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Fandom Galaxy of Jewels (Steven Universe)


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
New gems are on Homeworld and Earth, each with unique personalities, appearances, and goals in mind.

And their about to meet each other.

The Diamonds have sent messages to some of their best gems to go to Earth, scout out the area, take down anything suspicious or against Homeworld, and report their findings back to the Diamond Authority.

Things are about to get crazy.

Out of Character: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/galaxy-of-jewels-steven-universe-ooc.332379/

Character Creation: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/galaxy-of-jewels-steven-universe-character-creation.332381/

And For the Interest Check Members:
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
MochiHaru MochiHaru
Noivian Noivian
AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal
animegirl20 animegirl20
Kluke101 Kluke101
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Apatite stood in his work station on one of the main stations throughout the Homeworlds web of rule. It was actually mostly ruled by White Diamond, but Blue Diamond had the most gems inside it at any moment. He was currently in his lab, with his GemGloves, tapping through his data screen, running over the data of a few more planet missions for the twenty-first time. HIs lab itself was about the size of a human livin room, though very stark. The walls were filled with circuits, as well as circuit patterns that do actually do anything. On one end of the room was a long desk-like piece of structure that extended from wall to wall, filled with gadgets and transparents screens with different symbols moving along them. The rest of the room was filled with tables and other gadgets along the walls, and though others would see this as chaos, you could slightly see the organization in it.

Inside the local arcade was Skylar, as usual playing whatever game she was obsessed with at the time. In one hand there was a joystick and in the other a slice of pizza. The lights from the screen reflected off her glasses as she took a big cheesy bite out of her pizza. Put of nowhere Skylar threw her hands in the air and yelled "Yes! In your face you space scum!" The words 'You Won' flashed on the screen. After she entered her initials she ate the last few bites of her slice and headed out the door.

Skylar was going to go back to the gem's house, thats where she lived. She had lived with them all of her life. She didn't know much about her parents or where she really came from, but she knew she was one of the gems...well kind of...only half. Her father was human and her Mother was one of the gems...but beyond that she didn't know.

Things were pretty quiet in town, the walk home wasn't bad. She looked down her gem while she walked, it wasn't really any specific color it was an amalgam of colors. She was quite sure what kind of gem it was, but she never thought it was very important. She saw the house in the distance, I mean who could miss a giant rock shaped like a woman with a house under it? She chuckled to herself. Once she finally got home she walked in the door and flopped on the door. "Ugh,"


Hit after hit, Malaya striked the dummy, the gem practicing on the beach outside of the Crystal Gems home. How long has it been since she arrived on earth? Keeping her vow to watch over and protect all life? It was once that she was a warrior on Homeworld; fighting beside Jaspers and warrior gems a like. Not before she realized the truth of the matter. Every life mattered.. and it was her job to protect it. Landing a swift kick, Malaya sighed once hearing a faint 'ouch'. " How long have you been standing there, Beryl? You could have gotten hurt." The small and meek gem giving a cheeky grin. " I-I was just observing! I gotta learn to pull my weight around here too." Beryl replied, giving a scratch to the back of her head. Moving to seat herself upon a rock, Beryl rested her chin on her hand. " its boring around here...n-not That I wanna confront any gems..." Beryl added through a nervous tone. They had to wonder how long it would stay peaceful.
Sunstone tossed a lock of hair out of her face, and turned to look at Skylar as she walked in the door. Sunstone was sitting on the counter of the house, not seeming to do anything in particular. In honest, Sunstone just found the counter comfortable. Upstairs the TV was playing, and the Ruby-sized gem was actually watching the television from down on the counter. In the oven, she had a quiche baking, but aside from that nothing out of the ordinary was going on. "What's up?" Sunstone asked, using the Earth slang she had picked up from her time here.

AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal

Henry Nebula
Interaction: None
Mention: Skylar( AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal )
It was merely another day for Henry, trudging along from school to his beloved home. He was one of the lucky few who got into a school despite his...Financial issues. Nevertheless, he took out a smartphone from his pocket to check the time; It was 3:30 PM. . .Earlier than the usual 5 PM. Then again, it was Friday...It was good that his classes ended early, otherwise he had to waste more time with those jocks, trying to convince him to join the Sports team or whatever.

"Right...I need to get some stuff for the cafe." Henry nodded to himself as he shoved the phone into his pocket once more, taking a turn. It led him near the arcade, but the market was also near it, so it's a fair deal. Henry passed by some woman of his age in purple shirt and short jeans, exiting from the arcade. Normally, he would ignore the person all together, but something piqued his interest...The woman had something on her navel...Something that wasn't considered as 'normal'. He turned around and stared at the woman as she walked off, his hand rubbing the gemstone on his forehead, underneath all that hair. Henry swore he saw something glassy on the woman's navel...It appears to be a gemstone of sorts. "Could it be...?" He muttered softly as he soon pushed his glasses. "I...It must be fatigue." He nodded to himself as he soon went off to the market, thinking that it was merely a hallucination. Should he take a break from helping out the cafe for a while? Henry contemplated about this as he went to the market, buying some coffee grounds, sugar, milk, and other stuff.
Footsteps echoed through an almost never-ending room, the area was mostly completely dark and silent. Only a few faint yellow lights would gleam from the ceiling. All around the place, were gems. Frozen in place, trapped in a light orange see-through rock. They had traumatized and horrified looks plastered on their faces, as if they were paused at the right moment to where they'd almost get shattered. A shadow passed the statue like gems, the shadow causing the footsteps was an amber. Having her hands behind her back, her posture straight, and long steps every time she walked with her male-like dress shoes.

She had a serious expression, a dull and lifeless look as if she was also frozen in time but continued to move on. Turning her head, her yellow eyes narrowed at a specific statue, it was a fellow Amber as she walked and stood infront of it. "...You should have listened to orders, now you're stuck like this.." She said in a cold tone, that amber was actually one she liked, as if they were friends for a moment, but she guesses she was wrong. A gem that's different, that won't listen to their diamond, would never be a friend.

Giving one last glare, she turned away and continued walking through the room. Stopping in front of a door, she rested her left hand to the side where it would scan her gem. The door would open upwards as she walked inside, making the door shut down, the room silent again and full of lifeless gems to remain forever.
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Black Diamond huffed, coming to crest a hill. How long had she been walking? It was about a week since the last human settlement. A week in the wilds... it could have been worse. She could be off the planet, being forced to make decisions that mattered, that could get others killed, that she didn't want to make. Resting a palm on the trunk of a tree, she took a moment to breathe. Not that gems really needed to breathe - they were gems, after all. Just rocks with consciousness and hard light bodies. Breathing was merely a habit she had picked up from being around humans for all of her life. Biting her lip, she looked over the small city on a coast. Surrounded on three sides with water, and a lighthouse on a hill. Black Diamond was lonely, believe it or not. She wanted to interact with someone. Stepping forwards again, she set her sights on a cafe and made her way in that direction.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Howlite was in the Arcade laughing. She had a Fingerless glove on her left hand as she played Whacker Man. She kept getting close to the High score but always fell short of it. "Oh Come on Helio... Just admit you Cheated..." She said a bit grumpy. Helio Held the High score with possibly the highest points you could get in the Game. "You used your power in order to win at this..." She said as she put the mallet down with a seemingly Grudge. "There is no way someone could swing before they pop up..."

The Two weren't really afraid to be seen out in the Open. They kept their Gem's hidden from the naked eye and They both seemed human enough. Howlite was white enough to pass for Albino and Helio just says she has a Skin condition she doesn't like to talk about. In all honesty, their disguises shouldn't work. yet the do. Mainly cause no one really asks them. To Gems that weren't idiots and took a good look at them, it was pretty obvious.

"Oh and you don't use yours on Punch buddy?" Helio said with a small laugh. She was wearing a blouse that covered up her gem but it was showing through. It seemed to be a part of the design. "You need to calm down... it's just a game... It isn't like it is the end of the world..." She said with another small laugh.

Howlite sighed. "I guess you are right Helio..." She said with an even bigger laugh. "Besides, we both know who the Skee ball champ is out of the two of us." She said as she looked up and ran straight into a weird looking woman. "Ow... Hey! Whats the big Idea... Don't ya look where ya..." Howlite was saying, sort of waving her fist at the woman, before Helio interrupted her. "Um... S-sorry about my friend... Howls... you ran into her... n-now apologize... it's your fault..." Helio said in her shy, ordering way. In a way, Helio was the only one who could boss Howls around. "I'm sorry..." Howlite said with a large sigh followed by mumbling.

Noivian Noivian
Henry Nebula
Interaction: Coal-Skinned Woman( Noivian Noivian ), White haired Woman, Woman Clad in Green( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny )​

Henry, having finished his afternoon shopping which he held a plastic bag on his right hand, he now proceeded to head back home. Spending at least 10 minutes to get from the market to the streets where his home would be; His home, was also a Cafe...His father owns the place, and they pretty much live there for as long as he could remember. As he was walking, he spotted three women. One clad in white, one with green hair, and one...Oddly skinned woman. It's as if that woman had coal-like skin...The other strange thing about about her is her chest; It had a gemstone on it...Similar to that on his forehead.

'God...Should I really work today? These hallucinations are getting worse...' He thought to himself as he rubbed the gem on his forehead. 'No. I must do this to keep the business going. All I need to do is go up to them and talk. That's where I'll find out if I'm hallucinating or not.' Henry nodded to himself as he realized that they were standing near his father's Cafe, across the street...Perhaps he could make them his costumers for his shift. But how would he attract their attention? He couldn't just go up and ask them to drink at the Cafe, no no. Henry must use a marketing technique that would lure them in...He remembered that he had some left over flyers on his bag that he forgot to post around town today, so he might as well use them now.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Henry approached the green haired lady, tapping her shoulder. "Could I interest you for a drink? We are currently have our specialty on stock: Milky Way Cappuccino" With that, Henry took out a flyer, handing it to the one in green. Despite the flyer's simplicity, it featured their special; Milky Way Cappuccino, the foam art created by yours truly. Now, if this marketing trick works, then he had already scored 3 customers which is great on his standards.
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Taken by the sights, not that there were much, but still impressed nonetheless, Black Diamond didn't notice that she had all but walked into someone. "Oh, sorry," she stated, her voice coming out like a melody, hummed with how quiet it was. She stumbled back, before dipping her head in apologies. Her gem was clearly exposed on her chest, and any Gem who was observant enough would notice it was indeed her gem, as opposed to a passerby who might think it part of her outfit. However, with its odd cut, it was hard to tell what kind of gem it was. Perhaps Obsidian, perhaps Diamond... it was very opaque and hard to tell. When Howlite apologized, Black Diamond smiled and shook her head. "No need to apologize. It was an honest mistake, my mistake to be precise," she stated simply, voice no louder than a lullaby this time.

When a man walked up behind the green one, Black Diamond, stepped around the pale one and the green one to look at the flier, allowing room for the two other gems to look at it as well. It had been a long time since Black Diamond had eaten or drank anything. Still, Gems did not feel hunger or thirst, or did not need food or drink regardless. It was a pastime of hers to savor the local cuisine when she was in town, however. Black Diamond tilted her head one way, then the other, as if trying to get a good look at the... Milky Way Cappuccino... through the paper. "I'll have one!" Black Diamond said at last, smiling at the guy. It didn't occur to her that perhaps she'd need something to trade for the drink, something she probably didn't have.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Helio shivered as someone tapped her shoulder. "H-h-hi..." She said shyfully as she turned around to see Henry. Her gemstone seeming to glisten a bit under her blouse. She was obviously shy and it seemed to have struck something in her. "U-u-mmm..... I... I..." She said as she kept trying to find her words. Before she could say anything else, Howlite appeared from behind her. "Hey man... back off... can't you tell she is really shy..." Howlite said, sounding a bit hurt for Helio. "Listen... I am not interested in your drinks... but Helio, are you?" she asked her. Helio shook her head yes. "Fine... make that all three of us having one..." Howlite said with a sigh.

Before they left she went up to Obsidian. "I would cover that Gem of yours up..." She said as she puled her glove back to reveal hers to Obsidian. "Heard there is a Resistance nearby... They may think you came to shatter them..." she said as she covered her hand back up. "Going off of my own thoughts though..." She said as she went back to Helio. "Come on Helio... Lets see if they got the Milk way right in their cups." She said with a laugh as they walked to the Cafe.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Noivian Noivian
Henry Nebula
Interaction: 'Helio', White hair with black trims woman( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny ), Coal-Skinned Girl( Noivian Noivian ), Mr. Nebula(Father)
"Yes Ma'am, I'll be sure to serve them when you arrive." Henry nodded, as he began to head to the cafe; He need to get the orders ready when they arrive, after all. While he was speaking to the trio, he got a good look at his customers. The Woman in White mentioned that the girl in green, whom she mentioned as Helio, was pretty shy. Although he wasn't sure, he swore the woman had green skin compared to normal humans. There was also some form of gem on her chest. Guess this means that he wasn't hallucinating at all; He was seeing women with Gems on their bodies...A Strange phenomenon, or he thought. Opening the doors to the Cafe, the sight of a nearly empty Cafe greeted them, save for a few people having coffee and some random guy with a laptop typing away his stories or whatever. His Father, who is currently wearing a black polo and white vest along with his apron, was working behind the counter. Listening to some music as he finished wiping the cups of the previous customers.

"I'm home." Henry greeted as his Father soon turned his head at him, letting out a smile.

"Ah, Welcome back, son." He greeted letting out a wave as Henry walked behind the counter. "School ended early, I see."

"Yep." Henry's quick reply as he put on his apron. "I managed to get three customers. They want the special."

"3 Milky Way Cappuccinos..." Henry's father muttered as he took out three cups of glassware while Henry prepared the milk, heating it for a bit. "So, you have the ingredients I asked you to buy?"

"Yep. Ingredients for an Affogato, right?" Henry said, placing the plastic bag onto the counter. The Milk he was preparing was already at the desired temperature. "I don't think we need it though...I mean, it's desert Coffee, right? I thought we only serve cookies as part of the drink."

"Well, I'm thinking of adding another thing for our menu; Curry." Henry's Father replied, preparing the Coffee with the help of a Coffee Maker.

"Curry?" Henry asked as he turned off the stove, placing the pot on the flat surface. "I can see how that would be good, but would they buy it though?" He continued as he took out the Electric Mixer and began whipping the milk in a slow speed and faster until the foam is about 5 centimeters, ultimate stopping the process. It was there that they have to wait for at least, 4 minutes until the coffee is prepared. Soon enough, the door opened along with the ringing of the bells; The three women he met earlier had entered his humble abode.

"Welcome." Henry greeted the customers. "Please have a seat. Your drinks will be prepared in a few minutes. Your patience means a lot to us." He let out a bow. It was clear that two of them were...Different. Two of them had strangely colored skin while one of them looks fairly human...Save for the cracks on her face. For a second, Henry's father looked visibly shocked. As if he had seen those people before; Especially due to the gemstones on the green girl's chest. It was no doubt, they were Gems. He glanced at Henry for a moment, thinking about how did he make contact with the Gemkind. They may have to talk about this later. After letting out a soft cough, he soon went on to prepare the cappuccinos.
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Black Diamond followed the two into the cafe, hot on their heels with questions. "If you're warning me about a rebellion, then that means you're not part of it?" she asked, confused. "Does that mean you're with Homeworld, or...?" Her voice had gained a bit too much volume for everyone's liking, the guy on the laptop and one other patron striking her odd looks as she glanced around to see who overheard. Judging by the distance between herself and the furthest patron that looked over, it seems everyone in the cafe might as well have heard, unless otherwise absorbed in what they were doing.

Black Diamond's hand went to her chest, covering her gem with a hand. She had read the logs in her Kindergarten - Diamonds could be shattered. She had to be careful who she chose to pal around with while in town. It was only for a week, after all, and then she would escape back into the woods. Perhaps another century, until this rebellion bit died down.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Howlite almost burst out laughing. "After what they did to all the other Howlites?" she asked Obsidian With a Scoff and her quiet voice. "No thank you. My diamond could get shattered to pieces, and I would make a nice ring out of the shards.. sorry... that is a bit too far..." She sad with a sigh as she sat down. "Helio and I are Rouges... Just trying to live 'Normal' lives. Although she keeps trying to get me to join..." Howlite said as she nudged her head to Helio.

"I-it's n-not my fault -your the l-last Howlite th-that has their free will..." Helio said with her stutter. She felt better, but till shy around other Gems. "I-I used to work for Homeworld... b-but Howls sh-showed me the world.... I-I want to protect it..." she said as she looked around. "H-howls... t-tell her what you have heard... I-I trust her..' Helio said.

Howlite sighed as she adjusted the hood of her short sleeve hoodie. "Alright..." She said as she lowered her voice. "There are Rumors of a Half-gem... Half Human, Half Gem. Even better is that they are rumored to be here... We haven't found them yet or even know if it is true..." She said as she looked around to see if anyone was listening in. "The only reason I am telling you this is because Obsidian's are usually higher up... and seeing as you have no guards... Plus Helio is good at judging others... I say you are one of us... am I correct?" she asked with a smirk.

"D-do y-y-you want to j-join us in looking?" Helio asked 'Obsidian.' "M-maybe we can make sure they d-don't side with Homeworld..." She said with a bit of a smile.

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Black Diamond was actually a little surprised. Was her disguise that good that they didn't even know she was a diamond? She looked down at her gem, a little troubled. "Obsidians are high ranking, huh...?" she asked in a low voice, well, lower than her prior statements. She looked back up at Howlite and Helio. "I wouldn't have known. I was made in a Kindergarten here on Earth, about 500 years ago. The only way I know of Homeworld is through the leftover logs in the decaying systems found in the Kindergarten. But... after reading what they were doing to this beautiful planet... I couldn't stand it." She was shaking. Never had Black Diamond lied so much in her comparatively short life. Long to humans, short to gems. One could interpret that as anger, or fear, either or worked. "I'm with you guys. If there's a half-human, half-gem, it would be best to get them on our side."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Henry Nebula
Interaction: Howlite, Helio( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny ), Obsidian( Noivian Noivian )​

While the trio was talking, Henry was more focused on doing his work; The Milky Way Galaxy Cappuccino. After getting the right amount of milk onto the three cups of coffee, he then added a small amount of Foam onto the cups and took out a tooth pick. He had overheard some stuff while he was making the Latte Art on the Cappuccino; Something about other 'Howlites' being shattered to pieces...What does that mean? It was true that Gemstones can be shattered, but why would one sympathize with all the other Howlites? Besides, Howlites are naturally rare...If he remembered correctly. Other than that, some of the words they said are pretty bizarre, yet familiar. 'Homeworld', 'Diamonds','Rebellion'...He's guessing if 'Homeworld' was a real planet, then the 'Rebellion' would inevitably start a Revolution...'Homeworld'...That word made him feel uneasy. As he began to sweat a little, he had to pull his hair back, his Gemstone on his forehead showing a little. Upon finishing his works of art, his father had already prepared a small tray. Henry placed the cups on their respective saucers and then placed them on the round tray his father gave him. Soon enough, he was on his way to the table of three.
"Three Milky Way Cappuccinos for the lovely ladies at Table 9" Henry said in a nearly suave manner, placing the cups by the saucers and placing them on the table. He'd then let down a small bow, his Gemstone glistening for a brief moment.

Howlite Chuckled. "Thanks man." The Milky way looked just right in the cup. "ahh... thankfully I can take this glove off here. The man that runs this place is a friend of ours. Knew the gem that was his Girlfriend, so he knows about the Gems... out on the dock is another story for now..." She said to Obsidian as she sipped the beverage then took her glove off. "Wonder how that entire thing went down... hey Helio.. What was her name again?" Howlite asked as she tried to remember.

Helio sighed as she put the beverage down. "I b-believe it was Hematite you are r-referring too... the one you almost shattered..." She said with another sigh. Howlite liked to shatter almost any homeworld gem that stepped foot on Earth. Helio was an exception due to only coming to see what earth was like. Hematite was just because she beat Howlite fair and square. "D-didn't you l-learn to control y-yourself after that?"

Howlite laughed a bit. "Nope... but I learned to respect her. Good times... Good times..." She laughed as she drank some more of her drink. "You know.. this drink tastes amazing." She said with a smile. "Probably shouldn't order another one... so I will order two more." She said with a smile. Helio cancelled Howlites order. "Aww... you're no fun..."

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond sat together in a large room with filled with gems talking and communicating with others on different planets. Yellow was going over some thing in a file whilst humming a tune she had made a few days ago, though her face not breaking the serious demeanour. She and Blue had recently decided to once again do a mission to the planet Earth to see if its ready for inhabitation of the gems. Yellow tapped a few dots, and it was done. A message had been sent to a small group of gems that they were to travel to Earth, research and scout out their surroundings, and then report back to the Diamonds.

MochiHaru MochiHaru
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Aquamarine had been practicing her combat in the training the Diamonds had so graciously assigned her for her personal use. It had water trickling down the sides, as well as a good earshot to the calm hummin of the ship it was on. Their were data logs stacked neatly in a dusty pile on a small table in the corner of the room, while the rest was filled with dummies of a large variety. Each one was the size of a different gem, and other species that the Diamonds have encountered.

Then her current active data sheet began to vibrate.

She stopped training, disappeared her weapon and read the request. It was from Yellow and Blue Diamond. This wasn't a shock as they had asked her personally to do a number of things.But this one said to go to the dock of the ship she was on. They had a personal Gem Ship ready for a small crew, that was for a scouting mission to one of the lesser known planets: Earth.

She left immediately, heading towards the docks.​
Henry Nebula and Old Man Nebula
Interaction: Howlite, Helio( CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny ),Obsidian( Noivian Noivian )​

Henry was about to head back to the counter, but when the woman named 'Howlite' mentioned that they knew his Father, Henry stopped in place. They knew his Father's Girlfriend...They knew his Mother. Henry knew for a fact that eavesdropping is bad, but...This is in relation to his mother; the woman who has been a mystery for his whole life. He only know that his mother died when he was born, but other than that, there was nothing else. Those three were the only ones who knows about where he came from. "I'm sorry, but..." Henry turned around, his tone was suddenly a bit serious than the earlier unintentional suaveness. "You guys...Know my Mother?" He asked, pushing his glasses.


"Yo, thanks for letting me stay, for the whole day, man." The young lad with the laptop said, standing up as he tucked his device under his arms. "I couldn't focus my work anywhere else. " He said as he stopped by the counter, pushing his glasses.

"Well no-problemo, writer-man." His Father replied in slang, leaning onto the counter and letting out a smile. "Guys like you keep the business going."

"Ha ha! Sure do." The young lad replied, placing three paper dollars onto the counter in front of him. "Keep the change. It's the least I can do." He said, waving at the owner as he left the Cafe. That was the last Customer for the day. The owner let out a nice grin as he watched some old friends talk in his Cafe. It's been 20 Years since they last met...And it was the day when he was starting out his business with Hematite...Howlite nearly destroyed the place when she fought Hematite in the Cafe...The expenses was CATASTROPHIC...But at least they're getting along with Henry.
(Interaction with Sunstone Noivian Noivian and Skylar AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal )
Beryl slid off of the rock upon the beach, stretching as she gave a small yawn. Gazing at the horizon before her, Beryl' s mind wandered back to her time serving homeworld; tracking down rogue gems as well as humans under the diamond authority.. the horrors she watched- shaking her head, Beryl turned to Malaya. " I'm heading inside. Don't stay out here too long!" Opening the front door, Beryl have an exclaim of surprise as she stumbled across Skylar, she falling to the ground herself. " S-sorry Skylar! Heh, wasn't looking where I was going." She excused. A sigh heard from the side door, Malaya wiped her forehead with a small towel around her neck. " You clutz." She commented. " Baking quiche again?" She questioned Sunstone.

Howlite was about to take another sip of her coffee, but once she heard the kid say that Hematite was his mother she dropped it to the table. She then stood up and pinned him to the floor. "She was your WHAT now!?!?" She yelled at him. "Gems can only have hard light bodies... we don't have your human insides..." She said as Helio stood up in amazement. "Helio... check him.... Just... Check him..." She said as she choked on her words. Howlites grip seemed one of a bear.

Helio kneeled next to Henry's head. "D-don't worry..." She said as she put her hand up to Henry's forehead, under his hair. "This won't hurt... J-just doing... this..." She said as all of a sudden she whipped his hair away from his forehead. There it was, Hematites gem. "I... I....." was all Helio was able to get out. A human gem, born from a Homeworld Gem none the less.

Howlite released her grip as she stood up. "So... that answers my question..." She said a little upset. She didn't like Hematite in a relationship way, but she did like her because she was the only one she could find that could give Howlite a challenge. "You know kid... you're lucky. That Gem right there belonged to the toughest Gem I have ever met." She said while trying to lighten the mood. She knew they wanted him on their side, but he took her away from them. To be fully honest, if he wasn't Hematites son, Howlite would have shattered him on the spot.

Noivian Noivian Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Walking down the halls, passing other gems that were busy as well, she was about to head to her resting room until something popped up. "The diamonds.." She murmured to herself then pressed on it to read the messege. Scanning it over quickly she then made the request disappear as she turned her head. "Earth...hm.." Of course she had to accept, she now had a new job on her hands. Curious on why she'd ask this Amber out of the others yet felt honored doing so,

She turned away and went into a different direction, quickly moving to the docks.

Squad141 Squad141
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Black Diamond "Obsidian"

Taking a moment to sip her hot beverage, Black Diamond watched this display go down, eyes twinkling with amusement. Though it was apparent that her new gem companions were slightly upset, Black Diamond looked away to give them some privacy, however much that was worth. She then looked back, her curiosity for the half-gem being overtaking her. Spotting a glance at the gem on his forehead, she nodded in agreement. "A Hematite, was it?" she asked, mostly to herself. "Sorry, what's your name?" Black Diamond asked finally, directing the question at the bearer of the gem. If her time with humans taught her anything, it was that human names and gem names were vastly different. Gem names weren't unique. Human names were.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

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