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Good idea's from a awesome writer.


katie baby loves you!
These some idea's off the top of my head. Just know that these idea's are raw and need another GOOD writer to make it come to life. I only play girls but i do FxF relations, there is always a love interest, most of my idea's are love related. I also do 3RD person only, I'm sorry if its not your style but its mine =], also something that is very IMPORTANT I need a constant partner, meaning that you won't disappear for a week and if you do, you tell me.

Ok enough of my bull shit =]

1. young mom [17]

2. zombie

3. Long lost friends in the galaxy [sci-fi, romance version of star wars =] ]

4. young pro skaters put in 1 house....[lets talk, this one sounds cool to just have fun with it.]

5. Gang land idea [ill work on that more ]

6. demi gods

Despite the fact that these idea's seem simple you need to know i like to do long posts.
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Hey, I'm a writer myself. I tend to go for realistic and detail driven fantasy, sci-fi, and pseudo-modern character driven roleplays. If you want some input on some of your ideas, just let me know and we can brainstorm.

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