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Fantasy God's Avatar OOC



New Member
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to put together a forum for people to discuss the story, ask questions, post their character, and share ideas. A few people have asked some great questions so I wanted to post the answers here in case others have similar questions. Please see below:

-We are looking for people to write in the third person only.
-We are not going with an existing pantheon for each of the gods, rather the RPer can create their god and associated powers (Within reason)
-We are looking for Int to Adv writing and grammar

Once people have their characters and ideas, we can work on getting this going!

Established facts:

Atan- A people with nobility, Italian language
Damalous- world they were transported to
Elden- country that Angelo was transported to.
Ka’ahkel Mountain- Area Angelo is currently
Hammel- Village Angelo is, known for its trees
Kiingereza- our English language
Different cities are built around specific types of magic or trade
Reinhart- city based around fire magic
Lindor- city based on light magic
Yadel- city known for medicinal practitionars
Gadain- City known for plant magic
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Hey all,

I have my first post up

Where do we put character sheets? What format should we use for character descriptions?
If you would like to do a character sheet, you're welcome to post it here! Im not requiring a sheet, though I know some people prefer them!
Psyche Les Woven


The Oracle

Reserved || Knowledgable || Compassionate || Down to Earth


- Empathy --> The psionic ability to sense, control, alter and manipulate the feelings, sensations, and emotions of other people
Psyche at the moment, cannot alter or manipulate other people's feelings. She can only sense them.

- Precognition --> The psychic ability to see events in the future
This is a wonky ability that will only appear at inconsistent times.

- Telekinesis --> The ability that involves using the mind to influence/manipulate/move matter/objects

- Geokinesis --> The ability to manipulate the earth in its various forms, such as rock, sediment, nature, and plantlife
I think posting order doesn’t really matter outside of Astral’s posts BC it’s just sorta like a round of posts and then we wait for everyone to post!
It is only really a thing when people are talking or taking action together. So when you three start talking I would keep an order then. Other than that just make sure no one gets ahead of everyone else.
Sure, just note they're not actually inside the city and enolx is in another location entirely, not with the group.
Can I say Psyche already is? I kinda said she plopped in a field in my first post. Maybe near the entrance so that she'll see the commotion when she walks around?
Can I say Psyche already is? I kinda said she plopped in a field in my first post. Maybe near the entrance so that she'll see the commotion when she walks around?
Yeah, in your last post you didnt mention where she ended up, so she can be anywhere you want at the moment. Also note, she could have arrived at a different time than our characters if you wanted to go that route too. Nothing is established yet for psyches setting.
Yeah, in your last post you didnt mention where she ended up, so she can be anywhere you want at the moment. Also note, she could have arrived at a different time than our characters if you wanted to go that route too. Nothing is established yet for psyches setting.
Sorry for all the questions. The guards that are headed towards your OC, are they coming out of the town to head towards them?
The guards were standing at the entrance of the city of guard. They are leaving their post to investigate. A few guards that were by the fire will stand back at the gates

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