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Fantasy Furi Kisu Kisu Rabu, A Dating Sim


New Member
Furi Kisu Kisu Rabu, or Furry Kiss Kiss Love, is a brand new dating sim from Japan! You play as a human turned furry, who was transported to the world of furries and other animal people to find true love, and start a family.

There are hundreds of NPCs, all with different crushes, interests, and personalities!

You have gotten the game, and you are excited to play!

However, there might be more to this game than meets the eye...
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- Blood and Gore allowed!

- No sexual content

- Combat is allowed. Rules on that are further down.

- No godmodding

- Joke characters are allowed TO A DEGREE. Ask for permission! I will list reasons if it is rejected!

Choose a number 1-3. Roll the dice once, with the faces set to 3. If the number is the one you chose, the hit lands.

Stats for characters-

Weak- Does damage level 1, can take 3 DL one attacks.

Average- Does damage level 2, can take 4 DL one attacks.

Strong- Does damage level 3, can take 5 DL one attacks.
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