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Futuristic Roleplay.


Hello Everyone!

Lately I have been craving to do some futuristic, fantasy kind of roleplays with lost of exciting fights, danger and pretty much all the good stuff. I'll try to keep this as short as possible, but I do have certain things that i'm searching for in my role play partners. So here are the things should know if you're interested in role playing with me.

1. I only play as a female. BUT I am willing to double.

2. I like detailed role plays. I usually write minimum 3 decently sized paragraphs (each consisting of at least 5 sentences.) and expect you to do the same. Though I understand that there are days when you just can't find the right words. That's fine. You don't have to replay everyday, slower replies are always better than the rushed ones. But please say a word if you'll be gone for a longer while or are no longer interested in the role play. Even if it's only the first post and you don't feel it, say a word and we can work it out. I always inform if I'll be gone for a longer while and won't leave you waiting for a never coming replay.

3. Romance role plays are my favorite. Cheesy, I know. But I like them. Though it shouldn't be all about love and flowers. I love action, blood, gore, anything action filled. I don't mind characters cursing and having bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, erotica etc.) that actually makes them more real.

4. I usually role play on PM's, but don't mind doing a thread too.

5. It matters for some people, but I honestly don't care what type of picture you put in the character sheet. It can be both realistic or animated. Whatever makes you happy. And if don't like making character sheets that's fine too.

6. I love putting pictures in the role play to make it more real so it's more than welcome!

So if you're okay with all the things I listed above here are the plots! PM me or leave a message below! If you want to role play with me but you're not interested in any of my plots feel free to PM me anyway and propose your idea's. We can always brain storm something.

Plot 1.

Dangerous virus had spread among humans, turning half of the mankind into blood thirsty beasts. The virus had made them inhuman, insane and deadly. They have only one weakness - sunlight. The government had built a wall to separate the infected ones from the rest of the humans. Specially trained soldiers are sent out every night to search for the cure.

Muse A is a leader of a team that is tasked to find the cure. Muse A is ranked as one of the top soldiers and is considered as one of the best. Muse B on other hand is a recruit, and still pretty green to the whole thing. Muse B is a complete opposite of Muse A, reckless, impulsive and doesn't know how to work in a team.

On their first mission beyond the wall all the hell breaks lose due to Muse B's lack of patience and short temper. All the team is killed leaving only Muse A and Muse B who are now stuck in a forbidden zone.They have to work together in order to survive and get home safely.

Plot 2.
When the global warming finally hit it's peak and all the ice melted, nearly 70% of dry land disappeared under water. The level of crime grew to the point where police couldn't do anything about it and the system crumbled. Now whats left from dry lands and biggest cities is ruled by gangs who fight for new territories. Fireflies is one of biggest gangs, it's leader known for cruelness and cunning ways to gain more power.

Muse A is a runaway, trying to escape from the previous gang she was part of and find a peaceful place to live in. Things don't go quite as Muse A was hoping when her pursuers catch up and she is forced to trespass on Fireflies territory. Not before long Muse A is captured and brought to the leader of Fireflies, Muse B.

Strangely enough Muse B doesn't kill Muse A, but instead involves her into a game. If Muse A can escape in one month the she is free to leave without being followed. However is Muse A fails to do so, she has to stay with Muse B for forever.

Plot 3.
*This is pretty much based on video game Mirror's Edge Catalyst.*

In the city of glass the conglomerate rules supreme. All regular citizens have been made willing slaves. Lured into endless race for status and wealth. But some chose to live off the grid. Runners work as couriers and cat burglars. The rooftops belong to them. As long as they don't openly challenge the authorities, the conglomerate turns a blind eye. For almost two decades the status quo has held. But times are about to change.

Muse A and Muse B are runners, trusted to work together for the first time to get special data. Due to their different personalities and struggles to get along the mission fails and they are now on a run to escape special police force that is sent after them. (K-Sec). More and more secrets begin to emerge as they look more into the data and those secrets could destroy them.

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