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Fantasy Gates of Arcania {OOC}


The Absent-Minded Daydreamer
Lore: Gates of Arcania {Lore}
CS: Gates of Arcania {CS}
IC: Gates of Arcania

Welcome to the OOC thread for Gates of Arcania! This is the place to just chill out between posts in the IC thread, discuss various ideas, and ask any questions that may be bothering you. Before posting on here, though, there are a couple of things to know:
Important Events/Announcements
The RP has BEGUN!
Please start with your characters milling around at the rec center.

OOC Chat RulesEh, just follow the site's usual rules and remember basic human decency - no explicit language, bullying, etc. You get the idea.
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Ahaha, thanks! I can't wait either!
I've had this entire world bouncing around my head for a while now, so it's a bit of a relief to finally have a storyline + people to engage with.
I mean, sure. I've chatted + created a lot of stuff for Arcania with several friends/acquaintances, but it's not the same as actually RPing in it!

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