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[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]So it's safe to say Leo's favorite little redheaded monster will be there~

Pffffft~ Favorite? Are there others?

Does Trip need to do some house cleaning~?
As far as I know Trip is the only redhead. But there is that glasses one. And that blond one. But they're MIA for now.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]One day I will have a puppy. One daaaay.

puppies are gr8 i have five dogs between my two households and might grab a sixth because I'm a crazy dog lady

i used to have a character whose alias was bullseye and she shot out a random thing every time she made the finger gun (i basically rolled a d20 every time I used it with 1 being innocuous and 20 being something lethal)... it was hilarious
That's freaking cool! xD I just thought of going with a basic powerset and what not to make him a deadly shot. xD Plus... see if I can make "bullet time" and "curving the bullet" a thing for the shits and giggles.
Mecca region is highlighted. Lotus is at the very top.

Pre-CS Apps are up if you want to start poking around at it.

@Unlimited, because I don't recall him stalking over here.

Nicknames: Taeng, Melons

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Affiliation: None

Occupation: Glorified Damsel in Distress none as of right now

Personality: Though Taeng may be a doe-eyed beauty, she is nothing less than a firecracker. Maybe somewhat timid at first, that demeanor quickly fades away after introductions. Her real colors show to be vibrant and of many colors. She can be loud and obnoxiously forward. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and to complain about anything and everything. However, she is not a pushover, and would rather earn her keep than to have things handed to her. She is incredibly independent and has a great deal of trouble trusting in others, let alone being around the same people for a lengthy amount of time. This may also be a result from her fiery temper and partygirl attitude. She is nomadic for the most part, and will act more like a stray cat with multiple homes.

Bio: As ironic as it may be, Taeng was imported from Thailand through human trafficking. Once The Waterfront opened their doors to international human trade, Taeng was kidnapped from her home, a village just outside of Bangkok. From there, it was a long journey of unimaginable circumstances, and much of it Taeng refuses to talk about, let along acknowledge. But no matter how much she would like to pretend it didn't happen, the mark of the events are branded on the bottom of her foot in the form of a white elephant symbol.

Fortunate for Taeng, her ending was a bit happier. She managed to escape and wandered throughout The Waterfront until she came to Mecca's border. By age 17, she found her first chance of real freedom since she was 11 years old. But even still, Taeng felt far too close to her captors. She had heard good things about Lotus, and with a few credits to her name, she picked up and left for the northernmost city.

Taeng has been wandering Lotus since then, taking on small jobs such as waitressing, bartending, grocery store cashier, etc. Having such a wandering nature and a fiery personality, however, has made it near impossible to hold a job. That, and the fact that Taeng somehow had an affinity to attract trouble wherever she goes...

Superpower?: no


edit;; le example~
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Years and years and years of music hunting and inspiration. Big thing is that music inspires my characters. The music is the start of creating them actually. xD For that Bogeyman song, it was in a remake of an indy game.
Eh... I think I'm gonna retweak Masa... rereading it, I'm not sure right now. For now, I'll finish up the other dude. :U Have more music:




Nicknames: Trip, Regina Rossa

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Matchlock Saints

Occupation: Captain/Owner of Sorella's Italian Restaurant

Personality: Sophisticated, savvy, sly and seductive, Trip didn't earn her nickname of Regina Rossa from her appearance alone. Her charm and charisma is credited for having gained a nice collection of associates and acquaintances - for both herself and the Saints. In fact, between the successful restaurant and her contribution to her group's side of the power struggle, she has quite the veneer built up to hide the more sinister intentions. Staying true to the intent of the Saints, Trip has a desire for power and a yearning to change up the system. She has a tendency to make things standing in her way disappear, and she's never been quite keen on sharing, but overall is very patient. Pull the right strings, and it'll only be a matter of time before the right things fall into the right place.


- Teresa was born and raised in a well-off business family in Lotus.

- At the age of five her mother went missing, and after two years of searching her father accepted that she had disappeared.

- Around the age of ten the Court of Justice vs. Joseph Marling caused a stir, and not too long after her father's friend Ernesto Georgiani asked for him to join his newly forming group.

- For ten years Trip grew up within the inner workings of the Georgiani's crime family. At the age of sixteen Trip discovered that she had some kind of strange ability to read others.

- Upon finding this out Trip's father immediately set up trainers and tutors to transform her into a tool for him to gain power. He wasn't entirely subtle about it, and soon enough he caught the eye of one Degrassi Malone.

- Her father backed Malone on his proposed policy and methodology changes, which in turn made every idea struck down a strike against his pride. When given the chance he left along with Malone, taking Trip with him.

- With his position as a Captain in the Matchlock Saints, her father was more-or-less free to use Trip as he had wanted to: as an assassin. Much of the time when the Saints wanted something done more on the down-low, it was her that was sent out to do the job.

- After a few years Trip got tired of being the one under a thumb, and after a bit of resource gathering and networking, one day her father met with a rather unfortunate bullet to the head. Though not gifted the title at first, with some honeyed words of persuasion applied over a few months, along with the backing of her in-house supporters, she was eventually allowed to succeed her father and fill his spot as a Captain.

- Over the past eight years she has helped the Matchlock Saints accumulate power. Not only has she been working the legitimate PR front, but has been picking and choosing stronger individuals to recruit via use of her mutagen. Along with continuing her shadowy activities when needed, her efforts have been made to shift the Saints into just the right position for an opportunity to strike.

Superpower?: Yes

Power Name: Vitality Spark

Power Description: This Italian madam has some close ties to the pulse of life itself. Trip's body is more youthful than the average woman at her age, staving off the slow stack of negative effects from normal human aging. She's more resistant to sickness and disease, and is capable of recovering somewhat faster than average from injury.

Sub-power: Life Sight: Trip is able to see the energy that other living things emit with or without the use of her eyes, allowing her to have a gauge on someone's general health and mood. She can also recognize specific energy signatures, allowing her to differentiate who from who in a crowd and make tracking much easier, or even if someone possesses a mutagen.

Strengths: The strengths of Trip's variations of Enhanced Health and Aura Reading are pretty straight forward. The first allows her to have an extended lifespan as well as enjoy greater health benefits, while the other gives her the ability to read, recognize and track individuals better than one would with normal means.


- Though she is more resistant to sickness, disease and the likes, that doesn't mean that she can simply ignore everything that she comes down with. The common cold and even the flu and most forms of cancer are things of the past, but anything more severe will produce symptoms (some more noticeable than others), and more deadly ailments still have a chance of making her turn for the worse.

- Trip's healing factor isn't the super fancy kind like

some others

that could be named. While she can potentially live through worse injuries than a non-powered individual, it seems to only cut down on the recovery time by a small margin (i.e. a week of projected required healing would take four to five days instead). It's not like it can regrow a lost limb or heal up a potentially fatal wound without outside intervention.

- The healing factor seems to work better for flesh/organ related wounds. Bones aren't given as much consideration, and for the most part only get a day or two shaved off the overall healing time.

- Trip's ability to see the life energy of others is limited for the most part to her normal vision. Walls, buildings and other non-living items/constructs can block this.

- The sixth sense mode of this ability isn't impeded by walls, buildings and the likes, but the range only extends to twenty feet out from herself.



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Nicknames: “No Face,” “The Man with No Face,” “Cockney Bastard”

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Matchlock Saints

Occupation: Thief, Hired Gun, Model

Personality: By Jak’s definition, there is no one as amazing, successful, handsome, and downright sexier… than himself. If doctors were to examine the size of of his head in ratio to the size of his ego, they would be dumbfounded and downright confused how his noggin can support something that large. Albeit, it doesn’t mean that his “small head” means “little intelligence…” his “great genius” is put into more practical applications such as deactivating security systems and memorizing song lyrics. He is beyond flashy. Preferring to wear loud colors and making sure he stands out in a crowd, the thief has the potential to use his massive show boat attitude to put on the first and only one-man parade.

A few “unworthy” and “jealous” people like to believe that the source of his colorful persona comes from “catching” for the same team. Jak
believesKNOWS he doesn’t put the “flam(er)” in “flamboyant.” He’s a die hard fan of the ladies and all of the accessories that come with them. Jak’s love for the ladies bridges on “needy” and “perverted,” resulting in a mishap here and there (such as winding up being short of a “pair of Jack’s).

… putting aside the sarcasm, Jak is nothing more than an attention-seeking and reckless douche nozzle. The layer guarding his ego is as durable as a styrofoam plate: why bother using it? Once that gets a scratch, he turns into a temperamental brat that beats his chest like any man should (or so he believes). The worst thing is that the ego is a cover up for how he feels about himself: he hates waking up and having to look at himself in the mirror everyday. He has a face only his mother loves. No woman would ever want to smooch him.

Bio: By a few of the members of the Matchlock Saints’ count, Jak has exactly forty-two separate stories of how he wound up on the other side of the Atlantic and joining their gang. One involves being known as a famous treasure hunter somewhere in Egypt. Another involves being some sort of expert in saving “princesses.” No one believes any of the phoney bologna. No matter how much he paints a great picture of his past, there all far off… give or take.

Jak Bishop came from a no name and no good group of gypsies. They were a close knit group that dedicated their time and effort pulling of scams and small heists instead of planting their roots and getting jobs. The bases of his skills came from working with his father and brothers in most of their gigs. His education was learning how to scout out easy targets and sleight of hand instead of going to school. The practical lessons came from his mother, a teacher turned housewife. By the time he was thirteen years old, he has become a seasoned criminal in petty crimes. Life for him would change overnight. Jak made a choice and paid the price. Jak left his family with his mother and a new face.

Circumstances forced Jak to enter a new line of business, far from his home in the UK and his mother. For Jak, there was opportunity across the sea and potential fortune to be made. He wound up joining a group of mercenaries that staked their claim in the Badlands. It didn’t matter what kind of work he had to do, the payout was worth it. He earned enough to bring his mother over to Lotus in a decent living situation. He had a good run for a few years, picking up new skills. But, it came to an end. The mercenary group disbanded after their final job went horribly wrong. He was separated and assumed dead… until he reappeared in Lotus two years ago.

In a matter of a few months, Jak built up quite a reputation as thief and crack shot. An offer to join the Matchlock Saints was extended and accepted without a second thought. Aligning himself with a group that cared about making money (even if it started as some Robin Hood scheme) seemed like the best fit for him. Low and behold, he’s remained and became a thorn in some of the member’s side while doing pretty well in bringing in the money.

Superpower?: Yes

Power Name: Trajectory Manipulation

Power Description: His ability allows him to hone his bullets onto targets in the most impossible of ways. He can cause bullets to curve and move independently to move around obstacles without losing momentum. It’s the same the other way around, able to change the trajectory of an oncoming projectile. Link

Sub-power: Accelerated Perception

To be able to focus on a projectile, Jak’s perception has to be at an abnormal level in order to properly affect their trajectory. When he focuses, the world seems to slow for a short period of time allowing him to react properly in real time aka bullet time!!!!


High proficiency in guns, especially in handguns

Gun Fu is now a thing

Can pull off the craziest of shots

Able to "reflect" enemy shots with his powers

Effects physical objects

Largest he can affect is a small vehicle


Doesn't effect "non physical" objects like lasers

Doesn’t work with automated weapons well

Can’t control more than six projectiles (it’s a great strain for six at once)

The bigger the size of the projectile, the lower the number of projectiles he can control at once. AKA if it's a small car, he can only work on that car.

All controlled projectiles go in one direction only

Once a bullet stops, he loses control (aka forced stopped)

Accelerated perception works in 10-second intervals (aka world seems to slow for up to 10 seconds)

Using accelerated perception consecutively causes strain on his brain and could result in permanent brain damage

Side effects after using accelerated perception include chronic headaches, double vision and nosebleeds



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