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Realistic or Modern Gangs of the East End - OOC (Closed)

Allison Morgan is done ^.^ I hope the background is okay for now. I want to add some more stuff in later once all the morgan bros are up!
Well I am assuming since Oliver and him are friends, Allison would know him pretty well seeing as how Oliver and her are close siblings. so you got another friend for him!

.....sorta want to make a superman reference in the rp now ahahahah jk.
Well I am assuming since Oliver and him are friends, Allison would know him pretty well seeing as how Oliver and her are close siblings. so you got another friend for him!

.....sorta want to make a superman reference in the rp now ahahahah jk.
Yes, they'll definitely be friends. He's a nice guy, really. Especially if you're not a Russell. :P

If I don't see any Superman reference, I will be upset, TBH.
Yes, they'll definitely be friends. He's a nice guy, really. Especially if you're not a Russell. :P

If I don't see any Superman reference, I will be upset, TBH.
Lololol then expect a ton of them from Allie. lol. she definitely is not a Russell :p

But Allie is also a big flirt so do not be surprised. LOL she likes to drag them in and then push them back XD
Lololol then expect a ton of them from Allie. lol. she definitely is not a Russell :p

But Allie is also a big flirt so do not be surprised. LOL she likes to drag them in and then push them back XD
Well, he loves to partake in a back and forth of flirting, so she can go right ahead!

I've added her into his relationships.
Well, he loves to partake in a back and forth of flirting, so she can go right ahead!

I've added her into his relationships.
lol should be entertaining then. Lol!

sweet I shall do the same!

annnnndddd looks like Evie got a boo :p whoops!
I figured you knew about Evie's boo?

Any boo of Evie's will be investigated by Will. Just saying...
lololol I did but I just got a look at him hahaha!
and oh boy, sounds like a great invasion of privacy already XD
Phew, that's a relief. He's an attractive boo. Let's just hope he's not a psychopathic homicidal maniac...

Oh wait. Wrong RP. :P
LOL sure is ^.^

and omfg no way. My girl don't deal with that shit XD
[SIZE= 2] alek will follow closely behind will maybe with a baseball bat [/SIZE]​
Poor Liam is gonna have a hard time getting the approval of every brother i see lololololol.

Oh dear. poor Evie gonna be so embarrassed.
Misty Gray Misty Gray Would Imogen sort of be like a celebrity that knows what’s going on in the back but doesn’t bad mouth it, or just a regular celebrity that enjoys her club?

I should also come up with a name.... like The Alley Cat or something
Poor Liam is gonna have a hard time getting the approval of every brother i see lololololol.

Oh dear. poor Evie gonna be so embarrassed.
[SIZE= 2] edie would be so proud of evie ?? but liam messes up with evie, he better watches what he eats when he’s near edie mwahahahah [/SIZE]​
If anyone wants to develop any relationships with my characters by all means, let me know!

I must say, Stephen is quite the charmer.....

[SIZE= 2] edie would be so proud of evie ?? but liam messes up with evie, he better watches what he eats when he’s near edie mwahahahah [/SIZE]​
NO ONE IS SAFE 0.0 lololol everyone could be poisoned...but it would be the best way to die. By cookie. heheheh would her nickname be "cookie monster" ded.

Evie: *slaps cookie out of Liam's hands* DON'T EAT THAT.

And Allison is open for any type
of relationships ^.^ if y'all can keep up with her lol .
Bellz Bellz In Liam's favour, there's the fact that he's close to Will's uncle. That's got to stand for something, right?

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess I'm waiting for confirmation on her relationship to the Morgans. Either way, she is fully aware of the things going on behind the scenes, but she wouldn't say much about it. Imogen sees and hears a lot of things, but she is very tight-lipped herself. People tend to spill a lot to her, but she knows when to keep her own mouth shut. Imogen is a just a celebrity socialite to those not paying enough attention and she would be genuinely fond of Francis.

Imogen is fully aware of what goes on between the Morgans and the Russells.
NanLia NanLia i wanna plot with Stephen!

I honestly cannot stop watching this gif though

Misty Gray Misty Gray awww everyone is fond of Francis I’m happy~

She’s also fond of people who mind their own business.

Gotta find her an enemy soon.
NanLia NanLia i wanna plot with Stephen!

I honestly cannot stop watching this gif though

Yes! Stephen does love Francis' Club! Maybe he has befriended her while trying to keep tabs on his sister? Maybe it's at the start of developing into something more?

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