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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Cunning Commander] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35200-play-on-words/ said:
@Play On Words[/URL] Do you want a picture for the appearance or is this solely text descriptions?
I'd rather both. A picture, and then a description, because I know it's hard to find a picture that's exactly what you're thinking of.
Can I make a character whose godly parent is Dionysus or is he off limits? Sorry if that's a dumb question, it's like two in the morning and I'm trying to pick a parent for the character I'm making, haha.
Dionysus is allowed, just make sure the godly powers are relevant. Because you weren't a part of the original RP, there might be some references that you don't understand, but nothing too big.
[QUOTE="Sadistic Sweetheart]coolio
lowkey I saw the original and I wanted to join it but it was already several pages in when I saw it, so this sequel made me really happy.

welcome to the RP then, we hope Ch.2 will be even better. and hopefully not as much hotels.
Anyone read the first Magnus Chase book? I read it when it first came out. I think it has some potential for popularity, especially since PJ concluded. Though I am skeptical of how Disney, who loved the profits from the Marvel universe and the Avengers, owns the publishing company and it seems like all three series, PJ, Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase seems to be headed for an Avenger's Style teamup.
@CainMcknight I don't remember if I told you, this is probably starting on Monday, or Tuesday. I'll be out of town until Sunday, and probably won't answer much until I get back. I leave in a day, so if you have any questions, ask now.
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]Anyone read the first Magnus Chase book? I read it when it first came out. I think it has some potential for popularity, especially since PJ concluded. Though I am skeptical of how Disney, who loved the profits from the Marvel universe and the Avengers, owns the publishing company and it seems like all three series, PJ, Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase seems to be headed for an Avenger's Style teamup.

I have it, and I read the beginning, but I kept getting distracted. I read the ones about the Egyptian gods(Can't remember the name...), and that was pretty good. Riordan is a fantastic writer.
CainMcknight said:
xD , I also would have accepted a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed
Most people don't like being called animals, so I like mine more. I honestly couldn't care less about being called an animal in certain situations... Wink wink nudge nudge(I'm a pervert, I accept it)

That being said. Sexual situations are allowed in this as long as you fade to black. There was A LOT of that in the original. Three couples are doing the nasty right now, I believe.
CainMcknight said:
It's a group of attractive, hormonal teenagers. I'm realistic, I'd rather just make it so the people don't get banned than try to pretend this group of attractive, hormonal teenagers are all celibate.

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