit his regular spot at the bus station and instead forcing him to stay in the house with her, Julian can't exactly remember what happened next but by the end of the day his mother lay dead on the floor, her still beating heart in his hands.

After this he needed to escape, fleeing from his house and into the streets of Gotham a young teenager on his own in a city notorious for its organized crime, Julian was lucky and managed to along with several other boys get recruited by Carmine Falcone to preform a few petty crimes beginning his career in the mob in which he would become a trained killer, notorious among Gotham's police department as the Calendar Killer, or merely the calendar man, for his gimmick of committing his worst and most violent killing on popular holidays, most of which having a certain sadistic connection to that holiday.

Julian's crime spree was recently brought to an end when he was caught stuffing the bodies of several enemy mobsters into Jack-O-Lanterns on October 31st, the court declaring him legally insane before admitting him into Arkham Asylum.


Julian is a man of few words (Though a lover of great puns) and is often very serious and somber, taking his work incredibly seriously and allowing himself little free time or leisure.

Though not to his face Julian can be described as eccentric, his crimes often having elaborate themes coinciding with the holiday on which he commits them, something inexplainable by mental experts though many have tried, each chalking it down to him just being a little off and weird.

Since many of his crimes have holiday themes many Gothamites take him as a joke though in truth he is one of Gotham's more dangerous killers, the brutality of his crimes a monument to this.


Name as Villain/Hero: Calendar Man

Traits: He is insane

Powers: Successful inventor, high intelligence, and proficient in hand to hand combat and marksmanship though adept at neither



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As stated somewhere before... this is really a Batman based RP and I don't think we'll be introducing other DC characters, at least not at this point. Also, we're trying to keep it as 'normal' as possible, meaning we don't endorse characters with actual superpowers. In that vicinity, this character would, technically, be OP and a pretty large enigma to others, as per Superman not being known :)
I'm really sorry for the trouble, you've created a good character, but he just doesn't fit in the whole concept. If you want, though, you're free to create another one :)
You're fine, don't worry. I think I'll wait and see if an opening for another vigilante becomes available.
Someone was, but has since quit (or, to express myself, forced to admit he had no intention of participation anymore) and the character is, again, free for taking :)
Bruce Wayne

Full or Real Name: Bruce Wayne

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): February 19th, 24

Occupation: CEO of Wayne Enterprises

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445376509146.cached.jpg.bbb78a0d2bcf9faa69d85f9c768765f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445376509146.cached.jpg.bbb78a0d2bcf9faa69d85f9c768765f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'2

Weight: 210 lbs

Play-By: Ben Affleck

Affiliation: Hero


As a young child, Bruce Wayne watched his parents murdered before his eyes. Thomas and Martha Wayne were walking home from the Monarch Theater one night with their son, when they were held up at gunpoint by a mugger who demanded the pearl necklace that Martha was wearing. When Dr. Wayne refused to surrender it, both he and Martha were shot dead in the streets. The killer was a criminal known as Joe Chill. Fortunately, physician and social worker Leslie Thompkins was making a house call that night, and arrived to give loving comfort to the traumatized Bruce. He was then raised on the Wayne Manor estate, with help from the wise and loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce had very few friends during his childhood.

Bruce Wayne swore an oath to rid the city of the evil that had taken his parents' lives. He spent his youth traveling the world, training himself to intellectual and physical perfection and learning a variety of crime-fighting skills, including chemistry, criminology, forensics, martial arts, gymnastics, disguise, and escape artistry.

At age 14, Bruce Wayne began his global sojourn, attending courses at Cambridge, the Sorbonne, and other European universities. However, he never stayed long and would often drop out after one semester. Beyond academia, Wayne successfully acquired various "practical" skills. While abroad, he studied and received training in multiple martial arts under various instructors and in different countries, man-hunting under Frenchman Henri Ducard, stealth and reconnaissance under the Japanese ninja Kirigi and other certified shinobi, hunting under the African Bushman (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-Eyed Brotherhood, among others), hand-to hand combat under the tutelage of Ted Grant, a World Champion Boxer and David Cain, one of the world's premier assassins; traditional healing disciplines under Nepalese monks and even ventriloquism under skilled practitioners . Bruce was also trained in archery by Oliver Queen. His knowledge of so many varied disciplines has made Wayne an unconventional and unpredictable individual. At age 20, he attempted to join the FBI, but after learning about its regulations and conduct, Wayne deducted that he would never be able to completely oppose crime while working within the legal system.

Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham City after many years of study and training with his body and mind developed to perfection. Despite having all of the skills and methods to fight crime, he still felt that there was something missing in the completion of his physical and mental arsenal. Wayne discovered the answer late one night while sitting in his manor. He recalled his fear of bats as a child after a large one crashed through one of the windows; he ultimately decided to make his appearance resemble a bat's. Wayne designed himself a costume equipped with experimental technology and set out against the crime and corruption that thrived in Gotham City.

Wayne's tactics to oppose crime as a vigilante at night proved successful leading him to become an urban legend in Gotham City. He would reveal himself at a dinner of the most influential and corrupt figures in Gotham City promising them all that their reigns on the city would eventually end. Wayne's first ally is assistant district attorney Harvey Dent. Most of the Gotham City Police Department is sent in force to capture him. He gained his most powerful ally when he met police lieutenant James Gordon, one of the few honest cops on the force. The two developed a working relationship operating outside of the law when they needed to.


Batman is a dark and grim hero with a personal vendetta against criminals. Traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents from him. He is very paranoid and obsessive, which often makes it difficult for him to trust other people that aren't Alfred.

Despite this, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents. His father was a doctor, while his mother was a crusader against child abuse. Indeed, Batman's oath of vengeance is tempered with the greater ideal of justice. He refrains from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights.

To protect his secret identity, Batman has constructed a fake persona he can use in his civilian identity. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is a self-absorbed, superficial, irresponsible playboy and philanthropist. Only his closest allies know that this attitude is just an act.

Name as Villain/Hero:



Indomitable Will: Although he has no superhuman powers, Batman's unstoppable determination and strength of will make him an extremely formidable opponent. This makes him able to function while tolerating massive amounts of physical pain, and also allows him to resist telepathy or mind control.

Intimidation: It is widely known that Batman has the ability to instill fear in others, even the people that know him best are intimidated by him.

Interrogation: Batman is adept in interrogation techniques, often using law enforcement methods as well as torture. Several methods seen include hanging a person over the edge of a building by one leg or chaining a person upside down and beating them. He usually just plain uses his frightening appearance to get answers. "Fear is an excellent motivator" he once said.

Peak Human Conditioning: Through intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments, Batman represents the pinnacle of human physical prowess. His physical attributes exceeded that of any Olympic level athlete that has ever completed.[citation needed] Strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes and coordination are at peak human perfection. Batman began his physical and mental conditioning when he was 11 and then intense physical training and weight lifting at age 12. He has mastered full body control by the time he was 18. Bruce Wayne, since the age of 15, has created a strict diet to enable his body to develop and operate at its most proficient, along with biofeedback treatments (using portable/non portable machines to stimulate muscles to contraction). Batman has performed amazing physical feats due to his superior physique. He engaged in an intensive regular regimen of rigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in peak condition, and has often defeated opponents whose size, strength, or other powers greatly exceeded his own. He has spent his entire life in pursuit of physical perfection and has attained it through constant intensive training and determination.

Peak Human Strength: Batman regularly bench-presses at least 1000 lbs. during his exercise routine.

Peak Human Reflexes: Bruce's reflexes were honed to such a degree that he has been able to dodge point blank gunfire.

Peak Human Speed: He could run at speeds comparable to the finest competing athletes.

Peak Human Endurance: His endurance was comparable to that of the finest Olympic Decathlon participant. His lung capacity was so great that he could hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

Peak Human Agility: His agility was greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medalist gymnast. His main phase of movement was Parkour which he learned in France and used that to scale the cities rooftops in an acrobatic manner.

Acrobatics: He is proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics.

Martial Arts: Bruce is well trained in multiple martial arts, he is known as the man who has mastered 127 forms of martial arts. His primary form of combat is an idiosyncratic admixture of Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Muay Thai, Dragon Style Kung Fu, Boxing, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu and Capoeira.

Weaponry: Through his martial arts training, he has become an expert on all melee weapons. Wayne has displayed exceptional sword fighting capability and proficiency with knives, sticks and various other weapons. He practices during his combat sessions to keep his skills intact, but he prefers unarmed combat.

Stealth: His Ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth and capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected.

Marksmanship: Wayne is an expert marksman skilled. He is skilled with throwing projectile weapons, archery and firearms. He has been practicing such skills since the early days of his training and is almost on par with the Green Arrow in terms of accuracy.

Genius Level Intellect: Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander; he is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet. Given his lack of superpowers, he often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them.

Polymath: He has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography and History. Gained degrees in Criminal Science, Forensic Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry and Engineering by the time he was 21. He has mastered Diverse Environmental Training, Security Systems, and illusion/sleight of hand by the time he was 23. He gained even more degrees in Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology by the time he was 25. He had learned Forensic Sciences, Medical Sciences, Expanded Computer and Engineering Sciences, and Expanded Device Pool use of personal powered armor and system, database creation on underworld crime bosses, rogue's gallery foes and other supervillains; improved material sciences for body armor and micro-machinery. Has also learned Advanced New Development in Forensic and Medical Sciences.

Eidetic Memory: Batman has total recall and can remember anything in great detail.

Investigation: He is widely considered as the World's Greatest Detective, capable of observation, forensic investigation, and inductive and deductive reasoning of the highest caliber. Human intuition is an unlearnable trait and one of Batman's most effective tools. Given any mystery, he can arrive at the correct conclusions with a fraction of the data.

Multilingualism: He is able to speak Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Thai and possibly more.

Tactical Analysis: He commonly utilizes cunning tactics to outwit his foes. He is an excellent leader. Batman is known as one of the greatest strategists and tacticians in the workd.

Leadership: He is known for having great leadership. He is in charge of his whole company.

Escapology: He has been described as second only to Mister Miracle as an escape artist. He has been seen escaping from a Posey straitjacket in less than 52 seconds, and remarked afterwards that the time was way too slow for him.

Driving: Bruce is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.

Tracking: Trained in hunting techniques by African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others).

Disguise: Has mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 21. He has further learned expanded disguise techniques by the time he was 22. Batman has many aliases he uses to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. His current aliases are: Matches Malone, Thomas Quigley, Ragman, Detective Hawke, Sir Hemingford Grey, Frank Dixon, Gordon Selkirk, and Mr. Fledermaus.

Mechanical Aptitude: Proficient at combat driving. Has learned improved vehicle designs. Was trained and proficient in basic vehicles operations.

Business Management: Bruce Wayne has extensive skills and experience in business management, has thorough understanding of financial marketing and management and is often known as an example of successful industrialism.

Peak Human Strength: Batman engages in an intensive exercise regimen, and because of this, his strength, like all other physical attributes, is at the peak of human perfection. He is shown to be able to bench-press at least 1000 lbs.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ben_affleck_as_batman_by_luisbury_zine_net-d8t28en.jpg.e09e127c31db7a87815706d897861b3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ben_affleck_as_batman_by_luisbury_zine_net-d8t28en.jpg.e09e127c31db7a87815706d897861b3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Yoshiro As far as the profile goes... I only need a reason as to why a 32-year old Bruce Wayne hasn't become Batman yet... we're aiming for a younger Bruce (20-ish) which would suffice with that explanation, but your initial age will suffice likewise, I just need an explanation... also, he's not Batman as of yet, or he's just become him :) When this is settled, Bruce's in :)
Alright, I fixed him up a bit so he's younger, and I added the details about Batman so we have a clear understanding of how he'll develop in this story line

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