• This section is for roleplays only.
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Tired as all hell. Kinda waiting around for RPN updates though. I don't feel like moving forward until I can get my new rp owner controls. eAe;;
Rissa said:
Busyyyyy af. Moving sucks 8c
Mmm, I get that, moving can indeed be a drag, not to mention time-consuming >.< Be sure to get some rest and keep up your strength!

Tired as all hell. Kinda waiting around for RPN updates though. I don't feel like moving forward until I can get my new rp owner controls. eAe;;

You and me both, compadre: busy working all week, and got back from a hiking trip earlier, so I'm not far from hitting the sack ;p. Yea, I heard that they were making some changes, but didn't realize that they'd be anything major: are they expected to take long, or bring down the site for maintenance/edits?
clarinetti said:
You and me both, compadre: busy working all week, and got back from a hiking trip earlier, so I'm not far from hitting the sack ;p. Yea, I heard that they were making some changes, but didn't realize that they'd be anything major: are they expected to take long, or bring down the site for maintenance/edits?
The only ETA we have is sometime before 2017. Meaning, depending on how long it takes for the devs to get it together. The site was down for a few minutes a few hours ago so that they could swap servers. I'm assuming this means they're moving to a better sever that is able to support the changes they'll be doing.

As for the updates, we've only gotten snippets of information, but from what I gather, there's two major things (not including the nite life website update that they're working on):

1. RP threads will have a major update where they'll be getting rid of tabs (Main, Overview, Sign-Ups, etc) and replace it with it's own mini forum. So similar to a Hosted Project, we'll have a mini forum to post up more customizable subthreads. This allows rp owners more liberties when it comes to adding content to their roleplays. It seems that each thread will have their own comment box area, as well as moderator options. The owner of the rp can assign co-mods and different roles/ranks to members in their roleplay. (if I'm wrong on any of this, anyone feel free to correct me).

2. BBCode is dead. From what was discussed in one of the update threads, BBCode is considered a dying "language" and so is going to be considered obsolete here on RPN in the future. Now, this is a very scary thing, except for the fact that instead of BBCode, we will be given an editor (like an HTML or rich text editor) that will have specific buttons which will act the same as BBCodes do. I'm not exactly clear on what our capabilities will be, but in theory, this will allow anyone to code even if they have no coding knowledge. There's high potential for this, but I know a lot of people are worrying about the level of customization of each "button."
i'm around and actually more or less finished with jayce's cs... i just haven't posted it aahhahhha

the changes look sick although lack of customization is a scary possibility. all we can do is wait and see.
The only ETA we have is sometime before 2017. Meaning, depending on how long it takes for the devs to get it together. The site was down for a few minutes a few hours ago so that they could swap servers. I'm assuming this means they're moving to a better sever that is able to support the changes they'll be doing.
As for the updates, we've only gotten snippets of information, but from what I gather, there's two major things (not including the nite life website update that they're working on):

1. RP threads will have a major update where they'll be getting rid of tabs (Main, Overview, Sign-Ups, etc) and replace it with it's own mini forum. So similar to a Hosted Project, we'll have a mini forum to post up more customizable subthreads. This allows rp owners more liberties when it comes to adding content to their roleplays. It seems that each thread will have their own comment box area, as well as moderator options. The owner of the rp can assign co-mods and different roles/ranks to members in their roleplay. (if I'm wrong on any of this, anyone feel free to correct me).

2. BBCode is dead. From what was discussed in one of the update threads, BBCode is considered a dying "language" and so is going to be considered obsolete here on RPN in the future. Now, this is a very scary thing, except for the fact that instead of BBCode, we will be given an editor (like an HTML or rich text editor) that will have specific buttons which will act the same as BBCodes do. I'm not exactly clear on what our capabilities will be, but in theory, this will allow anyone to code even if they have no coding knowledge. There's high potential for this, but I know a lot of people are worrying about the level of customization of each "button."

Ahh... thank you for that thorough explanation of what's to come: noticed that the site had been on and off over the day. No more BBCode though? ( :o ) I mean, I've always been lousy at it even when I get a formatting sheet and such, so I can appreciate the simplification in that regard. But I can understand why people would be apprehensive about what limitations may come with this new format, especially those who enjoy designing/ organizing threads and can effectively utilize BBCode to get that desired level of detail. Mm, time will tell I suppose how it all turns out, and whether people will be satisfied with the changes or not.

Quick aside, I'm still working on the pre-application forms, but just to clarify: would you rather me submit one character to start, or would you mind if I put up all pre-cs's for characters I was hoping to bring to the thread? (I had two in mind)
@clarinetti, feel free to post up all the pre-apps of characters you were hoping to bring into the rp. Even though I'm on a pause, I don't mind looking over them.
I've returned from the dead.

AKA I survived San Diego ComiCon and will live to attend another year. Given I can buy tickets this year, since my friend is no longer going to volunteer (as it's a shit show).

I literally have one tiny section of my app to do. Literalllllly. I keep promising and getting sideswiped by RL issues/stuff. Tonight. Is the night. To end all nights (of application-ing).
I have returned to RP Nation. This doesn't seem to be very active right now, but ironically I haven't finished my CS either. I'll get to that right away.
We're currently on pause until the RPN site updates happen. There's too many things that I want to be sure work alright before I continue working on the rp.

Regardless, you can continue to work on your character if you want. I just may not be starting up the rp anytime soon.

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