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Realistic or Modern Get Down That Street!


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.

The instructions were simple; get down that street!

The premise was nothing special;

Anyone could do it;

But there was a big problem;
Actually... Nevermind!


The year is 1943 and the second big tussle in Europe is in full swing. Allied troops continue to push Germany farther and farther back into the depths of which it rose. Hitler, being the foolish man he was, decided to pick on multiple people who were much larger than his size. And so he paid,


Our story takes place in a small, quiet, war-torn village lying South of Germany and centers around a small group of soldiers who are trying their best to take the town. But there is an obstacle in their path, a very long and difficult to pass obstacle.
A street. Now, you never would have guessed it, but this street is the only thing separating the Allied forces from progressing in their capturing of the town.

But you are still probably wondering why this road is so hard to get past. The reason this street is so hard to take is because, on the opposite side of the Allied forces, the entire German army is hunkered down and refuses to fall back.

The squad of soldiers must now band together to force their way down the street and overthrow the German soldiers. However, the soldiers, being a broad mix of American and British alike, are finding it hard to work together with either side throwing stereotypes and jokes at the other. So not only must they deal with the Nazi onslaught, but they must also deal with themselves.


Thus, with no room to argue and with even less-than-no room to let Hitler remain where he is, I think we should


TL;DR- Misfit soldiers have to try and take a heavily-guarded street that is a key point to capturing the town.

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