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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

Jarkov Malachai]Just deal with it and write like the devil himself was after you... or Kyra [/QUOTE] WATCH OUT FOR KYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18776-bobisdead123/ said:
@Bobisdead123[/URL] !!! D:
Well Tonight has been fun...

The chat lobby is also ridiculous - I hope the hype dies down later. It's slowly making nostalgic of old Text RPG site and the chat rooms that I used back then - their were hundreds of them. Maybe We should make a lobby or something just for us.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]She... who from now on we-shall-not-name

Oh I thought you meant Light Yagami from Deathnote.
NeoLeaf said:
Well Tonight has been fun...
The chat lobby is also ridiculous - I hope the hype dies down later. It's slowly making nostalgic of old Text RPG site and the chat rooms that I used back then - their were hundreds of them. Maybe We should make a lobby or something just for us.
I need to get my NB squad to take it over like the old chats lol
Your NB squad will only be shouted down by elitists ( ._.)

Get ready for war, mate.

*Ka-Chink* *Pumps Shotgun*

Cus the flame wars are now a possibility.
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NeoLeaf said:
Your NB squad will only be shouted down by elitists ( ._.)
Get ready for war, mate.

*Ka-Chink* *Pumps Shotgun*

Cus the flame wars are now a possibility.
I am the corner stone of the NB community! My army is endless, if 8 ppl is an endless number
Bobisdead123 said:
wat is going on, did atom make a post I cant see?
Oh naw, I just wanted to tell you that you can post better than that. I believe in your writing capabilities.
NeoLeaf said:
Well Tonight has been fun...
The chat lobby is also ridiculous - I hope the hype dies down later. It's slowly making nostalgic of old Text RPG site and the chat rooms that I used back then - their were hundreds of them. Maybe We should make a lobby or something just for us.
Already asked @Atom about that
NeoLeaf said:
Oh naw, I just wanted to tell you that you can post better than that. I believe in your writing capabilities.
oh yeah I was like "THis post is shit" but never fixed it
And no neo, Kyra is.... Kyra is not from any anime.... Kyra would kill us all here... except any females. She'd get along GREAT with females... kill the rest of us for her amusement.
Okay, so basically Jarkov, Anaxial, and Bob are getting as much of their forces out as possible. Bob and Anaxial working together to escape while JKarkov simply sneaks by them on their wy out, possibly traumatizing the Cho'Gnaanth shaman in the process.

So far the only forces not immediately evacuating the station at the moment are Neo and I, who foolishly believe getting larger weapons is going to help me even the slightest against a tide like this.

The short end of the stick is sharper than I would've expected.

Loosing ground that we've made sucks ***. Retaking ground will be troublesome, we really don't have a choice if we want to dig deeper into the station.
You don't understand, unless your Leviathan is able to send out an equally endless swarm to match this. Taking ground will be literally impossible.

Any one else for just blasting our way inside?
I'm still on the edge between rewriting my last post and just saying screw it.

Anyways, I'm retreating because #1 my people don't see the point in staying and

#2 I want to see if Jarkov to blow the bombs inside my carrier, but I bet his plan is far more sinister
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Bobisdead123 said:
I'm still on the edge between rewriting my last post and just saying screw it.
Anyways, I'm retreating because #1 my people don't see the point in staying and

#2 I want to see if Jarkov to blow the bombs inside my carrier, but I bet his plan is far more sinister
Yeaaa... never said they were bombs... i said 'packages'
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[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Uhhh... I've got those highly volatile void nades buuut. they uh... don't work right all the time

I got robots :D

and my troops are actually pretty good, but the Klavikan style doesn't suit fighting horde enemies
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Yeaaa... never said they were bombs... i said 'packages'

So bombs.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Yeaaa... never said they were bombs... i said 'packages'

your "packages" are either some sort of weapon or a present. I'm guessing a weapon. It could be anything from a bomb of some sort, a transmitter, or tiny robots to infest my ship and take it out, or to spy on me.

Your just too damn mysterious
Bobisdead123 said:
your "packages" are either some sort of weapon or a present. I'm guessing a weapon. It could be anything from a bomb of some sort, a transmitter, or tiny robots to infest my ship and take it out, or to spy on me.
Your just too damn mysterious
Whistles innocently*

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