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Fandom Gotham: Abandoned Hope

Harleen sat at her desk as her golden locks draped her shoulder as she was going over the the information for on a patient,"Patient #1028 is pyromaniac and a necrophiliac fetish. When he was discovered he was making love,"Harleen said with a slight question in her voice,"to the scorched corpse of his now dead girlfriend....Hmmm....I wonder if these problems are genetic?"Placing the black pen down she proceeded to pick up a red pen and right in her personal journal.

"He could just be an idiot! Seriously, if your gonna do that you could have at least have the decency to move the corpse or dig another one! He is just stupid, then again he isn't smart like me!"Next to Harley's thoughts she drew a small doodle that appeared to be her using the low-life thugs of Gotham as a door mat. As Harley was chuckling to herself she was interrupted by Hugo Strange's voice coming in over the intercom calling for the medical staff to the meeting room.

Harleen pulled her hair up into a bun and pinned it in place, getting up from her desk she turned to leave her office. The young doctor walked with grace and composure, but she this meeting was not scheduled and therfore she knew that it was somewhat important. As Dr.Quinzel entered the meeting hall she looked at Dr.Strange with a small smile,"Hello Dr.Strange, what seems to be the problem?"

@AncientWisemon (I am finally here!)
Crane sat at his work desk, the past few days had been boring as hell. He wasnt able to conduct any tests due to stranges orders and it was driving him insane. He yearned for more explorations into the human physique, but as his luck would usually hold, nothing new or good was coming his way, he sighed as he heard Strange summon him, He walked toward the meeting hall.
Mattie was exactly looking too hot either. She had stayed up for a while in a restless sleep, the chances of her getting a full nights rest already thrown out the window like always. Mattie had actually grabbed two cups of the strongest she could make for herself, and was sipping away as she out plates and silver ware on the correct shelves. Mattie turned around and smiled a little, before a concerning look crossed her features. "Morning Sel..." She tilted her head, taking another large gulp of the second cup of coffee she's had that morning.

"Someone doesn't look too hot," Mattie commented, nodding to Selina's request. She walked over to the coffee maker, putting in the stuff that goes into the strong coffee.

"Want sugar, or milk, or anything to go in it?" Mattie asked, putting her hand under her chin, leaning against the bar. She gently tapped Selina's nose.

"Come on Sel," she groaned. "Smile... Or I will make you with my ultimate weapon," she playfully threatened. Maybe to two cups of coffee was to much caffeine for Mattie.

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The night was already drawing to a close.. He hadn't realized just how long he had spent with Catwoman until he saw the sun creeping up on the horizon. He angled his flight so he returned to his apartment, landing like he always did on the roof. He taped a few of the buttons on his wrist to knock out the cameras, and then made his way into his room.

What came next was so routine he could easily do it, even in his half asleep stupor. He hit the hidden button to spin around his wardrobe before removing his suit, setting it on the special stand before closing it back to normal. After that, he walked over and pressed the button under the nightstand to reveal his special sleep serum. He pulled out the gun like device and held it to his neck, pulling the trigger and dropping the gun back in place, the nightstand automatically closing again as he fell on the bed and instantly fell to sleep.


Dante awoke a short time later, as he always did fully rested. From there, his morning routine took over, leaving him plenty of time for his thoughts. He thought back to the previous night. It had been one he would never forget. Truth be told, Dante never really was much of a socialite. He was very sociable, make no mistake about it, but his luck with women was, well, less than stellar. He could count on one hand how many dates he had been on. Well, after last night he may finally be able to use his second hand to keep score.

After his shower, he pulled on his black slacks and his maroon button up shirt, once again rocking a lovely black and red pattern tie all tied up in an eldridge knot. Last but not least, he pulled on his lab coat and headed out the door, pushing his glasses on as he left. As per usual, his hair was tied back in a half ponytail, which would change to a full ponytail if need be later on. He didn't pay any attention to the headlines. He already knew Vanguard would take a backseat to the Anarky situation, and odds are, the media would spin him being involved since he was seen at the crime. Oh well. He knew full well that the position of a vigilante was always to remain between loved and hated by the people he sought to protect.

Thus far, this morning was going perfectly to routine, which was a nice contrast from the distinct lack of contrast from the day before. Between his date with Catwoman to the interview with Mr. Cobblepot to....

"I'd like a grande white chocolate mocha with caramel and whipped cream pl.....ease...." His words and thoughts cut off at the same time.

He paused. In his daydreamings, he had walked most of the way to work to the coffee shop he frequented every morning. He had even walked all the way up to the counter and it was like his daydream had collided with real life just as he made to place his order. The girl behind the counter, she was talking with another woman but.... It couldn't be, could it?

Dante slowly reached up and pressed a button on his glasses, an image appearing on the lenses for him to see. When the barista moved just right, the image on his glasses matched up perfectly to the woman behind the counter, albeit now she was without the excessive makeup that would have otherwise successfully kept her identity secret.

Now, for Vanguard, it was easy to keep his cool, even in the face of something like this. But so completely had he divided the two that he practically had split personalities. He would have to make a conscious decision to break character. So rather than play it cool, his jaw dropped open just a little as he clicked the image away, gulping a little and ultimately making it painfully obvious that he recognized her, if not by the body language then by the fact he was staring at her... After all, here was a known criminal that had been crazy enough to leap through a glass window... who knows what else she might be capable of.

Perhaps it wasn't such a good thing that he played a part so well...

Perhaps the sole major benefit to playing the part so well was that even Selina, who had spent the better part of last night with him, would not even recognize him like this.

@Juliesweetz @Pleonazam
prof. Hugo Strange

(The medical council in Arkham is still, temporally, held during the night of Anarky's attack. Upon its completion, the time shall skip forward to synchronise with the others. As for the couple of people that haven't been active, there is enough space for them to jump into the meeting.)

''Dr. Quinzel, I wish you a good evening. Please, take your seat, I shall explain everything in a moment's notice'', he said with yet another forced smile, as he directed the young intern to her place. She was also one of the people he liked, having much potential and a very pleasant demeanor while in his presence, but it was an urgent meeting and there was no time for polite chit-chat. As his colleagues took their places, Strange stood up, cleared his throat, gave them all a stern look and commenced. ''Esteemed colleagues, as you know, you have been urgently summoned for a meeting tonight. Although I am aware it is late and some of you were probably on the way home, this is a matter of utmost urgency and I assure you that the time spent here will provide for the lost time'', he began, slowly and strictly, just as it was expected of him.


I presume you have all seen the message sent by the masked person known as Anarky and its consequences. Arkham Asylum has not been affected, but I assure you that the state of Gotham City will reflect on the conditions here in Arkham. Our young prophet, calling himself a savior and taking on the role of a vigilante, is nothing but a messenger of chaos and destruction, a charlatan hiding under a kabuki mask. His agenda is presented to all of you, to all of us, as noble and purifying, but it is a dark message of lawless vigilantism that will ruin the very foundations of this city. Arkham is sure to be affected by it as the City Council is sure to demand a response. Why? We are in charge of such cases and he Council is sure to demand a response or council from us, possibly even a commission to determine its future steps. This is the first reason I have summoned you for. The second is related to Arkham's security. It is obvious that we are dealing with a person suffering from severe narcissistic personality disorder combined with a pathological form of megalomania, possibly deluded and obsessively fixated on his goal. It is obvious that he is targeting Gotham's public institutions and Arkham Asylum is a potential target. Since you've all been able to witness the chaos behind this maniac's work, I am sure you are aware of the potential threats that exist for all of us in the Asylum, the staff and the patients. This is why I would like you to vote for giving me the authority to increase Arkham's security through a contract with Wayne Enterprises, who are the pioneers of Gotham's security at the moment. I think that such a move would only be reasonable in such dreaded times and that the need for it is evident'', he explained.

He gave them all another stern look and took his seat in front of them. His introduction was over and all that was left was the overly formalistic, democratic procedure he wasn't very fond of. But, it was protocol, and protocol had to be respected. ''
I should ask for your opinion now, please'', he added finally.

We should... *grunt*... capture him and incarcerate him here! Such majestic examples should be dealt with with proper care and I am certain I would find a way to rearrange his chaotic little mind!'', exclaimed prof. Valentin with his melodic and feminine, yet deep voice. He was a large man, more resembling a boar than a person, which is why he grunted while standing up. ''It is terrible for him to run free in the city. His... place is among his peers here in Arkham!'', he added. ''I do agree that an intrusion into his mind would be an adequate step to take. It would be frabjous if we could control that chaos, turn the little teacup into a proper mannequin!'', agreed dr. Tetch, whose high-pitched, almost screeching voice filled the hall. ''I should, first and foremost, agree with dr. Strange's proposal for the increase in security. Arkham Asylum is certainly a possible target and it is better to secure these premises before tragedy reaches these walls'', began dr. Fries, cold and rational as always. ''As for the first order of business, I would suggest we form an expert team of three people, at least, in order to produce a professional opinion on this Anarky person. The team would be lead by some of the senior doctors and would act with authority regarding any form of assistance demanded by the City Council. I agree that we are facing an unprecedented threat and it is our duty, as Gotham's mental care pioneers, to handle it with utmost care!'', he concluded, sitting down and nodding to Strange with approval.

I thank the colleagues for their opinion and their suggestions. Do any of the interns have any ideas? Dr. Crane? Dr. Langstrom? Dr. Quinzel?'', Strange asked.
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Mattie put the coffee in front of Selina, already making jokes, like she always did. "This is fine. The stronger the better." she answered to her question. "And It looks like you already took your dose of caffeine for today." she said, noticing that Mattie was already hyperactive. But that did make her smile so she added playfully: "I need to find some new friends." and laughed softly. She took a sip of her coffee, and she immediately felt the warm liquid warming her up. "So, did you manage to survive the night without my company?" Selina asked, teasing her.

While the two of them talked, the door of the coffee bar opened up and another customer walked in. Selina didn't turn around to see who it was, but she did stop talking so Mattie could take the order. She noticed the voice belonged to a man, and he was ordering something that sounded like a diabetes in a cup, but suddenly he stopped talking, and Selina looked up to see what was wrong.

She saw a young man standing by the bar and staring at Mattie. Selina immediately tensed up, not knowing what his problem was and if she should do something to protect her friend from the possible danger. But the unknown man didn't show any sings of violence so she just figured out that he was some weirdo that didn't know how to act around the girls.
"This place if full of strange people." she thought to herself as she turned her gaze back to the shelves behind the bar and took another sip of her coffee.


@One Mean Ghost
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Crane sat in a chair in the great hall and pondered to himself for a few moments. He didnt really care about this Anarky person on a threat level, but he wanted to get a physiological look at him, as well as unmask him, find out who this guy really was, he hated curiosity, which this man had filled him with. "Why dont we catch this Anarky figure ourselves?" he asked. "We have the resources and minds to do it after all, and id like to go to bed knowing I wont be blown up at work."
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Who would think that such a bright morning could arise from those ashes?'', Oswald thought to himself as he was dressing, observing Gotham's sunny skyline from his penthouse. Despite all of the turbulences of last night's dramatic flow, he had managed to get several hours of sound sleep, which enabled him to work without any problems. Not that he was used to much sleep, but it was enjoyable getting those several hours every once in a while. His mind rushed trough his agenda, which was packed as always, but there was a specific order, based mostly on priorities and estimated duration, to his schedule and he really enjoyed it that way.

He made his way to his office, greeting Butch and his colleagues along the way. ''
The window's been fixed? Oh yes, I quite forgot! Bruce Wayne was here last night. With so much going on, I can't seem to remember all of it'', he thought to himself, smiling at his sclerosis. Drinking his morning coffee, Oswald Cobblepot browsed through the news; his usual morning routine before doing some serious work. There were three points of interest that day, although one was a surprise even for him. A report by one of his managers, but he had no idea whatsoever what it was about. Being a man of knowledge, he decided to put this unknown report first. It was a printed out e-mail sent in the early morning hours from his main Iceberg Casino, not far from a local Starbucks coffee shop. It was personally sent by Freddy Caan, the manager of the casino and one of his most trustworthy associates.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Frederick Caan (f.caan@iceberg.com)


Mr. Cobblepot,

it has come to the attention of one of my guards that a woman resembling A.S. was seen in the Starbucks coffee shop, across the street from the Casino. We were not able to confirm the sighting as it was just before the explosion. She used the chaos and disappeared, but the guard was fairly certain it was her. There aren't many people dressed like that around town. We have been able to make a couple of photographs, but they are, sadly, black-and-white and quite blurry, as they have been taken from a distance. I am sorry for delivering such scarce information, but that is unfortunately all we could obtain in such circumstances.

The photographs have been added as attachments to this mail.

We shall continue to monitor the situation and inform you if anything comes up.


F. Caan

Oswald had not expected his morning to start like this. The colour was completely drained from his face, his blue eyes lingering like a light source behind a piece of pale cloth. Although he had given the orders personally and although he was ready for such information, each sighting caused such a reaction, making the importance of this task obvious. She has returned, it seemed and Oswald wasn't completely sure he was ready for her, at least not at this moment. He missed her, he wanted to see her, but at this time and not knowing how her psyche would react, he wasn't sure whether he was ready.

He opened the documents sent with the mail. Caan was certainly correct in describing them; two long-distance shots, one from the back and one with a slightly visible face. His heart started beating faster as he was more secure with every passing moment that it was her. ''
So, Alexis, it seems you have returned... why? Is it because of me? Or do you have a score to settle with Gotham herself?'', he spoke quietly, asking himself. This was not good, but he did not allow himself to be destabilised before and he would certainly not allow for it to happen now. He'd never call on Penguin so early, it wasn't the bird's style to operate at this hour, but such situations called for quick actions. He called Cat again. ''Cat, I will be sending two blurry photos in a moment. It's not much to work with, but I want that person found. You'll have several days before I contact you again. No questions, no conditions. Do whatever is needed, just do it! You will receive a bonus on your payout if you do it quickly'', he said with a authoritative voice, not like his usual demeanor. ''There is not time. She has to be found and she has to be found quickly. Who knows what's going through her head right now'', he thought to himself as he was sending the photos to Cat. He had no time for discussion; she would accept the task, regardless of his demeanor, knowing what would happen if she refused, which meant that there was no actual need for courtesy at this time. This task was done. Penguin flew off once more.

His second task was quite similar, although not so important on a personal level. The little monster, calling herself Wither, had to be found. He'd already informed DA Mairre about her connection with Anarky and his gang, but he was not sure if that was enough. He needed a more swift reply, a more concrete reaction to this little threat. ''
But, I can't just send Butch and his men to search for a girl whose real identity I don't know... they'd look like escaped gorillas... no, this needs an institutional reaction, something precise and by the books. Plus, I need more information, but that is completely different matter'', he thought to himself as he was pondering his possibilities in this situation. There was not much he could do so he decided to do the only logical thing. He took his phone and dialed the number. ''Hello, Oswald Cobblepot speaking. May I speak to Chief Inspector Gordon, please? If he could come by my office in the Iceberg Lounge, I might have some useful information about last night's attack. Yes, thank you, much obliged'', he finished the call and with it his second task.

And finally, the offers sent by Wayne Enterprises regarding his dealings with Wayne and Enferno. He was not an expert in surveillance systems and computer science, which is why he had all his dealing reviewed by foreign experts. If an offer didn't pass their standards it meant it wasn't the best possible offer and that just wasn't good enough for Oswald. Yet, this time, his experts only had words of praise for Dante's offer, which finally drew a smile on Oswald's face, after several stressing matters. Although he had given Wayne Enterprises a couple of days to arrange it all, the situation in Gotham called for a quicker response, which is why Oswald took the liberty of calling Dante a little earlier as planned. ''
Mr. Enferno, Oswald Cobblepot speaking. How are you this fine morning? Well, I trust? Listen, I took the liberty of obtaining your personal number from your boss last night, I hope you don't mind. I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't urgent. You've surely seen the explosion last night and, related to that, I was wondering whether we might quicken the realisation of our deal? I've reviewed your offer and I am extremely satisfied with it and I'd like to get it started as soon as possible. I was wondering whether you'd be able to come by my office now or later today? If you haven't eaten yet, we could have breakfast together. What do you say?'', Oswald asked in a friendly manner, feeling completely relaxed after a rough start.

(And yes, @One Mean Ghost , I've intentionally added both Gordon and Dante so you'd create the former, finally :P You know how Oswald likes his schedule :P )
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Harleen looked at Prof. Strange as she took her seat. He was her superior at Arkham and in the psychology field, and as such she holds him in high regards, but the others she could careless about. Prof. Strange explained the situation dealing with Anarky;he was causing havoc across Gotham for his misguided crusade. Harley hated the madman because she has been mistaken for one of his lackeys to many times and she hated it. Under the guise of Quinnet she had not made a name for herself, she only went out as the flexible villain to have fun, illegal fun!

"Hmmm...Well, for one: saying that we should capture is nothing but a frivolous dream. How can you say we should capture him without a plan, because obviously the GCPD can't get a grip on him or even a hint of his where abouts. Dr.Pig--,"Harley chuckled to herself,"I mean Dr. Valentine and Dr. Tech, your idea is not as easy as you thought, now that I have said,"Harleen undermined her superiors without remorse and with a smile her face. Their idea was stupid and idiotic,even though she would also enjoy picking his brain, but their plan had not an ounce of base.

Looking back at Prof Strange and Dr. Fries she smiled,"ON the security I say it would be wise to accept help from Wayne interprises, but it would shrew of us to do it under a sort of cover;instead of the Wayne security just coming in it would be best to bring them in undercover. Place them in as the regular security guards, new patients, and/or new interns. That way if Anarky chooses to attack Arkham Asylum we will have security he does not have a single clue about as long as no one here speaks of it. Also if Dr. Valentine and Dr. Tech still wish to pursue their dreams of capturing Anarky, then I suppose we should send in a spy to get close to him!" Harleen smiled as she finished her explaination and looked from Dr. to Dr., intern to intern, and then finally resting on Prof Strange.

"Hey! If I could, I would be pouring this coffee into my mouth right now and somehow make it look really sexualized," Mattie laughed, shaking her head. "Maybe I have had to much caffeine..." She mumbled, looking back to the coffee created machine then back to Selina. She 'whooped' her hands up in the air when the laugh escaped and smile. "My mission has been completed! I, the amazing Mattie, have made you smile," her goofy attitude never faltered as she kept up her jokes and onus to Selina, some of them being incredibly bad and some of them being totally stupid. It was comedy, not gold, but funny.

"Hmm, too bad. I'm the best you got," she winked playfully. "Plus, that sounds like a personal problem," she smirked, throwing small grains of salt in the air. "What a salty thing to say about me. I really took that to heart, the insalt does hurt me," Mattie grinned at her.

"Oh yes, it was extremely lonesome. I was dying," she playfully pounded her fist against her chest. "I guess you could say I was really bonely," Oh god, how cringe worthy that pun was. "But I somehow made it out without a bone scratched," She knew how horrible these were, but didn't care the less (even if her employer would yell at her to shut up from the other room, or during break. She could really attract an audience of co-workers if wanted). "But you must be a coffee, I still like you a latte even when you left me to fend for myself," in a platonic way of course with the liking.

Mattie turned her attention to the costumer, getting out a small pad and paper without really looking up. She quickly copied it down (too lazy to move over to the cash register) until he suddenly stopped talking. Mattie's head perked up, seeing the guy she had given a practical lap dance too. Shit. She just needed to keep her cool and not freak the hell out over this.

"Um... Sir?" She mumbled, waving a hand in front of his face. "Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost. Maybe you should go into an elevator to lift your spirits," the worst time to do puns was now, and she had to act natural. She gave a cheesy smile.

@One Mean Ghost @Pleonazam

Did she.... really just make a pun that lame?... It eased him just a little bit, his body relaxing if only a little bit as his gaze never left her. "I.. um... Maybe I should.... I think I.... Might need to make a call...." He rambled on, pushing his glasses firmly on his face as he moved sideways, never turning his back on her as he made his way towards the bathroom. His heart was racing in his chest. There was absolutely no doubt, this was the woman from before, and the police would probably LOVE to hear where her day job is...

The more collected side of him didn't really want to turn her in. He wondered what information she had gotten from Cobblepot, and frankly, her skills could be useful to Vanguard. However, if he didn't report her, it would look incredibly suspicious on Dante, and he couldn't afford to do anything to draw suspicion to himself. He had to play this like the cowardly genius this persona had become, and that meant calling the police as soon as he made it into the bathroom.

That is, if Mattie allowed him to get that far before intercepting him.

So many thoughts ran through his head now. He hadn't even gotten a good look at who she was talking to. If she came after him.. What would he do? If he fended her off, it would be breaking the character he had tried so desperately to build up. If he didn't, well, he could wind up dead. This was a very precarious situation he really had not anticipated happening. After all, who would have thought one of Anarky's minions would be working at a Coffee shop frequented by Gotham's "finest"?

The Bathroom was in sight. If he got inside, he could make the call. Or would he get intercepted by the woman behind the counter?...

The man mumbled something and continued staring at Mattie. Selina turned her gaze back at him and shook her head in disbelief. “Just ask her out, dude.” she thought to herself. “Men”.

As she was thinking about how the unknown man was hopeless, her phone suddenly rang. “Who could be calling me so early in the morning?” she mumbled under her breath, still feeling sleepy. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. She was surprised when she saw who the caller was. Was it something wrong with her delivery? She stood up, pointed at the phone for Mattie to see, hoping that she’d realize she needs to take the call, went to the toilet and locked herself in.

“Yes?” she answered.

Penguin talked fast. He didn’t even let her cut in the conversation. Selina frowned, listening to his task. Something was wrong. He explained everything to her, like always, but, this time, he hung up without waiting for her answer. She stood there, staring at her phone and feeling confused. This wasn’t the way he usually operated his jobs. He sounded like he was stressed, angry… scared? She was going to do it, of course. He was her loyal client, and she would finish this job, too.

“Man, I can’t believe”, she thought to herself, standing in the toilet and waiting for the message with the pictures. “ I just did one job few hours ago. Not this again. I didn’t even finish my coffee and I already got one call.” Her phone buzzed again and she opened the message. The pictures were, indeed, poor quality, and she couldn’t figure out much, but it was enough.

She decided to go out of the toilet, and finish her coffee. She thought that at least she had time for that. But she was wrong. She got out and noticed that there was another person in the coffee house whom she didn’t notice before. It was a girl who seemed to be asleep at the table. Selina couldn’t see her before from the place where she was sitting, because she was at the table that was behind a bookshelf, so she was well hidden. Selina smiled, thinking how it would be great if she could just fall asleep like that.

She examined the girl. She looked like she was at some kind of party the night before. Her face was relaxed, covered in some kind of make up, her green hair all over the place and her clothes ... Her clothes matched the clothes of the girl in the pictures! Selina checked the pictures again to make sure. She was now convinced that the girl in front of her was the one she needed to find.

“This is some kind of joke. I’m basically stealing Penguin’s money. It’s just too easy!” she thought to herself and rolled her eyes. “Well, I better get going.” she mumbled and went back to the counter. She couldn’t find Mattie, so she just put the money on the counter at got out. She crossed the road and walked in an alley that was across the Starbucks.

Her plan was to wait for the girl to get out of that place and then to follow her. She couldn’t exactly kidnap her in the middle of the coffee house.

While she was waiting, she got out her phone and texted Mattie to explain where she went.

“Sorry, I had to go, I have to do something important. I couldn’t find you so I just got out. Maybe we can meet later? Oh, P.S. - Stop drinking coffee!”

She pressed send and put her phone back in the pocket of her jacket.

All she could do now was wait.


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Mattie cursed quietly, mumbling an apology to Selina and something about "My boss will kill me if we lose another daily costumer," as her lame-ass excuse. Mattie quickly ran up to Dante, her grip remaining gentle as she snagged his arm. She had to play it innocent, and if he didn't buy it, the threats she would do to ruin his Wayne Enterprises reputation would start to flow out of her mouth.

"Sir, please! My boss will fire me if we lose another costumer, and I really need this job..." Her expression was pained with fear, knowing that she might actually lose her job (but she didn't care much about that. Wither could drop in and convince the red neck other wise) and that this asshole could potentially tell her identity to Gotham Police. That can't happen, the plans were not even putting into play yet. After seeing that Dante wasn't buying it, she leaned into his ear.

"I swear to god if you call the police I will make a goddamn scene. I will make it look like you shoved me into the bathroom, and it will scream bloody murder that someone is you are trying to rape me. I mean, c'mon, who are they going to believe? A small blonde girl who works at a coffee shop, or a tall guy who works as security for one of the shadiest companies with one of the worst backgrounds known to man," It was hissed, and tight, but her expression of fear never faulted. It still looked like she was pleading for him to just buy some damn coffee to save her small job. She hoped this worked, because boy, did she want to have a conversation with him over coffee. Mattie could ruin his reputation, and Wayne Enterprises if she really tried.

@One Mean Ghost

@Pleonazam ( I'll reply to the text thingy later)

Dante's body actually shook in her grasp as she grabbed him. Although she could no doubt feel the muscle tone under his lab coat, his whole body language made her plan to frame him look shakier than he was. When she spoke about framing him, his quivering at least slowed down enough for him to speak. "Working security?... Why on earth would I do something dreadful like that?! I'm head of New Technologies Research! Why do you think I'm wearing a labcoat?!" he whispered back to her, seeming to understand the need to keep things on the down low for his own safety.

"As for who they'll believe... I'm pretty sure they'll believe the one wearing a wire..." He managed a shaky smile as he watched her. Unfortunately for Mattie, other women had tried similar tactics as a get rich quick scheme before, and he had taken to keeping a small microphone in his glasses recording at all times for JUST such an emergency... Of course, there was no way for her to know that was where the wire was. Most would assume it was a tape recorder strapped to his chest. Now, many would assume that keeping a constant wire was just him being paranoid. But given his night job, it was quite understandable.

He pushed his glasses back on his face as they threatened to fall off as he watched her, still trembling in her grasp. It was almost comical, to see a guy his size scared shitless of a girl hardly half his size... But of course, her chances of blackmailing him and Wayne Enterprises were quite shot now. If he was wearing a wire, her threat just got recorded, meaning he had even more ammo against her.

That meant she'd need to try a different approach if she wanted to keep her identity from reaching Gotham PD.

Mattie deadpanned, gritting her teeth against her own in thought. "Okay, technology, sorry," she mumbled with sarcasm. Not the best tone of words, was it? After hearing the wire being attached to his body, her features filled to the brim with panic. She needed to calm her nerves, knowing that she could snag her way out of the situation she had gotten herself in. This didn't stop the constant cursing in her head as well. She just needed to think wisely, something the blonde was not known for at all. The smile he shared with her only made her feel worse about the situation. What type of person even wore a wire on themselves twenty-four seven?!

"Okay," she mumbled, knowing she had just screwed herself over. "I don't have many threats left in my stash. If you consider it a stash, anyways. But just consider this. I'm trying to help the citizens of. Gotham, make this city great. Just like Vanguard and Anarky. Vanguard is doing what the GCPD can't, killing off criminals. Anarky just took down a orphanage with a hell of a bad reputation. I helped with that, and the kids who seemingly were just dumped on the streets are under my goddamm care. I'm sure you have some common sense screaming out to run away right now and go straight for the a Police Department, and saying that I'm a blazing idiot who just needs to shut the hell up, but you gotta see it from my side too," Maybe that was more convincing than her threat. "Just ignore that I threatened you by the way," she rushed out with a nervous and tense chuckle.

Mattie could only see the worse happening in this situation. Her going into handcuffs, the new red neck commissioner Naomi Halfhill interrogating her on what she knew of the Anarky and Vangaurd case. Mattie going to prison. To say the least, it scared her. The thought of being confined. Sure, she'd be one badass cell mate and she would make it through prison easily (with all of the tough chicks who can supposedly 'fight'), but it still scared her of being locked away. She could easily escape, she had thought it out before. Lonnie would break her out if push comes to shove. Right?

@One Mean Ghost

Dante couldn't help but wonder if this woman just didn't know when to shut up. She knew he was wearing a wire, and had just openly admitted to being involved with Anarky, helping in the explosion that destroyed the orphanage. At this rate, he'd know all of her secrets in the span of a few moments... As it would happen, her having such loose lips may just have saved her from Gotham PD. After all, Vanguard could use her as an informant. He had to pick his words carefully now...

His body still shook just a little still, no change evident in his demeanor whatsoever. "Yeah, Gotham's really gone to the shitter lately... Why do you think I got involved in New Tech Research? I work to develop better security systems to try and make things safer for people..." he breathed, his gaze shifting around nervously as it had since she grabbed him. "You say the kids are under your care now?.... Maybe... maybe we can work something out..." he breathed, still shaking quite nervously.

Dante wouldn't be so heartless as to leave the kids with no one watching them, and at the same time, Vanguard needed this one as an informant on Anarky. He took a deep breath to compose himself.. "I think I may have a solution that will help both of us... I'm going to assume you really do care about the kids, despite your... language... about them..." He grimmaced a little. "I'll need an advisor on the project. I've never had any kids, so I wouldn't know the first thing about building an orphanage... How to make it so secure a gnat couldn't get in without me knowing, I can do, making it kid friendly.... I'm at a bit of a loss...." He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"In a nutshell... If you come work for me.... I'll 'forget' what I just heard... It pays better than a barista, I can tell you that much... How fast can you type?" He asked, his shaking slowly stopping as this seemed to turn from a confrontation into a job interview.... Now, it would seem incredibly foolish to let someone known to be working for Anarky come work for him, but in truth, it was all part of a master plan...

"I meant it in a protective way with the kids. You learn from experience," she mumbled to herself, letting to of his arm hesitantly. She hadn't realized it, but her grip had started to tighten from the gentle one she had once first confronting him. Why was he talking about a project to build a new orphanage now? Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head at his proposal to solve the ordeal, more like her own problem with it. Was he serious? If he was, this guy was probably even crazier than herself. She didn't honestly care about him knowing about Anarky if he had recognized her already as Wither. Pieces would be out together when she would be witnessed doing the plans and acts involved around Anarky, and obviously he'd piece two and three together. That would probably just make her situation even worse if she had managed to convince him to keep his mouth shut with the threat (obviously in which backfired). The worries of going to Blackgate faded away as a new opportunity arrived. Was he seriously offering her a job? That was a major twist to the original reason she had quickly came over to stop. It seemed to be the best option out of what she had waltzed herself into, however it would definitely effect Anarky's plans in the long run somehow.

"I'm a fast typer. Forgetting means disposing of evidence too, y'know," She implied that she'd like him to delete what ever he had picked up on the microphone, as if she wasn't in knee deep in shit enough. Indeedy do, she didn't know when to keep her trap shut. He had the information stored in his memory anyways. It's not like he'd easily forget being threatened and then pleaded with. The blonde did have a smooth tongue when needed. Mattie enjoyed working at Starbucks however; she got to see Selina often and goof around with her and consumed a crap ton of coffee that was left over from the day or she just got bored during the day and made. Obviously, the caffeine really started to take in effect as she bouncing her one leg against the ground. She'd have a crash some time or later, since she'd drink more of the coffee and probably down the whole thing if she was able too. Not the best thing to do in the world and it wasn't like she would actually do it; we're just speaking theoretically. Theoretically if she got a new job, she could do it. Oh joy, the regrets he'd have fore hiring her.

@One Mean Ghost
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"I won't be deleting it. I need insurance to be sure you won't try anything. If Anarky comes for Wayne Enterprises, you'll be in jail before you realize what hit you... Look at it this way. You get to help the kids, make more money, and you don't have to go to jail. All I ask in return is that you help me with this project and do the job I'm offering you..." He murmured, his voice calmer now that he was more in control as he watched her through his glasses.

He tapped something on his wrist, just out of the corner of her vision. "I'm afraid you'll need to give me an answer now... I just started a timer. You have one minute to give me an answer, or the audio of your confession is going to be sent via email straight to the Commissioner..." he murmured biting his lip nervously. He was well aware he was playing with a cobra. It was a bluff, he couldn't send it via email like that, unedited. But of course, she didn't know that, and given he already had her recorded, she couldn't exactly afford to gamble it.

Although Dante looked scared, nervous, even unsure about this whole deal, on the inside he was already planning ahead. Every contingency, every possibility, carefully planned. Little did Mattie know it, but she had just become a pawn not just for Anarky, but for Vanguard. Well, not exactly a pawn, more like a bishop. One that moved across the board dangerously and could strike at any time. Regardless of her answer, she had just become a part of Vanguard's game. Her answer would just dictate his next move.

Oh, she was being played and she did not like it. She really didn't have much of a choice. She knew that from how he was getting at, he had a lot more information he was letting on about himself. He couldn't have just come up with the proposition right out of blue. He knew how to manipulate and play people into rightful positions. Mattie hated this. She cracked her knuckles, the pops sounding quite loudly. "You can't send it directly to her email anyway. Unedited, scratchy feedback would get on the Commissioners nerves for sure," Mattie mumbled, her nose twitching in dislike. The blonde, as dumb as she seemed, knew many things. "Well I guess you could just put me on strings and call me a puppet. I have no real choice but to accept," Mattie mumbled in defeat. She would turn the game around some point, and become more than just a Bishop. In fact, she'd probably just slam the chess board onto the floor in aggravation. (Mattie didn't spend her time relying on chess to train, she didn't really focus on the strategies. Bottom line, she didn't know how to play chess) Mattie was already in the game whether she liked it or not. She could go to prison, or she could assist in building a new home for the orphanage and... What had he called it? Advisor.

As they talked, Mattie knew there was more to this man. She could just tell from the feeling she got around him. A feeling that she despised in ever way, but couldn't pinpoint a direct end. She hated being a pawn of any game anyways. She rubbed her eyes, trying not to spear her mascara and eyeliner with a inaudible. If she had no choice in this, she'd make it hell for him either way. She makes anything hell for anyone in some way, shape, or form.

@One Mean Ghost

"Well... come on then... we'll get you started today..." He murmured, still avoiding her eyes. He really didn't have the body language of someone who was a shrewd, clever, and manipulative mastermind. He seemed just like some eccentric genius that just figured out a way to keep himself from getting killed. As if on cue, his glasses slipped off of his nose and he cursed, reaching around the ground blindly for them. When at last he found them, he stood back up, slipping his glasses back on. "Sorry about that..." He murmured, a faint blush coming to his cheeks.

He cleared his throat. "So... umm... let's go.." He murmured, trying to salvage some of his dignity as he turned to start walking, completely forgetting that he had ordered coffee when he walked in here. In an instant, any possibility of him being some sort of mastermind went out the window. Odds are, that had just been a very bold attempt to save his own skin. He was quite clearly scared of her. Given his position, it's no small wonder he could come up with something like that on the fly. From an outside perspective, it would seem like he was just a cowardly klutz that did whatever it took to save his own skin.

After all, if he did turn her in, she would likely just kill him out of spite and flee the city before Gotham's 'finest' got to her. Really, the only option he really had was to give her an incentive not to hurt him... Keeping her confession under lock and key and giving her a well paying job seemed like the best option at the time.

Mattie gave a soft groan. She was actually doing this,going through with sort of being blackmailed, and taking a job at Wayne Enterprises. That was a major step up from Starbucks, and probably would take some time thinking of explanations if anyone questioned her about it. "Hold on for a sec," she walked back into the coffee shop, taking off the apron and cap she was wearing while working at the café. She took out a piece of paper, scribbling down a note to express that she was quitting the job.

Okay, so, obviously, I'm not at my post anymore. Got some stuff to do in my life, so I quit. Heh, suckers.

Her handwriting was a big, and bold. The etiquette and formality in that quitting note wasn't there, nor did Mattie care to put any sugar coating on her words. She tapped the pen against the counter, quickly heading back out with another cup of coffee in her hands. She checked her phone quickly as she caught up to Dante. Upon seeing Selina's message about her with no more caffeine, Mattie snorted, choking a little on the liquid she had just drank. Maybe she did have a small problem with it, but it was one of her true loves. She held two cups actually, quickly making the on he ordered. Mattie gently tapped him, handing him the cup. "You seemed to forgotten your coffee. And as I am not a responsible adult and made another for myself, I snagged it before I left the counter," she mumbled, taking another sip of her own. She used the cup to majorly cover her features as she walked, zipping up her hoodie to cover her from the morning air. The coldness of the mornings weren't nice at all in Gotham, matching exactly to the nipping at night time if you stood in one place to long.

"What... Specific job did you give me? I've never really worked in an office before," she stated the truth bluntly, again, seeing no need to sugar coat it. If he was going to teach her anything, and learn anything, first step is that Mattie doesn't do much for formalities and sugar coating. "I'm Mattie by the way. Mattie Perkins,"

@One Mean Ghost
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"Since you'll be working for me... My name is Dante. Dante S. Enferno. Yes, my parents had a sense of humor..." he chuckled softly, wondering if she'd get the reference to the book he was so named for. "And no, the S doesn't stand for anything." he added chuckling softly as he just barely kept his glasses from making another appearance on the floor. "oh... thank you..." His cheeks lit up again when she offered him the coffee(if you could call it that) he had ordered before and completely forgotten about.

"As for your job... I was going to suggest secretary, but I'm not sure having you answer my calls would be the best idea...." he murmured scratching his chin thoughtfully as he sipped on his beverage. Given her rather blunt nature, handling high profile clients probably wouldn't be the best position for her. No, he could already see a thousand ways that would bite him in the ass quite righteously. Given his position, he could just as easily completely make up a position for her on the spot and no one would ask any questions. He was notoriously eccentric, so people rarely questioned him. "I guess the general term for it would be office assistant." he decided. "In the simplest terms, you basically just do whatever I tell you to do" he shrugged. "Mostly it'll be doing data entry for me, running documents around the office as needed, preferably without hurting your coworkers, Keeping me on my schedule, that part is rather easy, I'm usually pretty good about keeping on track. Mostly you'll just need to smack me upside the head to remind me if a meeting is coming up while I'm in the middle of a big project." he remarked thinking over her obligations. Really, the job was self explanatory. It wasn't terribly difficult, but it would require her to show a bit more class than a hoodie... In this position, her more blunt nature would be useful. It would get her job done faster.

"Though, it will require you to dress up a bit. Not to worry though, Wayne Enterprises has a full set of work apparel on standby. Something I implemented, actually. Far too often something gets spilled just before a big meeting" he shook his head, remembering all the times he'd spilled something very stain causing on himself just before an important meeting. For that reason, there was a supply of clothes ready and waiting should such an instance arise. Sure, it may not fit perfectly, but it would make her look like an office worker instead of a barista rather perfectly.

She smiled a little, her own humor not exactly showing in the situation. Could you blame her? "No problem," she mumbled, not commenting on his name even though she did get the joke. Mattie looked to her feet, wearing Uggs boots over top of black leggings. Underneath her hoodie she had a white turtle neck, which was a little more dressy. Her outfit didn't scream professional, but it also didn't scream that she had no clue what she was doing.

"Okay, wow. You don't trust me to much, do you?" She mumbled as his whisper of hurting her coworkers would go down. It was obvious why he wasn't so trustworthy of her, but give the blonde a little faith. Mattie probably would try to keep to herself then to really draw attention, knowing she'd look like a fool enough with being a new employee. She'd say some things out of line from her own anger here and there, yet everyone got frustrated eventually.

Mattie listened to him talk about her position in the office. It didn't sound that difficult, and she knew it pay more then working at Starbucks. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. It would be bad, but not as much as she was thinking it would be. Her mind just over thinking situations.

"Dress up?" She repeated, looking down at her clothing again. "Do I have to wear a pencil skirt? ... Or any type of skirt at all?" Now Mattie was recalling why she disliked jobs at offices. The formal dress code they had to keep up. She hated walking around in high heels to long, or wearing a skirt of some kind and walking around like there was a stick up her ass. If anything, she'd just put on flats, black jeans and/or leggings, and some dress shirts she'd have to purchase at the store sometime later. Did turtle necks count as formal clothing?

@One Mean Ghost
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"Actually, that comment is because half of my colleagues are, for lack a better term, blundering idiots..." He muttered shaking his head. "I frankly wouldn't blame you for clocking one or two of them.. They're downright insufferable sometimes." He shook his head as he walked down the street with his new office assistant in tow.

"A skirt? well it's not required per se, but you've got the legs for it if that's what you're worried about" he shrugged his shoulders. "You can get by with some nice pants and a button up shirt though. I mean, I'm not exactly Mr. Fancy myself" He shrugged. He was wearing black jeans, a button up shirt and tie, and a white labcoat thrown over it and left unbuttoned entirely. Clearly he wasn't too much of a stickler for fancy. But at the very least, leggings might be a tad inappropriate, even if several of his male coworkers would highly approve of it... Yeah, he could see her cold-cocking a few of the grab-happy bastards...

About that point, his phone went off, and he answered it, surprised to hear Mr. Cobblepot on the line. "Oh yes, Mr. Cobblepot, I heard the explosion from my home too" he cast a meaningful glance at Mattie, since she had made it well known she was involved. "Yes, I can have your order installed today. I'll be down there in an hour or two. I haven't even quite made it to the office yet and I need to get start of day affairs going before I can get my team down there. We should have your new system installed by the end of the day, providing your previous electricians didn't butcher your wiring...." He added. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline breakfast this time.. I'll be over as soon as I get things rolling at the office. Thank you again for choosing Wayne Enterprises" He ended the call, looking over to Mattie as he sipped his coffee. Only, he didn't have the opening by his lips, and he poured a generous amount of the caramel colored liquid right on his shirt. He sighed. "This, this right here, is why I have clothes on standby at the office..." he grumbled adjusting the cup before taking an actual drink of it.

@Juliesweetz @AncientWisemon
"Really?" She mumbled, sipping her coffee slowly as she walked with him. This would be one hell of a walk to get to the office. "Why do you hire them then?" Mattie pondered. Mattie would seem idiotic sometimes, but that's just her being her. She'd probably be late every once in a while until her schedule would adjust to a Office Assistant ratio. Or if she's out preparing for certain ordeals. Mattie didn't mind much if she got fired, it wouldn't be like her quitting. He couldn't exactly break their deal like that just from a few mistakes either. Maybe once he trusted her enough, he'd finally delete the recording and move on with it. He surely couldn't dangle it over her head forever like some scared child clutching their favorite toy car for life.

"I'll stick to pants, please and thanks," Mattie nodded her head. At least it wasn't a complete stress over looking formal. It be easier on her part for what to wear to the office. Were leggings considered appropriate? Her leggings were black, not showing any skin and thick (not at all like tights, but still flexible and comfortable). She didn't want any guys eyeing her areas, but in all cliché office work placed, there would be a creep staring where they shouldn't be. She shouldn't get in trouble for slapping a asshole when needed, right? It's self defense in a womanly way. She could do much worse than slapping anyways. As long as she doesn't severely injure a co-worker, than she'd be alright.

Mattie made it loud and clear that she had rolled her eyes, moving her head to it from the meaningful stare she got when the explosion was mentioned. "I don't see how you trust that guy. He's up to some bad things," she mumbled after the phone call was over with. Mattie was planning on causing more hell upon him, but seeing that Wayne Tech was installing a new and better security might slow her roll. Matter of fact, if she was an assistant, she could look into any file she wanted to figure out the type of security precautions that a certain building had if supplied by Wayne Tech. This was a huge plus on her side; she could easily figure out the coding to things with ease for once! Mattie decided to keep these intentions to herself. This would work out a bit more in her favor.

Mattie snorted, muffling a laugh and suppressing a smirk from her features. "Smooth move ex-Lax," she commented.

@One Mean Ghost

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