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Fantasy Goetterdämmerung - Call of Cthulhu RP

Notes: You going to play a German, and pick up a profession and get in a group.

Professions & Groups:


SS=Military Police

GESTAPO=Intelligence Agency)


Field Medic(Wehrmacht)

Engineer( Wehrmacht))

Detective(SS or Gestapo)

Character Sheet:

Name: Hans

Age: 30

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-5-27.png.3bf59ac0bdb7ab590b3ec94428baa8cd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-5-27.png.3bf59ac0bdb7ab590b3ec94428baa8cd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Profession & Group: Wehrmacht=Army Soldier

Personality: Heroic, fast, trustworthy, intelligent

Equipment: ammunition pouches, entrenching tool, bread bag, a water bottle, and gas mask container.

Special Abilities/Skills: locksmith, good shot, and light on his feet.

Attributes : main: Adaptable, Organized, secondary: survivalist

Dexterity 7

Charisma 5

Strength 4

Endurance 6

Perception 4

Sanity 6

Luck 3

Wisdom 5

Rank: Lieutenant

Short Bio: Hans lived on a farm during the great depression when he was 7. after the great depression lasted for 13 years when he was 20. He stayed on the farm until he was 28 one year into the war to fight for his country. 2 years later he is stationed in France.




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Name: Friedrich Weiskopf

Age: 26


Profession&Group: Wehrmacht-Engineer

Personality: Keen, precise, dishonest, sneaky

Equipment: Basic tool kit, keys to a Schwimmwagen, canteen, bread bag,

Special Abilities/Skills: Repair, competent Pistol Wielder, able to think logically

Attributes: Main: Attention to Detail, Excellent Technical Knowledge. Secondary: Good communication skills

Dexterity 8

Charisma 5

Strength 3

Endurance 5

Perception 7

Sanity 5

Luck 3

Wisdom 4

Rank: Leutnant

Short Bio: Born in Munich, Friedrich had to endure the ending years of the depression. His family was able to scrape enough money together to send him off to the Technical University of Munich he graduated at the age of 24 and then he was pressed into Military service by the Wehrmacht. His degree allowed him to become an officer candidate in the engineering branch of the Wehrmacht. After a year of training in one of the officer schools he was given the rank of Leutnant and was shipped off to France

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