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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]YO BITCHES! I found a two armed Dredge!... well the closest thing I could find.. sorta... I didn't find it someone else did.

I am offended
I could make a doodle for you J.Malachai.

i just finished playing black ops 3 and am doing a pause on fallout. I gotta wait for payday so that I can get legacy of the void and Xcom. :/

Just give me a shoutout.
NeoLeaf said:
I could make a doodle for you J.Malachai.
i just finished playing black ops 3 and am doing a pause on fallout. I gotta wait for payday so that I can get legacy of the void and Xcom. :/

Just give me a shoutout.
Sure if you want to, gimme your best shot. Im curious as to what you think the Dredge look like
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]why in the dark gods are you offended?

becuz u called me bitch when you know I am a fuckboi.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Sure if you want to, gimme your best shot. Im curious as to what you think the Dredge look like

Very well.

I'll post the doodle once it's ready.
I finished the doodle...

But now my scanner/printer messed up... ( ._.)

I'll try to fix it in the weekend - tonight I don't have the time to fix it.
Oh, uh, Gulamora (daughter).
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Hmm, ill have to wait patiently then. I am most eager.

-edit- was going to aska buddy to draw a chibi dredge
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Unlike everyone else in not waiting for atom.

I am waiting for @Anaxial actually

@Anaxial , my men offered to lead you back to your ship (as that's where my ship is anyways). You can go along with that plot line and also bring ur fleet in, all in the same post. Then we can get the ball rolling again
I'm posting this here just in case he deletes my replies - he tends to do that often with me.

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Basically the inspiration for almost all space opera political intrigue fiction after it, set in the far-flung future. It's a really good series. The setting would make a good nation building RP, with all the little tiny space kingdoms fighting each other and the declining Galactic Empire.
Ehhh, sounds like something id avoid, I despise nation building rps like that.

Also, @NeoLeaf, is that Tim the Tim you were talking abut waaay back and Dys/Equipoise sent me that link?
Not to throw a monkey wrench in the current conversation, but I had an idea for a roleplay I wanted to try and I was wondering if I could run the idea by you guys and get your opinion.
I'm game. I like to expand my head around stuff anyway.

But not tonight - I'm going to sleep.

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