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Gijinka Hearts

"okay that can happen I will only inform the knock them out only.there would be no one horned in this little event okay" he started to think of how they're gonna do it and multiple backup plan.
She sighed in relief "thank you, I truly mean it. This is a great kindness." She bowed her head politely at him showing respect and gratitude. She looked back up at him and smiled "I am in your debt."
"there is need to thank me I'm just helping out a pretty girl."Xobic look out upon the town he could see the Sun start to rise. did we really speak all night it didn't feel like it he thought to himself."well princess looks like I have to go."he got out of his seat and walk to the end of the balcony.
She got up and watched him move. "Ah, if you don't mind..." She fiddled with her hands and looked back at him "could you comeback tonight, I know you must be busy, but I would greatly appreciate it." She closed her eyes, nervous a what he answer would be.
"sure we have 5 days to get this done and that's when the reasons that I said 5 days so we can hang out a little bit."After he said that he jumped off and left the castle without being seen going towards his camp.
She smiled and nodded at him "of course!" She watched as he jumped off and dashed out of sight. She smiled and turned back as the day was to begin again.

(we can skip the meetings each night if you wanna.)
(yeah lets skip the meetings)

Xobic stood on a rooftop overlooking the people that are hidden in the crowd no one could see him though and he was a bit worried that today will go wrong and he was a bit worried that today will go wrong since today he and a group will kidnap the princess.He reassured himself by going to the plan again and the backup plans."she should be coming through here here in a few I hope this plan works I don't usually do this"
As the carriage continued on its path near the park Gina was nervous. Her heart was pounding so much she had to place her hand over it to calm herself. Calm down, Xobic said everything would be fine and I believe him. She clenched her fist tightly and sighed, she knew this was the only way she would learn anything about her realm and the people she would rule. Her father would probably, marry her off, before she could ever truly do anything to help her people. Truthfully it was high time for her to be married, but her mother's death stopped her father from giving her away just yet.
Xobic saw the carriage coming and when it got to the point he threw up a a signal that told other guys to get the guards and the carriage driver.the group of bandits came out of the crowd with clubs automatically getting in a fight with the guards and knocked the carriage driver out.
Gina tensed as she heard the commotion, she sent out a silent prayer of thanks that she convinced the guards and maids that she didn't want anyone in the carriage with her. I hope that everyone will be alright, please forgive me. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes as the fight continued.
the bandits was still fighting with the guards but one of them got the driver's seat and started to take off.Xobic started to run across rooftops following the carriage watching it every movement."first plan complete second plan in motion"
Gina was surprised as the carriage lurched forward as they sped rapidly down the way. She tried to look out as the carriage was moving, but quickly pulled her head back as a branch came rushing by her. "oh dear, pleas let everyone be safe."
the carriage stop deep in the forest Xobic was a little bit behind it but he caught up."okay it is safe now thanks guys I'll go back here in a few and get your guys out of jail"the bandits started to leave into the woods."mission successful I'm glad of it."
Gina was relieved when the carriage stopped. She heard Xobic's voice and began to get out of the carriage. the jewels on her head tinkling as she peeked out behind the carriage door. "Is, is it safe to come out now?" The gems gleamed brightly on her head as she stepped onto the ground and looked around at the forest.
"change out of those clothes and put these no do not worry I will not look"tossed a bag full of clothing and started to walk away but not far away he is going to be on the lookout if the guards follow the tracks of a carriage.

Gina nodded as she looked at the clothes she was amazed at all the fastens, straps and buttons she was flustered. "Umm is this right?" She was bright red and some of the claps were not properly tied.
Xobic walk back to the carriage and look at the princess and saw that some of the claps were not properly tied so he fix them"you need me to look the part so get used to this and one more thing what is your new name we cannot call you by your original name I told you to think about one our last meet."
Gina blushed further as he came closer "Umm yes. Ah thank you!" she said as he finished fixing them. She was so much out of her comfort zone she was even more nervous. All this excitement was making her head spin."Yes, I came up with a name... it's ummm... it's Zara....." she looked at him and got super embarrassed "sorry if it doesn't fit, I'll change it, I just, thought it sounded nice..." her voice trailed off as she was becoming more and more embarrassed.
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" Zara Za-ra Zara that is good you do not have to change it ok we need to head to my camp just follow me"he looked at her and then turned away and started to walk into the woods looking back every now and then to see if she did not get lost.

(Gigi what are you doing here you hyper little girl xD )
(Don't judge me she wants to jump out on ever page this is literally the 3rd time this has happened =,= Stay back you hyper monster back!!)

GINA followed him cautiously, making sure she didn't trip or fall on her face. She looked up at him making sure that she didn't loose him. She noticed him looking at her occasionally and blushed every time. Not being able to take the silence she tried to star a conversation "so ummm, what is the camp like? I know you told me a little about it, but what is it like?"
(I Don't judge I had that happen to me with of my emo characters)

"it has a fire pit only one tent though I have a chest sitting there beside that has my items and that's about it sorry it is nothing much."they walk deeper into the woods probably to the princess they have been walking for hours and she probably wonder if they were lost but they came upon his camp it was small and lonely if you didn't know the way you will never find this little camp."sorry for the mess I didn't know I have royalty over"he said jokingly.
( xD It ws a joking Don't judge xD It usually happens when I get sleepy)

Gina shook her head as he finished "no it sounds lovely." They walked for what felt like hours to Gina the pain in her chest was growing the closer they got to the campsite. As they finally reached the camp she shook her head when he talked about the mess. "No..... it's fine" she clutches her chest, it was getting harder for her to breathe. "Umm is there......any.......water......." her throat was dry and she was gasping for air.
Xobic gave her his water skin"there you go I'll get you one tomorrow but for now you can use mine"he walked over to the fire pit and started to start a fire because it was supposed to get cold tonight and he wanted to make sure that they will be warm not as warm as in the palace but it will be warm."so what are we going to do tomorrow."

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