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Realistic or Modern Godmode - OOC

I *love* the setting you put together in here. I planning on making a character but it might take a little while,it's a complex CS format.
I was wondering,do the Cards somehow influence the character's personalities? Or do they remain the same after using them?
also, can the card represent a Lovecraftian deity? or do they have to be recorded in history or mythology?
I was wondering,do the Cards somehow influence the character's personalities? Or do they remain the same after using them?
They do not.
The users retain their personality, however, some users are better attuned to certain cards.

Imagine I was an idealistic hero with an aptitude for fighting. The King Arthur Card would be perfect for me and would evolve quickly in my hands. A Satan Card? It would be the very opposite.
Birdsie Birdsie

Lucifer card does shit. EZ plot
Good job. You get five cookies.
also, can the card represent a Lovecraftian deity? or do they have to be recorded in history or mythology?
It has to be history and/or mythology. Nothing that is known to be fictional.
They do not.
The users retain their personality, however, some users are better attuned to certain cards.

Imagine I was an idealistic hero with an aptitude for fighting. The King Arthur Card would be perfect for me and would evolve quickly in my hands. A Satan Card? It would be the very opposite.

Good job. You get five cookies.

It has to be history and/or mythology. Nothing that is known to be fictional.
damn I wanted Nyarlathotep
*does a belly flop into the thread*

I exist yes hello?
*squints* ah the God card was taken by plot device aah noo i wanted to be omnipotent - i mean

Mm what card to choose for my main oc Nova? Her personality is hard to describe because it's basically mine? But with a heroic twist to it? Mmm....
I gave her Ra for now, but I'll probably change it later as it doesn't seem terribly fitting.
I gave her Ra for now, but I'll probably change it later as it doesn't seem terribly fitting.
Describe yourself.

I am very knowledgeable in mythology, especially the early Abrahamic mythos and religion and the way it relates to Ancient Mesopotamia. I'm sure I can find something just for you.
I posted Nova's personality on her CS... should I write more than that?
I posted Nova's personality on her CS... should I write more than that?
Not sure if it's a coincidence, but she seems to be perfect for a King Arthur card.
Nova is a very kind person. She can doubt herself quite a bit, but will always put out and come through for other people around her who depend on her.
Basically the reason why Arthur pulled the sword out of the stone, lol.
She's very generous when it comes to others, unless that person has wronged her or someone she cares for.
Basically how Arthur treated citizens and criminals.
She can be cold and calculating against said enemies, but is often very clumsy and careless among allies, leading her to be back stabbed by those she cares for quite often.
King Arthur was also known for being focused during combat, yet open to the other knights. And guess how King Arthur died? That's right, betrayed by fuckin' Mordred.
Despite this, she doesn't give up her caring and almost regal nature.
"Almost regal," means she acts almost like someone from royalty, doesn't it? Who was King Arthur again?
Noivian Noivian Yet another connection spotted.
She was their only child, and after her father died in a car accedent when she was three.
Uther Pendragon, Arthur's father died very early in his life in most depictions, but it all depends on the depiction in question.

Just give her an evil sister/brother called Morgana/Morgan and you've got yourself Artoria Pendragon.
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
You'll find the navigation above.

If you need help finding the right mytho figure for you, let me know. The Olympus Group would be happy to assign you a card most attuned to your personality. Thank you for choosing the Olympus Group!

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