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Realistic or Modern Glasynys: The Blue Island (closed)


Elise Ebele

General of the Gen/Ran

The Story

All over the world, the Devil's Purple has been preparing for the single largest underground slave auction in the world, and you'd fish a hefty prize. You were snatched up, knocked out, and taken hostage by some of the world's most skilled gang of killers. Bye bye, old life.

You awaken in the hull of a large personal-sized boat. You are not the only captive. There is no way of knowing where you are, but you do learn your fate. You will be sold. You may be sold as a field slave or a kitchen slave: a pet slave or a sex slave. You might be sold as a sacrifice. You don’t know. You just know you don’t want that.

We decide that our fate is in our own hands. We overtake the armed guard and the driver as a storm is rising. Now in control of the ship, we must fight off a terrible storm... hey do you know how to drive a ship?

We lose.

We swim to/are washed up on/are dragged to the shore of an island that looks blue from a distance. This is Glasynys.

Upon arrival we are given a two facts and a suggestion:

"This is Glasynys."
"You will never leave."
"Don't go in to the jungle alone."

Will you survive?


-Don't godmode or overpower. The usual

-You can have as many characters as you can keep up with. Just please, keep up with them. Don't leave any one hanging on your character please. Keep boy/girl even ish if we can.

-If you leave, the remaining members and I will find a very beautiful but probably gruesome way to kill your characters. Seriously, I love writing death scenes so don't let me get happy. *maniacal laughter* This is a dangerous island.

-Though I will act as the God of this plot, I won't be. More than being my rp, this is our rp. I already have some set plot-devises in my head but if we decide to shift the plot some where else as a group, I am very flexible. We can talk it over in the Tribal Council.

-NOTE: I don’t mind characters getting to gether, falling in love, having sex, etc. But I know one of RPN’s rules strictly forbids extra steamy role playing even in separate forms if you know what I mean (if I read that right). So if two of you/us want to unite characters in such a way, then we time skip.

((The link marked “other” is the Tribal Council page.

This is the Genesis page. You need to post there once you’ve maid your character, but before any where else.))
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((Some how I will be dividing this rp in to chapters to make life easy))


Whoa that sure was crazy! You slowly begin to wake up and you have no idea where you are. It’s hazy at first, but you can feel you are some where cold. It stinks in here, and the floor is moving. You start to get up, but you realize you are bound.

Others are waking up, some are not. Are they dead? They sure look it.

After a few moments you realize you are on a boat. Or rather, under it. You are in the hull. There are plenty of people there from all different places, and all different ages. There are crates upon crates, and you smell animals, and rotting flesh.

Are you being watched? What will you do?
Logan Rogers

Logan's eyes fluttered open, a soft gasp passing the man's lips as he felt the pain in his body. "Fuck..." the man muttered, closing his eyes. He swallowed hard, tugging at the ropes around his wrists. Logan frowned, pressing his shoulder into the flooring as he pushed himself to sit up. Breathing out a shaky breath, the man leaned back against the wall and looked around the area. Wooden flooring, a strong stench, the soft splashing of water... it didn't take long for Logan to realize where he was exactly.

Looking around the hull, Logan suddenly grew tense as he looked at the other people. "Jesse!" he called out, his heart racing in his chest as he frantically looked around. Then he saw him. His little brother bound by the wrists as well, a line of dry blood running down the side of his face. "Jesse, wake up," Logan said, kicking his leg at his little brother and making contact with the other male's side.

Jesse Rogers

Jesse let out a yelp as he felt the pain in his side, his eyes snapping open. He let out a groan, clenching his eyes shut once more as the wave of dizziness washed over him. "Fuck you..." Jesse muttered, keeping his eyes clenched. "Just kill me..." the boy said, his body shaking as he swallowed hard. "Shut up you idiot, its me. Logan," his brother's voice said, causing Jesse to snap his eyes open once more, looking over at his brother.

"Logan! Wh-what are you doing here?" Jesse asked frantically, tearing up as he tugged at his wrists. Suddenly, Jesse was breathing hard and yanking at the ropes. "Where are we!? What are they going to do to us!? Oh god...they're going to kill us, aren't they!?" Jesse asked, breaking into a sob as he violently struggled.

"Jesse! Calm the fuck down! I'm not going to let that happen, just shut up," Logan snapped, glancing around at the other people before looking at his brother. "Just breathe, okay? I'm going to get us out of here, Jesse. Everything is going to be fine," Logan told him, scooting closer to his brother. Jesses' sobs quieted down as he buried his face into his brother's side, his body shaking. "I-I'm scared, Logan..." Jesse whispered, clenching his eyes shut. What was going to happen to them....?
It was a weird feeling when my senses returned. I could hear sounds of dispare coming from far away. A guy's (Jessie) voise was asking for death. I didn’t know why. I soon realized that I was laying down with my face pressed to the floor, and I may have drooled some. That’s two sleeps in a row I was forced in to.

I sat up and wiped my face. I started to stand, but soon realized I didn’t have my braces. I panicked a little in side. I had one foot bound by a rope to a hook. It was almost like a joke. I was insulted, but that was the least of my concern. When I looked around, I realized how much trouble I was in.

I was bound. Kinda. I was not alone. There were many more people and some of them looked like they had been here a while. There were a few kids all bound together in a corner. I looked around for my Nduguye, fearful that we had been separated. My eyes found him on the other side of the room, bound by chain....

Was his a room? No. It only took me a few moments of feeling the floor rock before I realized it. Aside from us people, there were crates and other cargo. We were in a cargo bay, or maybe the hull of a boat. Not a large boat, but a boat. “Nduguye...” I whispered, hoping he’d wake up. “Nduguye!” Futile.

I looked around some more, realizing that I was not going to be able to get to him. I found the source of the voices from before. Two other guys were alert. “Samahani...” but then I gave up. They wouldn’t understand me.

Boy snapped awake suddenly and was still sqirmish. He had tears dried on his face, and now he was adding back to it. His head hurt, and it was a combination of his hair having been pulled, and what ever was in that cloth.

His squirming was met with resistance, as he was bound by the hands and feet. He was not alone. He was in a small pile of other kids his age. He was bound. Every one else was bound. He wanted to go home. “Help....” he whimpered, not even loud enough to really be heard. He knew he was far from the Doctor and far from school.

Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
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James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

Someone elbowed him in the face, and James came to. He was about to yell at the boy who had whacked him, when he heard him cry pathetically for help. James looked around. Where am I? Then he had another thought. Where's Mikayla?! He looked around frantically, and found her up against the wall, still unconscious. He tried to reach her, but realized his hands and feet were bound.
"Mikayla!" He called, just above a whisper. "Mikayla, wake up!" The little girl didn't respond. She had a giant purple welt on her head. James felt panicked. He turned to the crying boy beside him.

"Hey, you! What's your name? Do you know where we are?" He whispered. He wasn't sure why he felt he had to be quiet, but something told him he'd better not make a lot of noise.
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Boy sniffed and tried to calm himself as he had realized he was bothering the other boy who was near him. “I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to hit you with my elbow.” He dried his face with his shoulder and sniffed one more time. He wasn’t sure why he was whispering, but he went along with it. “I’m Boy. I don’t know where we are though. I’m sorry. What about you... what’s your name? And I can reach that girl for you.” He gestured towards Mikayla, who was actually wedged between him self and the wall. “Mikayla...” he whispered, rubbing the girl's shoulder with his bound wrists.

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
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Lydia Marsh
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Lydia started to come back to consciousness swift and without warning. A defining ringing was blaring in her ears and her head felt like it had been hit by a truck. Her mouth felt dry and her body was telling her she needed water. She winced and held her head in her palms tried to remember where she was and how she got here. Slowly she sat up using her arm as a bridge to the ground, pulling her weak body up from the ground. As she opens her eyes, she can hardly see anything because of her blurred vision. She rubs her eyes a bit trying to focus and get a better understanding of what's happening right now. When her vision comes back to her she sees that she's inside a room that seems to be...rocking? As if they're on top of the water. Then she starts to hear the waves crashing on the boat and realized she is on the water. On a boat? How did she get on a boat? Lydia looks around at the wooden room and sees bodies. Some of the bodies were motionless, almost dead like. Some of the bodies were started to wake up and move like her, seeming to have the same symptoms.
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Then suddenly, she panicked. Where is Macy? She started looked around at the bodies and saw Macy's tiny body laying in the corner. She got up entirely too quickly and almost started to lose consciousness. She fell to the ground hard and winced in pain. She waited for the feeling to pass and tried to stand up again, slower this time. She walked over to Macy and crash landed weakly next to her body. Lydia tried to shake her to wake her up saying "Mace. Macy girl wake up. Wake up, Macy." Lydia checked her breathing and her heartbeat and luckily, the little girl was still alive. Lydia scooped the still unconscious girl in her arms and looked around to the others that were waking up.

"Where are we? What happened?" Lydia says to the others, tears starting to form in her eyes from the pain.
I lifted my face again from the floor when I heard the voice. It saddened my heart to see the little baby laying on the floor, and the girl who cared for her so much. I pulled my self up to sit, trying to maneuver around the fact that my foot was bound. I Probably could get the knot undone with a few minutes. Knots were not hard for me, but this one was tight.

I pulled my self in her direction the best I could. I couldn’t get on my feet, and I couldn’t get all the way to them if I could. “Msichana...” I started, stopping after I realized that wouldn’t work. I motioned for her to bring herself and the little girl over to me. I would help if I could.
James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

His name is Boy? That’s weird.... I’ll have to ask him about it later. If there even IS a later...

James bit his lip, worried, when Mikayla didn’t stir when Boy tried to wake her.
“Is... is... is she..... she’s breathing, right?!” His attention was brought to the girl who ran across the room and picked up the little girl she called Macy. Why wasn’t she bound like the others? The little girl she held, Macy, looked about as old as Mikayla. “Hey!” He called out. “Untie us!” He held up his wrists. “My sister won’t wake up!” He felt tears spring to his eyes, but blinked rapidly to make them go away. Real men don’t cry!
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Boy turned his attention to the girl called Mikayla and let his body fall on hers. This was some thing that the Doctor would do. He listened silently for a moment, almost in fear. But then a smile came over him as he felt the girl take a very shallow breath. “She ain’t dead,” Boy insisted. But he wasnt sure how. Long he could say that for. I didnt know moth to mouth, or even if that was what the girl needed at the moment. All he could do was try to help how he knew.

The girl (Lydia) that his cell mate ((James) had called to looked a bit busy her self. He was not sure if she’d stop to help, but he would not blame her, as she had her own sister to worry about. Boy went to work the best he could on the rope he was bound by. It was not an easy knot, but Boy believed he could get it if he tried. Then he would undo the other boy. “Ill be out inna hot minute...” he whispered.

It was not long before I realized that the situation was worst than I first thought. There were a lot of kids on this ride, and some of them were in bad shape. I went back to my rope and started to work on it. If I could just get to the kids, I could help them. I had two little girls (Macy and Mikayla) who needed help soon. There was no way of knowing if our captures would help us... or if they would make things worse if we got caught trying to help each other. I had no time to focus on that, though. My own brother was still out cold, and no amount of calling was changing that. “Nduguye!” I whisper shouted, still trying to work my knot.

It was a whole minute of working at my knot before I get it loose. I got it just loose enough to slip my foot out, then I started to crawl towards the small group of kids.

When I reached them, I placed my hand on the chest of the girl they called Mikayla; she was still alive. There did not seem to be any physical injuries to the girl. It just seemed she had too strong of a does of knockout gas. I layed her on her back and pulled her chin up, pinching her nose slightly. Then I drew a deep breath, pressed my lips to hers, and slowly gave it to her. I slowly filled her lungs until they were decently full, and then I let her nose go. She was breathing deeper, after doing that twice. She would wake up soon enough. I smiled at the boy (James) who carried concern for her to assure him she would be ok.

Then I turned to the other girl (Lydia)and held my arms out. I wanted to help her sister the best I could, but I would need to see her, first, to see what was wrong. It could be the same as that last girl, or not. “Napenda kusaidia....msichana,” I said, offering my help with my ands held out to their girl.

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
im jess saying im jess saying
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Oliver and Isaac Brown and Sydney James

(Sorry for the delay, been busy)

Oliver woke up slowly, feeling a pain in the back of his head. He'd been in some bad situations before, but this felt worse, and he wasn't sure why. It felt like a bad hangover.

First step to remembering why you have a hangover: Piece in the last memories you have.

He thought back, frowning slightly as he did so. He was in the apartment with Isaac, he was cooking dinner. He'd heard a knock at the door, he went to answer. Before he could, it was slammed open, and something hard hit him in the head. He could hear Isaac crying, and then nothing.

"Isaac?" He rasped, trying to rub his head and grunting when something restricted his movement. Handcuffs. He was chained to something, clearly, and he could fee, dried blood on his temple, trailing down his jaw. "Isaac!" He hissed, a bit louder, until he saw some very familiar brown curls.

"Where are we?" Isaac asked, equally as chained as Oliver.

"I don't... I don't know." He muttered, looking around. A dark room, with a literal fuck ton of people. There was a dark-haired teenager beside him, whose eyes were wide and terrified. "Psst. You. Where the hell are we?"

"On a boat." She whispered back, pulling at her handcuffs slightly. Her wrists were covered in blood, probably some more vigorous attempts to get them off, and her face had trails from dried tears.

"A boat?" The moment the words left Oliver's mouth, he recognized the rocking, bobbing feeling of being at sea. "Isaac, did you see the people who took us?" He asked his son, who shook his head slightly.

"They were wearing masks." The boy said quietly, his voice almost a whimper.

"Excellent." Oliver grunted, yanking at his cuffs slightly. He had to get out, had to get his son out. "I might be able to get out of these." He muttered, giving them another yank. He'd gotten himself out of handcuffs before, but that was a drastically different situation, when a girl had lost the key to her set. Those had been pink and furry, these were cold, ungiving despite how much he pulled. "You see anything on the ground? Anything at all? My gun..." He didn't have to feel to know that his gun wasn't tucked into his waistband, like it always was. After all, what kind of kidnapper wouldn't search him for weapons? "Does anyone have a way out of these?" He called into the dark room, no, hull, probably. Boats didn't really have rooms. "What the fuck is going on?"​
Lydia Marsh

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With tears running down her face, Lydia was confused as to why she was the only one not bound by the hands and legs. She started untying her sisters bondage when the little boy spoke up to her asking if Macy was breathing. She nodded, struggling with the rope not being able to untie them. She began to feel woozy again, and slowly started losing consciousness. It was then that she felt the blood dripping down her back. She reached up to her head, touched her scalp, and her hand came away covered in her own blood. She must have been struck. Whoever did this to them must think she's dead. Honestly, Lydia felt close to death. She struggled through loss of consciousness and was able to fight and bring herself back.

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Lydia relaxed for a second, realizing that she wasn't strong enough to undo the rope. She then noticed a young woman bound and trying to speak to her in a language she didn't know. She held Macy tightly and felt nervous, not knowing who to trust. Her attention was brought back to the little boy who didn't look more then 10. He asked her to untie him and saw tears welling up in his eyes. "I-I can't. I'm sorry." She said, weakly. She watched as another little boy listened for Macy's short breath and then announced that she's not dead. There were so many children on this boat. It seemed like most of them were without supervision. How had we gotten here? What did they want with the children?

Lydia watched as the dark skinned girl freed herself form her bondage and started toward the other little girl who looked to be the same age as Macy. She watched as the girl checked her breathing pattern and put a few short breaths into the little girl's body. She seemed to be trusting enough, to do something selfless. The girl then walked over to Lydia, held her hands out, and spoke in a foreign tongue. Lydia gathered that she wanted her to hand Macy over. Reluctantly, she put her foster sister in the girls arms.

She watched as some of the other passengers were waking up as well. She was about to ask them if they were okay when she started losing consciousness again. This time, completely blacking out and collapsing on the ground.​

Tags: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious Elise Ebele Elise Ebele
Peter and Christina Lincoln

"Christina!" The word brought consciousness to Chris in a way no other could. "Christina, are you okay?" She groaned in response. How early was it? Anyone who knew her knew that she hated being awake before two in the afternoon. And who was talking to her? Her hookup from the night before? She couldn't remember taking anyone home, she couldn't remember much of anything. "Christina!"

Finally, her eyes snapped open in a glare. "It's Chris--" She began, pausing when she realized that the disheveled man beside her was her brother. His hair was messy, his white button-up stained in blood and torn, and he had a cut under his eye that was still bleeding slightly. "Peter?" She asked, straightening slightly. "What the... What happened to you?"

"I fought back." He shrugged, awkwardly wiping the blood from his face with his shoulder. She didn't realize the reason for such an odd motion until she realized that his hands were bound over his head, attached to some kind of wooden bar and immobilizing him. "Did you see the ones who took us?"

"Took... Took us? No. Why... Why are we moving like this?" She groaned, pulling at the handcuffs instinctively. "You fought them?" She asked disbelievingly, looking at her brother's bloodied form. He was a doctor, and a respected one. The idea of him fighting was like a chipmunk with a shotgun or her being sober - unbelievable.

"They came at me, after work. It was self-defense." He said defensively, looking embarrassed.

"Don't be ashamed of it, I have a whole new respect for you now, big brother. Show off your new macho-ness and break out." She ordered, and he laughed humorlessly.

"I've been trying for about an hour while you were catching up on your beauty sleep." He scoffed, which surprised her all over again. Her brother being a smart ass? Apparently, stress brought out a whole new side of him, one that she liked a lot more. She looked up sharply when some (incredibly hot, not that it mattered)guy started shouting, asking if anyone could get out. He seemed to have interacted with a little kid that looked like him, so probably his son, which upped his hot factor by quite a bit on a biological level. Of course, kidnapped and stranded, she was checking out some guy with tattoos. She made her parents proud every day, clearly.

Mentions: CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious
Interacts: N/A
Margaret "Mars" Kim

When she finally came to the first thing she noticed was the gentle rocking motion that left her feeling ill and off-balance. They were moving, probably on a boat? The thought left her in a cold panic, sweat beading on her forward. Boats meant water. Water was dangerous in large quantities. She'd learned that many years ago when she nearly drowned. Now she had a severe fear of large bodies of water. Just her luck that whoever kidnapped her wanted to transport her by boat. Deciding she needed to get her bearings Mars slowly lifted herself up from the sideways laying position she had been in. She was dismayed to find that she was still shackled. But the sight of other prisoners left her quite shocked. What kind of hell was she and all these other people being delivered to? There were even children here... That broke her heart and before she knew it tears were leaking from her eyes. She did not make a sound as she cried, silently weeping where she sat.
Her siblings... would she ever see them again? Something told the young woman that her life as she knew it was over. But the fire in her would not give up so easily. Survival was her main priority now. Still it would have been nice to not feel so alone, even in this crowded room full of people. She could hear the familiarity in their voices as they called to others. The joy upon finding a loved one was alive. But she was sure there was a certain agony to it as well, knowing someone you deeply cared for was in this awful situation with you.
Some selfish part of her still wished she had even a friend here. She saw the man who had tried to help her earlier. He was sitting up a blank look on his face. She thought it'd be best not to approach him, he might blame her for this situation and lash out at her. Instead she turned her attention to the two brothers near her. The elder one seemed to be trying to calm the younger one down. He looked to be about her age and she could 100% relate to the tenderness he seemed to have towards his younger sibling. She'd be doing the same if she were here.
"Your brother will take care of you. Don't worry." She felt a bit foolish after she said it seeing as how their relationship was probably good enough that the younger male already knew that. Still though it felt good to use her voice raspy as it was. She maneuvered her body into a more comfortable position, drawing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. She was thankful she had been wearing sweats before being kidnapped, at least she wasn't cold.

Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

The fact that Mikayla was breathing helped ease some of James's concern. An older girl did mouth to mouth on her, and Boy tried chest compressions. James swallowed the huge lump in his throat.
"Th-thanks, guys..." He really meant it. Now. How to get out of here? Then it hit him. He turned to Boy. "Hey! I have my pocket knife in my pocket! Can you reach it? Maybe it could free us!"

[OOC: The knife may have been stolen, Elise Ebele Elise Ebele you can decide]
Logan Rogers
Logan looked over at the girl hearing her words, his eyes glancing her over before he looked back at his brother. Sighing softly, the man raised his head and looked around the hull once more, taking in his surroundings. The other people, the age difference, every window and visible crack. They had to find a way out of here, now. Logan wasn't going to let anything happen to him, especially his little brother. Looking back at Margaret, the man cleared his throat and laid his head back against the wall. "Hey. Do you think you could get out of those ropes?" he asked, nodding toward her tied wrists. Suddenly, Logan heard the word across from the hull. An extremely useful tool in this situation. A knife. Logan looked over at the group of kids, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"We'll have to put a fight if we get free. The kids, the wounded, they stay down here. Those of us who can fight have to go up on deck and take out those assholes. I don't know whats going to happen to us if we don't get free, and I sure as hell don't want to find out. If I'm going out, I'm going out in a fight. Im not going to sit around here and cry about being taken out of own fucking home. I'm going to get the hell out of here, period," Logan spoke up, looking from the foreign brother and sister, to the kids, to the men and the women.

Jesse Rogers
Jesse sniffled and blinked back his tears, glancing up when he heard a raspy voice speak to him. He glanced at Margerate, swallowing hard before nodding, "y-yeah..." he choked out, looking up at his brother. He watched him, tugging at his own wrists as he tried to get out of the ropes. Listening to his brother, Jesse slowly nodded and glanced at everyone. "L-Logan will do anything to get us out of here..." the younger male said in a softer tone, far quieter than his brother. If anything, Jesse knew one thing for sure. They had to stick together. All of them. No fighting, no arguing. Everyone had to work as a team. And knowing Logan... it's going to be hard to get on the same page with him. Logan liked being a leader, Jesse just hoped he could step up and act like the leader of this group. The last thing he wanted was for his brother to get pissed off.

Interactions: Everyone
((Y’all, I totally fell asleep in the middle of typing last night.))

I was glad that the girl trusted me enough to take her sister from her. The little child was out, but not dead yet. I laid her on her back just as I did the first girl, this time, inspecting her head. There was a bruise on the girl’s forehead, so I placed and hand there and on the back of her head. It was as I’d guesssed. Her head was very warm in the back; she may have had a little concussion. When I lifted her eye lids, her pupils hardly responded.

I carefully took the girl’s head in my hands under her ears and straightened her neck. I rubbed her behind her ears with my thumbs very softly. And decided to call her name a couple times. “Macy...” I whispered, hoping my accent would not scare her.

It was at this moment that I noticed the older sister has fallen. She had blood on her head, and had probably suffered the same injury. I untied the khanga from my waist and rolled it up. Then I slipped in under both of their heads. Macy seeemd to be stirring, which was very good. Now I had to be sure they both were ok.

The older sister bled from her head. I wiped the blood and did the same check on her as I did on the little sister. She had no concussion. She may have just been very light headed from the blood loss. I kept her head up on my rolled up skirt anyway, Incase of neck injury. I would check them further. In a moment...

I was still fighting, even in my sleep. That bastard who had taken O in his hands; I had his face etched in to my mind. I hated him. I would live to see the day he died. I would make sure I killed him.

I was slowly coming to my senses at some random point. I had forgotten nothing. They’d taken us. I was chained up. My hands were bound behind my back, and I was chained all the way up to my elbows. Oh, I was a threat to them I guess. There were many other people in here. Some were even kids! How sinful! I saw O at the other side of the room. They had taken her braces, and she was being forced to crawl on her belly like some animal. Oh yeah, I would kill them all right.

I was not the only one with this ambition. A dude not too far from me (Logan) was going on about putting up a fight. I was right there with him. “Mtu mzee...” I started, still a bit woozy from the head trauma. “You...” I said, glaring at the guy (Logan) who was talking about fighting. “How much blood do you think we would have to spill between the two of us?” I smiled, wiggling in my chains. I looked around the room to the guy in the bloody handcuffs (Peter) to the girl in the corner (Mars) and the boy she was comforting. I looked to the kids in the other corner, and my little umbu trying to help them. “We’re getting out of this thing.”

Boy was able to get his ropes loose and reach in the other boy’s (James) pocket. He dug around, trying to find a knife, or any thing he was talking about. “What’s your name?” he asked, as he felt around in his pockets. When he couldnt turn any thing up, he went to the other pocket.

This time he was more successful. He found a little knife and started to work on the boy’s ropes. He was not sure if the knife would hold up, as these ropes were very thick and strong, but he could try. He was working on the ropes for a good minute before he heard movement from above. Then he froze in fear. “They’re com’n...?” he whispered to him self.

CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious
im jess saying im jess saying
Dark Serenity Dark Serenity
Yennie Yennie
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

((I think I ended up mentioning every one lol ))
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James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

James beamed. "You found my knife! Oh, and I'm James. James Hannah. And that's my little sister, Mikayla." After about a minute, Boy heard footsteps and said that whoever had kidnapped them was coming. James heard it too. He pulled his wrists apart, and the half-broken ropes finally gave in. "Thanks." James hurried to Mikayla's side and looked at her head. She had a massive purple bump on the top. She had been whacked, that's for sure.
James sat in front of Mikayla, ready to fend off the bad guys. Boy had his knife, but James wasn't gonna ask for it back; the kid would need something to protect himself with. James hoped his fists would do the trick, but deep inside he knew better.
((I hope its ok if I do NPC posts. I mean, I know its my rp but since I’m newer to the site idk how yall usually do it here so here I go))

It was only a single person. He was taking is preacious time coming down the stairs leading to the hull. When he reached it, he pulled back the trap-door like cover that seperated the hull from the rest of the boat. The door shut itself behind him, as it was crucial this door never remained open.

He made his way down the last of the stares, and his body slowly came in to view. First his feet, then his waist, then his gun. It was an assault rifle, and not a firearm to mess with. It was slung over his shoulder, like he wasnt really planning on needing it. He was whistling a giddy tune. And smoke came from out his lips in puffs, as his cigarette danced to his melody. He had a hand behind his back.

He stopped, almost surprised when he got to the bottom. “No one was supposed to be awake yet...” he sighed angrily. He moved towards some of the other, not yet awake passengers. “Dead... dead.. f*ck’n dead!” he scowled. It was true. While the captures were amazing killers, not one of them was an anesthesiologist. Some of the victims had ways too much, and were dead. Some had too little, and were awake at this moment. Those who were asleep seemed to have just enough.

The man with the gun was, for the most part, going through like no one was even there. He stopped when he got to Lydia. This was not where he left her. He picked her up by one shoulder and dragged her back. Olabisi tried to stop him. She protested by grabbing his leg, but he simply kicked her away. “I only came to empty all you guys pockets and i find this mess...” he grumbled, in a broken English. He reached to pick up Macy as well, and would have grabbed her by the collar, but Olabisi swatted him away. So instead, he grabbed Olabisi by the ankle and dragged her back to the hook she was previously tied to. “If you behave like this at slave trade only use youll be is a sacrifice, girl,” he grumbled.

((Gonna use my own characters to move the plot if that cool))

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im jess saying im jess saying
Dark Serenity Dark Serenity
Yennie Yennie
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Zaltusinel Zaltusinel
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Boy figured his last good words could be spent to make a dying friend. “Nice to meet you, James,” he whispered, as he heard the door open. He pushed the knife back under the ropes and slipped his bindings back on. If the guard saw the knife, he would surely take it. Or maybe even hurt them for having it.

When the. Guard started declaring some of the bodies as dead, Boy was mortified. There were so many people in here... how many could be dead. He might could have died, and that thought scared him to tears. He didnt want to make a lot of noise, but a few tears started to fall down his face, and he was helpless to stop them.


I was shocked that the man really decided he needed to grab the girl back. She was our cold, and not doing any thing when he found her. I really protested when he went for the little sister, though. Macy had a head injury, and could have died if he’d just flung her around. We were like chickens to a slaughter for them. We were good dead or alive.

It was not a nice feeling when he dragged me, but I let him do it so he’d leave Macy alone. I suppose he gave up on the rope, because when we stopped, he planted a kick in my gut. It caught me completely off guard, but I didnt give him the satisfaction of crying. “Whats wrong? Get up!” he yelled, in a teasing voise. Then he took his arm out from behind his back. He was holding my braces. He threw them where I could not reach, and then he grabbed some of my hair. “Only sell Ill make on you is as a sex slave with out those things,” he giggled. Slave!? Oh god... we were being sold!

Then he went back to kicking me. I shut my eyes, and all I could hear was the sound of my Nduguye’s shouting.

That was him. That was the man I was going to kill. I didnt even think I was going to get this chance so soon, but I was. He made a mistake coming down here to mess with O again.

I lifted my self to my knees and yelled at him. “Mkundu!” I shouted, pulling on the chains. “Basha!” I was shouting out of pure anger, I admit. I didnt care. He was going to die today. With every kick he threw my O, he walked him self deeper in to his grave.

I was pulling on my chains to the point where they dug in to my skin. They were what was keeping me from this guy. Well wasnt this my lucky day. I pulled on the chains steadily. Ever since I was born, my strength had been one of my biggest cureses. I cant even think of the last time it served me well. That was about to change to day. My biggest cures was about to become my most precious, God-given gift. I hated my strength, but today I needed it.

As kids, we were always taught that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and this was no different. This chain had a weak link, and it was no match for me. Eventually, the chain popped, and I was free. I came darting across the room and swung the slack from my binding around the gunman’s neck. He reached for his gun but I kicked it away. He was mine.

There was nothing I could do to contain the rage in me. There was a fire in my eye and the whole ocean couldnt put it out. “Where are you taking us!?” I growled through my teeth. He refuses to answer at first, but he gave when I tightened on the chain. “Where!?” I grunted, looping the chain once more around his neck.

You will all be slaves,” was his answer. He laughed, thinking he was winning. I asked him how many people were up there in the same way. Eventually I got a number out of him. Seven. I couldnt really know for sure if that was the truth.

Once I was done interrogating him, I turned his gaze to my cousin on the floor. “This is the second time you have touched her with your filthy hands,” I growled at him though my clenched teeth. “I will rid the world of your filth. Tell Satan I said ‘not today.’” And with that, I yanked that chain with every ounce of strength in me. There was a loud snap and his neck was in two. I left his body on the floor.
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Macy Matheson
Macy smaller.jpg
Macy fluttered her eyes open and instantly started crying. Her little body was in so much pain. "Lydia!" She screamed out trying to get the attention of her foster sister. Where was she? She just remembered playing on the playground with Lydia. Now she's...rocking, rocking, rocking. Her head hurt so bad and she felt a funny taste in her mouth. She tried to get up and found that she had ropes tied around her ankles and wrists. "Lydia!" She cried out one more time, rolling around to look at the people. There were so many people. Some kids just like her. She spotted her sister Lydia laying on the ground with blood on her. She watched as the dark skinned girl helped her big sister and asked, "What's wrong with my sister?" Macy felt a sense of trust with the girl who was holding her sister's head up on her knee.

Lydia smaller.jpg

Then Macy heard someone say, "They're comin'..." and Macy decided to close her eyes again and pretend she was sleeping. She used to do this when her sister would come looking for her after she ate all the cookies out of the pantry. With her eyes closed she heard something open and footsteps getting close to her. She shut her eyes really tight and hoped the bad people would just go away. Macy heard the bad man say the word dead, dead, dead. People were dead? Was her sister dead? Was she going to die? Macy heard his voice and heard him drag someone across the floor. She didn't dare open her eyes. Then she felt a rough hand on her collar and a little yelp escaped her mouth. She opened her eyes at this point to see the dark skin girl swat the bad man's hand away and protect her. Macy watched in horror as one of the bigger men screamed at the bad man and got free from his chains. Macy watched at the man snapped the bad man's neck and he fell dead to the floor. Macy started crying immediately and tried to scramble toward her sister the best she could while still being tied up. "Lydia! Wake up!" She screamed through tears. She was terrified. She needed her big sister.

Tags: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele
I had to look away when Nduguye killed the guy. It was not a move I would have made, but I could not have stopped him from doing it. I kept my eyes on the little girl, Macy. She looked to be doing a really good job of playing dead. I had seen her wake up a bit and catch a glimpse of the situation. Now she was pretending to still be out. Smart girl.

Once the deed had been done, though. I lifted my head to look up at the girl. “Dada yako ni sawa...” I started to tell her that her sister was alright. However, I decided a smile in her direction and one in her sister’s was enough to relay the message.

Then I lifted my self the best I could to look at my brother. I gave him this speech, but in our language. “You saved the day but it was messy. And you should not have in front of these kids.” Sure I was fussing, but I was glad for him. That guy might have kicked me to death if left unattended, and then might have moved to a new target.

My Nduguye handed me my braces and told me to stay down here with the weak. This could only mean that he planned on going up those stares. I put my braces on my legs, and for the first time since I’d woken up, I stood up. It felt strange standing in the hull, and it was hard to find strength and balance. But I eventually caught it. I walked over to the big sister (Lydia) to see if she was alright.

I just kind of stood there for a moment, staring at the fallen body. The chains fell from my forearms, but I didn’t let it hit the floor. I caught it in my hands. I took a few quick, deep breaths, but there was no hiding the smile that swept across my face. I was so satisfied in this moment. I threw my head back and let out a quiet laugh, before turning to face the others.

Now I was probably rethinking my decision. I could have thought of some thing smarter than doing that in front of the kids, but in the moment, I didnt care. My rage had come over me, and I hated my self for that. What was done was done, though. Now we had to continue to act. I handed O her braces and told her to stay down here and attend to the weak.

Then, I turned to the little girl and translated what O had told her. “She said your sister is fine. Please dont cry,” I smiled, trying to talk as softly as I could. I didnt want to scare her. I am tall, dark, with a deep voice and a deeper accent; I was covered in scars and I’d just killed a man. I had to be scary. So I didnt bother her for long.

My next step was to start getting people free. I walked up to the wall of the hull and grabbed the chains of a nother guy. ((This can be who ever))I pulled steadily just like I had on my own chains. I planted a foot on the wall and pulled til one of the links began to give. “Dont freak...” I warned, just before the chain popped.

im jess saying im jess saying
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Logan Rogers
Logan looked up when he heard footsteps, going quiet as he watched the stairs. Narrowing his eyes, Logan watched the man in silence. He glanced at his little brother before back to the man, listening to him mutter about god knows what and complain about the dead people. He shook his head in disbelief. What did he expect!? People weren't going to come willingly, that was for damn sure. Logan continued to watch the man, his body growing tense as he heard the man's words. Slaves. Anger boiled Logan's blood as he watched the man begin to beat the woman, looking away and looking at his brother. "Jesse, come on. We gotta get out these chains," he muttered to his brother, pulling and tugging at his wrists to get free.

"It's going to be fine, Jesse. Just stay calm. I'll get us out of here, nobody is going to sell you, or me, or anyone. Trust me," Logan said, meeting his brothers gaze as he watched him. The last thing Logan wanted to deal with was his brother panicking. They had to focus on getting out, not on the fact that they could get sold as slaves. Logan will die before he allows his little brother to get sold to some person to do god knows what.

Logan was suddenly snapped back into reality as he heard that all too familiar sound of bones breaking. He looked at the tall black man, his gaze drifting to the lifeless body on the floor. "Yes!" Logan grinned, seeing their way out. They were going to be just fine. Logan watched the man, nodding slightly as Obadiah-Ishmael broke the chains on his wrists. He moved over to his brother, doing the same as the other man and breaking the chains. "Come on," he said, grabbing his brothers arm and pulling him to a stand, heading for the stairs.

Jesse Rogers
Slaves. The words sent terror through the boy, his heart beginning to race once more as the tears built in his eyes. That was far worse than death. Who knows what was going to happen to them. Would they be beaten every day? Forced to work? Oh god... what if they want more than those things... what if they want more...erotic things to do with their slaves. Tears ran down Jesse's face as he listened to his brother, nodding slightly. He blew out a shaky breath, nodding, "o-okay..." Jesse began to tug and pull at his chains, swallowing hard as he focused on that.

When Jesse heard the beating, he didn't dare look up. He didn't want to see what was happening. He heard shouting, talking, the sounds of violence. Only when everything went quiet is when Jesse looked up from his hands. It wasn't the first time he's seen a dead person. Hell, his own brother killed people on a daily basis. This was nothing. When the man had approached, Jesse flinched back and pressed himself against the wall, fear building in his gaze. He was going to kill them, this was the end.

Jesse slowly opened his eyes, glancing at the man as he unchained his brother. Wait....no...he was helping. Jesse slowly relaxed as his brother took the chains off, tensing as he was pulled to a stand and led toward the stairs. "N-no! Wait!" Jesse said, tugging his arm away. "Are you mad!? We can't just go up there without a plan!" Jesse shouted in a whisper, breaking into another sob as he backed up. "I don't want to die... I don't want you to die, Logan. Please... lets come up with a plan. All of us," the teen said, sniffling as he watched his brother. He couldn't lose him. He was all he had left...

Interactions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele
James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

James watched, wide eyed, as the lifeless man hit the floor. James hands were shaking another was a huge lump in his throat. He swallowed it, awkwardly, and balled up his fists. Silently he thought a prayer for the man. It wasn't a very kind one, as this guy was a total asshole, but it was enough to respect the dead. Mikayla was still out cold. I'm glad she didn't see the killing. Hopefully this is all over before she wakes up. Then he started to talk in a low voice. The lower he made his voice, the more control he had over it. He wasn't going to cry right now. His voice was calm and slow.
"Who... who is going upstairs to fight? Do you want me to come with you?" He picked up his pocket knife and held it up for the others to see. "I... I know how to use it." His hands were shaking again and he squinted hard to make the tears welling up behind his eyes go away.
I turned to the little boys who were bound. I took the knife from the one (James) and shook my head at his suggestion. No way was I letting these kids up there. They would be easy picking for those guys upstares. Even if they could land a shot, it changes a person to have to kill so young. I knew that.

I used the knife to finish cutting the boy free, then I handed it back to him. His sister was bound in simpler knots, and I was able to undo her with my hands. I went about unbinding the rest of the kids there (like Macy and Isaac) and determining the dead from the living. I could not fight, but I could do what I could do here and make sure people lived past the fight.

I went about breaking the chains, because I was sure I was only one who could. The guy who’s chains I broke first (Logan) seemed just as ready to act as I was. I knew we would have to act quickly.

I stood in the middle of the hull where I thought every one could hear me, without me having to raise my voice. “Hey everyone... “ I started, trying not to speak loud enough for the others upstares to hear me. “Its only a matter of time before the rest of them come down here. We need to bring the fight to them before they bring it down here; keep the fight away from the kids and the wounded. O will stay here and tend to them.” I gestured to my sister.

“Ill take a team of us up. Only come if you can take take a life.” I looked to the brave little boy who offered up his servises and his pocket knife. What a brave soul. “I’m gonna need you to be the second line of defense down here, if that is okay, soldier?” I told him. I looked to the guy again from before (Logan). “Ma man.. I know I can take you,” I smiled, extending a hand. “You can call me Obediah for now. Are you in?”

Boy whimpered in horror when the scary guy dropped the gunman’s body on the floor. He was happy that the bad guy was gone, but still scared. He didnt want to focus on it, but couldn’t take his eyes off. It wasnt until the guy’s sister put her body between him and the body to untie James, could he get his eyes off.

When James offered to help fight, he gave a look of disbelief. “Are you crazy!?” he exclaimed, slipping the ropes back off of his wrists. “James... let the grown ups take care of that...” he whimpered. He couldnt imagine going up there and coming back alive.

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
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