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Realistic or Modern Generation 8

"Good job Falcon," Dr. Peters said into a microphone watching the violence from his office. Jonathan heard the evil doctor's words through a multitude of speakers that were built into the wall.

"Don't call me that mother fucker! I'm not your soldier you bastard! Not anymore!" Jonathan shouted. Jonathan stood up and flew up into the air and hovered there flapping his wings waiting for something to happen.

"I refuse to kill for you again! You promised me freedom if I followed my orders! I killed whole a family for you! I killed all my targets. I was your assassin. I was better than any goddamn tracker and you know it! Why can't you be proud of me! Is this still about me being a goddamn homosexual! I can't even call you my father anymore you monster!" Jonathan screamed as the doors opened and armed guards piled in and aimed their guns up at Jonatan who was still hovering above the ground in the room.

Dr. Peters angry picked up the monitor and threw it across the room. He held the microphone to his mouth and shouted into it giving his men their orders,"Kill the fallen angel before you! Kill my son! He's an abomination and deserved to burn for what he is!"

(Best plot twist ever! @PenBlade1326 @Hi Im Red @WolfOfProphecys)
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Tony, who could hear the yelling, froze. He knew that voice, but it belonged to a dead man....didn't it? He hurried and let out a low, pained sounding noise, to which made a man go to the door and open it, yelling in annoyance at him. However, what he didn't expect was for Tony to be ready, and to leap out at him from the corner, grabbing the mans keys before killing him with no emotion. He tucked the keys into his pocket, and creeped out and toward the yelling, killing anyone who found him escaping. When he got to the room he ended up behind the men, and opposite Jonathan
The freaky part about Ian's situation was that his eyes remained open and unmoving. Within those fifteen minutes of being by himself his breathing stopped completely, however his heart was still beating. He shook slightly, eyes falling towards the back of his head. It was hard to tell, when Ian came to, however after another five minutes he did. What set off that he was back was the large gasp for air and he slowly stopped shaking, but not completely. He knew automatically who was beside him, and so it took him no time to curl around him, clutching onto the fabric of Brax's shirt shaking under the touch.

It was weird, how the whole snowleapord person hybrid didn't faze Jack as much as she thought it would. In fact he was almost fascinated by it, though pitied the fact of what she had to go through. Harley explained everything, how she was captured not love after he departed, all the tests and experiments, her new hybrid family and how she didn't know if they were alive or just abandonded her. Ian took Brax by force, and Tony went after them. And John just...well John just went missing one night. She didn't know what to do, everyone was gone, she was left in her own company until now, when Jack had showed up. Apparently he travelled north to go hunting and saw the fire coming from the cabin and he wanted to check it out. So now here they were, silently sat next to the fire, wrapped up in each other's arms, watching the dancing flames. Harley's eyes closing slowly, finally able to feel safe to sleep during the night.
"What the hell happened?" Brax asked as Ian awoke and curled up around him. He was confused, worried, stressed, and shocked. Was this something Peters did to him? Or something natural?

(sorry it's so short, had to hurry)
Ian just shook his head, still shaking slightly. His eyes closed letting out a long shaky breath. Everything inside hurt, not emotionally but physically. He didn't like the pain, and to know where as why this pain was happening made his brain hurt. Too many unanswered questions, and too little time for them to be answered, because if the cure wasn't given to him in time he'd be dead with all sorts of unanswered questions; one of which being if Brax actually had feelings towards him. But at the time that was the least of his worries.
The armed guards entered the room and pointer their guns at Jonathan. He saw Tony enter the room and he glanced at him nodding his head to one side signaling him to take that side and remain unseen. Jonathan lowered himself to the ground and threw the assault rifle down. He drew the machete and threw it aside and got onto his knees. Jonathan looked around at hone guards. "You heard Dr. Peter's orders. Kill me. I'm giving myself up to you. I can't do this anymore. All this killing all the fighting. I can't," Jonathan said. He looked at the leader his camouflage uniform was covered in multiple patched and metals. "You...you're the battalion leader. Take your gun and shoot me execution style. I'm already half there. Do it! End me!" Jonathan shouted fake tears welling up in his eyes. Jonathan closed his eyes and expected to here the man step forward. He did and Jonathan's body tensed. He opened his eyes and saw the man didn't hold a gun in his grip. He held a taser. He pulled the trigger and the prongs hit Jonathan's chest and a jolt of electricity jolted through his body. He fell to his side and the men gathered up to grab him and escort him back to his cell in solitary. He saw Tony between the guards and nodded at him telling him it was time to strike.
Tony did as he was told, staying silent. He hardly reacted to his friends show and partial electrocution, instead unsheathing his claws ready. As soon as Jonathan nodded he immediately took out the two guards before him, slitting their throats with his sharp claws. He ran to his friend and attacked the people holding him, snarling in a Feral manner. he wouldn't let anyone touch his already hurt friend of whom he had thought deader than a dodo. 
Tony did as he was told, staying silent. He hardly reacted to his friends show and partial electrocution, instead unsheathing his claws ready. As soon as Jonathan nodded he immediately took out the two guards before him, slitting their throats with his sharp claws. He ran to his friend and attacked the people holding him, snarling in a Feral manner. he wouldn't let anyone touch his already hurt friend of whom he had thought deader than a dodo.
Jonathan pulled the taser prongs from his chest and he rammed into the nearest Guard. The fell and Jonathan snapped his neck. He took the mans automatic rifle and fired the gun at the other guards. The rifle clicked and a couple guards pointed their rifles at him. Jonathan threw the gun with full force at the guards as a distraction. He flew up into the air and dove down knocking three guards down and swooped up grabbing the machete off the floor. He twirled the blade as he hovered in the air and he flew over to Tony to help him, decapitating the nearest guard.
Tony looked at Jonathan briefly as he fought the guards off, doing multiple things to kill them. His eyes were emotionless as he slit the throat of another guard. Before he was captured Tony wouldn't kill unless nessasary, but would always hate himself afterward. But after being by himself for a while, thinking his friend was dead and having the doubt that his other friends even knew he disappeared, he had stopped caring.
Ian just shook his head, still shaking slightly. His eyes closed letting out a long shaky breath. Everything inside hurt, not emotionally but physically. He didn't like the pain, and to know where as why this pain was happening made his brain hurt. Too many unanswered questions, and too little time for them to be answered, because if the cure wasn't given to him in time he'd be dead with all sorts of unanswered questions; one of which being if Brax actually had feelings towards him. But at the time that was the least of his worries.

Sometime as Harley was sleeping, Jack had stood up from where he was standing and just going about the cabin, he wasn't too tired and to be fully honest, he didn't plan on being greeted by a familiar face in the middle of nowhere. Harley could sense the movement but was aware that it was just Jack. Though a new sense overcame her as she slept, outside the cabin, something too familiar that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. With that sense coming in, it took her no time to open her eyes and put out the fire grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him to the ground. He opened his mouth to say something but Harley slapped a hand over his mouth before he could.

Jonathan used the machete to kill a few guards. He loved hacking and slashing at these pigs. They deserved it. He also enjoyed fighting besides one of his old comrades. That had been a shock but it had been a good one. He and Tony were great fighters alone and together they were an unstoppable duo. Eventually all the guards in the room had been killed.

Jonathan was covered in blood from head to toe. His machete dripped of it and the white tiles that had made up the room were now stained with it. The smell of iron entered his nostrils and he looked over at Tony. At that moment he became a leader again. "They taught you to shoot right?" Jonathan asked picking up one of the dead men's assault riffles and holding it out to Tony.
Tony was quite happy to fight beside Jonathan, of whom he considered the leader. As the last of the guards fell, Tony looked at his comrade. Tony himself was covered in red, making it hard to tell if he was hurt or not, but he wouldn't speak up even if he was. He shook himself in annoyance at the blood, some of which flicked off his body. He looked at his friend as he was offered the gun and nodded, "Not that I like it" He muttered, taking said gun, sheathing his claws
Harley knew that there were questions running all through Jack's mind, but right now was not the time to answer them. Alone she could take them for sure, however still recovering from Ian's latest attack, it would slow her down. She looked to Jack remembering what he had said, about wh he came here, "You came hunting?" She whispered, he nodded his head seeing that her hand was still clamped over her mouth. "Where is your gun?" She finally lowered her hand so he could finally talk.

"By the door," he said a little too loudly for Harley's liking, but that didn't matter right now, they would be exposed sooner or later. Hartley got up and went to grab the gun bringing it back over to Jack and pressing it into his hands. "Whatever you see that isn't me an doesn't look human, shoot it," she ordered, sounding much too much like Johnathan at that moment. She let her senses wander for a moment and looked around the old cabin, "about twenty, small pack. No team," she muttered quietly to herself. None of her team was around, not even Ian. Did that mean he wasn't with then? Or dead. Too many questions for a fight. Harley took out her claws which seemed to freak out Jack a little, but her mind was set to fight at the moment and she couldn't bring herself to care much, she was ready to tear the throats of all the bastards out.
Jonathan nodded. He knew that Tony didn't like guns. He was the only one in the group that had actually used them for more than just target practice. His father had created a super soldier and he'd been on many missions for his father most of which were assignations. Jonathan had done more than any of them knew. He'd run away from the facility before and that's how he'd become a hustler. That's when he'd met Dan. Then when he left Dan's his father found him again. Going to Dan's hadn't been a smart idea.

Jonathan pulled Tony in close and he kissed the boy on the lips. He knew Tony was straight but he loved him like a brother. There was some strong bond between the group that had escaped.

"I don't know the next time I'll be able to kiss another boy," Jonathan said when he pulled away. Jonathan collected ammo for his pistols and the rifles. He looked at Tony.

"You ready to get the fuck out of here?" Jonathan asked. He though for a second,"No...let's get out of here after we kill the big man. That way we'll never be chased by these guys ever again."
Tony nodded to his brother as Jonathan nodded back, and looked away from a moment, before turning back when he was pulled closer by the man he thought of as family. His eyes widened as he was kissed, and he froze in pure shock, though nodded quietly when his brother pulled away, blinking in confusion. He was still stood there as jonathan spoke, and idly nodded, before finally registering what his comrade had said and nodded again, quickly sorting his gun in a way he had never used to be able to, like a professional. Guns didn't suit Tony, who preferred peace over fighting, and would probably have tried to talk to the trackers instead of fighting if he had had the choice. Well, he had the first time, but he had never tried that again.
"Let's get this party started," Jonathan said smiling mischievously. He was ready to end this once and for all. He was ready to kill his father. Why hadn't he though of this sooner? Did he still have any respect for his father? Jonatan shook thoughts like that out of his mind. It didn't matter that Dr. Peters was his father. They didn't share a last name...not anymore. He'd changed it the minute his father started running drugs through his system. Jonathan drew his pistols and clicked the safety off on both of them.

Dr. Peters had seen his men all perish at the boy's hands and had sent a multitude of guards after them. This was going to be fun.
Harley was quiet, waiting. She knew they were snooping around, she knew they ha her scent. Bastards. As that thought came to mind the door went down in flames -literally- grenade coming in and blowing down the door setting it aflame. That was her cue. "Anything not human," she told Jack. It was a lot to throw him into at once, but she didn't have a choice. And one by one the trackers piled into the cabin, a few remaining outside. Harley was one her feet cracking her knuckles, "Let's do this boys," she said a sly smile dancing onto her lips as the first on went to attack. She was right on the tracker yet the others were on her as well. One grabbing under her arms; she slipped out easily crouching down and raising her leg high to kick the one in front of her. Diggin her claws into the one behind her and dragging it to the floor standing upright quickly, three more -including the two on the floor- were at her. Fighting was no challenge for her, seeing the blood thirsty part of her come out once more.
Tony nodded to Jonathan and let out a sadistic, fanged smile, as the guards came rushing toward them. His golden eyes gleamed as he charged at them, gun in one hand, claws on the other, as he shot guards. Others he did his own way, snapping their necks or cutting their throats, anything to take them down so that the two could end this
(I haven't been getting notifications from the thread, sorry!!!)

Time passed through the night. Brax carried Ian downstairs to the old dusty couch in his old house. He laid him down and put him to rest, making sure he slept before walking away. Brax stood by the window of his living room, looking outside and sighing at the empty night sky. Headlights became visible, headlights of an all-too familiar vehicle...

Trackers were approaching. His eyes widened at the realization of this, sensing EM signatures of the wolf-men. He didn't have a staff--thanks to evil Ian--so he was down to his bare fists and feet. The Trackers parked roughly in his yard, fully ready to kill and growling. He busted out the window, vowing to protect Ian inside while he slept. "You're not taking him...or me, you fuckers." He said before diving into the crowd of 5 Trackers. He gave one a roundhouse kick to the face, and another a heavy punch to the gut.

"Game on, assholes!" He chanted. The beast was back...time to remind them why NG called him White Death.
Ian hadn't heard much after he was out and sleeping as a dead weight on the sofa. But even in his sleep he was able to tell something was off. His eyes slowly opened and he looked around too see he was alone. What happened to Brax? He sat upright holding his head with one hand. "Brax?" He called out an got no response. That's when he heard the fighting and looked around behind him. It didn't take Ian long to find the kitchen to grab knives. It was better than nothing. Ian was outside, Brax in facing him as he threw the knife, just barely missing his head to penetrate the skull of the tracker about to attack Braxton from behind. "Are you out of your mind?!" He yelled charging into the battle.

Harley didn't hear any gun shots going off, which meant one of two things; Jack was in udder shock or dead. However seeing the trackers hadn't passed her yet, which ruled out the second option. There was blood everywhere, and Harley was dripping in everything but her own blood. And one tracker left. To which she was about to destroy but a bullet passed through it's head before she could move. Harley's head whipped around to see Jack well alive and standing with the gun held up, smoke coming from the barrel of the gun. Quick as she could, Harley grabbed onto Jack's hand and running. They would be back and there was no time to answer questions.
"Me?!" Brax called, slamming two Tracker heads together. "I'm doing what I do be--" He was interrupted by a Tracker punching him. He scoffed. "Excuse me, Ian." He said, then twisting that Trackers neck, making a loud crack. He cleared his throat. "Now, why aren't you resting?" He asked before resuming combat, only 3 left, swiping one of the beasts' heads with his foot.
"Why am I not resting?!" Ian asked VERY loudly, running over to help the battle, grabbing the knife out I the trackers face and turning to stab it deep into another's neck the turned to face Brax. "You want to know why?" He asked looking over the shoulder of a the second tracker that came between them. "Because if I didn't--" he waited until the tracker between the two was down to step forward being almost eye level with the other, "--you'd be dead," he said pushing Brax down so he would squat and Ian was able to slice open the throat of the last tracker behind him.
A surprise attack had came from nowhere as a hidden Track sprung out at them after killing the enemies. Brax groaned and smacked it like a pimp does a ho. "Not now!" He said to it, scolding it like a dog. It yelped. "Actually, you'd be dead, Mr. Secrets....I've read your EM signatures, I know you're not well! Gah, you think you know a person." He said, the Tracker starting to attack again. He groaned. "I...said...not...now!" He shouted, slamming his hand into its face, actually breaking through and bust the creatures head open. After it fell, he kept kicking it and punching it. It was dead...and this was brutal overkill...even Tracker's didn't deserve that.
"I don't know what's wrong with me! That's why I never told you," Ian yelled throwing the knife to the ground the blade sticking into the dirt. "I either collapse or get pains and I never know which one I'll get," he explained. And it was true, even right now as he was explaining he had pains in his chest making it slightly harder for him to breathe.

(Was gonna do Harley but I'm really tired at so night!)
Brax sensed that Ian was having breathing problems, then made him sit down. "Don't stress out...just rest up while I hide the Tracker bodies."

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