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Fandom Gotham: Abandoned Hope


"I only get to choose who to hire in my own department. I don't get to choose the nitwits they hire in other areas. I may be the face of Wayne Enterprises, but that doesn't mean I get to just fire anyone I want..." he admitted, continuing his walk until she mentioned Mr. Cobblepot. "Oh, I don't trust him. Truth be told, I don't really trust anyone" he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "But, my job is to provide security solutions, so that's what I get to do. So I strongly suggest not going there again. I will safely say you won't get out if you try after my system is installed." he remarked, ignoring the coffee stain on his shirt for now. He'd change when they got the office after all.

Little did she realize, but her intention to try and get a peak at the codes was exactly what he wanted her to do. Obviously she wouldn't just tell him Anarky's plans, but if she went snooping on his behalf, Anarky would show his hand without even realizing it. Mattie's position was just bait to get Anarky to make a mistake. He didn't really like using the girl as a trap, but on the plus side, if all went as planned, she'd come out without going to jail at all. Mattie was playing right into Dante's plan, without even realizing she was doing it.

And of course, no one would expect the clumsy, cowardly Dante of being such a cunning mastermind, much less that he was, in fact, Vanguard himself. Dante just didn't seem capable of it. He was terrified of a girl half his size, looked like he'd get a nose bleed just from her sitting on his lap, and was so clumsy he couldn't even drink coffee properly without spilling some of it... No, there was absolutely nothing that would make anyone thing Dante was anything more than a clumsy, somewhat eccentric genius.

Mattie nodded to the explanation of hiring and firing in his own case. "If they are idiotic, then why hire them in the first place? Did they buy themselves into the job?" She questioned more of herself than Dante for the answer. This man seemed extremely young—early twenties at least. Had he managed to strike a job that easily? Especially with the power he had to impact on the company. Something else to think about.

"At least your smart about it," Mattie mused, commenting on him not trusting anyone. Maybe she could sabotage security with the buildings that had Wayne Tech security system. "Please. I'm sure I'm not the only one who will try and investigate him. GCPD has to be smarter than that," she stated.

There was also a major fault in her plans to take a peak at the coding. She knew that everything she did on the computers could be easily tracked and viewed. She could give away the next location and let officers be a step ahead of Anarky than they'd like, if Dante decided she wasn't doing very good. She hated this. Mattie could figure out how to create a block on her computer or what ever computer is easiest to get to, but that take time. Or she could keep the guy busy with sabotaging and angry costumers. That surely take up a lot of time. However, Dante S. Goddamn-Enferno was a genius. He probably had more than just the state-of-the-art security around in the building everywhere. Way to out a damper on plans. This also told her she should scope out the building and get a map made mentally as soon as possible. Not just for connivance purposes, as well so she won't get lost too quickly.

@One Mean Ghost

"Usually they know someone. Most of the time they're some exec's brat. " He shook his head with an annoyed look on his face. "I'm one of the few that got hired young based on actual talent. Hence why I got to my position." he remarked sipping his coffee. "Yeah, you'd think GCPD would be all over him, but they seem to ignore him." He remarked sighing. "Oh well. I'm doing my job, that's all I can do" He shrugged his shoulders.

He let his mind wander as they walked. It was right about then he remembered she had referred to him as cute, more than once, during their first encounter.. He wondered if she was serious about that, or if it was just banter designed to further infuriate Cobblepot. Now, he wasn't about to ask, especially given her current situation was because of him entirely. Even if she had thought him cute before, she probably didn't think too much of him now, if not for the entrapment than for his clumsy antics...

As it would happen, Mattie was quite right about security. When they arrived, not only did he have to scan a keycard, there was also a retina display just to get the elevator to go to his floor. And before the door was opened, it required a thumb scan. "It's a nuisance, but it keeps the marketing department away from me" he chuckled softly as the door opened to his floor. It was quite pristine, cubicles with numerous individuals typing away on various projects. It was quite clear that this department was extremely good at what they did. Then again, look at who led them.

Most of these workers were just code monkeys. People he charged to TRY and break into his security. If they did, they'd get a massive bonus. Thus far, that bonus had never been claimed. If they weren't trying to break code, they were putting work in designing code. They laid groundwork for new projects that Dante would later take and build up to the point you could hardly find the original frame work laid by these workers. Others were accountants, a few were legal experts, on standby to patent any new idea he came up with. He had a whole floor completely at his disposal, and this was just the front area. This didn't even cover the labs further on the floor. He walked to his office in the back, motioning for Mattie to follow him in. Once the door closed she found herself in the most peculiar space....

Plants were in various pots along the walls, and in some cases hanging from the ceiling. White boards one each wall were covered with equations so complex Einstein would struggle to make sense of them. In the middle of it all was his desk, with a holographic display on it that most likely served as his computer. He walked over to the desk, sitting down and typing in a few commands. From the ceiling, various clothing racks descended down. "go ahead and pick out something you like." He remarked, walking to the male section to try and locate a new shirt..

Genius, check. Eccentric? Yes. Completely loco? Probably.

prof. Hugo Strange

It does seem we have reached an agreement on the security issue, don't you think, Dr. Strange?'', asked Victor as he heard the young intern speak. ''It doesn't seem like Prof. Valentin and Dr. Tetch have any objections'', he concluded. Strange's stern expression hadn't changed throughout the course of the debate as he listened to all the replies and opinions. Dr. Quinn had a very rational approach, similar to Victor, while Crane, along with the two more eccentric staff members, showed signs of unexplained optimism and overestimation.

I shall see to it that a representative from Wayne Enterprises comes around the Asylum first thing tomorrow. It does seem that we have reached an agreement in that vicinity, as Victor stated. I am glad to have obtained your support in this matter as it is, I am certain, crucial to protect both our and the lives of our patients'', Strange concluded this question with a brief summation. As an expert on the human mind, Strange knew well enough to cut such debates short as people tended to invent arguments as time took its course. If he had let this issue be discussed any longer, he would have risked a more vehement debate and in such a dire time, there was absolutely no need for it. He nodded slightly, still with his ice-cold expression, as he decided to move back to the first issue. ''As far as the other thing is concerned, I must admit that the idea of us capturing this Anarky fellow is rather enthusiastic, in my opinion. Although we do represent a portion of Gotham's security system, we have not, are not and will never be a law enforcement organisation. It is only wise to remind you all that we do not have the necessary authority to conduct such an action and that we are here to treat people, not incapacitate them! It is a job for the Gotham City Police Department and I am certain we should not try to interfere with their business. I appreciate the enthusiastic suggestions of my colleagues, but I think that they have overestimated our abilities in this matter'', he commenced. He made a brief pause to collect and organise his thoughts, allowing the auditorium to grasp his words, but soon continued. ''As for us intervening in this matter in any way, I do not think we should take an active approach in the matter. I would rather suggest we form a commission, as suggested by Dr. Fries, in order to have an evaluation of him ready if needed sometime in the future. I do not think the police will be able to properly analyze this person's mind without our assistance and it is better if we intervene sooner than later'', he explained. ''I completely agree with Dr. Strange in this matter. An expert team is the best we can do in the circumstances. I should like to nominate doctors Langstrom, Quinzel and myself as the leader of the team, if the rest of the colleagues agree?'', Victor explained with firm determination in his voice.

And why you, Victor?'', interrupted Valentin. ''Yes, why couldn't the rest of us get the dashing opportunity to go through that looking-glass?'', added Tetch. ''Esteemed colleagues, I should think that this case, although interesting, is not the main focus of your studies. Jervis, your primary field of research are delusions and schizophrenia and Lazlo, you are prone to dealing with aggression, sadism, masochism and certain personality disorders. Such deviations would be closer to Hugo's fields of study and, of course, mine. But, as our Warden is certainly busy with other problems, I thought it best to take some of the load off his back. But, I should be happy to hear your arguments to the contrary'', explained Fried, cold and precise, as if he were dissecting a corpse and not leading a debate. Tetch and Valentin exchanged a brief look and then nodded. Fries' arguments were compelling and, although eccentric, they were both rational men, willing to adhere to solid arguments. ''If that is the case, then I shall concur with this nomination, but I should stress it out that I will not allow being denied a look into that little Carpenter's head!'', exclaimed Tetch. ''I should *grunts* see whether there is need for me to analyze that person once he is incapacitated here in Arkham!'', added Valentin. Everybody's attention turned to Strange, who was now the man of the hour. It was his decision that would prove to be final and it was him, solely, that was to decide whose suggestion would be accepted. ''It seems that we have reached an agreement upon this matter likewise and I am glad it is so. Since all of our chief staff members have agreed on this matter, I shall be happy to announce the foundation of the expert team proposed and lead by Dr. Victor Fries. I shall hope that our young doctors will not have any objections as it is sure to provide an excellent learning opportunity!'', Strange proclaimed. ''I wish to thank you all for attending and staying with us after working hours, but I guarantee you that it was not in vain. Our meeting is adjourned. I wish you all a good night and see you tomorrow'', Strange finished the meeting with a brief smile as he approached Victor.

I think we should ask our dear friend down in 'The Archive' for assistance here'', Strange whispered. ''That would be a good idea. He might be able to give us some insight into Anarky's mind'', Victor agreed thoughtfully. ''I shall take our two interns to see him tomorrow morning. You know he is not fond you that much; you can all commence working afterwards'', Strange added. Victor quickly agreed and Strange rushed to catch Langstrom and Harleen before they leave. ''I am sorry to bother you two, but might you be able to meet me in front of room 109 around 8 a.m. tomorrow? There is someone I'd like you to meet'', he asked them with a polite smile.


Although Strange enjoyed a good view out of his office window, he had not had the time to observe the lovely morning as he needed to prepare both himself and his patient for a meeting. Calm and composed on the outside, Strange couldn't help but feel a little tension as he was going to meet his, as he liked to call him, 'most valuable asset'.

Room 109 was located on the lower floors of Arkham. It was a spacious room, simple as the others initially, but now so heavily decorated with papers and information that some of the doctor's gave named it 'The Archive'. Certainly a collection of information both recent and old, 'The Archive' is housing a man whose obsession has transformed him into a walking archive and a human calendar. His quirkiness is only surpassed by the brutality of his criminal career and the man has been an enigma for most of his former doctors. He detested most of Strange's colleagues, but he liked him, although Strange was never quite certain why. He was well-guarded and kept in a high security cell, but there was still something about his appearance that made you feel insecure around that large, mostly silent man. Strange was certain he could hear his footsteps on the granite floor, which is why he showed no signs of surprise when the large man greeted him with a smile.

Good morning, Julian! How are you today? Are they treating you well?'', Strange asked in a polite, almost friendly manner. ''Tell me, have you been reading the news recently?'', he added.
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Calendar Man

Thirty days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone Which has eight and one score And every fourth year one more.
Julian G. Day


"Twenty-fifth of December, thirty-first of October, fourth of July, September first" Strange could hear it, the deep hard voice of The Calendar Man, getting ever so louder every step he took towards the archives, something that would be enough to petrify other men, though a sound that he was more than used to.

Formerly one of Gotham's most deadly killers Julian stood now naught more than a shell, a husk which once housed such great spirit, the man pacing around his cell like an animal in a zoo, listing off dates, the significance of which had long been forgotten, stopping only when he began to hear footsteps against the hard granite floor, emanating softly from the outside of his prison, gradually getting closer and closer until he was finally able to see the owner's, Julian stopping his listing with a smile, anticipating the arrival of Doctor Hugo Strange.

He had despised the man at first, Strange just being no different to the many doctors that thought they could cure him, fixing him of his mental ailments much like one would a doll or a small toy, quickly discarding him when they found out that there were more than a few missing pieces, however he soon found out that Strange was a different type of man all together, one not unlike Julian himself, the only difference being the side of the glass on which each of them stood, whilst it was true Strange had tried to "help him" at first he had soon realized Julian's true potential as possibly one of the asylum's number one assets a criminal master mind that was willing to delve into the mind of his fellow crazies and someone whom had no choice but to aid Arkham Asylum lest he declared sane and face gallows for his heinous crimes.

"Hugo! A pleasure as always, I do miss our little chats, your visits have become few and far between and I was getting quite bored sitting here all by myself, counting away the days until I shall once again see the beautiful streets of Gotham city, my sentence is almost over it seems, though for life certainly is a long time, something your establishment seems to be rectifying" He offered Strange a curt nod, the smile on his face polite enough though containing nothing in the way of warmth or friendliness Julian's eyes fixed upon Strange's own, the murderer trying to determine his motive "He never visits without reason" Julian thought making sure to listen carefully to the Doctor's word before answering "Oh, I am quite well, well as well as any man could be in my position, though I fear you may need to work on your hiring policy a bit, your security is dreadful, I've had three chances to escape already this week, four including right now, and your guards are doing little to help you. What are there names Cash and Burlow? One of them is corrupt and the other incompetent I'll let you determine which is which, personally I would fire them immediately, we don't want anyone to leave here do we? At least not before "treatment"" the last words were laced with sarcasm, Julian well aware what state the Asylum was in, especially after warden Sharpe.

As for the news I've kept tabs, that is why you're calling I would assume, times have been troubling in Gotham as of late and I have no doubt Arkham and its inmates shall have a part to play in its future though I do wonder which part in particular is troubling you Hugo. The rogue vigilante roaming the streets? No from what I've seen he almost works for you, he drops of more inmates that the GCPD though I fear that he has us confused for Blackgate, you should probably inform his that we only take the crazy ones before this place is overflowing with those lowlife crooks" He mimed shuddering "No, you're here for something bigger than that aren't you? I've heard that there was quite a commotion at the the orphanage last night, you better gather up chose children quickly, lest Falcone gets them first"

Robert "Kirk" Langstrom

The meeting had gone well, but it came as a surprise to Kirk when Dr. Fries nominated him and the gorgeous doctor Quinzel, for a team. Young Langstrom had only briefly spoken with Dr. Quinzel, but he'd already fallen for her. Of course, he'd never have a chance with someone like her. But he digressed. The morning had come fast, and Kirk was headed to where Professor Strange had mentioned for them to meet. "Room 107....Room 108..." He said to himself quietly as he came upon Room 109. Strange was already there, and in the cell was this odd patient. Numbers were scattered around him, and some were even etched into the walls. "Professor Strange, is this the man you told us about?"


Lonnie smiled to himself before laying down on his sub-par quality bed. His very first attempt to bring Gotham up from the ashes... was successful. Everything went according to plan, timed fluently towards perfection. Ahhh... it will be good days in Gotham... Good days. He thought to himself as he pulled the sheets over himself. Smiling once more, he stared at the dingy ceiling above. As he recollected his memories of all the recent events, he heard the vibration of his phone go off. He chose to not answer it, and instead ignored it.

Letting his thoughts interrupt one another until they died down, Lonnie slowly... slowly drifted off to sleep.

While Gotham, was wide... wide awake.

The next day, Lonnie rubbed his eyes with his palms before propping up. It was fairly bright out, and he wasn't exactly aware of the time. He picked up his phone from off of his nightstand and unlocked it. Realizing he still had not opened the text from last night, Lonnie opened up his messenger app. A text from Mattie...

He was hesitant to respond to her. He wasn't exactly that far ahead with his plans yet, and couldn't come up with anything specific at the moment. Besides, he had already made his statement... and now? It was time to see how Gotham would react. Would she adapt to her new environment? Or... revolt to the changes in the climate? Only time would tell... and as far as he was concerned, he had plenty of it. Aside from his nightly activities, Lonnie, sadly, did not have any life outside of his apartment. There was no need for a man like him to walk amongst other men who were not like him. Working a job would interfere with his thinking, and Lonnie wanted to ensure he had a clear mind throughout the day so he would minimize the amount of flaws in his plans. After debating on how he should word himself, Lonnie responded back to Mattie.

"Sit tight for now. Perhaps, I might drop by for a coffee?"

He laughed to himself. Coffee was about the only thing he could afford nowadays. While still being in debt from college, Lonnie spent the rest of his money... and life savings, on his hardware and software. If he wanted to go through with his schemes, he was going to need the best he could possibly acquire. He stood up, and walked over to his desk. Scanning it before finding his wallet, Lonnie picked it up and examined the contents from within. Ten dollars and two measly pennies sat neatly in his worn out leather wallet. He scoffed to himself as he quickly changed out of his pajamas, put on his trenchcoat and fedora, and walked out of his apartment door.

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prof. Hugo Strange


Julian Gregory Day was a man of his taste - intelligent, keen, deductive and a psychological enigma. Although he was a brutal murderer, Strange had never felt fear in his presence. The strange feeling was a consequence of Day's charisma, rather than the fear he caused in people. His cell was a full of numbers, newspaper clippings and pages from the calendar - all consistent with his diagnosis. Strange smiled as the murdered greeted him in a friendly manner, nodding back politely. ''As you may have deduced, Julian, there are lot of things going on at the moment. We had a toxic outbreak recently, I am still getting acquainted with the Asylum and the recent events in Gotham... I am truly sorry our little chats have suffered, but I shall give it my best to reinstate our usual routine'', Strange replied politely. His referral to the sentence caused a some confusion within Strange, as he was not aware of the details. Day had been in Arkham when he arrived and, as he had no legal training, he did not take much, or perhaps any interest in the legal part of Day's stay in the Asylum. The legal aspect was of no importance to him, which is why he decided not to bother himself with the legal history of his patients.

The sardonic note of his next reply bothered Strange a little, not because of Day's maliciousness, but because he was aware of the problems within the Asylum and he despised working in such conditions. Day knew that very well and his reply was well planned and directed. Strange forced a smile before a reply. ''
Aaron Cash is a good man, you can believe me on that one and as far as Burlow is concerned, he is on his way out. We're tightening security here very soon, getting rid of unnecessary trash and you'll be quite safe and sound in your little cell, don't worry'', Strange added, with a sardonic note in the end, smiling at the irony of the situation.

And then, he was able to witness, once more, Day's keen mind. Every one of his sentences was correct to the point that Strange could have developed paranoia that he was being spied on by Day or someone connected to him. But, Strange knew better. ''
We shall have to discuss the masked vigilante. I have made some inquiries with the staff members, but without success. I should like to hear your opinion on the matter, as it is a clear sign that the city is changing, Julian, and we have to be ready for that when it happens'', Strange commenced, talking to Day as if they were life-long friends and colleagues. The latter was, in some strange way, true, but the first one was more a stage play than reality; but, they both enjoyed it and it did them good, which is why they kept playing along. ''But, that is for some other occasion. The commotion you are referring to is referring to himself as Anarky and I am certain you're aware of the damage he has caused. Certainly, the orphanage is quite far from here, but there is no telling what his next target could be. One of the reasons we're strengthening our security. Although we have discussed a preliminary diagnosis, which is probably correct, we do not have the necessary experience to completely analyze his mind. This is where you jump in, dear Julian. You know this is not the first time we're coming to your for assistance and you know your advice and insight are almost always of extreme value to us. We've organised an expert team with two interns... and I would like you to meet them and share some of your knowledge with them as I will be busy with other things and there is no one else in the Asylum that has such a profound understanding of criminal psychology'', Strange explained.

Before Day could reply or Strange could continue, the young Kirk Langstrom joined the party. He was a little early and alone. Although Julian Day was not a secret to the staff, Strange avoided the younger staff members, especially interns, meeting him. His room was isolated, his floor basically empty and he arranged it so that only the senior staff members would tend to his needs. He was taking a gamble with this, but he had faith both in Langstrom and Quinzel. ''
Good morning, Dr. Langstrom. I see your young colleague is still absent? Never mind, she will join us soon, I trust. This is Julian Gregory Day, better known as the Calendar Man. I am sure you've heard of the case, meaning there's no need for a longer introduction'', Strange spoke to the young scientist. ''Julian, meet dr. Kirk Langstrom, one of our youngest interns and one of your brightest staff members. Working with him is an absolute pleasure as I am sure you will find out soon enough'', he turned to Day. ''Dr. Langstom, Dr. Fried and I have thought it smart to introduce you to this man as his insight might provide essential in your profiling of Anarky. He has... skills, that could provide to be quite useful. But, more on that when your colleague arrives'', Strange explained briefly, smiling at the young doctor.

@Hypnos @Yoshiro @Jailbird
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WIth everyone out in about Crane went to check on his monthly experiment. Roger Goodman had been a good man, until the death of his wife who was pregnant drove him over the edge. HE often experienced severe hallucinations of her and his unborn child, screaming and crying in the night. Crane walked toward Roger's cell and was hopeful about his patient, whom he was genuinely trying to help. Crane had a soft spot for Roger, they had actually known each other before he went insane, and had occasionally had dinner together. Crane was now giving him so treatments by injecting Chemicals into him that would induce fear, then go through a psychotherapy session, testing the man on what was reality, his hope was that one day the man would form an immunity to the drugs, and eventually become a smart and capable as he had been before his families unfortunate ending, Crane walked into Rogers cell and sat down in front of him, holding a syringe, "Roger what your about to see isnt real, please realize that, the quicker you do, the happier and freer you will be" Crane said injecting his patient, Roger screamed in pain but said nothing staring at the wall. Crane sadly sighed and walked out, he would be back later.

Pamela Isley

Doctor Isley was working on her research next in her lab next to the garden alone. She wasn't directly involved with the patients or inmates much because she was just a botanist. The only reason she got a job at such a young age was because of her father. Doctor Isley only talked to the patients and inmates. From time to time though she uses experiments with her plants. She was testing if certain plants can help to certain things.

As of now, Doctor Isley was studying a sunflower and how it's instincts tell it to do things. Specifically, how it always faces the sun. Pamela scratched her head but suddenly she heard her door open. She looked up and it was her father as usual.

"Hey, I heard you were researching plants so I took some science juice so you could do some science stuff with it." Mr. Isley held up a vial of liquid.

Doctor Isley thought the vial looked familiar "Where did you get that?"

Mr. Isley shrugged "I found it it some guy's lab."

Pamela recognized it
"That's Doctor Crane's!"

Mr. Isley left leaving the vial before Pamela could say anything else. Now that Doctor Isley had it though she decided to put a milliliter of it on a plant. Another Sunflower. Suddenly right when she did it the plant suddenly died. She left the lab and into the garden and started testing it on other plants. Same results except some slower than others.

What is Crane cooking up in that little lab of his?

Calendar Man

Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go, Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for a living, But the child who is born on the Sabbath day, Is fair and wise and good in every way.
Julian G. Day


A twinge of annoyance crossed the mind of Julian Day at the interruption of the young doctor, his face a mask hiding his emotions behind his cold dead eyes, the only thing he had inherited from his long deceased mother, the hints of a frown forming upon Day's lips. The former murderer attempting to read Langstrom as he would a news paper, taking in every detail before returning his eyes to their previous position upon the face of Doctor Hugo Strange, his left hand curling into what appeared to be a fist, unnoticeable to most but not to the good Doctor Strange, the subtle movement likely telling the man everything he needed to know about the first impression Langstrom had made, Day already taking a disliking to the intern though not for any obvious reason.

"Is this the man you told us about?" Julian thought, his eyes moving to one of the newspaper clippings in the corner of the cell, though his posture remaining the same "is this the man?" the words had pained Day more than the blade of any knife could, the interns ignorance in regards to his identity, flaring up an old anger in Day one stemming back quite sometime, several memories resurfacing "nobody forgets The Calendar Man, greatest killer in all of Gotham City, I shall not have my legacy fade"

Day stood silent for a while, pondering the words of Doctor Strange, still haunted by Langstrum's ignorance, his comment eating away at his like a thousand tiny bats.

"All formalities aside Hugo, I think I have encountered your first problem, now I don't know the man very well but giving Dr Langstrom here the job of a phycologist must be some sort of jest, considering the man is an intern and zoologist, with no background at all in the art of criminal phycology, he may be doing well on the case of... What was his name?" Julian paused, feigning ignorance, he knew the name very well as he did the names of every patient at Arkham and their doctor, the news giving the Asylum a lot of coverage as of late with the change of warden, though he didn't want to seem too knowledgeable, lest they take away his right to news papers "that would be a travesty" he thought "Mr Nassar that was it but I do not think that makes him qualified for such a case"

He paused again deep in thought "Quinzel may be a tad better with a psychiatric background, but she is also still an intern and you know as well as I do that she's crazier than I am" he chuckled, signifying a joke, though one that still held a bit of truth to it "I must admit Hugo this is not quite the crack team I was hoping for, it seems to me that it's more a case of you taking the kids for a walk, what happened to the others? Has Valentin finally been killed by his gluttony? Fries too scared to visit? I wouldn't be surprised after last time, what about Tetch? I would have thought he'd be jumping at this case? And who can forget Dr Crane, I can here them you know, even from down here, the screams I mean, you best invest in sound proofing if you don't want a lawsuit on your hands" Julian smiled, content that he'd managed to get out enough of his anger regarding the Arkham staff, Strange being the only one he considered mildly competent.

"I mean no offence good doctor, but even a psychotic narcissist like myself has qualms about somethings and you know how I do hate nonprofessionals, I do work for free after all and I think I'm allowed to have some standards" he paused for a second "But you know me Hugo, I cannot turn down a friend especially one such as yourself, though I shall need a tad more on this Anarky than his name and the fact that him taking a leadership role in anything shows that he does not know what true anarchy is, the gazette said he had sent a message before hand, though I fear that I am without television in this Asylum"

@AncientWisemon @Yoshiro @Jailbird

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Robert "Kirk" Langstrom

First rule they taught you in basic training: Never let a patient know he got under your skin. Problem was, this patient had indeed gotten under his skin. Several inches in fact. "That's not entirely true, Mister Narcissist. I've studied psychology, it's what I first studied. Zoology and Criminology are just what I excel in." Something Kirk had said must've ticked off this isolated man. "I apologize if I offended you."

The Jokester

||Alexis Sinclair||


After having fallen asleep, Jokester woke up abruptly as the noise started to die out all of a sudden. Groaning at the thought of having to get up again but it was near to unavoidable since she could not just start to live in a corner of the coffee shop. It would be pretty fun to see but not to be in that position. That was not the kind of attention that she was looking for at all. Stretching out her arms in front of her before standing up and walking towards the exit of the shop, not even bothering to say goodbye to the employees as she was not obliged to do so. Plus, it was not like she was suddenly going to turn into one of those goody-two-shoes, aka heroes, that people were talking about these days. It was annoying and it made her want to crush them even more.

Licking her lips before going back up the street, a grin forming upon her lips as she walked around but having this strange feeling as if she was being watched. Humming a children song to herself, which made people turn their heads around for a second opinion, she was dressed up and singing a creepy song. As if she was filming a horror movie but then without all the cameras. It was hilarious to see people flocking around like a chicken without a head. Even more when a bit of chaos would appear out of nowhere. Some would even abandon their own child if they were pushed to the limit. Despicable right? Well, that was one of the beauties from those people, they would prefer rescuing their own lives above others. One step further and it would drive them insane.



Selina didn't even know how long she stood there, waiting for her to walk out of that coffee shop. But she wasn't impatient. She knew the girl had to come out sooner or later, so she just watched the door calmly. The different customers went in and out of the place, and out of boredom, Selina kept the number of them. After a person number 16 walked in, a few seconds later, the door opened up again and, to her surprise, the green-haired girl with a clown make up on her face finally stepped out.


"Excellent.", Selina thought. "Let's see what you got for me." Out of her pocket she took out the mask and put in on her head, to protect her identity. She started climbing up the metal rungs of the fire escape and got up on the rooftop of the building. When she got up, she looked for the girl on the street. She immediately noticed her, since she wasn't ordinary, even in the Gotham which was full of strange people.

"Well, I'm not the one to talk." she thought and laughed softly when she figured out how strange it would seem if somebody saw her up there on a rooftop, with a mask over her face. But she didn't need to worry. Nobody even looked straight in front of them, let alone looked at the rooftops. People were still tired, grumpy, they just walked mechanically, looking down at their own feet, lost in their thoughts.

Selina noticed that everybody was avoiding the girl, moving out of her way. She wondered what was going on. Surely, the girl did look unusual, but that didn't necessarily mean that she was dangerous. So she watched closely and she was surprised when she noticed a huge grin on her face that made her look rather crazy and unstable.

"So, you like going around, scaring people? Tsk tsk, that's not what good clowns are supposed to do."
Selina mumbled under her breath and jumped to the next roof. That was a second freak she needed to find in these last two days. "Penguin, where do you find these girls??" she frowned as she thought how something weird was going on. Well, at least weird-er than the usual stuff that was happening here in Gotham.

She kept following the girl until she, unaware of Selina's presence, led her to the less inhabited part of the city. Selina didn't know if that was where she lived or if she went there to meet with somebody, so she just waited for her to make another move.

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Harleen's morning was like every other one. Get up, admire the scum dying below her feet, quick shower, brush teeth and hair, admire self in mirror, and talk to self in mirror,"Bitch!"


"I'm uncultured!"


"I enjoy these daily conversations!"Then on to a morning workout for a minutes, now off to work. Harleen got dressed before hand, but she had a difficult time choosing between heels, flats, or wedges. She decided on a thicker heeled sandal that appeared very professional, then she was off to work. Before entering the building Harleen pinned her bangs to the back of her head to create a cute, but professional hair style.

Walking to the door that led to room 109, Harleen descended the stairs with ease and poise as not to fall like the people she tends to push down stairs. As always Harleen carried her notebook, tablet, phone, a black pen, and a red pen. Getting to the bottom she observed Julian Day, Hugo Strange Kirk Langstrom have a chat, but it appeared she came in on the heels of the conversation,"Hello Kirk and Prof Strange. Is this the infamous Calendar Man? Or should I say Julian Day, a former employed who excelled in his research and department. It is a pleasure to meet someone with your level of skill, sir, even if you are a current patient." Harleen smiled at everyone and did a shallow bow to Strange and Day.

@AncientWisemon @Yoshiro @Hypnos
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(I apologize to all for the delay, I had some college obligations to do)

prof. Hugo Strange

The arrival of young Kirk certainly caused a commotion within Day, one Strange was not able to miss. He couldn't help but smile at Day's ego, his narcissism being overly evident in a moment where he should have kept his composure. ''
That's Day for you, a superior, manipulative maniac, bending like a pretzel when a child doesn't tremble with fear in front of his reputation'', Strange thought to himself with a self-satisfied but brief smile. He observed Kirk's firm composure; Day was a man who, whether you actually knew of his reputation or not, caused fear in people. It was a phenomenon recorder in psychiatric literature among people in the presence of people with anti-social personality disorder, which is why Strange had gotten used to people showing fear when confronted with Day and which is also why he kept him under isolation. Day's diagnosis, though, was not as simple as that, rather a combination of psychopathy, narcissism and obsessive-compulsion, also quite possibly a borderline personality disorder, which was enough to enhance his notorious reputation. But, Kirk had shown only respect, respect that every young man would show towards an older person, and Strange thoroughly enjoyed this moment, as it wasn't a common sight.

I see that gossip travels fast in Arkham... but I assure you, Julian, that young Dr. Langstrom has shown a remarkable level of knowledge and expertise in dealing with our patients. As for the others, I must admit that both Valentin and Tetch have expressed their intent in taking on this case, but Victor presented a very strong argument to the opposite, stating that the case was not within the scope of their expertise. But, I doubt they would be willing to cooperate with you after the last time. But I am surprised, Julian... Victor Fries, scared? Please! I thought you would have figured out by now that the man is practically incapable of feeling any genuine emotion... let alone fear. I feel some disappointment now'', Strange said, feigning sorrow. He had intentionally ignored Crane, well aware of the rumors related to his experiments, but he would soon trouble himself with that matter. He didn't want to give Julian the opportunity to mock him on that part.


''The team is going to be headed by Victor, but I do not think he'll be visiting much. As you may be aware, he's not very fond of you Julian. I am certain they will succeed'', he added, turning to Kirk. ''Oh, Dr. Langstrom, there is no need to apologize, I am certain Julian is not cross with you. He is just a moody character, nothing else. I am sure he will grow fond of you in due time'', Strange said, mocking Julian and his personality. At that moment, one could see the approach of Dr. Quinzel, another intern with a rather quirky habit of being crazy from time to time; luckily, that was not, at leas not necessarily, a bad trait in this business. ''Dr. Quinzel, good morning to you, likewise'', Strange said, observing Kirk's amorous reaction to her arrival. He couldn't but smirk. ''I would like you too meet Julian Gregory Day, a man whose reputation speaks so well I don't have the need to introduce him more thoroughly. Although a psychotic murderer, our Julian here is proof the thesis that murderers and psychopaths tend to become excellent psychologists, as they observe and admire their fellow criminals. He is not an educated man when our field of expertise is concerned, but he is a knowledgeable man and he can, and has for some time now, provide excellent insight into the mind of other criminals. That is why I have consulted him several times before and that is why I have brought you two to meet him in person. You can learn a lot from him... both about him and about others and I am certain this will prove to be a fruitful experience in your future education and specialisation. He is to be your main consultant in this case and you shall receive a brief course in criminal profiling from him'', Strange explained. ''But, I must warn you. Your visits to him are still restricted and you are not allowed to visit Julian without a senior staff member present. If everyone refuses, you are to wait until and not go by yourselves. Also, he is a manipulator and he will try to enter your minds, scare you and make you do what he wants. This is a fair warning - do not let him enter your minds. Do not allow him to examine you, do not answer personal questions and to not converse with him. He is a dangerous man and you do not have the required training to properly deal with him in such a way. All information you are to provide him is to be connected with the case on hand and nothing else. Do not allow him to feed on his obsession. It could prove to be quite costly. Are we clear on that?'', Strange asked finally, firmly and with authority, observing the two young interns, knowing that Day's ego had gone sky high after such a presentation, but also aware that it was the only possible way to stress out the difficulty of dealing with him.

@Hypnos @Yoshiro @Jailbird
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Robert "Kirk " Langstrom

The confrontation with Day had not rattled Kirk as much as he'd thought it would. The man was true to his profile, which pleased the young doctor greatly. Unfortunately, his mask fell upon the lovely Quinzel's entrance. However, as Professor Strange spoke, his mask once again rose to hide all emotions. He'd made a possibly major mistake, one he might come to regret. If Day had indeed noticed his slip up, he might hold it against him.
Calendar Man

January brings the snow; Makes our feet and fingers glow. February brings the rain; Thaws the frozen pond again. March brings the wind so cold and chill; Drives the cattle from the hill. April brings us sun and showers, And the pretty wildwood flowers. May brings grass and leafy trees, Waviang in each gentle breeze. June brings roses, fresh and fair, And the cherries ripe and rare. July brings the greatest heat, Cloudless skies and dusty street. August brings the golden grain; Harvest time is here again. Mild September brings us more Fruit and grain, for winter store. Brown October brings the last Of ripening gifts, from summer past. Dull November brings the blast: Down from the trees the leaves fall fast. Cold December ends the rhyme With blazing gun fire and Christmas time.
Julian G. Day


"Oh Hugo, I truly am flattered" A smile crept onto Julian's lips as Strange spoke, made ever the larger as he began to describe his mental capabilities, Day was very well aware of the danger that he posed and was proud of the fact that he could be the cause of so much precaution and security measures within the asylum, relishing in the fact that above all he was still considered a threat, a force to be reckoned with and a man that could keep even the great Dr. Hugo Strange on his toes, "The Calendar Man will not be forgotten" He thought to himself, "The Calendar Man shall live to kill another day"

Julian thought over the man's words, thinking very carefully before he made a response, saying naught a word before Strange had finished his little warning, his eyes darting between the two interns with fascination "There's something interesting" he thought "It appears that our good Dr. Langstrom has taken a liking to his young colleague, perhaps the two will hit it off, after all he does like bats and Quinzel is, if anything batshit" His eyes shined with a knowing light, Day allowing himself a mental chuckle for his jape, appreciating his own humour, a slight peculiarity molded from weeks of isolation.

As far as Dr. Fries is concerned I'm happy to say that there is little need for you to fear good Doctor, in fact I think it should be I who is slightly disappointed, Victor Fries incapable of feeling genuine emotion? I thought you'd know better than that, Fries is like diamond, harder than any rock and seemingly incapable of being broken, however hit it in just the right place" He raised a single short finger, tapping it hard against the cold glass of his cell, not enough to cause any serious damage yet just so hard as to cause a visible crack "And it is as brittle as glass, what is her name again? Nora? Yes that was it.121 Wayne Road, Gotham Mrs Nora Elizabeth Fries, I very much resent you for doubting me Hugo, I thought you would have known that a psychotic murderer like myself, would have methods to crack even the toughest eggs"

He let out a little chuckle, turning his attention for a second to Dr. Langstrom his uncontrollable desire to be the smartest man in the room temporarily overpowering his common sense "Mister Narcissist? Aren't you the funny one young man, I am well aware of your study in the field of psychology and your other studies at Gotham University, yet my failure to mention it surely tells you something does it not? I studied art you know? In the business of drawing, painting and even modeling I was unrivaled during my time at school, many said that I would go onto to become a great painter, the next Da-Vinci or Picasso, yet here I am, stuck in a mad house for what can only be described as a plethora of murders. It is not what you studied that concerns me Dr. Langstrom, nor what you will go onto study in the future, I only care about the skills you put to practice use and it just so happens that yours involves the cutting up and mutilation of animals"

He turned his gaze to Quinzel for a second, intending to keep the Dr. Strange waiting before he replied to him in full, aware of the value that the man placed on his time "
Dr. Quinzel it is a pleasure" He made a mock bow from the inside of his cell "It is certainly nice to see a girl who is acquainted with my work, though I fear that for former employee you are thinking of someone else, Mr. Sharpe perhaps? The predecessor to our good Warden Strange, I fear he'll do something stupid now that he's fired though as of now I can't decide whether he'll take his own life or that of another, mayhap it is Dr. Jermiah Arkham of which you speak down in admissions, I fear he is due a psychotic episode any day now, Arkham has a tendency to produce as many crazies as it cures, a fact of which I am sure you are aware" His eyes darted for a second to Dr. Langstrom and then back to Quinzel, his eyes saying everything he needed to get across.

Anyway Hugo back to this team of yours, I truly am fascinated Victor, Langstrom, Quinzel and myself, quite the ensemble you have going on, and though I have expressed my grievances can see the merit of such a team especially in analyzing the mind of this Anarky fellow, though I fear that its potential will be limited, if Fries refuses to be in my presence and the two young ones have to hold Daddy's hand when they visit I can not see much work being preformed, don't be so restrictive Hugo, you know I wouldn't leave even if I had the means to, Blackgate's Gallows frighten me considerably more than I'd like to admit and I don't think I'm allowed to plead insane twice. That is, unless it is not me who you think is at fault..." He left the end of the sentence hanging, content that he'd already made his point.

@Yoshiro @AncientWisemon @Jailbird
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Robert "Kirk" Langstrom

Did he just-

Was he being serious? Cutting up and mutilating animals? Kirk would never do such things to animals. Day, on the other hand, was not to be dealt such clemency.
"Mister Day, while many zoologists do , in fact, hurt the animals they study, I make it my job to never let such atrocities happen to my pets. After all, isn't it my job to continue studying them? Killing them would provide less data than you might think." Already he'd said too much, but he couldn't help himself. His bats were very well taken care of. They had an entire room to themselves in his apartment. He'd even set up many devices to keep them fed and clean.

Bruce Thomas Wayne

Bruce was working late on a certain project when he heard the news talking about Anarky, this new anarchist that was terrorizing the people of Gotham. It's funny how a few explosions can really drive people overboard. "Lucius, I have to go to work. Inform me when the 'project' is completed." Quickly hanging up the phone, Bruce left his home office to finally get dressed for the day. If he was lucky, no one would have booked a meeting with him, and he'd be able to freely investigate more on the anarchist.He pressed a button on his intercom which led to the kitchen. "Alfred, please have some coffee prepared for me when I come down." Bruce stated, not waiting for a reply. His room had been cleaned by Alfred the night before, since he hadn't slept there. His clothes today consisted of a dark blue jacket, some nice black business slacks, and a red tie adorned with his family's crest. His cuffs were clipped with some sort of emblem belonging to one of his companies based in China, and his shoes were made of black leather. All in all, he looked the part of a narcissistic playboy.
Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred was in the kitchen in Wayne Manor trying to get an early start on making breakfast. He had started making breakfast early. He'd always make breakfast too late and start rushing. Better to not rush so he made breakfast a whole lot earlier.

Alfred suddenly heard Bruce Wayne on the intercom.
"Alfred, please have some coffee prepared for me when I come down." he said. Alfred suddenly turned his head towards to coffee-maker, which had already started to make the coffee and waited for a second to get the coffee out. It was a simple coffee with just some cream and sugar but Alfred assumed Master Wayne would like it.

Bruce Thomas Wayne

It was almost twenty minutes later when Bruce headed down the stairs for the kitchen. He noticed Alfred hard at work on some breakfast. "Sorry Alfred, no breakfast today. Lucius and I need to finish up on a contract for the military. I've also been holding off on meeting with Oswald Cobblepot for a few weeks now. The negotiations over that construction site in Germany are nearing completion, but I'm sure he wants to try one last time to buy it off me. I don't blame him, the profits Wayne Enterprises will make off it should bring our Tech department to new heights. He'd be crazy not to try and get in on it."
Harleen had guessed that this man was tremendously dangerous just by the fact that his c ell was on one of the lower floors, while the majority of the other patients had regular cells. Looking at Julian's cell Harleen could see the small crack he had caused and she began to analyze and wonder if he slammed himself in the glass or if he created it by other means. It was painfully obvius that he would never do something like throwing his body at the glass, but how could he cause a crack with nothing but a bed? Did he have a hidden weapon? A hammer? Harleen's thoughts were promptly interrupted by the mention of her name. Snapping back to reality she tried to bring up the conversation, but the only thing she could remember was Prof. Strange saying 'is that clear' and Calendar Man saying that she and Kirk might hit it off,"....That is very clear, but uh....sir, there seems to be a near minuscule crack in the glass; should we be worried?"

"Hahahaha, us with him? The only way that would happen is if he could make bats seem attractive some how! Maybe I can hit his block off!? Being completely honest though, he is cute!"Harley thought to herself.

Harleen looked at Kirk and shook her head,"I think it would be best for you to be quiet." She explaained as she strutted over to him. Even if she couldn't remember what Strange said she could deduce that he gave them a warning. Turning back to Strange and Day Harleen got right back to business,"Now that the introductions are over, and I'm sorry for confusing you with someone else,"Harleen did a apologetic bow towards Julian, then turned to Strange,"What will we be doing today?"

@Hypnos @AncientWisemon @Yoshiro
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"Obviously," she sighed, rubbing her hands together. "I can see that," she hummed, taking a gulp of her own cup. "I dunno. The GCPD kind of slack when it comes to that. Not like I can really insult them for it though," she shrugged. As much as she liked pissing people off, if caught in a stand off with an officer, she'd be shot dead. Better be safe then sorry.

As they traveled into the building, Mattie raised an eyebrow at the amount of security that just the elevator had. Imagine what he could do with a bigger environment. She made a mental note to be prepared if they ever raged against Wayne Enterprises, and to figure out coding or loop holes if Wayne Tech had any to begin with. If he was supplying big companies with this it would turn very problematic on hers and Anarky's end. How would she even begin explaining that she had messed up terribly and now was paying for the consequences of her actions? The questions bouncing around her brain were annoying and giving her a head ache.

Her eyes became even larger if possible from the amount of technology this man uses. Very extravagant and crazy, just for a freaking clothing rack. It did seem that he had almost everything planned out in his mind for any possible action. Mattie nodded, skimming over the dress shirts and pants until she came across the female area. She grabbed a pair of black flats that looked brand new (to disappointment, the flats often caved against the skin near the back of the foot. This always caused Mattie to get a blister or for her foot to start bleeding), a white button up shirt, and (rather hesitantly) a flowy black skirt. She held the clothing items in her hands as she looked for s bathroom to change in and check her phone from the buzzing going off in her pocket. Once spotting a female bathroom she walked towards it, opening and closing the door quietly. Mattie slipped out of her clothing and into the more formal go to rather quickly, grabbing her phone and seeing a text from Lonnie. Oh great, now she got to explain.

"Okay, but uh... I might've fucked up a little..." She texted him, trying to think of the right words to describe her situation.

A guy from Wayne Enterprises recognized me from Oswald Cobblepot's information gathering thing. He offered me a job, or he'd call the cops," That sure seemed like some weird occurrence. Do crimes for a better job then the shitty one you had managed to pull, but have major consequences and secrets held. Catches and blackmail, sounded right about up Gotham's alley.

@One Mean Ghost

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The Jokester

||Alexis Sinclair||


The Jokester just walked further and further, until she encountered a rather abandoned place. Looking around as to see if anyone had followed her though it was not like she was going to freak out over it. Of course she was not just going to give in without a fight, that much she knew. The grin on her lips started spreading and her humming had stopped some time ago already. Only the wind that blew through the place could be heard, almost giving off a haunting atmosphere which had a high chance of making people nervous or anxious. Jokester however did not have any problems with it as she had seen and heard a lot of things in her life already, this was only a minor detail.

Letting out a deep sigh as she looked at the empty building in front of her before taking the ladder that guided her up to the window on the second floor. Opening it up before slipping inside of the apartment. The room had unexpectedly some basic furniture in it that could be used without having to worry about one’s health. Sitting down on the sofa and laying her head back on it so she could stare up the ceiling. Twiddling her fingers up in the air as if she was practicing some kind of magic though that was near to impossible.
”Haaah~ So boring…” She mumbled to herself, closing her eyes as she wanted to rest a bit.



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