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German Girl x Jewish Boy (Holocaust Roleplay)

"I'd hope you do." He sighed, tilting hos neck slightly as he reached out to gently pull her into his lap. "I hate being here alone, I never knows what's going to happen."
Emmeline smiled happily as she sat comfortably on his lap with her arms around his neck. "Well I'm back now" she said smirking slightly
"And it's the highlight of my day, other than waking up to your beautiful face. He chuckled, kissing her gently as he held her close.
Emmeline smirked under his kiss as she kept her body against his. She broke the kiss slowly "I still don't want to be with Emmett. He looks at me like I'm a piece of meat... why does he?" She asked innocently. Truthfully her father had never explained the concept of lust or even about the birds and the bees. 
Avi pursed his lips at her words, knowing the exact answer despite not wanting to tell her at all. "Well, you know, obviously nobody's given him the time of day. He's just.. feeling the need for human contact." He shrugged, pursing his lips before kissing her again. "Talk to your dad about it, I don't want to have this conversation."
"Not really, no. I don't think so." He murmured, shivering slightly at the thought as he kissed her again.
"Fine, yeah. Get off." He nodded before moving her off of his lap and standing  up. He brushed himself off, shaking out his hair as he glanced back to her.
She raised an eyebrow at his sudden change in behavior but got off his lap as he stood up. "What's wrong? Was it something I said?"
"No, love." He sighed as he combed his fingers through his short hair. "I don't want to have you on top of me while having that conversation." He said simply, rolling his eyes.
Emmeline tilted her head with confusion "it's just about human contact like touching and kissing-.. that isn't bad right?" She questioned him
"It's more than touching and kissing, Emmeline. Besides, I told you to talk to your dad." He groaned, rolling his eyes as he sat in another chair.
"my father refuses to tell me anything. He's private about most things... why can't you just tell me?" She asked him. 
"I don't want to be the one explaining sexualization to you." He blurted out, eyes wide as he looked at her with slifht disgust.
Emmaline's eyes narrowed slightly with curiousity "Sex-...Sexualization? What's that?" she questioned sheepishly noticing him looking at her with disgust "I'm sorry. I'll just shut up" she murmured as she walked over to the kitchen putting a kettle full of water on the stove to heat up. She kept her head low, and her mouth shut. But her head was bustling with so many questions.
Shaking his head, the young Jew simply took a seat back on the couch and picked up the old book. He still had little to no interest in it though it was definitely a step up from the awkward silence that had settled between the pair after his own reaction.
Emmeline gnawed on her lip as she made the Jewish boy a cup of hot chocolate. She made her way over to him placing it on the coffee table in front of him

"here" she spoke softly watching him
"You didn't have to do that." Avi sighed, shaking his head as he looked up at her before leaning forward to take the cup and sip at the bot liquid. "But thank you." He added quickly, offering her a small smile.
Emmaline shrugged "I thought you'd want it" she murmured as she looked down at her hands before sitting beside him keeping a good amount of distance between him and herself. 
Eventually Avi stood up, shaking his head as he set the mug down on the table. "I'm going downstairs, I shouldn't be up here at all. Who knows what could happen." He whispered, shaking his head.
Emmeline raised an eyebrow at him, she stood up with him "I'll come with you" she then suggested as she looking up him in a loving way "That is... If you want? I mean if you would like some space I understand" she said rather quickly gnawing on her lip nervously.
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Avi let out a heavy sigh as he glanced down at her before nodding his head. "Alright. You can come too, I suppose." He said softly which made him open the door and wait for her to go before him.
Avi sighed as he shut the door behind him though sat beside her nonetheless. "I don't want it to be like this forever, you know."

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