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(FxF. FxM) So many plots, you’re gonna love ‘em: always open


Eat The Rude
Hello reader! I had a sudden surge of plot ideas that definitely need to be played out and I’m hoping you will be able to help me! (^U^)(>>)(B^D)

I have a list of plots, some are planned out and others aren’t – if you’re interested in a plot (without a plot) let me know your idea – if you’re interested in a plot but don't have a suggestion then still let me know and we’ll work something out. For all the undetailed plots I at least have ideas in mind.

Few Musts:

A paragraph at the very least per post - I'll often match your posts but I like to have something to work with.

Please let me know if you’re unable to post for a while. Or if you’re bored of the RP, maybe we can do something else.

Violence and swear words are cool – especially in something like a zombie/vampire RP.

Chat to me! ((Well it’s not a must…)) but I’m kinda friendly and I’m British so extra points for that, right?


((This is the exciting part, okay? My plots!))


Professional Problems:

(I’d prefer FxF for this but FxM is cool too.)

Muse A and Muse B are actors. They met when they were both cast in the first series of a popular TV show ((or a movie)) and started a relationship behind the scenes. Both are very famous and attend a lot of interviews/are constantly photographed by paparazzi. Plus fans paired their characters together so many fans are pleased to hear they are a real life couple. Sometime after season 1 aired ((or the movie aired)) the couple split up. Now filming is about to begin on season 2 ((or movie sequel)) and the two haven’t spoken since their split. Do they hate each other? Are they still madly in love? How will they deal with working in such close proximity?

Especially when their characters are written to develop a romance and have a love scene scheduled for episode 6!

World Cup Winnings:

(FxF.) Only because the theme wouldn’t work with FxM – if you can configure this for FxM then hit me with suggestions.

Soccer AU! Muse A (myself) is part of the England football team. Muse B (you) plays for an opposite team in the world cup line-up. Both teams arrive in the US for the 2020 Women’s World Cup. Muse A and B either develop a close friendship/romance as the tournament progresses and eventually both their teams are down to their final few matches. How will our muses cope with playing against each other? Will either team make it down to the final? And if so, what will happen when one team wins the cup and the other goes home with a silver medal?

Unlawful Abiding Citizens:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A and Muse B are mob bosses operating in the same city that to an extent allows criminals free-reign. Both appear very respectful and accommodating in public, but behind closed doors they are fierce rivals looking to double cross and put the other out of business for good. (Romance ensues.)

We Could Be Heroes:

(FxF. FxM. MxM but read the snippet for that one.)

Muse A and B both have superpowers. Muse A (myself) is a super villain and Muse B is either an opposing villain or a beloved superhero. I’m taking suggestions for this one!

Are A and B best friends, both unknowing that the other is behind the mask they fight in the evening? Is Muse A a disgruntled ex-hero jealous of the new hero in town? Are A and B warring villains, perhaps one of them helped hero Muse C put the other in jail once before?

Or, if A and B are both men/women. What happens when Muse C enters the picture and A/B fall hopelessly in love? A/B compete for C’s affections both behind the mask and out of it.

The Hired Hand:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is a professional assassin with at least 15years experience. Muse B is A’s protégée, who has only been a working assassin for the past five years. During a routine job, B uncovers evidence of an active serial killer and starts to hunt for the killer without informing the police. A finds out and is roped into the case, while both assassins are still taking on clients!


(FxM. FxF)

General idea is that a couple, Muse A and Muse B have been together for a specific amount of time when Partner A goes missing. Just drops all contact. The Partner B has no idea what has happened and resolves to find out – meeting Muse C along the way who ends up offering their help. ((Reason for partner A disappearance can be determined by us))

The Apocalypse:

(FxF. FxM.)

Muses A and B are left to survive when there is a virus outbreak and their city becomes overrun with zombies (because everyone loves a zombie AU) Might turn into a group RP if there are a few people interested. Pretty specific plot though, I’ll only go into it if someone is interested.

Can You See Me Now:

(FxF. FxM.)

Muses A meets muse B online (social media, a site like this, anything other than a dating site) and the two strike up a very quick bond. They start communicating regularly and eventually their bond turns into a close friendship. Lots of messages are exchanged, eventually they start to call each other/skype. Years down the line, they start an online relationship. What could possibly go wrong?

An Unexpected Journey: (It’s not a Hobbit plot but I wish it was)

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is waitress/bartender. Muse B is a customer Muse A serves all of the time. One night B and their partner are out for the evening and end up breaking up in the restaurant/bar A works at. The partner leaves and B is left distraught at their table. A comes over to offer some comfort. B breaks down and decides, on the spur of the moment, that they are going to leave town to start a new life (other things have been going wrong in B’s life and they can’t take it anymore) A informs B that she is doing some soul searching herself and has decided to go on a 3 week car journey to do some sightseeing. A invites B along. B accepts. Both immediately regret what they’ve just gotten themselves into.

The Written Word:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is a famous writer. Muse B is an obsessed fan... need I say more?

Or! Muse A is a famous writer. Muse B is a character from one of A's books that comes to life one evening. Need I say more?

Couples Counselling:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A and Muse B have been a couple for just over a year now and are known for their explosive love/hate relationship. By all accounts, these two argue non-stop and actively admit how infuriated they get over each other. But, they stay together..



All The World's A Stage:

Muse B is a well known actor and A is their new director in a play. It becomes obvious that B has a crush on A but nothing seems to be progressing. That is until A steps in when B's co-actor is off sick and has to perform a romantic scene with B in front of the entire cast.

Plots with lesser thought out plots: Detective/Criminal. Professor/Student. Vampire/Vampire. Assassin/Assassin (Rivals). Age Gap. Divorced couple returning to life after their divorce. Out Lesbian/Closet Lesbian. Sworn Enemies.
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The apocalypse if theres one more person

Out Lesbian/Closet Lesbian (In a college setting?)
I really like professional problems, unlawful abiding citizens, and missing! Especially, unlawful abiding citizens.
@Meisaki Cool. PM me and we'll pick one of those two. :)

@PokemonGirl @tsundere RP Apocalypse will definitely be a small group RP in that case - probably in a thread. I'll see if anyone else is interested first, keep you both posted!

@PokemonGirl College setting works, that's what I was hoping for.

@Carmelita PM me! :) Either of those three work for me, but unlawful abiding citizens sounds like the winner.
[QUOTE="Miss Electric Daisy]Me as well! <3

Great! I'll perhaps create a thread for Apocalypse tomorrow. :)
Hey. I would like to try out a Detective x Criminal roleplay with you. If you're interested, please let me know! ♥
Hai ❤️ These are the major plots I'd be intersted in

•Unlawful Abiding Citzens

•Professionals Problems

•Some of my own if you'd like to hear em' ?

And the less detailed ones would be

•Age Gap and Out/ Closet Lesbian

(I'm thinking of a mashup of the two)
MistahJ said:
Hello reader! I had a sudden surge of plot ideas that definitely need to be played out and I’m hoping you will be able to help me! (^U^)(>>)(B^D)

I have a list of plots, some are planned out and others aren’t – if you’re interested in a plot (without a plot) let me know your idea – if you’re interested in a plot but don't have a suggestion then still let me know and we’ll work something out. For all the undetailed plots I at least have ideas in mind.

Few Musts:

A paragraph at the very least per post - I'll often match your posts but I like to have something to work with.

Please let me know if you’re unable to post for a while. Or if you’re bored of the RP, maybe we can do something else.

Violence and swear words are cool – especially in something like a zombie/vampire RP.

Chat to me! ((Well it’s not a must…)) but I’m kinda friendly and I’m British so extra points for that, right?


((This is the exciting part, okay? My plots!))


Professional Problems:

(I’d prefer FxF for this but FxM is cool too.)

Muse A and Muse B are actors. They met when they were both cast in the first series of a popular TV show ((or a movie)) and started a relationship behind the scenes. Both are very famous and attend a lot of interviews/are constantly photographed by paparazzi. Plus fans paired their characters together so many fans are pleased to hear they are a real life couple. Sometime after season 1 aired ((or the movie aired)) the couple split up. Now filming is about to begin on season 2 ((or movie sequel)) and the two haven’t spoken since their split. Do they hate each other? Are they still madly in love? How will they deal with working in such close proximity?

Especially when their characters are written to develop a romance and have a love scene scheduled for episode 6!

World Cup Winnings:

(FxF.) Only because the theme wouldn’t work with FxM – if you can configure this for FxM then hit me with suggestions.

Soccer AU! Muse A (myself) is part of the England football team. Muse B (you) plays for an opposite team in the world cup line-up. Both teams arrive in the US for the 2020 Women’s World Cup. Muse A and B either develop a close friendship/romance as the tournament progresses and eventually both their teams are down to their final few matches. How will our muses cope with playing against each other? Will either team make it down to the final? And if so, what will happen when one team wins the cup and the other goes home with a silver medal?

Unlawful Abiding Citizens:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A and Muse B are mob bosses operating in the same city that to an extent allows criminals free-reign. Both appear very respectful and accommodating in public, but behind closed doors they are fierce rivals looking to double cross and put the other out of business for good. (Romance ensues.)

We Could Be Heroes:

(FxF. FxM. MxM but read the snippet for that one.)

Muse A and B both have superpowers. Muse A (myself) is a super villain and Muse B is either an opposing villain or a beloved superhero. I’m taking suggestions for this one!

Are A and B best friends, both unknowing that the other is behind the mask they fight in the evening? Is Muse A a disgruntled ex-hero jealous of the new hero in town? Are A and B warring villains, perhaps one of them helped hero Muse C put the other in jail once before?

Or, if A and B are both men/women. What happens when Muse C enters the picture and A/B fall hopelessly in love? A/B compete for C’s affections both behind the mask and out of it.

The Hired Hand:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is a professional assassin with at least 15years experience. Muse B is A’s protégée, who has only been a working assassin for the past five years. During a routine job, B uncovers evidence of an active serial killer and starts to hunt for the killer without informing the police. A finds out and is roped into the case, while both assassins are still taking on clients!


(FxM. FxF)

General idea is that a couple, Muse A and Muse B have been together for a specific amount of time when Partner A goes missing. Just drops all contact. The Partner B has no idea what has happened and resolves to find out – meeting Muse C along the way who ends up offering their help. ((Reason for partner A disappearance can be determined by us))

The Apocalypse:

(FxF. FxM.)

Muses A and B are left to survive when there is a virus outbreak and their city becomes overrun with zombies (because everyone loves a zombie AU) Might turn into a group RP if there are a few people interested. Pretty specific plot though, I’ll only go into it if someone is interested.

Can You See Me Now:

(FxF. FxM.)

Muses A meets muse B online (social media, a site like this, anything other than a dating site) and the two strike up a very quick bond. They start communicating regularly and eventually their bond turns into a close friendship. Lots of messages are exchanged, eventually they start to call each other/skype. Years down the line, they start an online relationship. What could possibly go wrong?

An Unexpected Journey: (It’s not a Hobbit plot but I wish it was)

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is waitress/bartender. Muse B is a customer Muse A serves all of the time. One night B and their partner are out for the evening and end up breaking up in the restaurant/bar A works at. The partner leaves and B is left distraught at their table. A comes over to offer some comfort. B breaks down and decides, on the spur of the moment, that they are going to leave town to start a new life (other things have been going wrong in B’s life and they can’t take it anymore) A informs B that she is doing some soul searching herself and has decided to go on a 3 week car journey to do some sightseeing. A invites B along. B accepts. Both immediately regret what they’ve just gotten themselves into.

The Written Word:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A is a famous writer. Muse B is an obsessed fan... need I say more?

Or! Muse A is a famous writer. Muse B is a character from one of A's books that comes to life one evening. Need I say more?

Couples Counselling:

(FxF. FxM)

Muse A and Muse B have been a couple for just over a year now and are known for their explosive love/hate relationship. By all accounts, these two argue non-stop and actively admit how infuriated they get over each other. But, they stay together..


Plots with lesser thought out plots: Detective/Criminal. Professor/Student. Vampire/Vampire. Assassin/Assassin (Rivals). Age Gap. Divorced couple returning to life after their divorce. Out Lesbian/Closet Lesbian. Sworn Enemies.
I would be interested in the out lesbian/closet lesbian?...

I don't often do FxF So It would be interesting!!!~ xD :D :D :D

Hmm... The written word seems interesting and I'd like to try it if your up for it.
Hi! I'm interested in roleplaying hired hand, Apocalypse, age gap, or out lesbian/closet lesbian. Or a combination of any of them!

"The Written Word" sounds really interesting to me (the one with the character becoming real), but does it have to be romance? (I'm just not good with forced romance :( )
Hello! If it's still available, I'm interested in: Detective/Criminal.

If it's okay I prefer to be a criminal :)

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