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Fantasy Gods among us

Artemis sighed and got out her notebook and pencil. She sighed, looking at the god for a teacher. "Scary." She mumbled to herself, glaring back at her paper.
Eris just sighed to herself as she turned to a clean page and was ready to just take notes. He was disgusting, ugly and horrid. She hated this teacher and didn't understand the importance of her having to learn from him. She thought to herself. However on the bright side they would be covering the Greek Pantheon to which she belonged and that pleased her that her pantheon would be first.
Hades just grinned at him. He didn't even take out a piece of paper, or even a pen. He just sat there, observing not only the teacher but the whole class as well. He couldn't help but find it amusing, countless of powerful gods in one room, yet they were all silenced by one.
Anubis sat staring at the teacher who had just entered the room, a pen diving through his fingers as he twirled it around unconsciously. His gaze was fixed to the front, almost as if he was in a trance, when in fact he was deep in his concentration.
Quetzalcoatl heard Artemis, "yes, I am scary, in my culture, I was the God of wisdom as well as the bringer of the end of the world. But this is not the topic of today's discussion, we will save it for a later time. Let's begin, what is known as Greek culture started to emerge around the year 510 B.C. When Spartans helped to overthrow the last Athenian tyrant King Hippias..."

As the God started speaking, Ullr started writing what he thought was important out of what he was saying. After a moment, he stopped, thinking about what happened earlier, he had never been that furious before, he wondered why he was like that before. He then made a square of blue ice appear on the corner of Artemis' desk, in white, letters appeared on it, "I apologize for my actions earlier today. That is not how I normally conduct myself."
Artemis tried to pay attention to the teacher, but the little block of blue ice that had formed on her desk was very distracting. She read the letters, and sighed. If only she had a way of doing that, but she didn't. She just nodded a bit after reading the letters as an apology accepted and went back to listening.
The rest of the period passed without incident, Quetzalcoatl finishing his spiel. "I hope you all took notes, next time there will be a timeline quiz, and I doubt that any of you, even the greeks, will get a perfect score if you didnt do so. "You greeks gods weren't even born yet for a good part of the important dates." The bell rang, "Thank you all for cooperating, you are now excused." quetzalcoatl's hair then turned to normal human hair but still had its green shade, after all, he still taight history to the human students.

Ullr got his stuff together and headed over to Artemis, "Well, I am just loving earth more and more." he said sarcastically
Hades scoffed when he heard that none of them will get a perfect score. "Oh we'll see about that." He said, speaking mostly to himself. "So lover boy, still intent on wooing Artemis ey?" He asked the god.
Artemis grabbed her stuff and stared at Ullr. She laughed a bit, before turning to Hade's. "I will have you know he happens to be a friend of mine idiot." She said, thwacking his forehead.
Anubis rose up from his chair, and started packing away his things, save for his picture and textbook. He delicately picked up the picture and placed it in front of his book so it wouldn't bend. He looked over at Hades for a brief second before starting to walk out of the room, making sure to dodge as many people as he could to avoid having to talk to them.
He just smirks at her. "Friends turns into lovers you know." He said, walking away from the pair. He noticed Anubis leaving, yet Eris was not with him. "Friend left you behind?" He asked Eris. @Maven

"Finally, those low intellect imbeciles finally let me go." Loki said, heading for his next class. He had no intention of paying attention in this class, but those ignorant fools threatened to return him to that damned prison of his if he refused to abide by the rules. "It's not as if this school was burnt to the ground." He muttered as he walked.
Ullr raised an eyebrow, at Hades' retreating back"Would be improper for me to encase him in ice and throw him off a cliff, He wont be badly injured and it might scare him to the point of shutting his mouth." he said as they started walking, "either way, off to magic, i suppose.
Artemis rolled her eyes. "If you can, be my guest. Once I got to do archery practice by shooting an apple off his head. I missed a few times on purpose." She said.
Anubis made his way through the hallway, sliding through all the people walking past him, and to his locker. He opened it up and looked through the stack of books for his next class, placing the picture gently on top. Closing the locker, he walked back into the hallway full of people, trying to find his next class.

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