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Realistic or Modern Glasynys OOC

Elise Ebele Elise Ebele yes! Atla is my favorite. I’m celebrating 10 years of loving the show this year and in celebration I got a tattoo of all the elements. ?

Also, I’ll finish my cs tomorrow. It’s 230am where I live and I should probably get some sleep ?

Everything you’ve created is amazing. I can’t wait to start!
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Sleep is good! It is also 2:40 where I am so I will see you in the morning (n_n)
But I love love love Atla! It’s basically the greatest show in the history of tv.

And thanks for the compliment! I’ve spent way too long typing this rp up, but I’m hoping lots of people will enjoy it as much as I do.
Every one’s characters are really good. I’ve been enjoying the read :)
I was debating whether I should add a character but I wasn’t sure how it would work dynamically. I’ll add him later.
Every one’s characters are really good. I’ve been enjoying the read :)
I was debating whether I should add a character but I wasn’t sure how it would work dynamically. I’ll add him later.

I'm super reworking my characters. I have to many ideas in my brain that I'm trying to flesh out.
I'm not sure! I just started rping again for the first time in years.

Same. I have taken a two year break because of school. But when I saw your sheet for Maci I thought I recognized her. And then when I was typing to ask you and shortened your name to Jess I remembered I have role played with a Jess years ago. Her avatar was a little perple Pokémon looking thing.

But at the same time I know people have many internet names. Did you ever rp on Figment.com or GaiaOnline?
Same. I have taken a two year break because of school. But when I saw your sheet for Maci I thought I recognized her. And then when I was typing to ask you and shortened your name to Jess I remembered I have role played with a Jess years ago. Her avatar was a little perple Pokémon looking thing.

But at the same time I know people have many internet names. Did you ever rp on Figment.com or GaiaOnline?
No that wasn't me. Before I used my real name i was urgentlyrequireslife. I used to rp on fanfiction.net and proboards/jcink.
So do we all have to do first person? I mean, I'm totally fine with it. Just wanna ask and make sure. I prefer third, but I can do first if I have to!
Ohh my gooddd my head hurts. I have six paragraphs, but I'm still continuing. Lol I need a break though. I'm typing it all in third. if that's not okay, I can change it to first in the main roleplay
Yeah I don’t care which POV. Me personally, I have to type those two characters in first because of their nature and the way I created them. Most my other characters I rp in third though.
Also Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 type you heart out! :D your first post is basically us getting to meet your characters for the first time and I always enjoy reading them no matter how long! (Just know that I’m a slow reader lol)
Nef (can I call you Nef? You can say no) your post was good! I just read it. I’m in the middle of typing right now,as well.

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