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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

Max went back into the room and showed the picture of the scans to Vlansh so that he knew what he was working with. From there, Vlansh scanned all the humans, only to find that they were all, in fact, clean.
In the distance above the planet of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon, a number of fate prisms glided silently, stopping right before the planet's orbit, and unfolded into fate pylons, projecting energy matrices from the overlapping fields.

"The transmission configurations have been acclimatised, Administrator Circara." The Administrator nodded, before she turned to Matriarch Pravelite.

"The channel is clear." She stated in her monotone voice.

"Good," Matriarch Pravelite sighed, before stepping forward to a Sentinel. Grabbing it in her hand, she spoke quickly and clearly, "Occupants of this planet, can you read me? I repeat, can you read me?"

As her words were picked up by the Sentinel, they were transmitted into frequencies calibrated by the Genesis-OS's collective processor, before being transmitted as a receivable frequency through the fate pylons that circled the planet above orbit.

"We call for a negotiation. We demand contact with your authorities." Matriarch Pravelite was now booming into the Sentinel, "Failure to react to this message will be a message of hostility. I repeat, the Arclight Coalition demands a negotiation." She repeated before lowering the sentinel. She heaved a sigh and looked out the gigantic windows(they were made to accommodate her size) to watch the distant planet. Oh, what she would give to leave this miserable hunk of rock.


"What didja need us for, Tharom?" Ilum was hopping down the hall, his hair swept to one side hastily. Tharom eyed him and Axes, who was silently walking behind him, the both of them looking quite tired.

"The Arclights are aiming for that planet." Tharom pointed at the planet in the distance. It was being circled by fate pylons, and on the other side of the planet, the ships of the Arclight Coalition were amassing as their fleet glowed beyond the planet, "Last time, Lexana was the contact. This time, you both are up."

"Sure." Axes consented silently.

"Uuuugh," Ilum pulled down both sides of his face with his fingers, before regaining his optimistic, bubbly self, "Well, let's just get this over with." He followed Axes to the centre of the ship, where the directed warp pad was located. Kyrom and Lexana stood on it, eyeing Tharom and the two Anima that were approaching them.

"About time," Kyrom chided them, "What were you two doing? The meeting was adjourned an hour ag-- don't answer that." He caught Ilum just as he was about to reply and Ilum shut his gaping mouth in response.

"It hardly matters. We need to make contact with the leaders of this civilisation before they meet with the Arclights." Tharom entered the glass pad and looked down below, "Urmon, warp us directly downwards. While we're gone, you and Kyrom are in charge."

"Understood." Urmon replied as she began working away. Tharom and the other three began to be wreathed in a blur of light, and felt themselves growing weightless, until suddenly, they were pulled to the planet's gravity. They could feel metal beneath their feet, and cold air around them. They had landed on a tower, and they had a bird's eye view of the civilisation.

"Lexana! Ilum! Cover us!" Tharom ordered, and they instantly knew what he meant.

"Shall we?" Lexana turned to Ilum. Ilum looked at Axes, then turned to Lexana and replied.

"Let's do this." he replied, and they briefly bowed. Their gemstones began to glow as their bodies started to glow a deep hue of red and a shimmering shade of blue and purple. Now proceeding to fuse, their material bodies started to glow even brighter, until they collided and reshaped themselves. Now a single entity, an Ametrine looked down upon them, her four eyes adjusting to her environment.

"Whoo!" the Ametrine stretched her arms as she smiled, before relaxing her tensed up shoulders, "I've forgotten what it's like to be me."

"Mind creating some fog for us, Miela?" Tharom looked up at the towering figure with six arms, and she nodded without hesitation. Raising her arms along her chest whilst inhaling, her chest suddenly expanded, before she exhaled a large mass of thick fog. It was so thick, Tharom could barely see in front of him, and it merely rolled off the edge of the tower they stood upon.


"Perfect." Tharom thanked Miela as she continued to grow the fog around them, before they jumped off the tower side into the thick fog that was now permeating the ground.

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[Hunter Chik'Ulx'Krax'Kra]

He blinked, looking up at the ship barring the Terran markings as it settled down towards the ground. He began to walk towards it, spear twirling in his hands as he did so. "Terrans.... Here?" He questioned, confused as to why an NSF warship would be here of all places. He sighed, frowning, disappointed that he was to be interrupted like this during a hunt. He nodded to the Terran, pointing to a tree where he could climb up to get a better shot if something unfriendly came out of the ship. He nodded to another of his hunters, who activated a cloak. Without command, another jetpacked to a nearby rocky outcropping, all three of the Hunter's hidden reserves ready in case something bad happened. The Hunter stood near the ship as it came Down to land, waiting.
[N.S.S Junius]

The battleship once again docked on the station. The reactors were still not finished with repairs. Inside the quarantine room, Vlansh walked back to the two Galactic Marines, starting to converse with them. After a while, Vlansh took the mass acceleration machine pistol from the Galactic Marine as he pointed at each of the soldiers, while firing of one single blank shot directly at them to see how they would react. If they stood still, they were clean. But if they attempted to dodge, Vlansh was ready to switch to fully lethal energy projectiles.

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"I see." The captain said before turning to Max. "They are all clean. But, our Nazca soldier is deciding to use some old Terran tactics with them as a final confirmation. But also, I think it's best if representatives from your nation met with the N.S.F Supreme Council."

With the battleship docked once more, the repair teams began to work on the reactors once more.

@Assailant (I wasn't sure but Otakuyaki is making contact with you.)


[N.S.S Morris & N.S.S Trent]

The N.S.S Morris of the two large vessels dwarfing the planets within the system sent out a message which indicated that they were not hostile aliens. Instead, they were here to begin their patrol outside their border as to make sure nothing hostile was on route into their territory.



[N.S.S Moral]

The Stealth Battleship stayed at a high altitude above the trees and the surface and seemed to be un-moving for a time. The terran within the hunting group would have expressed that the N.S.F were friendly despite the N.S.F still being fairly aggressive towards other empires, and urged to attempt peace as the N.S.F will never fire upon others unless they are threatened as the terran recited the N.S.F's morals to the hunters.

After a while longer a few drop shuttles were deployed from the ship as they made their way down to the surface. The three drop shuttles had only a handful of infantrymen and a few scientists onboard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/dropship.jpg.d4a9202f483d20521ec0d9a0e3057222.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/dropship.jpg.d4a9202f483d20521ec0d9a0e3057222.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"N.S.F?" He questioned before receiving a bunch of communications, all telling him about this very group. Max froze up and groaned. Meeting two alien races in one day? That's great. At least the last bunch are helpful, but equivalent exchange, as well as what they said, tell me these guys will be the exact opposite. "I apologize, I must be off you understand. They're holding our capital hostage. I hope to talk with you at least once more when this all subsides, but fate isn't being very helpful." He talked into his communicator for a bit as he pressed a button on the back of his neck, causing his space suit to disappear. "You have access to any resources on deck. Anything you might need to repair your ship, any help you might need, simply say the word and it'll be done. For now, I need to deal with these guys." He shook the captain's hand and immediately ran to his ship which he arrived in. There he met a few people who had arrived and waited for him, his advisors, head military generals (those that weren't predisposed,) and a few others who may be necessary. It wasn't a large group, maybe ten total, but for once he was glad to have military personnel with him. He didn't want to fight, but right off the bat he didn't trust these guys.

They left in a small ship, even smaller than the one the Festers infected. As they left they went through a few security checks, (Max had lowered the security level to three due to the Festers, in case any had snuck their way in.) and then they were off. They approached the fate prisms and set it to a channel that covered many frequencies and hoped that they would pick it up. Max then picked up the comms and spoke thus: "I am Maxwell Teller, current diplomatic leader of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon. We come in peace, and wish to speak to you of these negotiations."

"The inhabitants have responded." Circara announced to Matriarch Pravelite monotonously, who looked on through the holographic screens in front of her as she nodded in response.

"Your response is most appreciated, ruler," Matriarch Pravelite thanked, "We shall meet with you to discuss our negotiations in neutral territory. From there, we will explain our situation." She pulled away the Sentinel in front of her, muting it as she spoke to Circara, "Kindly warp in a platform, Circara."

"Understood," Circara's eyes began to glow a bright orange as she connected to the entire Mechina system. It was only moments before a platform warped into the atmosphere below the Max's ship, hovering above the city as its magnetospheric stabilisers calibrated to allow the platform to levitate, "Atmospheric platform stabilised. Warping commencing." Matriarch Pravelite watched as her surroundings began to envelop her in a blur of light. Her nine-foot body of solid crystal slowly growing weightless until she abruptly felt the effects of the gravity from the planet that had suddenly beneath her. She was on the platform, along with seven other representatives of the Arclight Coalition. Looking up at the ship above her, she pulled up the sentinel whom she still held in her hand to her lips and boomed.

"We are below you, if you would care to join us," She called out through the fate pylons((P.S. in unfurled, rotary forms, they are called fate pylons)), "I'm sure we won't need to send you coordinates just to arrive here." She finished as she let her arm drop, her grip on the sentinel loosening as it emerged from her hand and hovered beside her. She suddenly slammed her foot on the platform and moved her arms, causing the metal on the platform to twist into a metallic throne, which she sat upon to watch the creatures above. Well, she would have fun while it lasts.


"They've called down an Atmos arena," Tharom looked up at the platform in the sky. Had they already made contact with the ruler? Depending on how gullible the ruler of this rock is, they might experience unnecessary difficulty.

"That Pravelite is up there..." Axes murmured, "I could feel her exert her abilities for just a moment, but it's definitely her."

"Well," Tharom sighed. This couldn't be helped. The Arclights knew that they were tailing them this entire time, and it's not like they could carelessly undermine them each time, "We'll need to hide. Make sure the guards of this rock don't find us." he commanded Miela, who began to create more fog around her until it thickened immensely, "Let's get away from here."
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[N.S.S Junius]

"I could guide an envoy of yours to the N.S.F's capital." The Captain said to max before the human leader left. "Alright. Get back to work." The Captain said as the crew went back to their work stations.



[Cyngus task force]

The Mormen captain stood angry now more than ever as the elvish looking alien proclaiming to be the admiral was not giving him a reply. "Last chance heathen. Or I shall take your actions as simply nuisance and fire upon your fleet." Lord-Captain Kaen said.



[NSF force]

The Infantrymen had their mass accelerator assault rifles as they stood guard and observed the lush scenery around them as the handful of scientists began to scan the ground of the planet. "We have limited time. Please do not wonder off." One of the Infantrymen said to the scientists.



[N.S.S Morris]

The two massive ships slowed to a halt. Their trusters were turned off as they posed no threat and awaited for their message to reach the new alien fleet and perhaps get a reply back.

The Hunter walked out of the lush greenery, his trainees flanking him as he approached the NSF drop pods. "You encroach upon my hunting ground, terrans," he declared, in a rumbling voice that could be heard throughout the clearing. "What is it you come for? This planet is dangerous, full of predators," he advised, his glowing eyes scanning the tree line. Suddenly, he pulled back his arm, hurling one of his massive spears forward. It flew over the head of the NSF soldiers, impaling a winged creature that had come hurling through the trees towards them. "Dangerous," he said simply.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Hunter walked out of the lush greenery, his trainees flanking him as he approached the NSF drop pods. "You encroach upon my hunting ground, terrans," he declared, in a rumbling voice that could be heard throughout the clearing. "What is it you come for? This planet is dangerous, full of predators," he advised, his glowing eyes scanning the tree line. Suddenly, he pulled back his arm, hurling one of his massive spears forward. It flew over the head of the NSF soldiers, impaling a winged creature that had come hurling through the trees towards them. "Dangerous," he said simply.
"We come in peace." The Infantryman said. "We are here to fuel up our brand new cells that were just attached onto our battleship." The heavily armoured and armed 6ft tall and very muscular infantryman said.

The terran within the hunting group whispered something into the Hunter's ears. The terran hunter expressed concerns as he had never seen that type of armour or that model of ship. The terran hunter then motioned his head at the guns the N.S.F soldiers were carrying and indicated that the guns were mass acceleration weapons which were able to rip even very heavily armoured beasts into pieces with ease as well as shred through heavily armoured tanks, vehicles and ships, and that they would be of more use to the terran hunter than the laser rifles which were not military grade weapons designed for all out war.
The Hunter simply gave a few humming noises, examining the weapons and the vessels. "Interesting," was his only response to his terran hunter. "If you come to this planet to fuel your ship, you are unwise, friend. Little resources here other than beast blood," he stated, blue eyes moving back to scanning the tree line.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Hunter simply gave a few humming noises, examining the weapons and the vessels. "Interesting," was his only response to his terran hunter. "If you come to this planet to fuel your ship, you are unwise, friend. Little resources here other than beast blood," he stated, blue eyes moving back to scanning the tree line.
"Oh no. Our ships run on dark matter & energy. And are powered by neutrinos. We stopped here because it was the closest system." The Infantryman said. "But our scientists on board wanted to survey the planet surface. The captain reluctantly agreed to let them take samples of the land."

For the terran hunter, what he did not know was the the N.S.F armed forces had completely replaced their entire fleet and equipment. Thinking that these people might be simply be phonies and are not truly N.S.F, the terran hunter raised his laser rifle slightly.

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This caught the infantrymens' attention. "It seems that you managed to recruit a terran into your group. The infantryman said. "I can assure you." The commanding officer of the handful of N.S.F soldiers said approaching the terran hunter. "We are the N.S.F. We are not here to detain you or anything of that sorts."

"How did this terran come about in joining your group?" The commanding officer said to the hunter.



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"Your captain agreed for you to come here Terran, but I did not. This planet is my personal hunting reserve, where I keep and hunt some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy,". As if to prove his point, a pack of xugxug hounds approached from behind him, and the Hunter pat one's head as it approached. The creature bared its teeth at the Terran soldiers, although the Hunter did not seem to mind. "This Terran's name is Leon, and he was selected because of his impressive marksmanship," the Hunter said with a simple nod.
The lone, hooded figure in the room stayed completely still in front of his desk. Books were clustered in neat stacks at every crevice of the room, leaving only space for the ancient door behind him. The entire room was made of stone, including the door, sparsely inscribed with all kinds of crazed writings and sigils. They would shimmer softly before peeling off the walls, chaining into words and sentences, before breaking apart and fading away, or until the mage in the room touched them. With each one he touched, he would feel something spread through him. Something quite empowering, and very, very enticing. The mage's head tilted upwards, his eyes stayed shut under the green hood that shadowed half of his face, and his lips quivered as he inhaled a deep breath. He couldn't understand how that fool could have done this for years. Sighing, his head tilted back forwards dejectedly, and his mouth wrung into a sly smile.

"Hah!" the mage suddenly shot up and spun on the spot. His fingers exuding a purple, malicious aura as they swiped through the air in front of him. Nothing? The mage straightened back up whilst eyeing the walls and door in front of him covered in millions of tiny needles of magical aura. How quaint. He turned around and sat back down on his shins, putting his hands on his lap as he shut his eyes once more. And I thought I'd felt something odd... His thoughts murmured as he opened his eyes, his gaze into space turning abruptly into a deathly stare. He was no longer in the Cloud Tower. Instead, he was sitting in a blue pentagram, with disturbing chanting in the distance. This was someplace new and strange, but now he was with someone old and familiar.

Tharom was to his left, standing in a pentagram similar to his, and his look immediately contorted into a glare as their gazes befell each other. The mage's eyes locked onto Tharom menacingly, and his lips twisted to speak.


...Master Grottendief."

@Zabuzas Son
[QUOTE="tims run]"Fall back!" The SSF commander yelled as his forces attempted to flee. The gunships began to climb to higher altitudes as they would swoop down to strike before returning to higher altitude once more. In other cities the SSF was completely overwhelmed. While in other areas, the SSF continued their steady attrition with the impure.
Gamma turrets were firing at large groups of umpires whither modified armoured security vehicles with laser machine guns. "We must not let this city be lost."



The AA guns went silent once more. The Dropship that were not shot down made their way to the city's air/space port while security Dropship made their way to the security complex.

[station 010]

The Dropship landed as the security members exited out. The NSF military personnel inside the station were not informed about this student landing and had to make accommodations quickly for the commander and chief. The commander was meeting with the generalore stationed there as SSF personnel unloaded their data and weapons ignoring the military who was clearly not happy with the SSF's attitude.

The five got out as they quickly made their way to scout out the commander. After a while, they saw that the commander was inside a conference. " Ready?" The chief asked. All at once, the five rushed the two SSF security officer's and the chief burst through the doors, catching the attention of the generals. "You. Are a liar." The chief said to the commander. "Tell them what you have done." The commander put on a fake puzzled look and unstained the chief. "Stop playing dumb! The only reason why you are here is because you just want to get to safety and leave the people Jachin to their deaths." The chief said. "Chief Usin. I have no idea what you are talking about. Guards. Take him away." The two SSF security officer's grabbed the chief who struggled. Before they could take him away, the other officers helped fight off the SSF. The chief straightened his vest as he stared at the commander. "Here." The chief said as a hologram appeared in front of the general's. It showed the creatures and how quickly the security got overwhelmed. The bloodshed and carnage as the SSF struggled to even maintain ground.

"Commander." The N.S.F general said. "You never mentioned that it was this bad." The commander turned around and gave a nervous laugh. "You see. This was just a small."

"Small? It's happening everywhere. The infection spreads from city to city. Through injured. But this man. Just watch." The chief showed a recording of AA guns firing upon shuttles and dropships. The general's stared at the commander. "Anything to say?"

The SSF forces pointed their guns at the generals who stood up. "Yes. This is SSF matters. And the NSF military is simply a barrier and in our way." The commander said. The SSF were about to fire when NSF marines stormed in and withing seconds, the SSF officer's collapsed to the floor from the highly accurate permission of the marines. "Commander. You live a fantasy reality. You refused to call the army because of your selfish ways. Now. It is time for you to get a taste of what you have done by leaving hundreds of millions to their deaths." The chief said. The General motioned the marines who apprehended the commander who was struggling as he was removed.

"Chief. I don't know what you did. But you have broken many rules." The General said. Usin gave a nod. "I did not know the problem was this serious."


"Don't worry chief. The security forces have done more than enough. The sacrifices the security department made have been tremendous and the army thanks you for it. But now. Let the military handle things from here." The General said. A sense of relief came as those words settled down in all of the 5 officer's. The General dusted himself off as he left.

[NSF central command]

"Sir. Word had arrived from Jachin command. There is a planetary scale emergency. The security forces are overwhelmed and require immediate military assistance."

The group of generals all looked at each other. "We approve. Call back all vessels."

[station 010]

All around the command centre, all 24 ships were being called back from active Patrol as the voices of the captain's confirming filled the room. "This is captain piles of the battleship Freed. We confirm and are turning back."

[sector 2]

From another planet in a different sector, one of the planet sized vessels made slip space entry. "This is captain ofgen. NSS Jude is due to arrive in Jachin system in 0200 hours."

Datin was also given the call much to his relief as he turned his ship around as they headed back for Jachin.


Precious time went by as the five waited nervously. Kan kept silent, while the other four were going about their own business.

The Station had moved form the asteroid belt to Planet Eon. The planet was the planet after Jachin but, unlike Jachin, Eon was an icy world as it was located further away from the asteroid belt and Jachin. The Station was on outer-lunar orbit of the planet.


On the edge of the Jachin system, the first of the Jachin sector ships had arrived. Two battleships had exited slip space as they entered their home system once more. The ships were headed towards Oden. A moon orbiting one of the two gas giants and was still very far form Jachin.

Several minutes after the two battleships appeared, three destroyers

And 8 Frigates exited slip space and were making their way to both the moons Oden and Moris.

Captain Ston of one of the battleships stared out from his bridge as the battleship descended down to Oden's surface. Oden was the sight of one of two Naval docks. The battleship stopped as it descended into the docks on the surface. As the battleship was locked into place, the second battle ship started docking procedures as well.

"Captain. Orders from HQ. The ship is to be re-armed for full scale combat." The captain's first officer sad handing the captain a glass tablet.


A few more ships came out of slip space, consisting of 4 cruisers.

And a capital ship.

Just like the other NSF navy vessels, the ships began to descend towards one of the two moons which housed a NSF navy port to begin re-supplying the vessels before taking off once more. It took a while but, eventually, the NSS Yochin, Datin's personal ship warped out next to Eon where the station was. Datin's heavily modified stealth destroyer docked with the station as Datin and his team made their way to the meeting room for full debriefing and meetings will all the captains.

Meanwhile, in the lounge area of the station, the five officers stood up in surprise as Datin's ship exited slip space and docked with the station. "Speak of the devil." Usin said with a growing smile as he crossed his arms. "The NSF military really did mobilize." Lance said as the female got closer to the window to take a closer look at a real NSF military ship. For the five, it was a sight to behold. They've always looked up to the armed forces of the NSF, but to see actual NSF military equipment with their own eyes was a completely different experience.

Meanwhile, Kan sat at the table staring at the fist NSF navy vessel to arrive on the scene. He felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders but also had worries about who might have been on that ship.

[station 010]

Datin sat at a large rectangular table. The two generals and the admiral all sat together along with holograms of the individual captains. "The plan is simple. We've already reviewed it with you all and you all know what to do." The Admiral said. "NSS Stons is nearing completion of her resupply." One of the captain's hologram said. "The frigate task force is also close to having completed the resupply." Another hologram of the captain said. "My ship is ready for combat." Datin said. The meeting went on for a while longer. By the time it ended, Datin was already tired and made his way back to his personal stealth destroyer.

Datin stared at the hologram legend of the entire map of Jachin displayed before him. "So, I take Judean."

"Commander?" The first officer approached from behind. "We are to set out in the next hour."

[QUOTE="tims run][ice planet Eon]
Jachin's next door icy planet was further away and was separated by an asteroid belt. The capital ship moved into position beside the station. The 2 battleships, 8 frigates, 4 cruisers also were within the vicinity of the planet. More ships also arrived as 4 heavy cruisers came out of slip space, next to planet Eon.

Along with 5 Special heavy destroyers

In the hangars of the capital ship, battleships, and cruisers, the fighters were being prepped by maintenance drones and maintenance crew as the fighters were undergoing armament procedures for the coming battle. There were drones welding several plates of diarmaetis armour onto several fighters who just finished their inner compartment checks while others were being armed with missiles by machines. Mechanics were also making tweaks to the landing gear and barrels of the fighters.

The infantrymen were all in the debriefing rooms as they were being debriefed on what their missions were. In the armoury, crewmen were making sure that all guns were accounted for.

[QUOTE="tims run]

(Don't mind me. I Know my reply would evidently be too large so I am trying to reduce it as much as I can.)


"We cannot hold on for much longer!" An SSF commander yelled through his headset. "We need evac!" His officers continued to fight as they continuously sprayed laser fire at the impures. By now, the SSF and security forces had realized a few things as well and were adapting in an attempt to get the enemy infestation under control. The security forces who were battling the creatures longer were now no longer primarily aiming at the impure's body. But also focused on their limbs as well as the rest of their body. But also, having to abandon their injured or euthanize them to prevent any further contamination or losses.

Even though these new combat strategies were put in place, the SSF and security forces were still not equipped to deal with the hordes of impures. Their weapons were never designed for full scale war or absolute destruction like the military weapons were designed to do. So all they could do was hold out for as long as they could, before calling an evacuation order and leaving. It was now a losing war as the security forces constantly had to fall back from cities.


[Capital ship]

"After you have delivered your payload. immediately fly back to space for re armament." The captain said through the video transmission. Only two fighters were placed in the launch catult of the capital ship as they launched from their vessel. The two fighters were to make an initial attack run an hour before the actual bombing began. But also to survey the surface for when the other fighters are eventually launched for the coming battle.


More SSF and security officers moved through the rubble from the bombings the dropships did and missiles from gunships as they continued to combat the impures. Officers were getting swarmed as they died left and right. "Hey!" The commander yelled as he waved at the dropship that was approaching when it was hit, sending the dropship plummeting down as it exploded. "That was our ride out!" The commander's sub-commander yelled as he fired some more. There seemed to be no hope as the officers ran as quickly as they could from one site to another. There were more impures as the commander and the rest of his surviving group accepted their fates.

The two fighters from the capitalship came roaring in, faster than supersonic speeds as they dropped several bombs which reached high speed as they exploded in all directions in a super hot and dense explosion of gas, shrapnel and chemicals, vaporizing or ripping apart anything in the bomb's large kill radius. The two fighters then turned back around, and with their Accelerated gauss guns, the pilots sprayed highly accurate and merciless energy projectiles that were far more advanced and packed a deadlier punch than the laser rifles as they gunned down more impures, the fighters than swooped back once more. This time, their guns rotated into mass acceleration as blue energy projectiles going at supersonic speeds ripped through the impures with deadly precision, explosiveness and devastation, as they were designed to cut a body in half in unprotected or explode.

The commander watched the two fighters cut down huge swaths of impures as joy overcame him. Some of his officers were cheering as the military made their pre-mature attack run on the planet as the two fighters soared back up into the sky, within seconds disappearing back into space. Soon after, several security dropships had arrived to come pick up the officers. But they also had to abandon those who were injured. Minor or severely, they were left behind as the dropships took off once more.


[Capital ship.]

The two fighters exited the planet's orbit as they sped towards the capital ship back on Eon once more. The two fighters landed back as the fighters were taken to the hangars to re-equip. One of the fighters did take some slight damages from spikes being thrown into the air as the fighter was taken to another area of the hangar for repairs.


[/...A Dream?\]

As soon as Datin's meeting with the general's finished, alongside the news of Judean being his city to personally take back settled in, a violent shaking seemed to overtake the entire ship. Everything would of felt lucid, almost surreal, as the Awakened Terran felt like he was being guided by an unseen force to run outside the meeting room and look outside one of the windows of the vessel. Outside the view of the planet Jachin and all of the other mighty N.S.F. vessels were crystal clear to see even despite the sheer distance between them.

Originating from just outside Judean an unfathomable release of power had just occurred thus causing the disturbance. An all encompassing orange sphere of energy was rapidly growing to engulf not only the entire planet but also seemingly the entire galaxy. As it traveled across the planet and other NSF vessels an all too familiar thick coating of fleshy substance overtook the vessels.

There was a menacing laugh in the back of Datin's head.

As the fallout of the blast reached the vessel Datin was aboard he was forced to watch as the orange energy flowed right past him. His comrades fell to the floor in agony as their bodies rapidly ascended to the form of Impures. Even the metallic floor beneath Datin's feet changed to warm, pulsating, living flesh. Then there was the voice, one again slightly distorted, in the back of Datin's mind. It was familiar. It would of been impossible to forget the ancient sounding voice Datin already heard once from the Shadowy figure during the Awakening.

"...The point of origin. If you leave me waiting..."

Then just like that Datin awoke. When had he even fallen asleep? Did he even fall asleep? None of the generals acted like anything out of the ordinary had occurred...


A lone Impure stood motionless on one of the many former streets of the city Judean. Former because the street would look entirely unrecognizable to any of the previous residents now that the entire city could be mistaken for being alive...

Of course, the creature was not alone. Judean was still crawling with thousands of Impures that were not only continuing to alter the city but also shifting through all that was left behind. In the Terran's panic to evacuate belongings were thrown left and right as well as scattered given the dire situation that made up the hectic evacuation. For most there simply wouldn't of been time to pack at all if they valued not being the next one to fall at the hands of the monstrosities invading their planet.

This particular creature, however, had stopped to look up at the stars. Just in time to see the N.S.F. fleets begin to arrive as a call of arms to save the planet seemingly doomed to fall to the infection. Perhaps the sight would be terrifying if the creature could feel fear. Although any Terran that had survived an encounter with one of the Impures could more than attest to the fact that the creatures most certainly did not feel fear in any of its forms. Even as a basic instinct for self preservation.

As around the world on Jachin in any given city that was currently attempting to fight of the infection it was clear that the creatures were nothing but relentless. Even as aerial bombing runs proved more than effective on the Impure that had no true means of escape from the incoming death from above those that weren't entirely decimated or lost all their limbs continued on. The creature's continuing to swarm the remaining security forces that desperately attempted to hold their ground or even attempted to retake some. In some cases the infection was being held back and in others the creatures were showcasing intelligence much unlike their normal behavior which was allowing them the upper hand.

[/s.C.R. Kramer\]

Alferd Shaw continued to watch entirely bemused as events played out on the planet he once had called home. It troubled the former NSF captain that his people were resisting the golden opportunity to ascend to a more perfect Sigmaterian form so fervently but the Terrans would come around. Once they could see the Universe like Alferd had been allowed to there would be no objections to this entire painful process.

With every pulse from the ever expanding core of Residual Energy that had once powered his ship Shaw became more excited. If the Awakened one didn't arrive then it would possibly be all for the better. His people could painlessly ascend all at once. Despite this thought the whispers in the back of the former Terran's head wouldn't stop telling him otherwise. That this all played a much larger part in the scheme of things and that the meeting was inevitable.

[/Just Outside of Judean\]

A fighter, likely a scout sent for reconnaissance, would meet its fate as it came far too close to the forsaken city. As the pilot approached it would of been impossible to not be caught in one of the many pulses of vibrant, orange glowing energy that seemed to be radiating from somewhere just outside the city. A warm, tingly, sickening even, feeling would of taken over the pilot immediately as the energy washed over the Terran.

Then it all happened at once. The pilots eyes began to rapidly dart from one side of the cockpit to the other. Paranoia settled in as the poor individual felt entirely on edge as glimpses of things that were not there were assaulting the poor Terran. All at once an Impure had somehow managed to appear right on the windshield of the fighter. One of its spiked limbs impaling directly through the glass as it attempted to strike out at the pilot.

The NSF pilot could of never known that he was only hallucinating. As the Terran would of panicked, and in this foolish moment attempted to knock off this nonexistent Impure with impractical aerial maneuvers, his fighter would soon crash into the city below.

This was only with a light exposure to the Sigmaterian Residual Energy that was currently being overloaded and prepared to meltdown from inside the S.C.R. Kramer.


Otakuyaki said:
The lone, hooded figure in the room stayed completely still in front of his desk. Books were clustered in neat stacks at every crevice of the room, leaving only space for the ancient door behind him. The entire room was made of stone, including the door, sparsely inscribed with all kinds of crazed writings and sigils. They would shimmer softly before peeling off the walls, chaining into words and sentences, before breaking apart and fading away, or until the mage in the room touched them. With each one he touched, he would feel something spread through him. Something quite empowering, and very, very enticing. The mage's head tilted upwards, his eyes stayed shut under the green hood that shadowed half of his face, and his lips quivered as he inhaled a deep breath. He couldn't understand how that fool could have done this for years. Sighing, his head tilted back forwards dejectedly, and his mouth wrung into a sly smile.
"Hah!" the mage suddenly shot up and spun on the spot. His fingers exuding a purple, malicious aura as they swiped through the air in front of him. Nothing? The mage straightened back up whilst eyeing the walls and door in front of him covered in millions of tiny needles of magical aura. How quaint. He turned around and sat back down on his shins, putting his hands on his lap as he shut his eyes once more. And I thought I'd felt something odd... His thoughts murmured as he opened his eyes, his gaze into space turning abruptly into a deathly stare. He was no longer in the Cloud Tower. Instead, he was sitting in a blue pentagram, with disturbing chanting in the distance. This was someplace new and strange, but now he was with someone old and familiar.

Tharom was to his left, standing in a pentagram similar to his, and his look immediately contorted into a glare as their gazes befell each other. The mage's eyes locked onto Tharom menacingly, and his lips twisted to speak.


...Master Grottendief."
And on that fateful day both individuals would of experienced the same otherworldly scenario that all the other abductees experienced. A cathedral of sorts with clearly foreign creatures gathered around it in a circle. The figure in the center seemed to ignore the calls from some of the human appearing abductees before glowing blue tendrils struck out at each abductee.

Both Tharom and Grottendief would of both been powerless to escape being struck and enduring through agonizing pain. From there it would of been easy to understand the figure in the center that briefly spoke of how something had been awakened in all of the select few throughout the Universe.

Before the center figure could of explained anymore he would of been interrupted by another being of immense power. The exact situation was hard to make out for both individuals given that they were on the opposite side of the circle from what was happening but it was clear another presence had made itself known.

Then all at once right before the cathedral like room threatened to be torn apart all would of went white before each abductee found themselves back to what they were doing before. As if time had never stopped.

(Nothing special, just basically mentioning that both of your characters were apart of what happened at the beginning of the thread. It was a short summary but I'm sure you can read through to get all the details.)
In all his years, Tharom had never gone through something so strange. It felt like he was being pulled somewhere, but he still felt quite directionless. What was that cathedral? Who was tha--

"Tharom, keep up." Axes reminded him as they continued through their fog. He was back in the real world now, and he hadn't realised.

"Right..." his voice trailed off as he worked his way through the fog with Miela and Axes.


"Hmm..." the hooded mage hummed to himself. His stillness may have given the impression that he was perfectly calm, but if anyone could hear his voice, they could tell. That something angry, hateful, and very dark was seething from the very tones of his voice. So... Grottendief was there too... The hooded figure continued to sit and tried to meditate in the Cloud Tower, as his malicious aura seeped throughout the colleges' floating castles like a haze of cloud and smog, sending chills down the mages' spines.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
"Your captain agreed for you to come here Terran, but I did not. This planet is my personal hunting reserve, where I keep and hunt some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy,". As if to prove his point, a pack of xugxug hounds approached from behind him, and the Hunter pat one's head as it approached. The creature bared its teeth at the Terran soldiers, although the Hunter did not seem to mind. "This Terran's name is Leon, and he was selected because of his impressive marksmanship," the Hunter said with a simple nod.
The infantrymen all stared at the xugxug, as not even a single one seemed intimidated. They all brushed off the xugxugs and were not impressed by the beasts. "I see. I will relay the message to the captain. The reactors should be charging now so it won't be long. Apologizes for intruding though." The commanding officer took a look at Leon the terran. Leon stared back at his fellow terrans.

"You have taken good care of the terran. He does not seem to be malnourished or beaten in any way." The commanding officer said.

@Zabuzas Son


[N.S.S Junius]

"Mind me humans. I do have a questions of great importance." The First officer of the battleship said as he walked around the station, finding humans in uniforms that looked to be uniforms that high ranked officers would wear. "Do you know wher ethe hihest concentration of Dark energy & matter along with neutrinos in this system is? It's very important.."




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"Uh, you'll have to talk to one of the scientists about that," the man the first officer talked to said. "Here, let me try to communicate to one of them." He got onto his communicator and began getting a request for said information out, but was told he'd have to wait as they connected him. "Here," he said to the first officer. "Why don't you give me your communicator channel, and I'll contact you when I get into contact with them?"
Assailant said:
"Uh, you'll have to talk to one of the scientists about that," the man the first officer talked to said. "Here, let me try to communicate to one of them." He got onto his communicator and began getting a request for said information out, but was told he'd have to wait as they connected him. "Here," he said to the first officer. "Why don't you give me your communicator channel, and I'll contact you when I get into contact with them?"
The First Officer tapped his arm as a hologram console opened up on his arm. "Done." The First officer said as the hologram tool disappeared from his arm. "They should be able to connect now."
Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Section 4F "Okay," the soldier said as he relayed the news of this to the scientists, or the person that was relaying it to them anyway. He turned to the Terran. "They'll get back to you pretty soon."

@tims run

Planet Holon: Atmosphere

As Max got together a small honor guard to go down onto the strange platform with him, he flashed back to what he said to the captain before leaving. "No thanks," he had said. "You've done more than enough to help me. I'm already in your debt. I couldn't ask anything more of you." Max flashed back to the present with his now assembled guard. They jumped down in their Mk. 3 suit and jet-packed to slow their descent. It was hardly a significant descent, but nonetheless. Among his honor guard also stood his military advisor, diplomatic advisor, economic advisor, and a few others of some significance. In the end, like the group he had come with (as indeed it was the same) it came out to around ten people, him including. He gazed around at the rather diverse group of creatures which made up the people he was meeting, or according to them negotiating, with. He wished to be diplomatic and calm and avoid violence, as he always did, but he didn't need his military advisor to tell him not to trust these guys. They held his planet hostage. No one with good intentions does that.

Maxwell pressed a button on his face-mask which caused it to dissipate. There was still a shield there, and had about the same blocking power as if the mask was still there, but now Max's face was visible. He mostly used this feature for diplomacy, when he felt he needed protection yet still wanted to come across as peaceful.

"Greetings," he spoke to the assembled council. "I hope you don't mind me bringing a little entourage here. I don't intend for things to get unpleasant at all, but you understand customs are customs," he spoke. In truth he would've brought the guard regardless of the customs, which is rather rare, yet he wanted absolutely NO hostility to be implied.

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[N.S.S Junius]

The First officer nodded and waited. Meanwhile, on the battleship the repairs were going smoothly and according to schedule. The Engineering drones and crewmen managed to find the problem as they were beginning the remove the cells and other components to start complete repairs with brand new cells.

Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius

About ten minutes passed after the conversation with the uniformed man on the station when something happened. Anyone that was viewing the comms of the NSS Junius would then notice that a comms request was coming through. It was a video communication request, with IFH scientists on the other end.
"You are a leader," Matriarch Pravelite spoke in her chair, "It's without a given that you would be accompanied." her hand raised forwards, lifting upwards and bending the amorphous metal of the platform into chairs and tables, "I would appreciate it if we went straight to business, there are some... unwanted problems looming in on us right now." she eyed the unnatural dog that coated the surface below, "I am Pravelite, a Matriarch of the Gaea Foundation. We, the Gaea Foundation, constitute one of the five progenitor races... we call ourselves the Arclight Coalition." the seven that accompanied her stepped forward, "First, I want to reduce the tension between us..." she waved her hand, and the fate pylons that surrounded the planet folded back into ptisms and began to withdraw to the fleets that lingered around the edges of the system.

"Many civilisations today are the progeny of our gifts and lessons," she started, "In return they would join our empire. However, there have been... dissidents." her voice seemed to have a tinge of anger in it. Indeed, Tharom and his renegades have problem quite the problem already, but no matter, there are plenty of opportunities to eliminate them, "After an internal dispute on the future of our alliance, these renegades separated and have eventually grown to be an interference."

"We didn't come here to aid in your development," Matriarch Pravelite continued, "We know you are a developed civilisation. We know you are strong. That'swhy we sought an alliance..." her voice trailed off as she began to reach her main point as she stood up to her full height of nine feet, leaving her metallic throne to sink back into the platform, "We humbly request your aid, to put an end to these renegades..." she bowed her head, alongside the other renegades, "... Once and for all."



"Pravelite bows her head?" Mutalia watched through the holographic screen that Circara was projecting before her and Aeetes.

"Rare indeed, isn't it?" Aeetes commented, "But genuine amiability and humility is necessary. Pravelite, for all her power, is at heart a diplomatic Anima. Unlike the diplomatic Orthoclases and Beryls, she is one of a kind." he turned to leave, "Her gemstone is transparent, clearer than any other. When she prostrates herself before you, you'd believe you could see right through her." Mutalia watched the back of Pravelite's bowed back, "That's why she, among all the gems, is cut out for this, more so than any other."

"You justify her ability," Mutalia spoke, "But I listen to results. When they've weakened themselves trying to fight a battle against the Renegades, I will believe." she muttered as she watched the negotiations unfold before her.
NCS Sanctum

(It's not a fleet, it's a singular mobile space station. Granted, it's pretty big, but still.)

Reagis listened to the message curiously, (I feel I should mention - Reagis is one of the characters that was there during the Awakening), turning and facing T'venn. "What do you make of that, then?"

"Well, obviously we should keep our distance, prepare, which Blizzard seems to be doing already anyway, and reply. I honestly doubt they know that this is one of our sectors." He glanced sideways at Reagis. "I imagine you think the same?"

Reagis, who had dismissed all the feeds playing in his HUD, flicked a hand outwards, bringing out his holograms. With a few more motions, he combined them into a singular screen, expanding it and setting it on the wall, gloved hands glowing a bright, light blue light. "We're working on figuring out their communications systems now- they don't use the same method of FTL communication that we do- not surprising, really."

@tims run (What is the message they sent?
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Assailant said:
Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius About ten minutes passed after the conversation with the uniformed man on the station when something happened. Anyone that was viewing the comms of the NSS Junius would then notice that a comms request was coming through. It was a video communication request, with IFH scientists on the other end.
"Yes. I was wondering where the highest concentration of Dark energy & matter was within this system." The first officer said through his arm. "Neutrinos are not a big problem as there tons everywhere."
Planet Holon: Atmosphere

Max was certainly caught off guard. These people had practically held their planet hostage, and now they were here asking for help? These people seemed strong, strong enough anyway, and Max wasn't particularly itching to get involved in another war (the war against Orion was tough enough on them right now as it was) and he still wasn't sure he trusted them. He wasn't going to deny an empire that truly needed help (provided he could also keep his own citizens safe if he helped), and he didn't want to assume the worst, yet he had reason for mistrust. He had to be safe.

"Why us," he asked. "I appreciate your viewpoints on my nation, and indeed we are all proud of what we've accomplished, yet surely there are others that could be more easily approached. Why did you seek us for aid?"

Docking Station Alpha - 0773: Onboard NSS Junius

Through the first captain's video feed, he could see a team of scientists on the other end. Through some peripheries there seemed to be a few working on other projects, but many of the ones in view of the camera were feverishly typing things down, occasionally glancing up towards the screen.

"Right," the scientist at the front of the group said. "If you really need some fast and don't want to go too far, there's a bit out a ways, about right between where Zeron and Frax are right now, the-" The scientist paused a moment. "Well I suppose you wouldn't know what those are, would you? I'll just send you some coordinates..." He paused to type for a few moments and soon the first captain was notified that he had gotten coordinates.

"That spot closest to you is the one I was referring to. It's not a ton, maybe enough to make it to the next system over with a standard dark matter propulsion unit, but if you just need a small amount that'll get you there. It's not far away at all: only an hour or two to get there, not hard.

"That next farthest spot is a bit of a trip, you might notice, but it's pretty good. We used quite a bit of it for reserve energy supplies and research before Holonite became standard. It's kinda far away from anything else, so it's recently become host to some pirates that'll pass through from time to time I would estimate the trip to be about about half a day, there and back.

"That last one is really far you'll see. That's practically outside the system. It's incredibly rich in dark energy, but it's dangerous to go out that far. Once you get there it's Orion spies and Fester controlled planets. 'Course, the Festers of those planets are probably all dead by now, but you can't be too safe. It's got a lot and would satisfy most anything, but you'll almost certainly have to fight for it if you go that far. I'd estimate that to be about a day there and back.

"'Course, if you use an advanced reactor you could EASILY cut down most of that travel time, but I presume you want the dark matter to fix such a reactor," the scientist said. "So it's up to you." He then looked back at the scientists typing rapidly. "Excuse them, by the way. They're trying to get all the info they can get from this video, alien contact and all."

@tims run
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