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German Girl x Jewish Boy (Holocaust Roleplay)

She nodded "I understand... neither do I" she mumbled softly as she looked up at him. "Maybe one day Hitler will fall and everything can be the way we want"
"And if you're married to what's his name?" He frowned, dropping his gaze to his lap as he fiddled with the mug. 
"But you won't really be mine," He paused with a shrug as he glanced back up at her for a moment. "Because you'll always be his."
"He hasn't claimed me... Is there a way that I'll be yours?" she questioned biting her lip as she leaned into him "I want to be yours..." she whispered nervously.
"You only want to be mine until you want to be his -you just don't know it yet." He sighed with a shake of his head as he shifted in his seat.
"Make me yours... please" she begged softly she looked up at him "I want to be yours even if I'm his" she said as she gnawed on her lip.
"And you won't regret it?" He snorted, rolling his eyes at her as he sat up and set the mug aside.
"I would never regret anything to do with being yours" she told him strongly as she watched him. Her cheeks were growing warm, the tension of the basement was growing. 
"Fine." He huffed, puffing out his cheeks as he eyed her curiously. He had no idea what to do, not now at least.
She looked up at him before leaning in and gently kissing him like she always had done. Her hands on the sides of his face

She was a panting mess covered in sweat, blankets covered her nude body covered by what little blankets there were. 
Avi looked far worse than he had the moment of his arrival. His hair was sticky from the sweat and clung to his forehead where his normally pale skin was beer red as he panted. His body was bare aside from the blankets that had found its way over his waist to cover his body after all that had happened between the two. A soft whimper left his lips as he relaxed, closing his eyes as his chest heaved. "Well that was nice." He said finally, glancing over at her.
She smirked slightly "more then nice..." she whispered kissing his cheek. She trailed her fingers along his chest "amazing" she said softly.
"Right, definitely amazing." He agreed eagerly as his head nodded to match her words. A slight shiver went up his body as he relaxed to her touch, letting his eyes close.
She laid her head on his chest "I'm definitely yours" she told him in a small whisper before kissing his cheek and sitting back up finding her clothes. "I should bathe before my father suspects anything. So should you" she said smirking
"I think a bath is what would make me more suspicious." He grunted, opening his eyes as he watched her. Though he did sit up as well to gather up his own clothes to put them back on.
She smiled softly as she pulled her dress over her body. "I could stay here and do it again... but I fear that would be greedy" she said smirking before kissing him on the lips 
"That wouldn't be greedy at all." He huffed, puffing out his cheeks as he leaned back and slipped his shirt over his head.
She smirked as she leaned into him kissing him once more before standing up back and going towards the stairs. 
He shook his head as he pulled on the rest of his clothes and let her go, turning on his side to go to sleep.
Avi had been left alone in the house even more than usual, more than he'd expected. Particularly since Emeric would go to work and if Emmaline wasn't taking lessons she was probably stolen away by Emmett for the day. Which he definitely didn't like but there was nothing he could do about it except for complain and reveal his jealousy upon her arrival. He did, however, grow closer with her within the last four days than he'd expected. When she came home, he'd been wandering around the first floor of the house only to turn with a frown. "Some men knocked on the door earlier, I believe. I think it was for a house check."

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