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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

"Our impression of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon was that you were an... amiable civilisation," Pravelite raised her head, returning to her full height, "We risk a lot approaching a civilisation humbly for help like this. The position we're in is further threatened by the silent threat of the renegades. They didn't make a move against us in our previous campaign to mentor a civilisation. We believed them opposed to us sharing our secrets and resources with others vehemently, yet their activity has lessened in the past century." her voice lowered to a serious tone, "We believe they are planning something. Especially since we have found evidence leading us to believe that they are present on this planet." Pravelite continued as she pointed down at the unnatural fog that ominously twisted around the buildings and surfaces beneath the platform, "You won't be safe from them either. But we acknowledge your strength and advancements... It was by Grottendeif and my belief that you could aid us because of all these factors which is why we have approahced you now. Particularly, their presence on this surface."
ResonantStorm said:
NCS Sanctum

(It's not a fleet, it's a singular mobile space station. Granted, it's pretty big, but still.)

Reagis listened to the message curiously, (I feel I should mention - Reagis is one of the characters that was there during the Awakening), turning and facing T'venn. "What do you make of that, then?"

"Well, obviously we should keep our distance, prepare, which Blizzard seems to be doing already anyway, and reply. I honestly doubt they know that this is one of our sectors." He glanced sideways at Reagis. "I imagine you think the same?"

Reagis, who had dismissed all the feeds playing in his HUD, flicked a hand outwards, bringing out his holograms. With a few more motions, he combined them into a singular screen, expanding it and setting it on the wall, gloved hands glowing a bright, light blue light. "We're working on figuring out their communications systems now- they don't use the same method of FTL communication that we do- not surprising, really."

@tims run (What is the message they sent?
The two large vessels the size of 1 and 3/4 jupiters put side by side stayed stale awaiting a reply. "Captain, no replies from the alien ship."

"Send it again." The Captain said.

The signal was sent once more. The signal was sent once more.

The signal contained a message indicating that the vessels although were massive and dwarfed the planets, were truly not malicious in their intent. Tht the two ships were on their routine week long patrol mission outside of their federation's borders for anything threatnening that might be charted for the border of their federation.



[N.S.S Junius]

"We need to know where the largest concentration of Dark energy and matter is within this system. It is important for us." The First officer said through his hologram console on his arm.
Planet Holon: Atmosphere

As Max looked down on the mist expanding, he felt himself running out of options. On the one hand, he felt a need to learn more about these insurgents' point of view before choosing a side, if any, yet on the other if this truly was an act of these insurgents, this could very well be an act of terrorism. If anyone got hurt down there, he'd be practically obligated to go to war.

"You said these insurgents didn't want you to contact us, yet other than that I know little of these insurgents. Could you tell me why they are doing this? Forgive me for prying, but if I'm going to get involved in a war then I'd like to know exactly WHAT I'm getting involved in.

"I understand," Pravelite nodded in response, "Indeed, complete understanding will be necessary for you to trust us. It's not like we have any choice but to trust you anyways." She reached out for the Sentinel, which landed in her palm, and she brought it up to her mouth, "Administrators, this is a Matriarch speaking, Matriarch Pravelite." the sentinel's optical indicators lighted up in response, "Good. Prepare the Warp Procedure. We must further the negotiations with the Interplanetary Federation of Holon. And one more thing," she paused for a moment, "I request Circara to access the Archive herself. We will need her clearance." she finished, pulling the sentinel away from her mouth.

"Ruler... King? Leader," she corrected herself, settling on leader. Its ambiguity couldn't possibly be wrong, "Of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon." she continued unhindered, "To explain to you the details of this war, I request you have an audience with Circara, our archive. I will be with you, of course, but the decision to trust us and learn about this war is ultimately up to you. Would you care to warp with us aboard an arkship?" She extended a large hand towards Max, her fingers of crystal reflecting his face in the brown surface.
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Planet Holon: Above Surface Max glanced at her hand uneasily, and looked back at his men. They didn't know if they'd be coming with him, and from the sound of it they wouldn't, so they shuffled uneasily about, their faces not visible through their masks. In the end, though, they've learned that they can trust their king to handle himself. In the end, they nodded to him in acceptance, and he nodded back. He looked forward to Pravelite and nodded, nervously but definitely reaching his hand forward and taking her's.
The general raised an eyebrow. "Our colonies are in this system. We have settled, so this is, by right, our territory. We do not share your warmongering ways. If you wish to attack us, so be it." The general stood silent and looked at the screen, no sign of him worried. His crew started scrambling and they raised the shields as well, such as warming up the weapons. "And do not insult us. We might have the common sense to not attack first and try to establish a civil relationship, but thread lightly on the thin red line. We will let you pass through this sector by escort, and you are to give us the complete route. Once we reach the end of our sector, our ships will stop and remain behind." The general was outspoken as always, but still considered the possibility of this force being an invasion rather than scouts. He did not let this doubt to surface.

@tims run
AnnoDomini said:
The general raised an eyebrow. "Our colonies are in this system. We have settled, so this is, by right, our territory. We do not share your warmongering ways. If you wish to attack us, so be it." The general stood silent and looked at the screen, no sign of him worried. His crew started scrambling and they raised the shields as well, such as warming up the weapons. "And do not insult us. We might have the common sense to not attack first and try to establish a civil relationship, but thread lightly on the thin red line. We will let you pass through this sector by escort, and you are to give us the complete route. Once we reach the end of our sector, our ships will stop and remain behind." The general was outspoken as always, but still considered the possibility of this force being an invasion rather than scouts. He did not let this doubt to surface.
@tims run
Lord-Captain Kaen started to laugh. Eventually his laugh turned histariacle before he tried his best to stop laughing. "Anyone can claim things for themselves with words." Kaen stated. "Like how I can state that I find you and your species inferior. Perhaps my emperor with be kind to your pathetic species and let you be our obedient little lap dogs. Because your refusal to answer my question immediately irks me very much." A smile crept up at Kaen's face. "You speak of yourselves as peaceful. That very ideal will be the reason other speices will bully you. To keep your spot, you must ensue fear amongst the universe. Show them that we the Mormons are the masters and all others are primitives that must be tamed." Kaen said forming a fist with his hands. "Peace are for the weak. Those who know all too well they are vulnerable and fearful."

"You could be very blessed Admiral. Because my fellow captain's and admirals would have immediately crushed you by now. But I have taken a intrigue in your ideals no matter how foolish they might be. Because of this. I will give you one final chance by the grace of the emperor to show me. Definitive proof of your existence here in this system. Anyone can make accusations and claims with words. But tangible evidence speaks louder."

"Initiate Warp Procedural protocols," Pravelite spoke into the sentinel as both Max and her body began being encased in shifting polygons, eventually feeling weightless until a sudden blur of light whizzed past them, and the two of them were suddenly aboard an arkship. They were in an empty room with no observable windows or doors, the height exceeding Pravelite's height six times over, and every single corner of the room was black. The only source of colour in the room was a glowing Mechina. It was a vessel of Circara, a simple mechanical body, designed only to receive and respond.

"May I introduce you to Circara," Pravelite spoke, gesturing to Circara, who raised a hand and waved robotically, her mechanical face pulling into a smile as best as she could, "Our archiver, and the leader of one of the Progenitor races of this Coalition, the Genesis Operating System."

"Good day, officer," Circara greeted monotonous.

"Circara, this is the leader of the planet. He's not an officer."

"Ah," Circara replied, although with her monotonous tone, the shock was no where near evident, "The leader of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon is here. This is truly a pleasure."

"Circara, kindly recollect any data we have on the civil war." Pravelite sighed.

"Understood," Circara responded, her eyes glowing blue as the black walls of the room slowly started to glow, before the entire room changed into an observatory. Pravelite and Max stood on a seemingly glass floor as the stars and galaxies shone and dimmed beneath their feet. All around them, the walls and even the air between them started to fill in with holographic pockets of galaxies and stars, giving the impression that they were no longer in a black room, but in a transparent box observing the universe around them, "728 solar returns ago."

"She means years." Pravelite whispered at Max.

"The Arclight Civil War began to take form." Circara continued unhindered, "The sudden change of power in the Collegiate and the Psia to Mjøransen and Aeetes respectively would eventually lead to the end of the era of galactic domination and into an age of nurturing and diplomacy." a holographic depiction of the Halls of Revelation appeared in the centre of the room, and figures could be seen talking in it, arguing and clearly growing upset, "The stratocratic military body underwent a tumultuous period for the next 100 solar returns. Eventually, Tharom, a high-ranking representative of the collegiate in the army would desert the empire 599 solar returns ago, after the issues regarding the transition settled down, particularly due to the Yulenean Revolution that occurred after the failure to mentor planet WW9K, system 28-OL."

"As I mentioned before, the renegades have been the opposition to our relatively new policies for a long time now," Pravelite interjected, "Their interference never proved a problem until the sudden assassination of Mjøransen about 200 years ago.

"198 solar returns ago." Circara corrected her.

"That was when Archmage Grottendeif, current leader of the Collegiate, assumed his post and became the catalyst for action against the renegades." Pravelite continued.

"Indeed," the robot in front of them resumed, "Grottendeif would eventually start the elimination of the renegades 154 solar returns ago, eventually forcing them into hiding. Since then, the renegades have resorted to assassination, sabotage, terrorism, and guerilla tactics. However, renegade activity rates have decreased drastically in the past century. Only reported sightings of renegade ships stalking the Coalition fleet have surfaced in the past 80 solar returns."

"That was merely a brief history of our relationship with the renegades. They fight to bring the Arclight Coalition back into its golden age, when it shattered planets and snuffed out suns." Pravelite spoke, "But now, the battle has dragged on for too long, and we have disregarded the renegades for the entire duration. We no longer know how many of them there are, or the military strength they possess. We aren't even certain if we have truly recovered from the effects of their abandonment." Pravelite murmured.

"Do you have any questions, leader of Holon?" Pravelite's voice trailed off. She still was unsure what to address him by.
Arkship: Room of Circara Max thought for a few moments, attempting to gather some questions. His mind was swimming with them, yet at the same time he found himself unable to find them. After a few seconds, he had gathered a few. "Yes, I suppose I have a few." He then thought about her calling him "leader of Holon," repeatedly, and sensed she didn't really know what to call him. He considered just asking her to call him Max, but decided against it. He normally just asked people to do so, but given the nature of this encounter he supposed a more formal title was more appropriate.

"Also, you can simply call me King Teller." No, he still didn't like the title King being added to his name. Though that was what it was, he worried it made him sound too powerful. If that happened, he could FEEL too powerful. Then he would become corrupted by his own power. "Or simply Teller." He stuck with his last name. Still formal, without being as formal as King.

"I guess my first question is... if these rebels are so against your policies and such, why did they go after my people first instead of directly attacking the Coalition?"
"Because while I say we have done our best to ignore them, the reality is ignoring them was merely possible because we have portioned a third of our fleet to hunt them down. It was the reassurance of their work that allowed us to continue mentoring other races in peace, until the sudden assassinations and sabotaging," Pravelite sighed, "For the longest time, we have been trying to eliminate them, and our way of doing this was simple. Every time they tried to establish a holding point to gather their strength, the fleet we had assigned to eliminate them would flush them out and take them out once they tried to escape. Why, we've shattered planets when we were able to, just to try and get them out of hiding. It wasn't before long that they started to assimilate themselves into heavily populated planets and systems to hide themselves, as was the case of the civilisation of Morlumen. While it was harder for them to gather their strength in such a controlled territory, they still managed to escape, whilst destroying an eighth of the forces we assigned to eliminate them by trapping them within the capital of Morlumen, Melegna

("My liege," the woman behind him responded nervously, "The Cloud Districts have been taken over,...; the city that the Arclights destroyed in my introductory post,if you are confused by all of Matriarch Pravelite's lies rn, pm me, and I will clarify it.)

, and destroyed it, killing them off along with everyone else. They were the ones who brought ruin to that civilisation. Travel out 320'000'000 solar measures to the planet AE30, and you will find the ruins of Morlumen, still intact." a holographic landscape replaced the room of galaxies and stars, leaving them standing in the middle of a ruined civilisation. Great structures of flesh and bone lay crushed or strewn over black, metallic buildings. Sleek, majestic, and immense, but now toppled onto their side. Pravelite looked around her and paused for a moment after realising that her voice had slowly been rising in indignation, and she heaved out a deep breath, "I'm sorry Teller... Unless we both take action here, I cannot guarantee what will happen. Ultimately, it is your choice."
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Max's breath caught as he thought of that happening. He'd worked so long to make sure Orion didn't destroy them... he'd spent so long on a desolate planet until they learned how to use it to their advantage, take back their space, and create a prospering Federation. The thought of all of that being undone so quickly...

Max felt his suspicious seeping away. These people had all their bases covered, and seemed genuinely in need of help. He couldn't think of any real trick going on they could be getting at. If they were tricking him, they were damn well prepared. His suspicions were fleeting, but still not entirely gone. He had a few things to check out first.

"I suppose, then, I refer to an earlier question: why did you seek us out? You said we were amiable, this is true, but were there none other that could aid you as well or conveniently as us?"
"Like we said, the evidence we found pointed us here," Pravelite replied, "Perhaps they chose to infiltrate this planet since this civilisation isn't so strict as a dictatorship... But we primarily chose you simply because it was an opportunity. We don't know if there are other planets with renegade presences, but we came here first, and when we found the unnatural fog begin to appear upon our arrival, that confirmed their presence. We merely reached out to you first because we don't know if there are any other civilisations involved, and we suspected you might aid us."
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"Ah, I see. Apologies, I misunderstood what you were saying," Max said. He then thought a bit. They seem to check out. I'd like to see if I can get into contact with the "insurgents," if it's possible to hear their side of the story. "Ok. I'll probably help you. I need to talk to some of my people, get everything prepared, et cetera. However, I personally am willing to help. I'd like to try to get into contact with these insurgents and attempt a peaceful surrender, thought that might not be possible. Is there anything I should know about how they operate? Who they are, what they can do, the resources they have at their disposal, anything like that?"
"It's been a long time since we've had an all out battle against the renegades, and even then, when Grottendeif was waging war against them, we weren't quite sure if that was their full force." Pravelite replied, "Clearly it wasn't, as they still survive today. What we do know is that they have been operating covertly, assassinating political figures, sabotaging our relationships with other civilisations, interfering with our mentoring, tactically damaging us when we were vulnerable. It has been a while, we no longer know for certain who leads them, or what they are capable of. We do know which planets they have tried to stop by, but we didn't let them stay long enough to gather a disposable amount of resources." the nine-foot tall woman of crystal explained, "I personally do not want you to make contact with them... I don't want this opportunity to eliminate them to turn into a scenario where a leader has been threatened, or worse, killed. It is by pure chance, after all, that the civilisatio that is serving as their host, your civilisation, Holon, is a cooperative one." she turned to Circara and pulled her hand up to her chin in thought, "If you do manage to negotiate them to surrender, that would make our lives easier, indeed. However, I must advise caution. You know very well the dangers they pose. If you ever wish for it, I will send troops to accompany you. They will not appreciate having to hold back their blades if they meet the renegades, but if you truly wish for this option, we will not stand in your way."
"I'd advise against it for now. I'd like to peacefully negotiate a surrender with them. Having your soldiers present would almost certainly act as a deterrent. However, if things get rough, I may just need to take you up on that offer. In the meantime, I'll issue a security lockdown on that city and advise a civilian warning." Strange. Isolated for decades, then on the same day I meet two alien governments, and six alien races that humanity's never even heard of. At least the Terrans make sense, slip-space type stuff can be weird like that, but these renegades certainly came a long way just to hide here. "A security quarantine level 7 should do the trick. They shouldn't be getting out of that city until we find them."
"Understood. Do your best, we will aid you however we can, as long as you want it," Pravelite turned to Circara, "Warp Teller back onto the platform, please Circara."

"Understood." Circara's glowed orange for a moment, and a blur of light enveloped Max.

"And one more thing," Pravelite walked up to Max who was about to warp back to the platform, "We will be retrieving the platform in a short period of time. Don't die falling down from it, or from the renegades." Pravelite warned as they returned Max to the platform and warped back the company that had accompanied Pravelite onto the platform, who were still on the platform.
[N.S.S Junius.]

"Are you sure sir?" The First officer said. "Understood." The First-Officer connected once more with the Holon scientists that he was connected with. "We're not really allowed to tell you this. But we are the first race to have ever found a way to harness the power of dark energy & matter as well as neutrinos into visible solid and liquid forms for the purpose of fueling our navy. It was also the reason why we requested a stabilizer for the ship because the reactors are still relatively new and if destroyed, could cause a hyper nova." The First officer said. "We need to know the concentration levels here because we need to power our vessels and charge up the cells once all the repairs are finished."


"M.A.Gs 1 & 2 are functioning properly. No abnormal readings." The CIC officer reported. "Repairs are on schedule." The engineering officer said. "We should be done in 6 hours."

The captain and general had made his way down to the station and managed to track down the human generals once more. Mainly through the help of asking around. "Your leader left for other matters but, we just received word from our Chancellor, that he had received our report about your species hospitality and would like to personally meet your leader if possible and talk about politics and such but also to personally give his gratitude for allowing an N.S.F's ship under your care."

Planet Holon: Atmosphere Max appeared back on the platform where his men were awaiting his return. On his signal, they began to jetpack back up to his ship. As they entered, Max told them all the general idea of what had been told to him.

"So you trust them all now?" His military advisor asked.

"For the most part, though I'd still like to chat with these insurgents and get their side of the story." They walked in silence for a few moments until the advisor sighed. "Something on your mind?"

"Yeah, something still bugs me about these guys. They didn't say discussion when they encircled us, they said negotiations. They seemed to be holding our planet hostage, and were quite eager and ready for hostility." Max thought for a few moments on that.

"Maybe they were concerned we were harboring fugitives?"

"Yes, that's a distinct possibility. Then again, maybe they weren't."

"Look, I'm as concerned as you. Listening to their story though, I can't quite see what they could hope to gain by tricking us. Sure, maybe they want to gain our support to crush an enemy that's really not as bad as they make it out to be, but even then we can just call the war off if it comes to that. Look, I'm going to remain skeptical until I have proof otherwise, but as of right now I'm on their side. Still would like to hear the rebels' side though." Silence hung between them as Max rested his hand on his advisor's shoulder. "Look, you stay suspicious full-time if you'd like. Heck, I'm gonna need SOMEONE making sure they don't step out of line. You know me, I'm trusting. Sometimes too much so. I know that. That's why you're here. To make sure I don't make those mistakes. Nonetheless, we don't have time to sit and wonder. Those people are down there, and if this isn't a trick then they could hurt the citizens. I've already given the order for a level 7 lockdown of Ferol, so they shouldn't be getting out. I'd like to meet with them, and have ordered the army not to fire at them unless fired upon. We'll be fine."

Directly after, he got a message from a soldier at Docking Station Alpha - 0773 who reported the Terran Chancellor wished to meet and talk with him. Max sighed in exhaustion, but a tinge of happiness was there as well. At least if things go sour with the Coalition, I'll know I succeeded with one alien race. "Tell them I'm on my way." The soldier relayed the information to the Terrans.

Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius

Many of the scientists stopped their typing and looked up in awe at their statement. Murmurs spread between the scientists as they typed so fast one might have worried that they'd break their keyboards. "You did what?!" One of them yelled as he got up in an excited dash.

"Gary! Sit down!" One of them yelled. The scientist mumbled to himself as he slowly sat back down.

"Sorry, dark matter's kind of a passion area of his," the head scientist said. "Well, we've never been able to fully measure dark matter to an extent that would be sufficient to something like that. Closest we've been able to use it for are kinetic thrusters or the occasional Entropy-Energy Radiator." The scientist thought for a for a few moments before sending the captain some data. "This is all the data we have on those three particular dark nebulae. There's no precise data on their physical capacity, seeing as we can't measure it like that yet, but hopefully with this data you'll be able to figure it out." Suddenly, the scientist previously identified as Gary shot up in the background.

"I GOT IT!!!" He screamed in excitement. Some turned to him as he ran and grabbed a few scientists. "Do we still have some dark matter stores left?"

"Y-yeah, a few." He quickly pulled some people off, bursting with excitement as he did. The head scientist chuckled and turned to the Terrans.

"Well seems like you guys might have just given Gary an idea. I swear if we make a huge scientific breakthrough because of you guys..." He chuckled once more. "Anyway, I hope the data I sent you is enough. Sorry I can't be more useful."
Assailant said:
Planet Holon: Atmosphere Max appeared back on the platform where his men were awaiting his return. On his signal, they began to jetpack back up to his ship. As they entered, Max told them all the general idea of what had been told to him.
"So you trust them all now?" His military advisor asked.

"For the most part, though I'd still like to chat with these insurgents and get their side of the story." They walked in silence for a few moments until the advisor sighed. "Something on your mind?"

"Yeah, something still bugs me about these guys. They didn't say discussion when they encircled us, they said negotiations. They seemed to be holding our planet hostage, and were quite eager and ready for hostility." Max thought for a few moments on that.

"Maybe they were concerned we were harboring fugitives?"

"Yes, that's a distinct possibility. Then again, maybe they weren't."

"Look, I'm as concerned as you. Listening to their story though, I can't quite see what they could hope to gain by tricking us. Sure, maybe they want to gain our support to crush an enemy that's really not as bad as they make it out to be, but even then we can just call the war off if it comes to that. Look, I'm going to remain skeptical until I have proof otherwise, but as of right now I'm on their side. Still would like to hear the rebels' side though." Silence hung between them as Max rested his hand on his advisor's shoulder. "Look, you stay suspicious full-time if you'd like. Heck, I'm gonna need SOMEONE making sure they don't step out of line. You know me, I'm trusting. Sometimes too much so. I know that. That's why you're here. To make sure I don't make those mistakes. Nonetheless, we don't have time to sit and wonder. Those people are down there, and if this isn't a trick then they could hurt the citizens. I've already given the order for a level 7 lockdown of Ferol, so they shouldn't be getting out. I'd like to meet with them, and have ordered the army not to fire at them unless fired upon. We'll be fine."

Directly after, he got a message from a soldier at Docking Station Alpha - 0773 who reported the Terran Chancellor wished to meet and talk with him. Max sighed in exhaustion, but a tinge of happiness was there as well. At least if things go sour with the Coalition, I'll know I succeeded with one alien race. "Tell them I'm on my way." The soldier relayed the information to the Terrans.

Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius

Many of the scientists stopped their typing and looked up in awe at their statement. Murmurs spread between the scientists as they typed so fast one might have worried that they'd break their keyboards. "You did what?!" One of them yelled as he got up in an excited dash.

"Gary! Sit down!" One of them yelled. The scientist mumbled to himself as he slowly sat back down.

"Sorry, dark matter's kind of a passion area of his," the head scientist said. "Well, we've never been able to fully measure dark matter to an extent that would be sufficient to something like that. Closest we've been able to use it for are kinetic thrusters or the occasional Entropy-Energy Radiator." The scientist thought for a for a few moments before sending the captain some data. "This is all the data we have on those three particular dark nebulae. There's no precise data on their physical capacity, seeing as we can't measure it like that yet, but hopefully with this data you'll be able to figure it out." Suddenly, the scientist previously identified as Gary shot up in the background.

"I GOT IT!!!" He screamed in excitement. Some turned to him as he ran and grabbed a few scientists. "Do we still have some dark matter stores left?"

"Y-yeah, a few." He quickly pulled some people off, bursting with excitement as he did. The head scientist chuckled and turned to the Terrans.

"Well seems like you guys might have just given Gary an idea. I swear if we make a huge scientific breakthrough because of you guys..." He chuckled once more. "Anyway, I hope the data I sent you is enough. Sorry I can't be more useful."
[N.S.S Junius]

"No worries. We simply told you what we needed not how to really extract dark energy and matter as well as neutrinos into physical forms. That will remain top secret. But nonetheless, thank you." The First officer said as he relayed the information to the captain who gave an approving nod of the head. "We'll extract the dark energy here after all repairs are done."


"Chancellor Valikus is currently busy with senate meetings. but he expressed his interest in perhaps after your ordeals are finished, that you may perhaps come and meet the Chancellor in person." The General said to the other general. "There are things that he wishes to discuss that he really can not do over intercoms or universal communications."

Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius "Right. You're welcome, of course. Word has reached us about this meeting your Chancellor would like to have with our king at some point. If all goes well, I hope we'll be able to share our science with each other. Until then, though, I think we're gonna go see what Gary's up to. Good luck with your mining... or, however that works." The scientists then ended the call to go see what was going on.

Non-Descript Science Lab: Testing Facility

Gary sat on a chair and fiddled with a strange box. The head scientist approached behind him and questioned what he was doing.

"Well," Gary began, "We already know that Holonite reacts peculiarly with dark matter, yeah?" The scientist nodded as Gary tested a few measurements. "It can store and contain dark matter, where few others reliably can. Dark matter trapped in a box would likely create so much entropy and counter-force it would destroy the box. Holonite, however, stabilizes it to an acceptable degree and contains it. That's why we use holonite boxes to contain our stores."

"I know that Gary, the point?"

"Right. The holonite acts as a sort of containment field. It keeps the dark matter inside, but it doesn't actually stabilize the dark matter itself. But..." Gary looked at the box and put another box on top of it, inserted a blue crystal through a slot, and turned a gauge. He then turned the box to a glass side so they could observe what was happening. The dark matter, made somewhat observable due to the containment field, floated chaotically in the box. Gary then turned a nob as the blue crystal, ever so slowly, began to fragment. The edges would chip off, turning into dust and then into gas, floating in the box along with the dark matter. The head scientists eyes widened as he caught on.

"Gary, that's..."

"We never thought to try making dark matter solid. It was presumed impossible... but with the knowledge that it is, in fact, possible... I got an idea." Much of the gas began to float, almost around the dark matter, and through it at the same time. Many scientists gathered around in awe, waiting to see what became of it. "Okay everyone, step back!" Everyone did so, and Gary pressed a button. The crystal (the large chunk that remained, anyway) began to shoot arcs of energy as a current passed through it. The energy carried through the cloud of Holonite Gas as the entire thing began to glow blue. The gas collapsed onto itself, but due to the containment affect it had on dark matter, said dark matter shrunk with it. Eventually, a sphere was formed: the Holonite gas stabilizing the inside of the dark matter to reduce entropy, and the outside to keep it contained. All the scientists silently stared as Gary opened the box and hazardly reached inside. They then saw his grin as he began to pull his arm out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you... the first ever concentrated sphere of dark matter produced by the human race." The entire room exploded in cheers as he put it back. Everyone began discussing where they could go with it: they had no research and no tools for solid dark matter. As of right now, it was essentially useless, and it would likely be a few years before anything worthwhile began to show up. Nevertheless, the leap in science this entailed, and the diplomatic work this entailed... Everything this meant...

On a seemingly insignificant day, in the seemingly insignificant history of a seemingly insignificant kingdom, this seemingly insignificant race met six new alien species, created diplomatic ties with one of them, and became the second race in the known universe to ever control dark matter. Sure, they couldn't do anything with it yet. But it was a big start.
[QUOTE="tims run][Jachin system]
After the two fighters had left, the security forces waited intently for news of bombings which never came. The security commands that were left were only given the news of the 2 lone fighters that were sent to attack Aklen. No other bombings had taken place except for the pre-operation attack by the 2 fighters on Aklen as no other fighters were ever deployed except for those two including multiple reconnaissance drones.

[NSF military]

Sirens blared out on every ship. The hangar of the capital ship was filled with pilots of drop shuttles making last minute checks, pilots of fighters preparing to launch, and regular infantrymen all rushing towards their drop shuttle. The guns were compressed and attached to their backs.


"Our only mission. Get the survivors out of the danger zones. Aim for their legs, and we have to abandon any injured. It does not matter if it's a minor cut or not. They try and get on, we shoot warning shots at them." The Lieutenant said as the infantrymen in his drop shuttle all belted out a response. The fighters and gunships were the first to launch, speeding towards Jachin as the fighters all branched off into their individual squadrons. The drop shuttles followed soon after.



The security forces were fighting hard, despite the impossible odds. There were barely any cities left standing as whatever civilians who were still alive were being evacuated to small towns and cities that had not fallen yet. For some security forces, their ammunition supply was nearly depleted and some were even on their last few clips before they would completely run out.

Overhead, a squadron of 5 fighters at speeds faster the supersonic speeds screamed overhead as they dropped Gamma bombs which emitted intense heat, able to incinerate a living being along with some radiation all around the city. The fighters than switched to their tactical missiles which were intelligent and dead accurate as they hit their mark with high precision emitting a huge explosion each as they rained down acidic shrapnel which tore through the impure waves. The fighters then switched to their mass accelerator dual guns as they stalked the city from high above as they cut down the impures with their devastating mass acceleration energy power.

Then, the drop shuttles arrived as the side doors opened up and in each shuttle, teams of 4 NSF infantrymen began to unleash a hail of highly accurate and unforgiving walls of mass acceleration energy. The NSF soldiers proved to be far more superior in combat than the security forces as their shots were all dead accurate and had fast reflexes and they only aimed for the impure's limbs.

"Come onboard." The security officer waved for his officers to get onto the drop shuttles. The injured that tried to get in were pushed off, those that gave resistance, were given warning shots, and those that proceeded further aggression were shot themselves and killed at the hands of the NSF soldiers. Their helmets covered their faces, only leaving glowing red slits for their sights but the soldiers had deep regrets as they left the injured for dead. Once all the officers who were clean of all injuries were rescued, the drop shuttles all quickly elevated into the air and joined the rest of the group as they sped away.

The same thing was happening in other cities across Jachin. Once given the all clear from every single team that they had evacuated successfully, abandoning the injured regardless of how serious their injuries were, the ships fired off several weapons at the planet.

All of the fighters flew back to the safety of the capital ship that was orbiting Eon, Jachin's next door planet separated by an asteroid belt, now that their missions were complete. The drop shuttles all took the survivors to the refuge of safe areas that were set up by security forces before the military's arrival as security, SSF and civilian survivors were all unloaded as the majority of drop shuttles exited the planet, back to space as they made their way back to the capital ship that was still orbiting Eon. Leaving a small portion which were modified with heavier mass acceleration guns and with only two pilots to pilot and utilize the weapons on the modified drop shuttles to assist in gunning down the impures with their far superior weaponry as the majority of the N.S.F drop shuttles all fled back to the capital ship orbiting Eon, leaving the heavily armed drop shuttles to fight. The small amount of drop shuttles aided in holding off the impures on the outskirts of Appone along with the modified dropships and gunships of the security forces as massive planetary evacuation shuttles were beginning to launch into outer space as one of the last cities left began its last stand.

There were sectors where the walls were being breached as S.S.F and other security forces began to fired form on top of the wall while other sectors were nearing collapse as the security gunships and dropships all assisted in stemming the flow until the entire city was shut down.

In the outskirts, thousands of gun emplacements were firing from plateaus, mountains, cliffs and armoured walls equipped with thousands of laser turrets that came popping out of the walls began to hold off the impures as best they could as they were quickly being overwhelmed bythe sheer number of impures.


[Jachin cities]

All of the fighters and most of the drop shuttles had returned safely with no casualties except for minor damages on some drop shuttles and a few fighters that forgot to activate their energy shields. Word soon came for complete planetary bombardment. The two battleships in lunar orbit with Jachin fired high speed kinetic rods as they made contact with multiple cities, leaving craters and large ruins of deformed terrain where the cities once stood. The destroyers and frigates began the process of nuclear bombardment of multiple cities as well as completely incinerating towns and villages off the face of the planet.

One of the battleships shot one of its two M.A.Gs at full power as it devastated the city. It then fired off it's remaining M.A.G as the other battleship and the 3 cruisers followed.

"Aim Turbo-laser guns at 30%. Target. Judean." The Captain said from the bridge of the capital ship which was still orbiting planet eon. "Fire." One of the turbo-laser guns fired a large white energy at near light speed as it made contact with the capital city of Judean. The entire capital erupted into a bright ball as seconds later a large crater stood at the centre of the city with most of the buildings reduced to rubble. Anything caught in that blast would have been incinerated by the incredible heat.



The capital city was barely recognizable. Datin stared at the live coverage from the CIC war table of his personal stealth destroyer. "The army is really doing it." Datin's stealth destroyer circled high above Judean, swooping down to fire kinetic missiles at some untouched areas as they incinerated large swaths of impures that surfived the Turbo-laser gun's blast, leaving small craters in the ground. Then, the destroyer, with the safety of distance started to fire it's gamma laser as it cut the docking bay housing the S.R.S kramer in half to provide easy access for Datin from the safety of the other side of the city.

As soon as the stealth destroyer finished its attack, the stealth destroyer deployed one single drop shuttle that was remote piloted as it landed next to the docking bay. Datin and two infantrymen exited as they quickly made their way into the torn section of the hangar bay which gave them direct access to the docking areas of the massive building.

"Stay close." Datin said as he and the other two soldiers made their way closer to the docking areas. Passing by a torn up gate, Datin presumed that someone was desperate and most likely made a last stand here as there was laser fire on the walls and floor. Soon, the impures started to come towards them as the two soldiers covered Datin as he made his way to the infested S.R.S Kramer. Datin did not know how to explain it but something was telling him that this was where he needed to go. He entered the ship with the two infantrymen as they stood guard of the doors while Datin proceeded further inside, covering his nose from the horrid smell.


A security officer, notably one that had not only been there at first contact with the docked S.R.S. Kramer but also had fallen by the hands of an Impure, watched from the shadows as the N.S.F. military made their final evacuations of the city. The monstrosities that had once hunted him down now encircled around him proving a sort of defense if the soldiers were to try and make any sort of offensive push.

This of course didn't happen. Between holding off waves of Impures as well as having to thoroughly inspect each survivor for potential cuts it was clear they had no intentions of taking back each city by a ground assault.

It was only then when the evacuations finished that the Awakened Terran accepted his fate. The cities were doomed to be bombarded as evident from how the battleships were lining up.

Right before the M.A.G. cannon annihilated the city the Imperfect's skin began to glow more brightly orange than before. A collection of whispers assured him that this wasn't the end. That he would get his change to serve the beloved emperor that had allowed him to ascend to such a more perfect form. In an instant the former N.S.F. security officer was engulfed in energy before being transported elsewhere. Just in time to avoid being decimated. As were all of the few that had managed to ascend to such a form.


Perhaps what would of been most suspicious to the trio would of been the lack of Impures fruitlessly throwing themselves at the intruders. Their presence was impossible to miss certainly. However, the creatures were only creeping in the shadows and corridors of the almost unrecognizable docking bay as they kept their distance. It was clear they were watching but it would seem as if the monstrosities were under orders to not approach.

Then the next pulse happened. It was a violent blast of orange energy that rapidly expanded from within the S.R.S. Kramer and radiated far past into several former cities that were now nothing but craters. Momentarily, for Datin, the energy would of felt warm, tingling, and, far beyond anything else, sickening. Then his hand, the exact one that had been impaled during the Awakening, would of glowed bright blue as the energy formed a sort of shield around Datin's body. Immediately the prior feelings would of halted.

The same, however, couldn't be said for the two that accompanied Datin. It was clear that the energy was affecting them on possibly even a mental level as their heads jerked from side to side. Their eyes darting around the room at entities that weren't even there. The voices in their heads whispering unmentionable atrocities.

Nothing could be done for them as Datin left them to stand watch outside of the S.R.S. Kramer. Once inside, the fleshy floor beneath Datin seemed to all but squirm underneath his footsteps. For merely a second the organic tissue seemed to coil around Datin's boots, thus stopping him in place, before the living mass released him. It was possible that the entire vessel was alive and could be prepared to engulf him if events went poorly.

"...You must not go further," There was a new voice, extremely faint, in the back of Datin's mind. It wasn't the same cold, ancient voice from before but rather a much more kind and warm sounding individual. In fact, it would of been impossible for Datin to not remember this voice in the back of his head belonging to the entity that had orchestrated the Awakening.

Before Datin's eyes the flesh covered walls of the ship began to contort and change. Pointing the lone Terran in the direction he needed to go in order to get to the core of the ship and make his fated encounter.

"...He must not be trusted." The entity spoke again, this time a warning to try and persuade Datin from heading any deeper into the lion's den. Despite this going back would mean the Residual Energy Core being allowed to meltdown. The consequences of which were more than apparent given Datin's previous visions.

@tims run
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[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]


A security officer, notably one that had not only been there at first contact with the docked S.R.S. Kramer but also had fallen by the hands of an Impure, watched from the shadows as the N.S.F. military made their final evacuations of the city. The monstrosities that had once hunted him down now encircled around him proving a sort of defense if the soldiers were to try and make any sort of offensive push.

This of course didn't happen. Between holding off waves of Impures as well as having to thoroughly inspect each survivor for potential cuts it was clear they had no intentions of taking back each city by a ground assault.

It was only then when the evacuations finished that the Awakened Terran accepted his fate. The cities were doomed to be bombarded as evident from how the battleships were lining up.

Right before the M.A.G. cannon annihilated the city the Imperfect's skin began to glow more brightly orange than before. A collection of whispers assured him that this wasn't the end. That he would get his change to serve the beloved emperor that had allowed him to ascend to such a more perfect form. In an instant the former N.S.F. security officer was engulfed in energy before being transported elsewhere. Just in time to avoid being decimated. As were all of the few that had managed to ascend to such a form.


Perhaps what would of been most suspicious to the trio would of been the lack of Impures fruitlessly throwing themselves at the intruders. Their presence was impossible to miss certainly. However, the creatures were only creeping in the shadows and corridors of the almost unrecognizable docking bay as they kept their distance. It was clear they were watching but it would seem as if the monstrosities were under orders to not approach.

Then the next pulse happened. It was a violent blast of orange energy that rapidly expanded from within the S.R.S. Kramer and radiated far past into several former cities that were now nothing but craters. Momentarily, for Datin, the energy would of felt warm, tingling, and, far beyond anything else, sickening. Then his hand, the exact one that had been impaled during the Awakening, would of glowed bright blue as the energy formed a sort of shield around Datin's body. Immediately the prior feelings would of halted.

The same, however, couldn't be said for the two that accompanied Datin. It was clear that the energy was affecting them on possibly even a mental level as their heads jerked from side to side. Their eyes darting around the room at entities that weren't even there. The voices in their heads whispering unmentionable atrocities.

Nothing could be done for them as Datin left them to stand watch outside of the S.R.S. Kramer. Once inside, the fleshy floor beneath Datin seemed to all but squirm underneath his footsteps. For merely a second the organic tissue seemed to coil around Datin's boots, thus stopping him in place, before the living mass released him. It was possible that the entire vessel was alive and could be prepared to engulf him if events went poorly.

"...You must not go further," There was a new voice, extremely faint, in the back of Datin's mind. It wasn't the same cold, ancient voice from before but rather a much more kind and warm sounding individual. In fact, it would of been impossible for Datin to not remember this voice in the back of his head belonging to the entity that had orchestrated the Awakening.

Before Datin's eyes the flesh covered walls of the ship began to contort and change. Pointing the lone Terran in the direction he needed to go in order to get to the core of the ship and make his fated encounter.

"...He must not be trusted." The entity spoke again, this time a warning to try and persuade Datin from heading any deeper into the lion's den. Despite this going back would mean the Residual Energy Core being allowed to meltdown. The consequences of which were more than apparent given Datin's previous visions.

@tims run


Datin pulled out his machine pistol and pointed it down the hallway. The surprise of him being shielded by the blast. He stopped when he heard the faint voice of a warning. Unlike the previous voice this one seemed to be a vice of good and not from something dark like the previous one. He immediately recognized who the voice belonged to. Datin closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them once more.

Above, one of the battleships fired off one of it's rail accelerator guns down at the hull of the S.R.S Kramer as it tore through the ship's hull creating a hole in the superstructure. It was unknown why the battleship did it.

Datin stared at his arm once more as he was getting more clear reading on his hologram console on his arm. Datin then raised his arm once more, pointing his gun down the hallway. "Don't worry. I won't trust them." Datin said quietly hoping that the entity that warned him would hear before slowly making his way deeper inside. He eventually reached the core as he stared at the orange consoles and the dimly lit orange room. Datin did not enter further into the room and instead stood at the exit of the hallway, not entering the room. Inside, he saw a person.

Using his telepathy, he confronted the figure who did not notice his presence just yet. *Do you know how much devastation you've brought to millions of lives? You should be ashamed of yourself. Killing your fellow terrans like this.* Datin asked through his telepathic abilities.

@Zabuzas Son
[/s.R.S. Kramer\]

Alferd Shaw had his back turned towards the entrance as he watched the Residual Energy Core with extreme fascination. It was only when another voice, different from the one that normally filled his head, began talking that the former Terran looked back towards where Datin was no doubt waiting. The Imperfect's body no longer looked decayed. There wasn't a blemish on the Terran's near perfect body as the pulses of residual energy seemed to be fueling Alferd. His skin carrying an unnatural orange aura.

"Devastation?" The ascended Terran finally questioned aloud. The sound of his voice echoing around the room.

"You know, the Beloved Emperor plays such a dangerous gamble. If the decision was mine, I would take the opportunity to strike you down right now. Alas, the Awakened must not be harmed..." the creature continued to mutter as if it was almost talking to itself. The sanity of the Terran that Datin was speaking to was more than questionable.

Alferd Shaw nearly collapsed to the floor when the entire vessel rocked from being fired upon from the battleships above. Insane, hysterical laughter followed as the Sigmaterian looked back and watched how the Residual Energy Core unpredictably reacted and pulsated.

"The Beloved Emperor is not the only one playing a dangerous game. If your people continue on they're liable to cause the Core to meltdown earlier than expected," Alferd Shaw warned before he finally got off the floor and looked back towards Datin.

Something finally clicked in the Sigmaterian's head.

"He wants to speak with you Terran of legend. You've got nothing to fear so come closer child..."

@tims run
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[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]

[/s.R.S. Kramer\]

Alferd Shaw had his back turned towards the entrance as he watched the Residual Energy Core with extreme fascination. It was only when another voice, different from the one that normally filled his head, began talking that the former Terran looked back towards where Datin was no doubt waiting. The Imperfect's body no longer looked decayed. There wasn't a blemish on the Terran's near perfect body as the pulses of residual energy seemed to be fueling Alferd. His skin carrying an unnatural orange aura.

"Devastation?" The ascended Terran finally questioned aloud. The sound of his voice echoing around the room.

"You know, the Beloved Emperor plays such a dangerous gamble. If the decision was mine, I would take the opportunity to strike you down right now. Alas, the Awakened must not be harmed..." the creature continued to mutter as if it was almost talking to itself. The sanity of the Terran that Datin was speaking to was more than questionable.

Alferd Shaw nearly collapsed to the floor when the entire vessel rocked from being fired upon from the battleships above. Insane, hysterical laughter followed as the Sigmaterian looked back and watched how the Residual Energy Core unpredictably reacted and pulsated.

"The Beloved Emperor is not the only one playing a dangerous game. If your people continue on they're liable to cause the Core to meltdown earlier than expected," Alferd Shaw warned before he finally got off the floor and looked back towards Datin.

Something finally clicked in the Sigmaterian's head.

"He wants to speak with you Terran of legend. You've got nothing to fear so come closer child..."

@tims run


"I authorize it." The chancellor said. "Begin protocol 1."


There were military vessels in the tens of thousands as they all moved from the galaxy which housed planet Jachin to another neighbouring galaxy. All the large and important vessels of the NSF navy were all withdrawn leaving the frigates and destroyers to oversee the evaluation as military and civilian stations were all being withdrawn from the galaxy.

Some of the planets on the fringes of the galaxy were nearing evacuation while other planets were starting evacuation orders as civilians were being loaded into civilian transport and military freighter vessels.

"Chancellor. Evacuations are going smoothly. Some of the outer systems are nearing completion of evacuation." The Vice Chancellor stated. The Chancellor looked stressed. "Do you trust what commander Datin stated?" The vice chancellor asked.

"I trust him with my life. He is furiously loyal." The chancellor said. "All we can do is trust his words. Although it is a bit off that he would use his telekinetic abilities to contact the station to relay the message."

"Chancellor. Evacuation reports are coming from almost all the systems we should be done withing the next 10 hours."



Datin knew that it was unethical to use his telekinetic abilities but he knew he would have to eventually face this menace.

"Same goes for me." Datin said to the imperfect. Datin stepped forward a bit. "What is it you want? Ex Terran? " Datin said taking another step as he put away his machine pistol back into his holster, ready to face the imperfect if it were to come to a battle.


The shuttles were loaded as word came for the ships for a complete evacuation. But seeing as how the capital ship had the shuttles it was only fit that they needed to leave the Jachin system. The captain said his farewells as the destroyers and frigates including a few cruisers and one of the battleships left as the capital ships escort. Leaving a skeleton take force of barely 5 ships to oversee the rest of the planetary bombardment. Including datin's own ship.

@Zabuzas Son

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