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FxM I'm just really in the mood for romance.


How troublesome...
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome to the thread

Hey everyone! I was just stopping by to see if anyone wanted to roleplay with me. I have many pairings, just need someone to act one out with.

A few things I require

I don't like one liners, so I would like atleast 3-5 sentences or more.

I am a active roleplayer, and I would suspect my partner to be too.

GOD MODDING, I am not very fond of when people make my characters do what they want. It's just rude.

If you want to be in a 1x1, I'll PM you and we can discuss it there.

@lafeae You can PM me if you'd like. I will reply when I get most of the work I have to do done.
Hello there! I'm interested in coming up with a role play with you if you have any slots still opened. Well pm if you wanna become partners.
Hello! I play males and females!

We can brainstorm a plot if you're interested in darker more sinister storylines! ^-^

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