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Ghost (CLOSED)


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check

In the prime of their life, MC perishes in a tragic car accident. Shortly after, YC, who is in desperate need of an organ transplant, gets the call that they’re next on the list for donation. MC was an organ donor and because MC and YC were a perfect match, YC becomes a recipient of the vital organ from the recently departed MC. The transplant surgery goes well, however there are unforeseen side effects. While in the hospital, YC begins to see flashes in the corner of their eye of a person they’ve never seen before, MC. At first, YC dismisses the creepy sightings, assuming it has something to do with the medications they’re on. Once YC’s allowed to go home, the sightings become more frequent and MC’s non-corporeal form becomes more vivid. YC experiences the shock of their life when MC actually begins to speak to them one day, suggesting that they’re now connected somehow because of the transplant. MC may be dead, but they’re still hanging around and only YC can see them. YC is stuck with MC’s spirit at their side, and they have to learn how to live together for an indefinite future.
"Marley." A soft rubbing of the shoulder and the girl responded in only a negative flick of her fingers at the incessant hand. "Hey--ow, watch it!"

The girl had been bedridden for a while now. Having refused the hospital under the circumstance they couldn't help her in the way she
wanted. She found no reason to stick around the shallow rooms that smelt of disinfectant and death. She was looking like death now, eyes failing to focus due to her weary state, dark circles gathering beneath her once bright, olive gaze. Sleep seemed the only escape from her drugged state, but even that wasn't favorable as before, each movement and breath choked down sending spasms of pain through the girl's chest. Like a dull knife, further driving itself into the lifeline she fused to release. Left to her own devices the girl, and her roommate (former ex), Caspar found themselves at compromise. The man was a kind one, so much so he was willing to drop previous plans to tend to the girl until standby of authorities caught their attention. Once depressed as the environment around him, the shorter man's eyes were lit with excitement, an almost inappropriate grin stretching across his lips. The look clearly went unappreciated by the dying woman, her brows knit and eyes narrowing as far as she could allow, frown perking at her lips as though in demand of an explanation for the disruption.

"Marley. They found a donor."

Bleary eyed and sick to her stomach, Marley Riggs found no inspiration to lift her head from the pillow, cool sweat gathering at her forehead as she analyzed her situation. White walls, white ceiling. Whit fucking tiled floor. She was in the hospital--again. The girl winced in distaste, coughing as she spluttered a rasped, "damnit." Well, at least it wasn't Hell. She wasn't dead yet but she wasn't sure what she favored more at this point; death or her current state as a vegetable. The utterance had clearly perked the attention of a very attentive Caspar, his head shooting from his shoulder, eyes wide as he stared at the girl plastered to the bed across the room. Both relief ad a humored look crossed the man's soft features as he let out content sigh. "Oh thank God." Vital Groans and grunts of pain. Those were her means of communication for the first few days, and then her vitals dropped. A seizure commenced and she was out for the day. The surgeon even admitted he didn't know what to expect of the outcome. He'd thought the stubborn girl's body had rejected the transplant. Game over. Albeit, it seemed the girl was back, still kicking and complaining with a shallow, "my stomach hurts, Cas."

The girl wasn't the most able-minded at the moment, but she remembered. She remembered screaming at Cas for every bump in the road they hit on the way to the hospital. She remembered threatening to bite the damned doctor when he lifted her shirt as she sporadically writhed. She remembered the small prick of what she now understood as a needle. And she remembered blacking out. Then the numbness, the weight at her chest as i someone was sitting on her. But she could breath, she could hear her fucking heart beat. She could also see the chick in the corner of the room, eyes wide as a nurse disrupted the disturbing vision. And now, she could see Caspar, chuckling as she poked at her own chest absentmindedly through her gown, nearly choking as she finally recalled what she was in the hospital for in the first place. She pursed her lips, shuddering another breath as she lowered her gaze to the blanket thrown over her, trailing to the misshapen pattern of stitches beneath the cloth. "Oh my God."
Livvy blinked as she suddenly stood in front of her body. Her eyes stuck on the body which was once her own. But now there were cuts, bruises, an open wound on her head and what not on her. It made her scared once she started to realize as this was not a dream, no matter how many times she tried to pinch herself. It hurt but it did not do anything. People started to crowd around her body laying on the ground in front of a car which had some damage at the front. She made a small and slow turn around as she would look at each and every person who were standing there. Almost everyone had a horrified expression on their faces which was only normal if they would see someone lying there motionlessly. Livvy slumped down to the ground as her eyes were almost glued to her own boddy, making her tremble lightly as she reached out her hand, trying to touch her leg but her hand just went through it. The sense of fear rushing through herself as she knew she could not go back anymore.

After a while she could hear the ambulance rushing toward this place, the crowd making way for the workers so they could tend to her. They tried to measure her pulse to see if there was even a sign of life, trying to feel her breath on their skin but there was nothing. Nothing at all. The sound of the ambulance was shut down as there was not a real emergency anymore. Some of the workers were calling to the headquarters, and for some reason, he started to become more urgent as he insisted to get to the hospital as fast as they could. At first she was confused about why they would even rush that much so she climbed inside of the ambulance and just tried to figure out what they were planning to do with her. She wanted to know what was about to happen to her and did not plan on leaving before she knew it for sure. So she silently listened to the words that came out of their mouths until she heard the word 'donor'. Indeed. Now she remembered. She had signed herself up to give her organs away once she died, but she did not know it would be so soon. Letting her head hang downwards as she sat in the car during the whole ride.

"We have a heart donor for Marley Riggs!"

It all happened really fast after that statement. Nurses and surgeons flocked together once they heard the announcement and immediately brought her to the operating table. She absent-mindedly followed her body to where they were bringing her, first the tests that needed to be done which seemed to watch with this Riggs person she heard about. Her lips being pressed together once her body was inside of the surgery room but she followed it inside. It was like she felt the need to see everything. Maybe because she could not completely let go of the fact that she had indeed passed away. It was horrifying to see everything in person as they transplanted her heart into another girl. It was good for the other but she still felt bad about herself dying so easily. She thought she was stronger but the opposite was proven as not a single being could have survived such a fatal crash. She crossed her arms and stood in the furthest corner of the operating room, turning her eyes away once she could not handle to see something.

- one day later -

After having explored the whole hospital, seeing other people their spirits passing her by, even having made some small talk before they went over to the other side as so to say. However, some sticked around like she did. It seemed that it was not unusual for someone to stay on earth even after they died. That much she knew now and also the fact that she was a ghost like people say. She was not supersticious and did not believe in those tales but now she knew that they were actually true. No matter how you looked at it, she was indeed a spirit who was stuck to something or in this case to someone as her heart had been transplanted into a girl named Marley Riggs. Livvy sat down in one of the corners of the room where the other girl was in, sitting on a chair while she kept an eye on her. Not being able to leave her side for unknown reason and always had to be in a certain distance from her. It was weird, but she dealt with it.

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