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Realistic or Modern Glasynys: The Blue Island (closed)

((Lemme get this coup d’ètat moving for us))

The two captures stil left alive had a great deal of profanity to shoot my way. Most of it was out of shock. The fear on their faces gave me a whole lot of joy. I looked carefully; neither of them seemed to be armed. Perhaps their firearms were near, but they were too frozen in the moment to get them. “Who’s next?”. I asked one more time. This time, in French.

I knew I had to act very quickly with these two. While I was confident in my ability to kill, I knew I did not have any actual fighting skills. In a wrestling match I would win. But in a fight with an aponant who could face a bigger, stronger adversary, I’d be screwed. But I was okay. All I had to do was get my hands on them.

I let the chain fall to the ground, shaking my shoulders loose. I sent a taughnt their way to see what would happen. The older of the two pushed the younger forward before diving for a drawer. The younger pulled a knife from his pocket and approached me in a hurry, but he was only a lamb for slaughter. A blemished lamb, at that. He was fast, and with a flurry of nervous shouts, he came at me. He stabbed me in the chest, but he was too week to get it deep. I took his arm and took his knife. Then I killed him with it.

I made a nother line on my face with his blood. The older guy was still digging in the drawer. He might have been looking for a knife, but was struggling. He found a hammer. It was too bad for him I was standing between him and the gun. He swung at me with every thing he had, but I blocked it with the palm of my hand. Then I struck him. Iwas with my bear fist, and it was enough to send him back. Then I took his hammer and beat him with it. He was dead in a single strike. I added a line to my face.

I took both the hammer and the knife and shoved them in my belt, while makin sure the room was empty. Then I crept back in to the halls. Surely, any other men here heard that gunshot. I had to get up to them before they came down here, or else they may get to the hull. “Logan! Red Head!” I called, hoping my comrades had not fallen.

((Sorry its kinda long, y’all))
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Alex woke up and looked around, he tried to stand up but noticed he couldn't. He looked around and saw a commotion with the others and he was really confused. He examined the place more and noticed they were on a ship. He felt sick knowing that they were on the water, he didn't know was they were or why they were there he just didn't want to be there. He started to internally panic.
After What felt like a very long and awkward moment of silence, I heard some rustling from a little ways away. A guy about my age (Alex) had woken up. He was one of the few that the gunman had proclaimed as dead. If only I had checked him I could have decided for my self... now I needed to be sure to check all among the dead.

I stood up and carefully made my way over to him. I kindly got the knife from James and headed over to the guy who woke up. I walked slowly, as my banged-up leg braces were making quite a bit of noise. When I got to the guy, I cut the rope that bound his hands and feet. “Habari za asubuhi,” I smiled to him gently, wishing him a good morning, though I had no idea what time it was. I had forgotten my English again.

I looked at his eyes for a moment, only to see if he had hurt his head. He didnt look badly injured, it just seemed that the knock out gas had gotten him good. He seemed rather queasy, though. Perhaps it was motion sickness?

Rozydoodles Rozydoodles
im jess saying im jess saying
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He looked at the woman (Olabisi) as she cut the ropes from his hands and feet. He opened his mouth to say thank you but the words were blocked in his throat. He was trying his absolute best to stay calm but was still freaking out a bit. He stood up shakily because of the movement of the boat and fear. He wished he knew what was going on.
The guy seemed a little dizzy, so I grabbed him by the wrist as he stood. It honestly looked like he was getting ready to fall over. I guided him to sit with Jesse before going back to the others who were said to be dead.

The most of those people stunk. It was a grief checking every person, but I did. Some had recently passed, as they still looked to only be asleep. Others were cold and stiff, and two others still had begun to decay. There were more of us alive than dead, but it was obvious our captures didn’t care for our lives. This was sad.

I returned to Jesse and our new survivor (Alex) and sat. I was trying my best to fight back tears,but knew I would ultimately fail. I wasnt sure if either of the guys were up for chats at that point. I just sat with my chin in my knees.

Rozydoodles Rozydoodles
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
He followed and sat down were Olabisi led him. He sat down cross-legged and fidgeted with his hands. He was silent but he was obviously really on edge. He watched as she checked the others, he was so scared... he didn't know were he was or how he got there all he knew was he was on a boat with other people, some dead
It was a few minutes of sitting and listening. There were a few thuds coming from up stares, but there was no way to know if we were winning or not. I looked between the two guys I was sitting with. I didnt know whether or not to fill this guy (Alex) in or not. I almost didnt care. I only clutched the chain around my neck and the trinkets it held: a small locket and a little key.

I think the longer and harder I thought about it, the worst I felt. A big part of my heart knew that my big brother would come back from the fighting upstares. He might be covered in blood, but he would come back. He had to; he promised.

After calming my self down some, I turned to the guy who had now joined us. I gestured to myself and said softly; “Olabisi Jana.” If we were going to talk, he might as well address me properly. “Jina lako ni......?” I stopped. He didn’t understand me. It was simpler just to guestured to him. Maybe he would understand I wanted his name.

Rozydoodles Rozydoodles
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Logan Rogers

It only took a couple minutes for Logan to step out of the room. In his hand was the bloody chain, blood splattered across the front of his shirt and his face. Logan looked down the hall and spotted the colored male, approaching his side quietly. “I’m not sure if Red made it,” Logan muttered, glancing to the room. “Come on. We can’t wait around all day. If he’s alive, he’ll catch up.” Logan moves around Obadiah and moved down the hall, heading upstairs to the top deck of the ship. Staying in the shadows, Logan took in the surroundings. A few men here and there. Some of them were drinking, others were unloading cargo, others were sleeping. It’ll be easy.

“That should be everyone left...there’s nowhere else for these bastards to hide. Ready?” Logan question, glancing at his partner before back to the men scattered on the top deck. Wiping the blood from his face, Logan pushed himself to a stand and stepped out of the shadows.

Striking the chain across one of the men’s face, Logan balled his fast and punched he man in the gut. Slamming his foot into the man’s knee, the scream and the popping sound brought joy to Logan’s eyes. With a dark laugh, Logan slammed his foot down on the man’s face and brutally stomped his head in as he stroked the chain at another man coming at him. They can do this. They’re going to be fine. They’re going to get back home. These were all the thoughts running through Logan’s head. They deserved this, they hurt Jesse. All Logan could see as he brutally murdered these men was his little brother getting slammed onto the ground and knocked out. They. Deserved. This.
( Elise Ebele Elise Ebele Zaltusinel Zaltusinel )
Jesse Rogers

Jesse looked over as he heard the rustling, his gaze landing on the awakening male. He looked at O and watched her go over to the guy, cutting him free from the binds. Jesse offered a slight smile to Alex, though he knew it wasn’t going to help. They were fucked. It’s taking too long. It shouldn’t take this long, should it? If they were dead, wouldn’t the captors come down here? Wouldn’t they do something? No. They were fine. Logan is up there. They’re going to be okay.

“I’m Jesse...” the teenager said softly to Alex, glancing between O and him. “What’s your name?” He question, naturally assuming this is what O was asking him. It had to be, right? Why did there have to be a language barrier? He wished this girl could speak English. Hell. She can, she just won’t. At least, that’s what Jesse thought. Looking at Alex once more, the young man waited for his response to the question.
( Elise Ebele Elise Ebele Rozydoodles Rozydoodles )
"M-m-m-m-my n-n-name i-i-is A-a-alex" he says looking down, the man was obviously really scared. He ears the commotion above deck. He takes deep breaths trying to calm himself. He stared at the wooden floor boards
Logan didn’t waste any time going above deck, and I was right at his heels. There was a good number of people here. All men. There were more French speakers. One of them was obviously French, the other was west African. I heard a Latin language. Those men looked to be Spaniards, but I didn’t know because I didn’t know Spanish. This was one of those world wide operations. It sounded like we were planning to arrive in India next... at least, I think that’s what I heard.

Logan went one way, so I went the other. I wasnt fast, but I got to the closest man and held him mouth and nose from behind. I stabbed him through the heart and dropped his body on the ground. I made a line on my other cheek, to show every one my kill count was at five.

The guys up here were defiantly smarter. They had weapons. Two men raised their firearms at me. God, I hate guns. I swung my chain and caught one gun man’s hands in it. Holding him, I kicked the other. I pulled the chain and the first gunman’s arms fell to the floor. I kicked it away: I wasnt going to use the gun my self. I may have broke his hands. The second man aimed again after his initial stagger. I dodged it. Now dont think that I have any super power in dodging bullets: its just after enough guns have been pulled on you, you learn to duck early. I ducked far before he pulled the trigger. I killed the first guy by smashing his skull on the deck. “Die all of you!” I growled, before planting the knife in the second guy’s groin. He fell, and I broke his neck.

Two more lines.

I didnt look directly at the guy. I only repeated his name quietly to my self. “Alex..” I mumbled back, nodding my head. I didn’t have much to say to either of them, I guess. It was a new and scary feeling for me, honestly, to be sitting so close to the guys... main reason I was was because I knew we needed to put as many bodies between these kids and the exit. Otherwise, I would be cowering in a corner all by my self.

As well as sitting, I knew that some light conversation might keep the kids calm, and maybe even Jesse and Alex as well. Reluctantly, I pushed some loose hair behind my ear and opened my mouth, while fidgeting with my fingers. “Tunaweza kushinda...” I paused still fidgeting. “I dont think we are in trouble yet. If the guys had lost, some one would be coming down to get us...” I nodded.

Then I turned my gaze of the guys, And started to fill Alex in. “We’ve been kidnapped.” I pointed to the dead gaurd on the floor. “My Nduguye killed that one. He’s up there with Jesse’s brother and one other guy.. trying to buy our freedom,” I explained.

Rozydoodles Rozydoodles
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
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James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

James was astonished as Olabisi began speaking english. "Hey! You speak english?! Cool!" That moment, however, was cut short as James heard another gunshot above him. He hugged his knees up to his chest and stared up at the roof above.
"That's two now..." He said, quietly.
Boy pulled his hands over his ear when he hear the gunshot. It was a sound he had heard a few times before in his area, but it was not one he was used to, and it had never effected him as much as it did right now. He wrapped his arm around Mikayla and leaned the two of them closer to James. “Our reverse Oreo of safty and friendship...” He mumbled, probably just loud enough for James to hear.

I shrugged when the little boy commented on my English. “I am fluent in five languages. Six depending on how you count. I am nearly proficient in two others...” I started fidgeting with the braces, twisting the movable parts. There were joints on either side of both my knees and I twisted a screw on one side that stiffened them. “I don’t like them very much... especially English,” I shrugged again.

Then I heard that gun go off. I waited in silence for a moment, not even breathing. Please, God, dont let it be my Nduguye. It can be any one else for all I care. Take Jesse’s brother or the red head for all I care: I didnt even learn his name. Just dont take my brother.

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

Despite all the tension, James couldn't help but laugh out loud when Boy called their huddle a 'reverse Oreo'.
"Best Oreo." He replied, grinning and cuddling in closer. Olabisi said she knew 6 other languages, but didn't like them, especially English. James frowned. "Why did you learn them if you don't like them? Sounds like a waste of time to me. And why don't you like English?"
Boy giggled along with his new friend and nodded. It truly was the best Ore. He felt safer, and hoped James and Mikayla did as well.

((I’m sorry its painfully short...))

I shook my head at James’ question. “I didnt learn them, really, because I wanted to. The language of my people is Swahili. We all speak it at home and it is the only thing we speak. But my Mam, she is a doctor and she would never turn any one away. So she would get people from all over Kenya. Some times people would come from Tanzania and even as far as Uganda. People would come with their languages. Those most others spoke Swahili, we would have people who spoke English... and I’m not too sure how the French speaking people made it to our humble home... But I picked up both languages easily.

“I learned German because American school said we had to learn a new language. And I also know ASL, and LAK, which is the sign language in Kenya. It’s surprising close to the sign language in America. I am familiar with Japanese because my teacher speaks it.”

I got the screw where I wanted and stopped messing with it. “And I dont like English because it has killed my people,” I told him. I was a bit of an exaggeration, but only by a little. It was true. “Americans and their language are both very stupid... I hate that God-forsaken country.”

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
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James Hannah
Location: Boat
Mentions: Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

James balled up his fists, angry that Olabisi called his country and his people stupid, and hated them. But.... It has killed my people..... He didn't look her in the eyes, and his face was red, but he still tried to be kind. "I'm sorry..." he said, quietly.
I ruffled the little boy’s hair, with a smile spreading across my face. “You seem like a very kind child, though. So I do not hate you,” I assured him. As far as White Americans go, I wish I had more like him in my school. He was a sweet kid, and didnt have any immediate hate for me. That was a first. It made me smile, that James was just talking to me like I was no different. It almost made me forget he was just a little boy.

Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
After I had dropped the last of the guys, I stopped to look around. Logan was making quick work of his targets. He looked to be a skilled fighter, and I made a note not to start a fight with him. Though I my self have only ever lost against one person, its smarter to keep your strong close; and I knew he was strong in both body and character.

He seemed to be almost done. I was walking to help him out when I heard running footsteps. It was the last thug: the captain, maybe. He was carrying a revolver and was running to Logan, probably in an effort to save his last crewmen. He probably planned to deal with me next, but that was his mistake. With all my might, I threw the knife I was holding in his direction. I missed. It was okay, though. He stopped in his tracks when it wizzed past his face, and it was enough of a pause for me to rush him. I grabbbed him under his c him and snatched his pistol, but I killed him with my bare hands.

After marking the center of my forehead with his blood, I turned to Logan and smiled. “Nine,” I grinned, pointing to the marks on my face. I licked the blood from my fingers and looked around to see if we got every one. I think we had. The ship was ours. “It’s finished. Let’s go see if Red succeeded... I want to get Mack to my O and I’m sure you feel the same about your brother, Logan.”

Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Zaltusinel Zaltusinel

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