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Fandom Gotham: Abandoned Hope



Full or Real Name: Hugo Strange

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): July 7 (55)

Occupation: Psychiatrist, Scientist, current Warden of Arkham Asylum

Height: 1.73 m

Weight: 60 kg

Play-By: Ben Kingsley

Affiliation: Villain


Hugo Strange was born in the city of New York into a middle-class family. He was the first of two children of Archibald and Eleonora Strange, the former a middle-school teacher and the latter a journalist in a local newspaper. His brother, Victor Strange, was born seven years after, but died at the age of five in a car accident. This premature experience with death marked the beginning of a strange period in Hugo's life. After the accident, his mother became obsessed with death and started writing about crime, which resulted in her psychological deterioration and eventual hospitalisation. His father, unable to cope with the tragedies and everyday problems, sent Hugo to a boarding school in Switzerland on a scholarship. Hugo Strange was an excellent student, showing great interest for the human mind, wanting to discover the story behind his mother's mental problems and his father's depression.

As he was finishing his high school education, he learned of his father's suicide by hanging, after another depressive episode. Interestingly, Hugo Strange didn't take the news as bad as it would have been expected. He returned to the States to organise his father's funeral but quickly returned to Europe to study psychology and psychiatry, specialising in the field of psychopathology and criminal psychopathology. He earned a PhD at the age of 28, achieving the highest grades. He again returned to the United States to care for his mother, but she died after a couple of months under suspicious circumstances. Strange blamed the hospital administration for negligence, but was unable to prove his thesis. Selling his inheritance, he once again returned to Europe and started working in asylums in several European countries.

At the age of 48, he became the Warden of the Asylum on Shutter Island, UK, which housed mostly those mental patients with a criminal history and or tendency. His running of the Asylum was met with praise by experts because of his innovative methods with patients and his tendencies to experiment. On the other hand, his patients seemed not to enjoy his tenure that much, but their well-being was of lesser importance to the administrators that supervised his work. But not all his peers agreed with hit unorthodox approach, some even calling him a mad scientist. But, despite all of that, Strange attained his position for seven years, before he resigned in order to work in Gotham's Arkham Asylum, an institution well-known to him, as his mother was hospitalised there. Out of several candidates, he was elected as Arkham's new Warden, promising to reform and reorganise the institution so that it would achieve its former glory.



A man of experience, Hugo Strange has a very specific mindset that allows him to cope with all sorts of social situations. He can be both very friendly and gentle, but also very cruel and merciless. He knows how to handle his peers and the people he'd have some use of, but shows a tendency of diminishing and degrading his subordinates and those of no need to him. He does cherish loyalty and is generally friendly towards such people.

As a person, he is prone to control and likes when he's the one pulling the strings. He will rarely take chances and risk an outcome, choosing rather to plan his steps ahead and calculate all the possible solutions. His need for control often takes the form of an obsession and he can be described as a control freak. This trait is best visible in the workplace, where he's prone to verbally attack and insult those that do not adhere to his view of the job.

His hidden personality trait is his latent psychopathy. Although he is capable of feelings and has a conscience, Strange often shows a great disregard for other people's lives when it serves his purpose. When able, he would embark on inhumane experiments on his patients, showing signs of sadism during the treatment. He is a man who cherishes effective and results, a pragmatist that will often cross even the most important boundaries in order to achieve his goal.


Name as Villain/Hero: ditto

Traits: sneaky, working behind the shadows, prone to sadism, elaborate experiments, control freak, psychopathic tendencies, manipulation

Powers: keen intelligence, extensive scientific knowledge, knowledge in chemistry, expert psychiatrist, manipulation

Appearance: ditto



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Full or Real Name:
Kirk Williams

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): 1/5 21 Years old

Occupation: Newspaper Stand Worker in the local Cafe and partial GCPD informant



Height: 6 feet

Weight: 180lbs

Played-By: Vince Kenny

Affiliation: Neutral leaning toward hero.


As a child, he grew up in the dark corners of Gotham, with an alcoholic dad and a non-existent mother. He knew from that day forth, he learned that Gotham was nothing but a pile of filth. An unchanging rock. His youthful anger and mindset that made him a perfect initiate into Anarkys group.

In the aftermath of one of their more violent attacks on Gotham, Kirk found a small, innocent boy, majorly injured as part of the fight. It was then that he looked at the wreckage around him, and realized that Anarky was wrong. That Gotham being in flames would not help it, but make it worse. That all he was doing was channeling anger and becoming part of the problem. He was not his father. As soon as he heard the cop sirens, he got on his knees, and waited.

After being released form prison two years later, working with the prisons reformation system and taking a guilty plea, he sought out for a new job. Eventually, he found no luck until he stumbled upon the local cafe, Frank's. That was where most of the Gotham P.D sometimes went to relax near the police station in the morning. Kirk decided that it would be best to work there. He had heard of the 'rebound' effect of some of the prisoners in jail, so this was a way to keep himself in check.


(a minimum of three paragraphs describing your personality, psychology and general behavioral traits)

Kirk is a honest lad who got in the wrong crowd. As such, he always tries to help the people of Gotham out as much as he can. He helps people out with money and food as much as they need if he finds it necessary.

When confronted at danger in his workplace. he tries to cooperate with the criminal to subdue the situation so that no one would get hurt. After his work in the crime business, he knows that a lot of criminals nowadays have itchy trigger fingers. They know that as much as the GCPD tries, they can't stop everything. Wich is also why he keeps a gun underneath his stand. Just in case...

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I'll just go and accept this preemptively and just ask you to send me a PM with your intended character development, his plans, character interactions and such stuff :)
Bruce Wayne
Nothing in
Full or Real Name: Bruce Wayne

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): May 27; 23 Years Old

Occupation: Current Owner of Wayne Enterprises; Business Man
His Pockets

Height: 6"2

Weight: 176 lbs

Play-By: Arthur Gosse
But Knives
Affiliation: Neutral; Tending Towards Hero

Biography: The Wayne family knew very little unhappiness, given their happy family as well as their position of prestigious wealth globally due to ownership of the Wayne Industries. This happiness was only further intensified by the birth of there first and only son, Bruce Wayne. The family was close-knit and because of the amount of time he spent with his parents Bruce rarely interacted with those his age. Even from a young age however, Bruce knew his life was not one would describe as normal. Although his parents tried to keep him out of the spot-light, his family's last-name often preceded him. Due to this Bruce became used to the shy awe or jealousy with which his classmates viewed him; very rarely was he able to make a true friend. His professions of his unhappiness within the educational environment drove his parents to withdraw him from school, instead entrusting him to a few tutors. Because his parents were often away for business what little time they shared was savored by the Wayne heir. It was during one of these rare occasions that both of Bruce’s parents lives were taken by a shadowy figure. The incident shaped young Bruce tremendously, his steadfast goal becoming to avenge his parents deaths by ridding the world of whatever filth had been responsible for said event. Additionally the boy withdrew even more from the world about him, often shutting himself in the house for hours. If not for his butlers intervention Bruce might've lived out the remainders of his days in the darkness of his bedroom, plotting and scheming things that might've never even been achieved. With the help of Alfred as well as a few of less then trust-worthy other sources, Bruce


Perhaps due in part to the relative isolation of his childhood and the premature death of his parents, Bruce seems to be rather withdrawn when it comes to social interactions. His inability to trust others as well as his insistence on independence lead to the Wayne heir most frequently being in isolation. Due to this, forging relationships with others is a rather difficult process, though not entirely impossibly. This may be the most probable cause of his invention of quite a many different personas when it comes to interacting with others.

In his rare business interactions, Bruce is a gentle-man, though nonetheless distant from those he engages in such business with. However, to the city, as well as the tabloids, Bruce Wayne seems nothing more than a superficial playboy idly living off his family's billions. Additionally presenting himself as quite the alcoholic, Bruce encourages the public's opinion of him being a dim-witted socialite who darts between woman just as quickly as he does drinks. Often seen in the company of beautiful, though just as idiotic women, his existence seems nothing more then that of a mere self-privileged spoiled brat.

In reality the Wayne heir is far from the idiotic brat he's perceived to be. Possessing of diligent mind, Bruce has trained his senses to be keener then most others, as well as worked himself up to his utmost capacity. Privately within the crevices of his home or around his rare friend or two, Bruce exercises a sarcastic, blunt tongue, possessing a dark, unusual humor that leads most to assume the Wayne heir to have a rather cynical out-look on life in general. However there is a slight disconnect or crack in Bruce's mind, one that has been there since the day his parents died. It seems he lost a vital part of himself, one he seems unable to retrieve on his own.

And Lint
Name as Villain/Hero: None as of yet

Traits: None as of yet

Powers: None as of yet

Appearance: None as of yet

Characterization: None as of yet
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Full or Real Name: Michael Valley

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): July 24. He is 32.

Occupation: Police officer for GCPD.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Chris-Evans1.jpg.39b19e55065d0b40a5105eb21844158b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Chris-Evans1.jpg.39b19e55065d0b40a5105eb21844158b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'5

Weight: 180 lbs

Play-By: My boy Chris Evans!

Affiliation: Order of St. Dumas, however he is a hero. Technically


Michael Valley's birth was planned for decades. Being born from a test tube and being genetically modified as a fetus, Michael was destined for greatness. Kind of. When Valley was born from a surrogate ape mother, he had immediately began his brainwashing program by The Sacred Order of St. Dumas, known as The System. No details have ever been revealed about this System, however it has been used to give training, mental and physical, to the champion of St. Dumas. Michael Valley never lived a normal life, always being mocked for one reason or another, but he has always sought vengeance. In his early twenties, Michael awoke the sleeping personality inside of him. Azrael. Azrael had led Michael to the Sacred Order and Michael was revealed of his position in the world, and for God. He was given the Sword of Sin and the Suit of Sorrows as tradition for the awakening of Azrael. Michael needed to be a hero. Having awakened his body, mind, and abilities, Michael/Azrael was given more power than any man before him has or had. They slowly became one, through Michael's want for Vengeance and Azrael's need for being awakened. Even though they share the same body and abilities, their personalities conflict very often, leaving Michael with what everyone believes is Split Personality Disorder.

Despite the two minds, Michael is very able to keep his composure, hence why he was given a job as a police officer. Valley now is able to live a normal life, but you know, with a super powered angel living inside of him. During the day, Michael Valley fights crime behind a uniform, but during the night, Azrael destroys crime, evil doers, and sometimes the supernatural behind a suit of armor.


Michael Valley is a slightly angered police officer who really needs to take a chill pill. He isn't afraid of a single thing, making Michael brave, or reckless. Michael rarely needs to sleep so he is always out and about, doing one thing or another.

Despite being very well trained and calm when he needs to be, when someone pushes him past his breaking point, they are done for. Michael doesn't kill, but he hurts and he makes people know that there are others that you need to respect. Things that tick him off are disrespect, lowlife scum, and highchaired criminals like Penguin or Strange.

Michael is not afraid to show his strength and speed in public if he needs to. He will try as hard as he can to not knock a parking meter a block away, or breaking cars by slamming the door too hard.


Name as Villain/Hero: Azrael

Traits: Azrael is the epitome of a true hero. Lawful, kills only when absolutely necessary, always does the righteous thing.

Powers: Genetically enhanced physical and mental attributes. Suit of Sorrows which grants even more enhanced strength, speed... And it also has gauntlets that produce great flames. The Sword of Sin "burns with the souls of the damned."

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/azrael_by_piopaulosantana-d60v6tv.jpg.02f8503d5dbe261ba8016eb46de9d5ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/azrael_by_piopaulosantana-d60v6tv.jpg.02f8503d5dbe261ba8016eb46de9d5ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Citizen Gotham Is Online

*Breaking News*

"Prepare to be shattered, Gotham cannot burn"

(Quick introduction to secondary character, Citizen Gotham)

A Badass Commissioner

You don't like me? Hit the road.

  • tumblr_m1z7kmy1ff1r99f4t.gif

    Full Name: Naomi Vivian Halfhill.

    Gender: Female.

    Date of Birth: November 15th, twenty-eight years old.

    Occupation: Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.


Oh, sure. I'm the bitch.

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AncientWisemon said:
@Deadkool OK, this is an interesting approach to his charaterisation... I like it :D I just need two things for you to edit:
  1. Your biography needs to be a tad longer. Some more information about his education and how he came to office would be nice so please edit that.
  2. As he's DA, he'd need to be a little older... 30-ish at least. An ADA would be suitable for that age, but a DA needs to be a little older so please edit that to.

As for your play-by... you put Charlie Cox... but you can change it to Jesse Eisenberg if that suits you more :)
Didn't notice that last part until now. I actually looked at Eisenberg first, but after looking at a few shots, it didn't really fit.

Full or Real Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

Gender: Male

Date of Birth (Age): 11/05/::::/35

Occupation: Weapons Smith



Height: 6'3"

Weight: 142 lbs

Play-By: Chris Pine

Affiliation: Vigilante(Since he kills criminals)


Nathaniel was born to a middle class family His father served as a SWAT officer while his mother was a Doctor, His father would work during the day and his mother at night he was loved and attended a good school he had a few friends, at the age of 13 his mother was diagnosed with liver cancer she would go under chemo theraphy for 2 years till she eventually died due to the numerous cancer cells in her liver this is where a part of him died.

Now at the age of 18 he persued the course his grandfather took a weapon smith he easily mastered in making small blades and axes but was confused with swords he was at the age of 20 when he enrolled in a police academy but kinda flunked out now he works with his grandfather but when him and his grandfather went to the bank they had the worst timing when they were asking to deposite some cash 4 people in ski masks took hostages his grand father tried reasoning with them he was shot in the stomach.

When he fell to the floor Nathan's heart was filled with rage and anger he rushed one of the robbers used his gun and him as a sheild he slowly but surely took out the other robbers the police got in an told Nathan to stand down he stood down as ambulances got there the emt checked his grandfather for a pulse sadly there was no more he was interrogated but was found innocent now telling his dad what happend they buried him in the cemetary for his body to rest now seeing the police in inadequete' he stole a military prototype adaptive camoflage and forged his armor using death as his reference he wears a mask and uses a scythe to kill those who are evil.


Nathan before the encounter was a caring, kind, gentlemen like and basically fun to be around but when his mother died he began to have deppression and inner rage but this worsened when his grand father died he became.

More distant and serious, lone wolf kind of guy he has a menerism where his whole body just shakes like its freezing he also has abit of dissaciocative personality disorder this is triggered by being beat up or knocked down by an opponent.

He tends to go psychopatic and ends up killing the criminal and is on the bad side of both sides of gotham the police hunt's him down and the criminals want him dead and fear him but some people see him as a hero not a villain and other bad guys want to hire him for his skills.


Grim Reaper

Traits: Acrobatics, Agility and Durability

Powers: Adaptive Camo (Stolen Military Prototype) and Reinforced Armor




He has DPD and tends to become psychopathic and just murders the criminal but he is a double edge sword one second he could be reasoned with and doesn't want to kill you and another second a psychopathic vigilante who can't be reasoned with and will painfully kill you.

(Other than that same as normal)

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@VirtualNotoriety - He can't be invisible. That's being OP :)

@Juliesweetz - If he/she's going to be as half as good as this one, certainly! You can have up to 2 active canon characters at one point, but there is no limit as to the number of original characters you can have. The general rule is - as much as you can handle :)
AncientWisemon said:
@VirtualNotoriety - He can't be invisible. That's being OP :)
@Juliesweetz - If he/she's going to be as half as good as this one, certainly! You can have up to 2 active canon characters at one point, but there is no limit as to the number of original characters you can have. The general rule is - as much as you can handle :)
It's a prototype so its not really too useful it ussualy shorts out and you can still be detected
Yeah, still... it's kind of OP compared to the other characters. He could have some crafty camouflage suit, but invisibility is really too much. You can compare him to other vigilante characters and see how they handled such stuff :)

A Abandoned Acrobat

Yeah, okay. Yell at the girl with the big gun, dumbass.

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    Full name: Mattie Christine Perkins.

    Gender: Female.

    Date of Birth: October 31st, Twenty-one years old.

    Occupation: She is a member of Anarky's gang, but her day job is working at a café.

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Haha, yey-

I'm excited-

I think she's better then Naomi to be honest, but-

I really wanted a villain type character to interact with Vangaurd, so-
Well, really she'll toy with everything and end up in a bigger ditch than she already is-

I think she may get killed off from how hard headed she is, aha-

NUH! Don't be jealous-
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