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Fandom Gantz RP


Six Thousand Club
So. You were having a great day. Or a crappy day. Or both. And you wondered if it could get better/worse/stay the same. While you pondered this, you died. Or maybe you killed yourself. Or a mix of the two. And then something strange happened.

You stopped being dead.


You awake with only your jammies in this room with me, and a few others I've chosen. Many are of various backgrounds and races. Or some of you might just be animals.


As for who I am, you may call me Gantz.

I took a lot to get you and the others back to life. Okay, That's a lie. It took me no energy at all, in fact, I may have made some errors, but those are irrelevant now. All you need to do is pay me back. How, You ask? Simple.

By killing aliens.

You see, aliens do exist in the world, and I have appointed you the soul protectors of certain areas. Your goal is to kill/capture the target species that I give you with the weapons I have assigned for you, or wait out the time limit I have given. I will grade you at the end of your mission, which will be saved. Once the points I have given you tally to 100, you will have 3 options

  1. Be brought back to life
  2. Choose someone to be brought back to life. Do not expect me to keep the ones you want to save for later, as they are all randomized
  3. Continue the game (You sick person), and have new weapons and upgrades

After you choose one of these 3 photos, your score will be set to 0.

Make no mistake. You cannot elude me. I am always watching. I will punish those who disobey or leave the target area for a mission. Your lives are expendable.




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