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Fantasy Ghosts From The Past

It was one of those days that you'd expect something terrible to happen on. Raindrops came from above and pattered against the cobblestone road that was as grey as the sky. And on a day such as that, you could expect an incident such as this one to occur.

Florin thought he was going to die. He was already bleeding in multiple places, wounds cause by the knife of his violent attacker. The man who towered over him didn't look much happier. They both were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But this? This was not how Florin wanted to die, dead in the street because someone got the wrong idea. He had a father, he had a wife... what would become of them? Florin felt a tear flow as the knife was raised to strike.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Both Florin and his attacker stopped. The voice sounded like someone who was already having a bad day, like things couldn't get worse. Like someone who was more annoyed than anything about the current situation. Florin looked towards the man who spoke to see who it was.

He was a tall man, wearing a green cloak and an angry expression. He had a large sword strapped to his back, and his brown boots were caked with mud. Florin had seen this man before, but had never spoken with him. He was one of the members of the local guard. His name was Boman. And where there was no hope before, Florin had it once again.

The ruffian who stood over Florin stepped back and gripped his knife hard. He pointed his bloody weapon towards the guard, and shouted at him in fear. "This ain't your business! Now get out of here!"

"Or what? You'll stab me?" was the response that came from Boman. There was still the annoyance in his voice, sounding almost as angry as his attacker, but there was no fear there. "Go ahead and try it. I dare you."

Like a fool, the fiend took the challenge. Boman simply stepped aside and the knife slipped past him, and the hilt of his sword was soon smashed into the face of the crook. And if the blow that sent him reeling and broke his nose wasn't enough, the perpetrator was quickly met with a slash to the chest, leaving him bleeding and on the ground. Boman stepped forward and kicked the knife out of his hand.

"You've lost knife privileges." Boman stated. "Now get out of here and never come back, or you'll be losing your head as well." There was no foolishness or pride left in the wounded attacker, he ran off faster than a falling raindrop. Florin started to get up on his own at this point, but the guard's hand reached down to assist in the endeavor.

"You..." Florin started, "You saved-"


Florin was stunned by this interruption. "What?"

"Don't say it. Just... don't." Florin couldn't understand why the man who saved his life didn't want to be thanked, it was almost as if he still felt like he failed in the end. Boman reached down and picked up the knife that was previously drawing Florin's blood. It was handed to him.

"Have a free knife." Boman commanded. "Now let me take you to the local doctor, you look like you could use a few stitches."

When the sky cleared
Boman did not look like a happy man when he walked into the training grounds. Because he wasn't. He was wet, he was late, he was tired, and worst of all, Waven was looking at him, and Boman knew what that meant. Lecture time.

"So," began the aging man, "How was the walk? Did you enjoy the scenery?" He was making the face; the face he always made when he knew what he was doing full well, but was still going to be difficult.

"Cut to the chase already," Boman snapped. "I'm not in the mood to play games today."

"All right. Fine." Waven took a deep breath. "You're late, you're soaking, you clearly haven't been sleeping enough again, your hair's a mess, I bet you forgot to bring your armor, and you smell like that rainstorm was the closest thing to a bath you've had in weeks."

Boman gritted his teeth. "When did you become my dad?"

"When he stopped caring." No point arguing with that.

Boman threw his arms into the air. "All right, I get the picture. I'm a mess. You happy?"

A smile crossed his teachers face. "Very." And with that, he walked off. Boman was about ready to throw his sword at Waven, and he might have done so if he thought it would have done anything more than give Waven a reason to mock his student's poor aim.

At this moment, Boman looked around and saw just how many of the other guards had stopped sparring to watch the fireworks. He couldn't blame them, but it still ticked him off. He picked one particular face out of the crowd that he recognized. Venit.

He walked over in as calm a fashion as he could manage. Venit was one of the few people that didn't seem to be actively trying to tick him off, and they got along despite the fact that Venit was almost ten years younger.

"Hi." Boman said. He wasn't even going to try being formal, as that was hard even when he wasn't soaking. "Nice weather we're having today, isn't it?" he commented, with his voice dripping with sarcasm.
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"Nice weather? Hah... Yeah, Just perfect." Venit responded with an equal sum of sarcasm, a slight smirk pressing to his face while his gaze flickered down to the sword in his hand, his fingers fidgeting with the handle silently for a few moments. The whole world seemed to be gloomy on this day.

"Well... I suppose the day could have been worse... Though." Venit murmured quietly while glancing to he side, his thoughts clearly reeling within his mind, something seeming to eat at him. His wet hair clung to his forehead as he expelled a low breath, and finally met his dark colored eyes back up to his older friend. "Boman. I need to tell you something- You see I...-" He trailed for a moment as he tried to picture in his mind what he had saw only an hour earlier.

"I saw something... Just on the outskirts of the kingdom in a patch of forests. Of course, it wasn't human... This one... Jesus, it was different."

He muttered, his sight seeming to constantly change to different subjects.

"It was more human than any of the other hell beasts we deal with. Its skin was black and red, and it stood up straight like us... I... I dont know how else to really describe it. Anyway-! The thing is, I told the higher ups, they refuse to believe anything I saw about it. They said that such a beast is impossible- but i know what I saw... And it looked dangerous. "

He explained as he adjusted his grip on his sword. "It... did something i've never seen before... It attacked me with its own blood... Augh Crap, listen i get it if you dont believe what im saying but its the truth- Something has to be done, A beast like that? Who knows what it wants, it could be this close to the kingdom for a reason. "

It was clear that Venit had quite some trust in Boman, His tone of speech was rather neutral and informal, one of his hands rose up to run his fingers through his wet hair, slicking it back in hopes of keeping his locks out of his face. "Perhaps if you tell them about it they'll believe it. Im starting to think they still think im a kid..." He murmured with a low sigh.

A silent pause overcame Venit, listening as the rest of the people continued their training. "Well- for now... We should continue before Waven comes back."

And with that, he tightened his grip on his blade, and turned back towards the practice dummy nearby with the intent to continue his training.
Boman listened intently to the beast's description. It sounded faintly familiar to him... black and red skin, that was it. Not too many of the other monster's he'd seen looked like that, and the last time he saw something like that was thirteen years ago. If this thing was even remotely similar... Venit was right and it had to go.

Boman couldn't understand why the hire ups wouldn't listen though. It sounded different than the usual fiend, but it certainly wasn't impossible. Maybe they did think he was just a kid... but if that were the case, they shouldn't have hired him.

As Venit turned around to go, Boman put a hand on his shoulder and did his best to smile. "Hey, look at me. A lot of people are going to think you're a kid, alright? People still think I'm a kid, even after all these years." He chuckled. "Mostly Waven though. But the thing to remember is this: we were all kids once, so try to be the toughest kid you can be. It's what I did." Boman turned around and started to walk off, his smile fading. Smiling was tiring, the people who said frowning was harder were bloody liars. "Now if you excuse me, I've got a monster to kill." He approached Waven.

Before he could open his mouth though, Waven interrupted him. "You're skipping training today, aren't you?"

"Yep." Wasn't going to deny it. Waven knew him well, he'd never once missed a lie told by one of his students. So Boman decided to tell him the truth. "One of the guards said he saw a particularly dangerous beast in the forest. If they can't deal with it, I will."

Waven rolled his eyes. "And you're telling me you've heard of this incredibly dangerous abomination, so you've decided to skip your training and go after it alone?"

Boman growled. "Yes, and?" His teacher could make even the most reasonable of decisions sound bad. He once told someone that his wedding was, "A construct of society designed to tell you how to spend time with your beloved and steal your money."

Waven sighed, he always did when he wanted to make a point. "All right, just come back tomorrow." And they parted ways.

Within the Woods
Boman took three things with him, his armor, his lunch, and incense. The armor was for wearing and the lunch was for eating, of course, but the incense had a more clever purpose. He set it on the ground and lit it. In his experience, most monsters had a habit of flocking to the stuff. Didn't know why, maybe they just liked the smell and were curious. But in all likelihood this would get the beast's attention. He sat down besides it and closed his eyes, focusing on every little sound. If something came, he'd hear it, and he was still enough and the incense masked his sent that it wouldn't be as likely to notice him. He'd take what advantage he could get.

He caught himself smiling as he sat besides the incense with his helm off. He pulled himself together. Wipe that smirk off your face, you should be focusing more. And then, he sat in wait, wondering when the game would begin.
'What was that...?'

The liveliness of the forest filled the air around her, providing a quiet, peaceful white noise composed of chattering of birds and small animals, the whistling breeze and the shivering of trees and leaves. She liked it here- She enjoyed how it was neither quiet nor loud here, She always felt both alone, yet not alone at the same time here. A slow exhale parted Gracia's lips as her sight remained transfixed down to her hands, open with her palms facing up as if she was inspecting them.

'I thought... I saw something just now. Or, perhaps I heard something... '

Closing her orange eyes, the girl closed her left hand, stained with the permanent dark grey hue, while the skin was hard like armor- due to never change back to the normal fleshy-color she once had. She couldn't describe what had just happened, for it passed in a mere instant. A thought- a memory of a room that she swore to have never seen before.
'Perhaps I just need rest...' She decided that she simply wasn't getting anywhere just thinking about it- it must have been a simple trick of her mind, what else could it have been? Her eyes slowly re-opened to the bright green scenery of the forest, soft yellow-white beams of light filtering in through the gaps of the leafs and branches. Calmly, she dropped her arms to her side, and turned her body to look behind herself, her long hair cascading down her back.

With just a moment of hesitation, she began to push forward, walking quietly through the depths of the woods, leafs and sticks snapping and shifting beneath her as she walked without much direction, aside from the fact that she decided it would be best to put some more distance between herself and the outer walls of the kingdom. She did not get far however before the stopped, picking up a faint scent carried by the wind. Blinking, she paused before slowly looking around with a look of confusion plastered across her features.

"Wha-agh." She began to murmur out quietly, before dropping her head a bit and gripping onto her head as she stumbled to the side just a bit, a flash of scenery flooding her mind. A hill of grass and flowers, the sun peeking over the horizon with small houses in the distance. This flash of sight lasted for a mere second. One hand placed against a tree, supporting her body as she stared to the ground. Unable to understand what was happening. Was that a memory? How...? How is that possible? She had never seen a place like that before. No... For all she can remember, she's been here.

"That smell..." She whispered quietly, as it was faintly familiar, it had to have been what triggered that. She had to investigate. She needed to understand.

Twenty minutes later, she arrived at the scene, though remained back in the shadows, standing behind a bundle of trees and bushes, staring at the small incense upon the ground, releasing a slight string of smoke into the air. That must be where its coming from... However....' Her sight slowly flickered over to the soldier, gritting her teeth a bit and clenching her hands at her sides.

'What is he doing here...?'

Slowly, the blackness that permanently consumes her arm quickly spread along her body. And soon enough, all of her skin was that dark grey color, with intricate red markings, and much tougher than normal skin- almost like a flexible metal armor material. She wasn't an idiot... She was lured here. But now, she needed answers. What was that incense? and why did it trigger such a memory.
It was at this time that Boman got hungry. He got up and stretched first, leaning a bit too each side. Then he turned around to grab his pack...

And he saw it. It was only a corner, but he saw it. What looked like hair from the other side of a bush. It was almost perfectly obscured, but he knew what he saw. He had a guest. And the guest was watching. Now, in Boman's experience, whenever a stranger was watching you from the shadows in a forest where God cast a blind eye, where demons and beasts of all sorts roamed, you didn't have a nice guest. At least, that was the assumption.

Not wanting to let on that he saw it though, he continued to unpack his snack. Some simple cured meat was all that was within. Not the most sophisticated of meals, but he could do. And while he took a bite, he touched the forest floor and closed his eyes.

"Frozen soil," he whispered. He had to say the words to get it to work; he couldn't understand how Waven could cast them without a word. A faint blue glow came from his hand as the spell was cast. If he had to guess, his guest was freezing its ass off right now.

He threw his meat back into the pack and stood up, holding his helmet in one hand and sword in the other. "I'd recommend that you show yourself right about now," he said with a smirk. "Because if you don't, we can't work out this hole mess and you're going to be really, really uncomfortable." He wasn't going to lie, he liked where this was going.
Gracia nearly flinched at the sudden cold rush that swept over her body. It felt as if she had suddenly jumped into a tundra climate. Clenching her hands tightly at her side, she expelled a slightly shaky breath, easily able to see the small puff of air escaping past her lips as her bodies temperature quickly and far from comfortably dropped quite low.

"Work out this mess... huh? I get the feeling both options aren't meant to be pleasing for me..." She murmured quietly, before slowly stepping forward, allowing herself to be seen as she glared directly towards the soldier. She was not afraid, nor was she nervous. She was confident. That spell of his definitely was interesting- she hadn't met many soldiers able to use magic so easily, But she knew something like that wouldn't stop her. At the very least, the cold temperature may slow her down just a bit, or distract her slightly.She knew he had to be bad news though- he wasn't here to make friends. A lone soldier, fully armed and geared with incense- he was searching for her... Or something.

'Might as well make this quick.'

In a quick motion, Gracia raised her arm a bit, and allowed the black armoring over her skin to disappear in one area, allowing her to bring her sharp nail down onto her skin, and in a swift swipe, create a gash across her own arm. She winced just a bit, but didn't seem too fazed by this. Blood dripped down to the ground, and rolled down her arm.

"Why don't you tell me something, soldier..."

Looking up to him with her glowing orange eyes- full of cold chaos, and dismay, the blood dripping from her wound slowly begins to shift within the air beside her, collecting together as it spiraled around her arm, for a second or two, until enough was gathered to form a spear which is then shot forward, the substance hardening to a metallic strength. The odd weapon stops just an inch from his throat, the razor point threatening to poke at his skin as it floats within the air to Gracia's command.

"What is that incense? and why are you here...?"
Waven would laugh if he saw the poor reflexes coming from his student. Boman thought he was faster than that... and yet the spear of blood ripped through the air faster than he ever could. But that's not why he was frowning. It was because of her skin.

It was black with red markings, just like the hide of the beast.

If this were any other time, he'd probably make a sly comment. Say something clever about the state of her brown hair. But he saw her skin. And that was all it took to make him take this seriously.

He stepped away from the spear of blood, next time she moved it or shot another one he'd be ready to knock it aside. And then he thought about what she said. More specifically, the fact that she spoke at all.

"So you can talk," Boman stated blankly. He watched her every movement like a hawk. His spell took effect; that much was certain. She was shaking slightly, and he could see her breath. And it looked like the blood on her arm was freezing. If he waited long enough, she might just pass out. But whatever this vile creature was, there was something... odd about her. He couldn't quite place it, but there was something off about this whole thing.

"I have to admit, that surprises me," Boman continued. "Most of the creatures that I have to deal with talk with their teeth, so I guess I should be pleased that one of them is willing to communicate like a civilized person. But since you asked about the incense..." he smirked. "It's literally just a trap. I was expecting a foolish creature to come for it though; I must admit you're smarter than Venit told me you were. But he's right about one thing, you were the most dangerous thing in the woods at the time."

He steadied his posture. He'd be ready for whatever nonsense she pulled next. "But I think that changed the moment I stepped foot here." He pointed his sword at her. "So tell me one thing: what the hell are you?"
"What a surprise... A cocky soldier." A low voice laced with venomous sarcasm escaped her vocals, as she slowly retracted the spear of blood.

'What am I you ask?... what am i?' She thought to herself as she had the blood slowly pool around her hand, until she willed it to harden once more to a point, essentially forming a sword attached to her hand as a breeze pushed by. The nearby critters of the forest would have run off by now, sensing danger emitting from the two people.

"Just because I can talk- doesn't mean I will..." She murmured quietly while keeping a sharp glare fixed onto Boman. "Lets just get this over with..." With that, she charged forward, the sharp tip of her blood-blade pointed straight at him. She was done talking- it was time to finish this, there was no answers she needed from him as it was clear the incense had to have been some kind of trick to trap her here. She was quick, and very light on her feet so it did not take long for her to reach Boman, in a quick movement, she attempted to slash at him. She knew that even if she landed the hit, his armor would likely hold against it, she wanted to see exactly how strong this armor was... She was testing it.
"What a surprise..." she hissed. "A cocky soldier." He had a reply ready for that, a comment about how he was one of a kind.

But then she lunged.

Once again, he was surprised by just how quick on her feet she was. She moved like a bolt of black lightning, and in seconds she was in melee range, slashing at his chest with a blade of blood. But he barely managed to move up his sword and block the blow, stopping the point inches away from his chest. He moved his helmet onto his head as he leaped backwards, ready to block another blow. She was faster, that much was true. But if he stayed as clever as Waven taught him to be, he could come out on top.

He pointed his blade at her, and readied his fist as well. Next time she got in range, he was going to freeze her for sure.
She watched in cold silence as he pointed his blade at her. 'How foolish....' She thought to herself as she ran one finger across the red blade, before glancing back down to her arm, the self-inflicted cut had already closed up. However, the crimson fluid had already formed a small puddle on the ground, which wold be plenty enough for her.

There was not a hint of fear present within gracia, nor was there a sliver of excitement. Instead just cold bluntress plagued her glowing eyes, as if she was doing nothing out of the ordinary. Then, without hesitation, Gracia once again charged forwards, her attack direct as she aims for the young man's covered head. However, as she did this the puddle of blood behind her slowly arise up, and began to snake behind the two figures. Two bloody weapons forming behind boman, and shooting towards him from behind while she charged him from in front. In her mind, it was checkmate as she was planning to knock off his helmet with her front attack, then pierce him from behind and end it all. That is what she planned, at least.
As a guard, it was Boman's job to notice things. He had drawn two connections in the battle so far, and the simple fact was that her blood was her greatest weapon. So when he saw her cutting open her human hand, he could make two assumptions. One, she had a plan for that blood. And two, why the human hand? There had to be something different about that hand.

He didn't have time to think more on this, because the beast charged again, this time aiming her blade towards his head. But his attention was largely on the blood that had slithered away like a snake and moved behind him. This was, in technical terms, a bad situation. If he turned around to focus on the incoming attack from behind, his head would likely be as red as her weapon. But if he stood and faced her, he'd almost certainly become a human kabob.

It was time to improvise.

He fell to the ground to avoid her slash to the head, though her blow still cut off a good amount of his helm's plumage. That stuff was excessive anyway, he thought to himself. He saw two crimson blades fly overhead as he aimed a kick at the side of her legs in an attempt to knock her down. At the same time he positioned his sword so she'd land on top of it if she fell. This better freaking work, dying isn't exactly on my to-do list.
She winced only at herself as she just narrowly missed his head, she was too slow, and knew she would pay for that in a mere moment.

Her assumption was correct, as suddenly she felt the harsh surface of his steel boot crashing into the side of her knee. The attack itself did not hurt, as the black steel-like armor covering her entire body- aside from her one hand being used to draw her own blood- took the full blow of the impact, leaving her with not a single bruise. Unfortunately though, her protective armor did not remove the pushing force of the attack, and as a result her knee buckled beneath her, and she began to tumble to the ground.

It was hard not to notice the sword positioned directly beneath her. She would have liked to not fall directly in its path despite knowing it wouldnt affect her, but she did anyway. A slight gasp and a grunt came from her vocals as her side slammed down onto the tip of the blade, only to practically slide off of the blade, causing only her shirt to be slightly sliced.

'Crap' she was still for a mere moment before quickly kicking out at him before stumbling to her feet. She hadn't expected him to best her like that, if she was a human she would surely be dead... and he had managed to get her on the ground. Dammit. Now he knew yet another one of her tricks- her armored skin.

Now she realized, she needed to be a bit more careful with this soldier...

"That was a real fancy idea you had there... it's too bad, but something that simple won't work." She murmured lowly just as she felt her body shudder a bit. Her body temperature was still uncomfortably low- she wondered how long that will last.

Moving forward quickly, she reaches out and with her armored hand she gripped onto the blade of his sword. Holding it firmly to the side in order to expose him as much as possible in order for her to deliver a strong kick to his chest with the intention of knocking him back and hopefully causing some sort of damage to his armor.
Boman felt a moment of satisfaction when she fell. But it only lasted for a moment. She landed squarely onto his blade, he knew that much for certain. And yet, it did nothing.

All right, that's bullshit.

A powerful kick to the side sent him tumbling. He quickly got up and saw her doing the same. Last time I checked, swords worked, he thought grumpily. His opponent didn't look much happier though.

"That was a real fancy idea you had there..." He wasn't expecting a compliment from her, that was for sure. "It's too bad, but something that simple won't work." Her voice came out with a slight waver. She couldn't last against his cold much longer, right? Most human opponents threw in the towel at this point. But whatever she was, she wasn't human. Or... was she? One of her hands were, at the very least.

She rushed forward again, and did something that Boman had not anticipated: she gripped his sword tight and pulled it to the side in an attempt to expose his stomach. He knew what was coming before her foot collided with his chest.

He flew backwards and landed on the ground, but managed to stick the landing and keep his balance. While he wanted to curse because his sword was still in her grip, he still smiled because he had managed to tap her human arm, and it only took a single tap to coat it with heavy ice using his Arctic Touch.

"Ice Trap," he whispered as he touched the ground in front of him. Without his sword, he'd have to be clever. But then again, it wasn't like his sword was going to do much to begin with. So he was ready to freeze her feet in place the next time she charged forward like she was fond of doing. "Enjoying my ice?" he teased her. "I hope you do, cause you're gonna be seeing a lot of it."
She watched as her opponent was send backwards from her successful strike. She was about to once again charge at him, not planning to give him any time, while also trying to shorten the amount of time this battle will take, as the low temperature her body was at was definitely beginning to annoy her. Because her body wasn't like a normal humans, she could handle it for now, but it was slowing her down, and she could feel her muscles begin to stiffen and ache. However, This obviously did not happen, as she suddenly felt a weight upon her right arm, and an unbearable coldeness in her hand- which still was not covered with her armor. Drawing in a small gasp, she quickly looked down a little stiffly, looking to the heavy block of ice stuck over her hand.

"Dammit..." She growled out lowly as she lifted her arm a bit. She knew it would prove to be a bit more difficult moving around like this, she tried to form her armor over her hand, but it was impossible while it was frozen like this. She knew if she spent a moment to try and shatter it, she could- but that would require her to put her guard down for a moment, and she would be open for an attack. Not to mention she would likely get shards of ice through her skin, her perhaps even tear some of her skin off, leaving her vulnerable for extra few moments when she would have to heal.

Now wasn't the time for that, she had to finish this. Tightening her grip on the sword she had acquired, she quickly moved forward, though found her movements were really beginning to be affected from both the cold, and the 30 pound block of ice over her hand.

This was a flaw of hers. Yes- she is strong, very strong and extremely durable. She is the attempt of immortality, and thus would be very difficult to kill even if one can get through her armor. however, unlike Boman, she isn't incredibly trained in strategic planning or fighting. She had a tendency to go for things head on, to rush into things confidently and fearlessly. Underestimating her opponent.

'This has been going on for too long...' The blood on the ground began to rise up once more, forming into multiple spears floating around her as she ran forward. The spears shot forward in front of her, however they seemed to all miss. Shooting right by the solder. Only to curve around and solidify against his back, forming a small barrier to stop him from moving away as she charged forward, sword in hand. A cold, deathly look in her eyes.

And then she stepped in it. The small circle on the ground cursed with his damned spell. She was stopped just as she began to swing. She still swung the sword, and heard the metal-against-metal contact, but she couldnt see where she struck him, as the sudden halting of her momentum had her balance falling forward. Gasping, she felt her one foot freezing, and as a natural reaction restrained from placing her other foot down. This only led to her falling forward, her armored hand hitting the ground and freezing as well, sticking her to the ground.
'Wh-what?' Gritting her teeth she growled out lowly as she pulled a few times, before quickly looking up, and sending her blood-weapons against him, to push him back away from her.
I should fight foes that can understand me more often, Boman thought. He had to admit, despite the fact that he had almost been skewered multiple times, he was enjoying this more than he should. She was clearly not though.

He could tell that freezing her arm did little to slow her down and mostly just ticked her off. But she still kept a level head despite this and fought strategically, sending a barrage of blood spikes to corner him while she went in with his sword.

But just as she got in range, his trap took effect. It froze one foot and she tried to keep from placing the other one, but unfortunately for her she lost her balance. This made it easy for Boman to catch his sword by the blade when she swung it, though he felt it's edge pierce through his armor and into his palm a little more than it should have.

"I'll be taking that back," he stated smugly while wrenching it out of her grip. It hurt to do so, and he was certain he was going to need stitches and maybe receive a scar, but he'd live. He quickly got his grip on the hilt.

And then the barrage came.

He forgot how fast those blood spikes went. He barely had time to leap away and start blocking them with his reclaimed blade. But his opponent was not the only one slowing down. He blocked the majority, yes, but two slipped through right after all the others, one entering his left upper arm and the other his leg, though the ladder was mostly deflected by his armor and merely cut him open. Still hurt like hellfire.

"Are... we... done YET?" Boman shouted between gasps. He prepared another Ice Trap on the ground and stepped back just to be sure though, didn't want to have to face her in melee at this point. She didn't even have a scratch on her human arm anymore from where she cut herself.

It was then when he saw it. The broken shackles. He looked at them curiously, unsure how he didn't notice them before. She had been a prisoner.

"Who held you prisoner?" Boman asked. "Where did you come from? What are you?" He wasn't sure why he was bothering to ask these questions. Maybe it was the blood loss talking. Or maybe he actually thought she would answer.
While Boman was occupied with her blood spikes, Gracia worked on getting herself out of the ice. Caling back one of her weapons, she sliced at the ice a few times until it would finally shatter, freeing her from the ground as she slowly stood herself up straight. She then gave the block of ice on her hand the same treatment. Wincing just a bit as the ice was shattered, sending a few shards of ice into her raw hand. It didn't take long though for whatever wounds she now suffered in her hand to repair, a bit of steam releasing from her skin as it healed up, and finally covered itself with the black armor.

Silently, she stared at him coldly, frowning at his question. 'Prisoner...?' She repeated in her mind slowly, before glancing down to the shackles on her wrists with furrowed eye brows. She didn't know. She didn't know anything... but he was right- she must have been contained at one time, otherwise she would not have these metal cuffs upon her wrists.

She didn't say a word, there wasn't anything to say anyway. Her hands clenched tightly at her sides, but were visibly shaking from the cold. She did have the upper hand in this fight- She still wasn't injured, and he is. But he was undoubtedly more creative, and strategical... If she isn't careful he may trap her once again. Drawing in a deep, low breath, she began to step foreward- but suddenly she froze in her spot, her mouth opened slightly as her chest tightened a bit, and again... Those images flashes within her eyes. Small snippets of her past, of everything she couldnt remember.

And suddenly... An odd feeling- it was slight, and uncertain... but something felt familiar.
She'd broken the ice, of course. As she stood up though, she stopped and looked down at her shackles with a puzzled look. Did she... not know? He was confused by that possibility. There had to be something he didn't get.

She looked like she was about to lunge again at any time. That would be problematic; he wasn't sure he could fight much longer than her anymore. There was still a blood spear sticking out of his arm. But she never lunged. Instead, she just... looked at him. And Boman stopped thinking about the battle long enough to really look at her as well.

She had wild brown hair that draped all across her skin and clothes. She didn't appear to be wearing any shoes either. And then, he looked at her eyes. There was a fire there, that couldn't be denied. But it was undirected and uncontrolled. There was something he saw in her that day. He didn't know what it was, but whatever it was he wanted desperately to find out. And he knew what the first step to finding out was.

"Frozen Soil down." His freezing spell canceled, she wasn't likely to pass out now. Perhaps that was a foolish decision. Waven certainly would have said so. But Waven isn't here, he thought with a chuckle.

He pulled off his helmet and dropped it to the ground so she could get a good look at him. "And here I was," he started, "demanding that you tell me who you were without giving you my own name first. How hypocritical, am I right?" He took a deep breath before continuing. "The name's Boman Vorrentson, student of Waven Yor and guard. Now I'll ask again. Who are you?"
She watched in silence, almost a bit shocked as he pulled off his helmet, and introduced himself. Gracia was a bit confused- sure, she had stopped fighting as well, but for no other reason than because of the odd feeling she suddenly got which left her in utter confusion. Why was this guy familiar? How is that even possible... Maybe- just maybe, she was something else, before she was this. Slowly, she expelled shaky breath, glancing down to the ground with furrowed eye brows in concentration.

Then, he asked once more, 'Who am I?' For a moment she didn't give an answer. She couldn't- Eventually, she spoke lowly as her fiery gaze was directed back up to him. "A monster"

That was the only answer she could give him. Its the only thing she knew, as even a name was difficult for her to recall. Gritting her teeth, she began to walk forward once more.

"Stop talking..." Her voice was low yet a bit shaky as her hands gripped at her sides, an the spear of blood was suddenly yanked out of his flesh to move through the air beside Gracia. Something looked a little odd about Gracia though- her black armored skin, now seemed to have a very slight sheen to it, a very faint blue ish tint... As if it was beginning to frost over, or form a thin layer of ice in certain areas. This would be due to the terribly low temperature her body was currently at. Even though she had lasted longer than any human could have, it wouldn't go without effects.

"I dont know what I am... How am i supposed to know who I am?! It doesn't matter in the end...." She added on before sending her weapon hurdling through the air straight towards his head.

"BOMAN!" A voice rang through the trees and the skies, startling Gracia for a moment as she whirled around, her eyes widened for just a moment before she felt a harsh force slam into her abdomen, sending her flying back into the air until she crashed and skidded along the ground. Gracia grunted loudly as she slammed into a tree, finally stopping her momentum, stunned for just a moment. The ice that had begun to form over the armor of her stomach seemed to make her armor slightly more brittle, and was immediately shattered upon impact with the mans iron fist, that plus the sheer force and strength of the punch caused a worrisome reaction. Her armor around that area noticeably began to chip and crack just a bit. In addition, this caused her weapon to be guided off track, falling to the side before it could hit him.

It was one of the soldiers, one of slightly higher status. He was large, and quite muscular, his fists had steel gauntlets, with small spikes on the knuckles.

"Venit told me you were here sir, I must say it's quite foolish of you to go out alone."
"A monster," she growled out. Boman almost chuckled at that. He wasn't sure what she was, but she didn't seem to be a monster. She thought too much.

"Stop talking..." she growled out again. Boman gave a gasp of pain when she pulled her spear out of him. Since it no longer blocked the flow of blood, he had to act quickly and tapped his own arm, creating a lightweight icy tourniquet to keep him alive till he could see a doctor. It wasn't comfortable in the slightest, but he knew from experience that it would work for now.

"I don't know what I am..." she continued, "How am i supposed to know who I am?! It doesn't matter in the end...." And the spear flew towards Boman's head. He was ready to block it, but both him and the spear stopped when he heard it.

"BOMAN!" He knew that voice well. He'd heard it many times before, it came from a man who Boman had little patience for, and this went both ways. It was Barrett.

He leaped into the clearing like a wild beast and slammed his fist into her. Boman could have sworn he heard a crack as she flew away and slammed right into a tree. He winced, but then directed a scowl towards Barrett.

"Venit told me you were here sir," Barrett started, "I must say it's quite foolish of you to go out alone." Go to hell, Boman wanted to say. But he restrained himself.

"You seem to have picked up our teacher's habit of babying me," he snapped. "I'm glad to hear you've learned something from him." He wasn't in a mood to deal with him right now. Instead he ran over to check out the monster to make sure she was okay.

But he stopped when he saw her blood.

He kneeled down and readied Frozen Soil, but didn't give it a target. He wanted to make sure she wasn't dead, but didn't want to loose his own head from her deadly blood. "You know I was about ten seconds away from finishing this," He complained. "If you think you're helping, you're not."
Barret Grinned a bit as his sharp words, followed by his complaining "You know i was about ten seconds away from finishing this."

"Well then, Im five seconds away...For you are much too passive!" He murmured lowly as he quickly approached. For a moment Gracia struggled, wincing and trying to take in a breath of air, as the force had completely emptied her lungs of her breath. Wincing, she slowly sat up and opened her eyes, gritting her teeth as she glanced down to her abdomen. Her armor was shattered for the moment, leaving her human skin visible, while she also had minor wounds drawing a bit of blood. The armor had taken the majority of the impact.

"Dammit..." She groaned out lowly, tensing as she realized how much closer Boman was. "GET AWAY!" She snarled out, as she immediately tried to attack him with her blood weapons, upon noticing Barrett quickly approaching though, she was forced to divert half of the weapons heading towards Boman, to instead shoot towards Barrett, her focus being forced to be in two places at one, which would ultimately lead a weaker attack. Catching her breath, she quickly stumbled up to her feet as her armor began to repair itself. Before she could step away, she was stopped as she felt the ground suddenly curling around her ankle, holding her down as she watch Barrett get past her weaker attack with a few cuts. Retracting her attack on Boman in a final attempt to defend herself, she shot them towards to advancing Barrett. One pierced through his shoulder, but her slight panic ended up with the second one missing.

Once again, she felt the metallic punch to her abdomen, shattering her weakened armor in that area once again, as it had not finished repairing. The force knocked her back onto the ground with a gasp of air. Dropping down onto his knees, Barret was right above her. She couldn't move- as both his weight, and the ground attached to her ankle kept her still. From behind, her blood spear came hurdling towards the back of his head- but it wasnt fast enough. As suddenly, he pulled out his own sword, as all soldiers had one, even if they preferred not to use it- and rammed it down into her abdomen where her armor was currently broken. The weapon hurdling towards him immediately dropped to the ground back in a liquid form as Gracia let out a small yell, gasping as she coughed up a bit of blood while her eyes shut tightly in a wince of utter pain.

Barrett slowly stood up, and brushed the dirt off of his knees, grinning widely with confidence.

"Come on Boman, that wasn't so hard. Don't remove that sword, Im sure in a day or so we'll be rid of this beast."

What he said was quite incorrect. While Barrett was strong, and was better at running in fearlessly and being a lot less passive and cautious, Gracia had been weakened and significantly slowed down already by Boman's cold... In fact, her armor may have never even shattered had it not become slightly brittle from her low temperature, not to mention being distracted by the odd familiarity that she felt towards boman. So in the end, her current loss was as much Boman's doing as it was Barretts.

"Well... We better head back to teacher."
Boman winced when the sword entered her stomach. Maybe it was just because of how human she looked... but nothing about this felt good.

"Come on Boman, that wasn't so hard." Screw you. "Don't remove that sword, I'm sure in a day or so we'll be rid of this beast."

Now that was cruel. Even if she needed to die, there was a million other ways to do it. But leaving her for a day? That was sick.

"Well..." Barret continued, "We better head back to teacher."

"Hmm..." began Boman. "Nah." He calmly walked over to her and pulled out the sword, knowing full well that this was not going to go well for him. "I don't think I ever told you the story of Gracia Von. I just never really cared to. But I'll tell you now. Thirteen years ago, I knew a girl named Gracia. We were good friends and I'll never forget her. But one day, a beast came and threatened to take her away. And I let it because I was too afraid to stand up for myself. But not today. Today, I'll remember her name and carry it here, and remember her smiling face whenever I stand up for myself." He smiled at Barret, thoroughly enjoying the look on his face. "Also, I just like pissing you off."
Gracia yelled out as the sword was pulled from her stomach, gritting her teeth as involuntary tears began to flood her eyes at the pain that she could barely handle. Struggling on the grounderlying she grit her teeth and dug her fingers into the ground as blood freely globed down to the ground- staining the greys a horrible red.

Finally the weapon was pulled from her body and she collapsed onto her side, one hand tightly gripping her wound as she shut her eyes tightly, breathing a little heavily while her cheeks were just slightly wet with a few tears. She didn't move for the most part, she would occasionally writhe a bit slowly and stiffly at the pain and the now constant waves of weakness. All she could do was wait for her body to rejenerate and heal her damaged organs and body. Until then though- she didn't have the strength to do anything aside from prying her eyes open just enough to look up at Boman. The rest of her armor suddenly chipped away, revealing an almost entirely human appearance aside from her eyes, the few odd markings, and her left arm which was permanently black.

"What...- B-Boman. HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Barrett yelled out, gritting his teeth as he stated at him with a slight sparking anger. "Boman are you crazy? That thing is rejenerating. Do your want the innocent blood of its victims on your hands? It has to die, otherwise your going against your complete purpose as a soldier!" He shouted out. scowling as he looked down to the beast on the ground. Slowly approaching. "That thing shouldnt be alive, it has no purpose. Standing directly in front of boman, he held oit his hand and demanded him to return his sword.
Boman fixed Barrett with a cold look. He knew that Barrett, as much as he hated to admit it, had a point to what he was saying. If she was dangerous, the blood of all she killed would be on his hand. But then again, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I want you to look at her Barrett." He turned around to look at her, standing to the side of Barrett. "Look at her for a minute and tell me what you see. Do you see the cuffs on her arms? The tears in her eyes? The pain she's been through? The anger she feels? Or are too thick to see anything other than-"

"That's enough." Boman paled upon hearing the voice of his mentor come from behind. Somehow, Waven had snuck up on the both of them. "Boman. Barrett." Waven's gaze turned towards the bloody and beaten woman on the ground. "Whoever she is. Explain. NOW." His voice had a way of carrying intimidation with it.

"I have a feeling you were here the whole time," Boman accused.

"Humor me."

"Barrett here was simply getting involved in something that didn't concern him. And that's it." Boman knew there was a bit more to the story than that, but he also knew that Waven most likely saw everything else. Nothing more needed to be said by Boman.
" No, I was finishing a job that you couldn't complete. Your interfering. .. Boman." He exclaimed in a clear, confident and irritated tone before turning towards Waven.

"Sir, This is...-" He paused in his word as he saw slight movement out of the corner of his eye. Graciawas slowly tryingying to get up to her hands and knees, struggling to try and get away as she heard there was yet another soldier here. Things were looking terribly grim for her, she knew her best course of action would be to escape... but she didn't know if she could even do that. She cried out as Barrett quickly brought his foot down against her upper arm, holding her down to the ground, eliciting a fierce yet weak and pained grown from her vocals.

"Sir..." He continued.

"This thing is dangerous, its powerful and intelligent, we must dispose of it right away before it regains it's strength. I have only seen this type of beast once before... and it singlehandedly cleared an entire village of people. However- boman is a coward and interfering with me riding the world of this scum." Barrett spit out lowly while facing his mentor.

Just then, Gracia managed enough strength to control a bit of the pool of blood beneath her. Slowly raising a small stream of it, she willed it to harden once more into a deadly spike and forced it straight through Barretts leg. The large man yelled out and stumbled away from her, giving gracia the ability to stumble onto her feet without much balance. The movements she forced her still-healing body to make had her coughing up a bit of blood, but she continued nonetheless. With heavy breaths, she turned and began to ran into the depths of the forest as fast as her weakred body would allow.

Meanwhile, barrett fell to the ground and cursed loudly as he held his leg.

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