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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

Okay, so it's set in the 1910's before the outbreak of the First World War. In 1896, a delirious sailor stumbled into the French Institute of Technology in Paris with a strange glowing rock he referred to as "the Hearthstone" which he claims is a potent power source and can be found by the millions on the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The sailor dies on the podium and the French run extensive tests on the Hearthstone, which they find to have the capability to radiate electricity. When hooked to capacitors, the single stone generates enough clean power to light the city of Paris indefinitely.

Although no record of any attempted voyage to the Lost Continent is found and the dead sailor is never identified, the world's superpowers all launch expeditions to find Atlantis and monopolize the Hearthstone reserves. By 1900, however, it is clear finding Atlantis will prove a long-term endeavor, while in the meantime, deep sea mining is almost as lucrative, yielding kilotons of phosphates, manganese, copper, iron, and precious metals such as silver and gold as well as diamonds. Undersea cities sprout up in the Atlantic and these colonies are burgeoning centers of industry, art, and science.

The players take on the role of colonial governers for one of the eight superpowers: The US, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Russia, and Japan, and choose to either follow orders or look after their own interests. Of course there's also room for (and this is greatly encouraged) smaller plotlines within the overarching plotline of an undersea power struggle, with assassins proliferating, crackpot scientists practicing mad science in the relative seclusion of the ocean, intrepid explorers attempting to find Atlantis, submarine pirates striking out against lucrative trade targets, detectives and Pinkerton agents hunting criminals, etc. All of this directly affecting the balance of power as politicians on the Mainland drive the world closer to war.
oh its a nation building rp, right forgot. Yea sounds cool I suppose but... I wouldn't join, I hate nation building.
Well I made it to get both sides of the coin. Some people really like diplomacy, espionage, battles and bombings and whatnot, and others like to focus more on one specific character but also feel like they're driving the plot and being important.
There are only eight governor roles open anyways. And nobody wants to be a desk-sitter for the viceroy or a marching boot. They wanna do cool shit.
No truer point has ever been spoken, though I have a character who would disagree but then again... he has his reasons.
Plus it's four years before World War One so the characters have plenty of time to form bonds and relationships before they're torn savagely apart by the tides of war. Muwahahaha! Gotta love a tear-jerker.
Sounds good.

May not take part, sorta busy with me current rps :(

Have to say, Conwuest of Huskgar is going good so far. Good balance of character dev and nation building
wait Shire you popped in with 9 dreadnaughts?! *struggles to contain self.* must... act.... contain.... thy inner troll
Actually, only eight. Forozov's flagship and seven others. It's an entire attack fleet, because each ship can carry several corvettes and fighters as escorts. Kefalonians are very heavy-handed about everything. Sort of the "smash it with a hammer to see how it works" mentality. Also, it'll take them a while to get there. Hyperspace travel is not instantaneous.
My Klavikans have a similar mentality. We will either be best buds or worst enemies.

@Anaxial my guys have their own dropships literally right next to your own lel

its ok though, I'll use your premise.pf them not letting my men in as comedy (for my second in command will be like "wtf they have killed us all!" and my commander will be like "shut up retard our ships right there")
Document #37/B-d3

Published by: [/FONT][FONT='Courier New'][B]Classified [/B][/FONT][FONT='Courier New']

Published on: [/FONT][FONT='Courier New'][B]Classified[/B][/FONT][FONT='Courier New']

Subject: Extreme Amplification of Organism cells in Host Subject


The Subject organism has a terrifying property lurking in the dark blue, crystal liquid which substitutes for the creatures life blood. It acts almost like a virus when said substance reaches a hosts bone marrow. Reproducing itself via the hosts own systems until it achieves saturation and then takes over the hosts bone marrow. It continues this process, slowly taking over the hosts major organs and bodily functions, over matching the host organisms defense mechanisms and safe guards until the entire organism is one giant walking, shifting, changing mass of flesh if male. A chrysalis of sorts for a much more dangerous beast, a walking womb, if the host is the female of the relative species.


Stage 1: The host organism is injected directly with subject organism blood. Other than mild physical distress and pain at the burning liquid entering its body.

Stage 2: 2-7 days later the host begins to feel a throbbing pain at the joints in its body, perhaps bloating or a dull headache and a high fever, possibly all 4 symptoms. The Subject organism’s blood has begun its war on the host’s cell reproduction systems.

Stage 3: 10-20 days later, first physical signs are visible, host bone marrow is now completely taken over by Subject organism and is now replicating at a tremendous speed. Blood veins now carry a slightly glowing, blue liquid as the host’s own blood cells are being re-configured and over matched by the subject organisms genome altered cell. Other symptoms may include slight hemorrhaging as the rest of the Host’s actual blood is forcefully removed from the system.

Stage 4: 30-50 days later, extreme muscle growth and physical enhancements are now able to be witnessed. Bone material is being altered so the Host may look slightly bent and off kilter as the replication of Subject organisms cells have now begun to adapt and change other key systems in the hosts body. Extreme Amplification has now begun as the hosts muscle tissue is re-configured and then broken down and reconstructed once more.

If the host is female, augmentation of the womb occurs and transference of memories and imprinting begins in a fetus within her womb.

Other symptoms may include, increased aggression, paranoia, euphoria, mild pain, and mood swings.

Stage 5: This is the most dangerous stage with the highest mortality rate, the Subject Organism has now taken over almost all major systems and is flooding the entire host system, down to the very molecules of the bone as the Subject Organism now begins its final push on re-creating its host into its own image… re-wiring the Brain. It begins changing, replicating in the brain, copying the memory neurons, molding itself to replace the organ and then begins impressing its own needs upon it, genetic information, habits, needs and the like by replacing said cells with its own.

Symptoms may include, major organ malfunction, massive hemorrhaging, heart failure, serious depression, suicidal thoughts, mild to extreme cases of insanity, schizophrenia, extreme paranoia, sensitivity to light, unable to deal with loud noises or heavy air pressure, and other minor symptoms dealing with the newly amped up nervous system.

Stage 6: Subject is now almost unrecognizable as a human being, the physical and mental workings have been completely re-worked and is now in a state of living death almost, blank eyed as the Subject organism finishes its final touches on the Host. Extra limbs will now appear, the lengthening of the facial bones and growth of the leg muscles and bones. Extra sensory organs dealing with visuals and optics now appear.

If the Host is female, then they are unable to walk due to the current condition of which the fetus has now matured into a ready to be birthed specimen. The host body is now but a mindless shell as the Hosts memories and personality are now transferred into the waiting fetus combined with the creature’s new mind set.

Stage 7: The final stage, if male, the Host is now a almost physical copy of the Subject Species, nothing remains of its former humanity and is now classified as a Subject organism. If Female, the Host/Subject Organism is born from the Host body is a full Subject Organism as well and then will proceed to nourish itself on its former Mother/Chrysalis.

Extreme Amplification Complete.
[QUOTE="Romulus VenZiel]Wait are we talking about that tims run asshole?

Yeeuuup apparently so, im willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I mean c'mon guys he cant be that bad. His Overview may seem like Halo but his CS looks all right if a bit warmongery.
Good morning.

I like the idea @Shireling - but it's just a bit too alien for me to comprehend. This kind of setting is what I'd usually l find in the sci-fi horror genre. And No I am not just talking about Bioshock here :/

Empire building at the bottom of the ocean... huh... It would the first time I ever attempted roleplaying something like that.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Yeeuuup apparently so, im willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

What'd he do this time?

And Jark, keep in mind this is the same guy that literally plagiarized one of my RPs, lol.
@Romulus VenZiel he redid Empires at War... for like the fifth time.

And Bob thought it was a good idea to get us involved :2 So far the players resemble Tim a lot by the amount of big unsightly Character Sheets and I fear for Jarkov's safety now that he's interested in adding Tim to his roleplay experience.
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NeoLeaf said:
@Romulus VenZiel he redid Empires at War... for like the fifth time.
And Bob thought it was a good idea to get us involved :2 So far the players resemble Tim a lot by the amount of big unsightly Character Sheets and I fear for Jarkov's safety now that he's interested in adding Tim to his roleplay experience.
Yeah I just read it over. Pretty cliche but at least he's not taking people's work anymore.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.b1630094073ca69fb6bf02a3c2006d41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.b1630094073ca69fb6bf02a3c2006d41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> When the Kefs get there, you're looking and eight of these about as long from bow to stern as the island of Manhattan and about as wide as ten city blocks. I describe almost everything as "iridescent." In this context, I mean that it looks a different color from different angles and reflects light strangely. Sometimes it looks crimson, sometimes black, grey, etc.



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