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Fandom Galaxy of Jewels (Steven Universe)


Sunstone nodded to Beryl. "Yes, yes I am. Would you like some when it's done?" she asked politely. The quiche wouldn't be done in a while, considering she just put it into the oven. Sunstone didn't care for eating, but cooking was one of her favorite activities. It was like being a scientist, only a wrong move didn't literally blow up in your face... that often... Sunstone liked to pretend she was mentally strong in the sciences, and spending time learning on Earth certainly was helping, but in the end she was just a Sunstone. She would never be as adept at science as, say, a Peridot.

AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal Kluke101 Kluke101

As Skylar laid face down on the floor she heard sunstone greet her. Skylar's voice was muffled but still managed to mumble. "Hey Sunstone...nothing." She sighed and before she could lift herself off of the ground someone tripped and fell over her. She sprang up to her feet. "Are you okay Malaya?" she asked offering her hand.

It was kind of her fault, she was laying in the middle of the floor, she felt bad now. Skylar often did weird things, she a was a weird person...gem...thing. But she didn't really care. Skylar was definitely not one to try to impress anyone. Allf of a sudden she grabbed her stomach, her gem pulsated. "Ugh..." she said quietly, he hand still slightly outreached.

Noivian Noivian @kluke



Sunstone's eyes went wide when Skylar grabbed at her gem. "Skylar, are you okay?" she asked, hopping off the counter and moving cautiously towards the half-gem. She had seen the half-human size expressed like this before, where the contents of Skylar's stomach made a reappearance. The small gem didn't want to get too close, for fear of having to clean her pristine outfit again. Though her protective side told her to try and help somehow, Sunstone had no clue how to do that.

AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal Kluke101 Kluke101
Having glanced at Skylar, Beryl's cheeks flushed. "I-I'm okay, sorry for stumbling on you." Beryl apologized. Nodding enthusiastically, Beryl beamed. "I would love some! Even though gems dont need it anyway." Malaya say herself down upon a barstool, her eyes flickering as Sunstone and Beryl exchanged. " I can see you're adjusting more and more to this earth life, Sunstone." Malaya pointed out. However, Beryl tensed upon sensing something.. this could be her chance to finally prove herself! Especially now that she was sensing other gems.
"I ugh- I'm gonna step out for some air! I'll be back." Beryl assured, hurrying out of the beach house.

Shaking her head at Beryl's strange behavior, Malaya soon rose a brow once Skylar doubled over in pain. " Hey, are you alright?" She questioned, her hand on the half human, half gem's back as she questioned her teammate's condition with concern. Glancing up at Sunstone as they shared looks of concern and caution.

Beryl sensed something and she knew it! Assuring she had her flare gun on her belt, Beryl glanced about in front of a shop? Taking a breath, Beryl took tentative steps towards the entrance.

Noivian Noivian CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Thepotatogod Thepotatogod AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal
Apatite seemed to have arrived at the skip before any of the other gems that were assigned. He had read the report on who was coming,and the basic background for the planet they were visiting: Earth. Apparently where the Rose Quartz rebellion had taken place but was taken down before Homeworld abandoned the planet. Guess it was a good call, anyways. After finding this out, Apatite made sure to send a Purple Eye to scout out their landing site. He had seen the Aquamarine come, and saw the Amber walking towards the entrance to the docks. Looks like they were almost ready to go. He walked over to the Amber, a he was a higher rank, and gave them a purple data sheet. 'You are to read these every second of the journey. This is for the Purple Eye scout I've sent to Earth before us, and this will be its report. He then walked away as Aquamarine walked out. "Salutations. I'm Aquamarine, or as dubbed by a juvenile group of Amethysts, The Judge. Do what needs to be done, and don't hesitate if someone asks something of you." and with that, she turned on her heel and walked back into the ship.

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
MochiHaru MochiHaru
Noivian Noivian
AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal
animegirl20 animegirl20
Kluke101 Kluke101
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Susanoo Susanoo
(The Purple Eye will start descending upon Earth soon)
Henry Nebula
Interaction: Howlite, Helio( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny ), Obsidian( Noivian Noivian )
As Henry was pinned down, he couldn't help but see how shocked they were to learn about his Mother. He was just as surprised, too. That grip...It was quite hard, so that must mean this wasn't a mere hallucination; They were telling the truth. He didn't know his Mother was like them...An Alien. He didn't try to struggle, respecting their decision to pin him down due to their surprise. Helio then whipped his hair back, revealing a black gem on his forehead; a Hematite, as they would call it. Howlite soon released his grip, and he soon sat down, hoping that none of the customers saw that...In fact, his Father had already put up the 'CLOSED' sign up the door...Is it because of the commotion? Obsidian, upon finishing her beverage, asked for his name.

"Henry. Henry Nebula." Henry answered, scratching the back of his head. "So my Mother was a soldier, huh?" He tried to chuckle, but it was too soft, I doubt you can call it that. "I'm sorry...All this time, I never knew who my Mother was and what she was like...Pa only told she was nice..."

"Well, that was true." Henry's father answered, taking off his leather cap as he walked near them. "Your mother, Hematite, was a pretty nice gal. She pretty much helped me a lot, you know...Kinda fierce at times, but, still sweet as a rose."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Henry asked, taking off his glasses. "I know if you tell me that my Mother was an alien, I wouldn't believe you, but you could've at least told me her name."

"It was Hema's last request...I'm sorry." Henry's Father apologize, kneeling near his saddened son. "She told me that her kind might come back to earth. She knew that they were to shatter every remaining Gem on the planet. And she wants you to be spared...So I...Kept it a secret for now." He shrugged, letting out a soft sigh. "I knew you'd find out one of these days..." He soon looked up to the two of them, knowing who they were. "I'm so sorry, you two...I had to at least keep one promise." He apologized, bowing his head in respect.
Apatite( Squad141 Squad141 ), Amber( MochiHaru MochiHaru )
Alamandine spent every moment of her time training his knife skills. She knew that she would have to fare with some traitors or conquer some worlds or even deal with some scheduled executions. Upon throwing another multitude of her knives, her small, crystal pad she had on the table began to vibrate. With a sigh, Alamandine rubbed her nape as she approached the device, opening it to see that she had received another request from the diamonds; A scouting mission...Simple enough.

"This should be fun...That's where the rebel scum once was..." She let out a grin, as she soon placed the device back on the table. Almandine then head towards the docks, fiddling with a knife. Their ship should be there along with the crew. After walking for a few minutes, she arrived at the docks, where some familiar looking gems were standing there; A Spy, Amber and the Diamond's special Scientist, Apatite. "Am I late for the party, or has the ship already left?" She asked with her usual cocky grin, walking towards the small group.
Amber stood by the ship with her arms crossed, waiting patiently as she now knew her mission. Disquising as a human to get close with them. Well, she is a good liar, this will be easy for her. Yet she's not sure how she can pull of expressions on her face, she'd have to practice. She looked to where Almandine was. "You were still early I suppose..." Was all she said as she uncrossed her arms and let them rest on her sides.
Black Onyx/ Black Star Diopside
Interaction ( Squad141 Squad141 MochiHaru MochiHaru Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )​
"We's gonna get it good! Gon make them proud, we will! Oh, think we get pet rebel to play with." an energetic voice asked over the sound of heavy, clanking footsteps

"Doubtful." came a simple response

"We use blue one? Me play with her then?"


"So maybe then! That mean maybe right?"



The voices travelled throughout the halls of the station they were in, the simplistic one's footsteps barely audible over the clanks that followed her partner.

Eventually a door to the docks slid open, revealing a Black Star Diopside and.... some form of Onyx?

The odd looking Onyx glanced around excitedly at the new room as she followed behind the smaller gem, her single eye practically frantic within that helmet of her's.

Black Star Diopside had a bubble floating around her head, inside was a blue gem. She paid it no mind as she zeroed in on the crew she'd be joining for this specific mission. She had been readying for another training run with her unusually assembled partner, and had been caught off guard for the first time in months by the request of her Diamonds. Therefore, she had been a little late due to the time it had taken to retrieve their little sensor.

Black Onyx's chatter hadn't made the small trip any easier.

"Oooohh, new team!" Onyx chippered as she scampered around Diopside, occasionally dropping to all fours like an animal as she did so. For a gem nearly twice and a half her size, it was quite unbecoming "We gonna go find things! It be new! It be fun!"

"Potentially." Diopside replied as she glanced to the bubble floating beside her.

She turned her attention instead to the other homeworld gems she'd be working with, whom she addressed with a curt little nod "I am Black Star Diopside," she gestured beside her to Onyx's giggling frame "this is Black Onyx."

"Hi hi! New guys make new bashing team!"
the larger gem clapped her metallic hands together "We gon have good times. All of us, yes! Make diamonds proud!"

Diopside merely continued on as if it were nothing "It would seem we depart for an old Gem Colony, which had suffered greatly after a quite pointless offensive was staged by gems there. Evaluating a ruin such as that should be no exceptional problem, though I have a contingency in place for possible hazardous outcomes."
While amber waited patiently, she stared out the window of the ship on her personal seat, being ready anytime to leave. Hearing the door of the ship open, she turned her head to see new recruits. One that's pleasantly organized and formal looking while the other..was starting to get on her nerves yet didn't bother to show it. Her chair turned forward again while she adjusted her tie. "Yes, I'm glad you already know what you must do." She said as she set her arms down at the desk. Since Apatite seemed like the leader out of them she decided to ask questions. "So..how should we play this out..I know that I'll be in disguise, but with the others be hidden from those gems as well. What If a human finds out, can we execute them if they do so?"
upload_2017-5-11_20-13-22.png Squad141 Squad141
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Black Diamond nodded again, recording that name to her memory as best as she could. "It was very noble of you to do your best to keep the promise," Black Diamond stated, pausing her sentence to down the entire cup of coffee, "but also not fair to your son, considering his involvement. Perhaps were he better informed, he would not have approached us out of the blue, more than likely drawn in by the gems we bear being similar in nature to his own." She looked to Henry. "Curiosity, right?" Offering a friendly smile, she set her cup down and crossed her legs in a very regal manner, leaning back in the chair she sat in. "But the fact still remains that Henry exists, we know about him, and there are beings out there who wouldn't hesitate to shatter him. So I propose the five of us strike up an alliance. We offer protection and training for Henry, in return for..." Black Diamond hesitated. What could they want? Black Diamond only recently joined Howlite and Helio - she had no clue what their intentions were. Asking for help finding the rebellion was a bad idea - that would lead Henry right into danger. She could ask for free coffee, but gems didn't really need coffee... "Well, perhaps Howlite or Helio wants something? I'd be happy just helping and not getting anything in return." Black Diamond then realized how commanding she was being. Given how she didn't know anything about powers yet, and could only really use her sword, and didn't know what weapon Henry had, if he had one, Black Diamond was arguably the most useless gem when compared to Howlite or Helio. She shuffled her feet nervously, hoping she didn't come off too snooty right off the bat.

Looking around, Black Diamond stopped her movement, noticing what looked like another gem standing outside. Her eyes flicked the Beryl up and down, before offering a tense smile. "Do you two know her?" she asked in a low voice, not taking her eyes off the visitor.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Kluke101 Kluke101

Howlite sighed. "You know... It is better if you don't find out anything yet.." She then threw a device down. "You have to learn the hard way... I know it isn't fair to anyone... but he has to..." She said as she looked to Helio. Helio seemed to keep looking back at 'Obsidian.' "Hey Helio... you alright?" she asked looking a bit concerned for her friend. Helio just jumped a bit.

"H-huh?" Helio said a bit startled. "O-oh... yea sorry... just... thinking about something... I need to talk to Obsidian in Private though... It is something you don't like to talk about Howls." She said with a smile. Howlite just groaned, thinking that it was about the resistance. "I told you, I am not joining them... I am better off hiding... at least then Homeworld won't know a Howlite is able to think on its own...." She said with a grumble.

"Obsidian? Is it alright if I speak with you in private in a..." before Helio could finish talking, another gem appeared in the entrance. "No...." Helio said with a bit of confusion. Howlite just groaned even more. "Great.. Her... I can Beryl-ly contain my excitement..." Howite said in a sarcastic tone. Helio somehow knew Howls made a pun and sighed.

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kluke101 Kluke101
Apatite( Squad141 Squad141 ), Amber( MochiHaru MochiHaru ), Black Onyx and Star Diopside( GrieveWriter GrieveWriter )
Almandine turned to the newcomers; one Black Star Diopside and one...Onyx. It was a Black Onyx, sure, but it wasn't any Onyx she had seen before. With a grin, she's obviously curious. Black Star Onyx is certainly loyal to the diamonds, seeing as she wants to make them proud along with her new team.

"Why yes! Pleasing the Diamonds is why we're made in the first place!" Almandine chuckled, taking a liking to Black Onyx already. Soon enough, Amber spoke up; inquiring about what the directive is in case an earthling sees through her disguise. "This is supposed to be a scouting mission, right? We can't yield progress without killing a few natives here and there. I say you make it look like an accident or somethin'." She shrugged, fiddling with her knife by tossing it and catching it over and over. "If I read right, we're just look around and see if the rock's okay for Gem inhabitation. Hell, I think there's an unfinished Kindergarten there." She said, making the knife disappear and facing Apatite once more. "So...When the hell are we leavin'?"
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Black Diamond was pulled out of her slightly panicked stated by Helio asking to talk with her in private. Of course, hearing this only put her on higher alert. Could this all be a really high-level ploy to get Black Diamond to Homeworld? She really hoped not... "Is it urgent?" she asked in a low voice, looking back to the Beryl, implying that she wanted to know if it could wait until after the newcomer had stated her intentions.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Kluke101 Kluke101
Henry Nebula and Old Man Nebula
Interaction: Obsidian( Noivian Noivian ), Helio, Howlite( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny ), Beryl ( Kluke101 Kluke101 )
Obsidian's smile was mother like to say the least. Henry couldn't help but keep calm after seeing her, nodding in reply. He soon wore his glasses and stood up, brushing off the dust that might've dirtied his apron.
"Well... Henry doesn't know much about his Gem capabilities anyway. But if you promise to keep him safe, then I'll gladly offer my help." Henry's Father nodded, standing up as he wore his hat once more. "It's not much, but I can keep your meetings here a secret. I just closed shop just so we can have a bit of privacy." He let out a smile, knowing full well that this shop is also their home. As he turned around to point that out, there was another normal looking person with brown hair. "Don't worry, I got this." Henry's father said as he walked towards the door, opening it and speaking to the visitor.

"Whoa there, kiddo! Didn't see ya there!" Henry's Father did his best to look surprised, even going as far to jolt a bit. "I see you want to enter my Cafe, but we kinda just closed shop for the day." He let out a smile as he tipped his cap. "I'm sure there are plenty other cafes around town that would satisfy your...Elegant taste." He winked, now eyeing the girl...No, the Gem's appearance. She may look human, but that Gem on her navel is a dead give away. Right now, he must drive this Gem away from his son, and his fellow Gems if he doesn't his cafe to be thrashed like that time 20 years ago...It was awful.

"Do Gems really not get along that much?" Henry couldn't help but ask, seeing Howlite's reaction to the incoming Gem, 'Beryl', if he heard correctly, looking past the obvious pun. More importantly...What are them? Judging by what he heard, there are two factions of the Gem kind; Homeworld, and Them. Both sides which have pretty vague goals, one he doesn't know yet. All these Gems appearing out of nowhere...

"No... but it isn't something I want to talk about in front of Howlite..." Helio said in a whisper "He gets real antsy around the subject I want to talk to you about..." She said. looking at Howlite who was answering Henry.

"It ain't that. It has to do with so many political stand points in the bureaucracy in the Gem world you wouldn't understand. But the reason I rarely trust anyone... It is the Reason I am not shattered..." She sighed and crossed her arms on the table. She then put her chin in her arms. "I don't want to talk about... It is just my trust isn't easily gained... Alright..." She said with a huff. "I just don't get along with other gems... that is all."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Noivian Noivian
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Nodding again, Black Diamond figured she had been figured out already. Helio was pretty sharp, or perhaps Black Diamond was pretty dull or bad at hiding. Either way, there wasn't any turning back now without making it look suspicious. She listened idly to the conversation between Howlite and Henry, before turning back to Helio. "Whenever you have a moment..." she indicated that the two of them could go off on their own to talk whenever, with Henry's dad covering the Beryl problem and Howlite entertaining Henry. In all honesty, Black Diamond wanted to stick around and listen to an explanation of the Homeworld bureaucracy. Despite disliking the Homeworld that saddled her with the responsibility of hundreds of gem lives and then abandoned her before she could even emerge... Black Diamond would be lying if she said she didn't find politics interesting. Perhaps it was simply in her blood, as humans would say. Hardwired into her very being to take an interest in leadership and politics, to help her navigate what was supposed to be her home, the rocky political landscape of Homeworld.

But alas, Helio wanted to talk with her, so Black Diamond would indeed talk with Helio.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Kluke101 Kluke101
Apatite stood on a heightened platform in a main room of the ship, looking down at the mismatched group of gems waiting for departure. Maybe they could be of some use after all.
"It is time to depart. Soldier gems can roam the halls, but any higher ranked gems must stay in the bridge with me. Also!"
Apatite pointed at Amber.
"Amber had the data sheet for a Purpke Eye I sent ahead of us to scout out our location. If something goes wrong, he will know. That will be all." He tunrned on his heel, and walked to control room as the ship began to vibrate.​

Helio took Obsidian to the side so Howlite could not hear them. "Okay... I know you are not Obsidian... at least where you came from.." She said with a sigh. "Listen... My mission when I was sent here from Homeworld was to register and determine how the Kindergarten was doing... We can say you are a late bloomer..." She then looked toward Howlite. "She took out my entire team by herself... She shattered each and every one of them... but kept me alive.." She then looked to her gem. "Said I reminded her of a friend back on Homeworld... I think she sees one of her friends in you as well..." She then looked at Black Diamond. "I'll keep your secret... but you are responsible for telling Howls and I what you are... whenever you feel safe too..." Helio said with a little nod.

Noivian Noivian
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Henry Nebula
Interaction: Howlite( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny )
"I see..." Henry nodded in Howlite's reply. It is clear that Howlite has been through a lot, considering her appearance and all. It would appear as if she is rebelling on the Gemworld's current government...Guess Humans and Gems may not be different in terms of politics; It's always flawed one way or another. Corrupt government officials are always around the corner...
Beryl wandered through the streets of the town; her golden eyes searching as she looked for any kind of clues. She sensed gems... she knew she did. Glancing towards the side, Beryl spotted the shop; taking a deep breath as she held her flare gun. About to enter before- wait.. they already spotted her? "Uwaaaahhh!" She exclaimed out of nervousness. " Don't hurt me! I-I was just following a hunch I had! I-I wasn't going to do anything!" Beryl panicked comically, lifting her hands above her head. Blinking after a moment, Beryl eyes the group. " hey... you're all gems! What are you doing out here?" Giving a snort then laughing at Howl's pun. " good one. But seriously, you guys should join the Crystal Gems! You can stay at a cool shelter and help us defend the people of Earth!"
However, spotting Henry's father, Beryl relaxed, scratching her head her expression apologetic. "O-oh, heh sorry about that, I just get excited when seeing other gems." Beryl laughed meekly, giving a nod towards Henry's father. " I'll come back another time, thank you." Hurrying out of the shop, Beryl eyes the entrance once more. There were more gems here! And by the looks of it they were rouge... no indication of Homeworld by what she could see..

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Henry Nebula​
Kluke101 Kluke101 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Noivian Noivian

"What are they?...This 'Crystal Gems' group..." Henry asked in curiosity, facing the Gem who slipped past his Father. "I need to know whether or not you can be trusted...I heard that some of your kind are after any other Gem..." Henry admitted, beginning to sweat a bit in caution. Henry only knew of the Gems recently, so any other Gem would spell trouble to him and his Father.

Howlite groaned. "No... I am good. We are talking about things..." She said, sounding annoyed. She then saw that Henry went up to Beryl. "Relax Henry... The Crystal Gems are that resistance we kept bringing up." Howlite said as she groaned again. She then got up from the table. "Hey Henry... when Helio is done talking to Obsidian.... tell her she will know where to find me.." She said annoyed as she walked past Henry and stopped at the door. "I don't like the Crystal Gems because I have a mission of my own... They would just get in my way..." and with that, she pulled her glove on and walked out. She then walked towards the woods.

Helio had come back from talking to Obsidian. "Howlite left.. didn't she?" Helio asked with a sigh. "She can be so stubborn at times..." She said as she sat down at the table. "We can only hope we don't hear about any building collapsing. Howls can punch straight through a tree when she is upset" Helio almost laughed at that. "I should go to her soon... She doesn't calm down easily unless you know what to say..." She said as she stood up and started towards the door. "Did she say where she was going?" Helio asked.

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kluke101 Kluke101
Beryl blinked once questioned the Crystal Gems motive, her eyes glancing up at the boy before her. " We protect the Earth and its inhabitants by battling any corrupted gem that lost sight of itself!" Beryl explained. " we lost alot of our own during a battle with homeworld... so any gem we find we welcome them with open arms!" Beryl beamed, opening her own arms as she grinned-only for her expression to falter once Howlite answered herself. " h-hey, whatever mission you have I-I'm sure we could..." Beryl began, only to watch her walk away. Glancing back up at Henry, Beryl continued. " Rest assured you can trust us, we won't harm anyone unless they intentionally threaten the earth." She assured, resting her hands on her hips as she grinned once again. Glancing towards Helio, Beryl faced the gem. " I can help you find her if you want. I'm pretty good at tracking gems." Beryl offered.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Noivian Noivian CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Amber gave a nod with a serious look plastered on her face and turned her chair to face the desk. While the ship started to move, she started to research about humans. Since she had to act like one she'd have to know the basics on how they act, what they do. She kept to herself silently while she read.

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