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Fantasy Fruits Basket- A New Generation OOC Chat

Lol, now I'm listening to Car Radio and I can't help but remember the time I went to a Sign Language Social and we all signed to songs. The version some of my fellow ASL classmates did was the best I've ever seen!
Alright, I got my poptart and coffee, let's do this.
MidnightStar MidnightStar I'm gonna change Haru up a bit so he likes kids, since I feel like that fits his personality better. Plus he's basically a kid himself haha. I'm not sure about Aya, but I feel like Haru would try to reach out to her.

RANGYOKU RANGYOKU So for Ren I feel like Hoshi would get along with him, especially since he is the only "kid" that she can stand. Haru would also enjoy Ren, not getting that his humor is covering up something, but liking him all the same.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Hoshi and Jenjo I feel would get along nicely, Hoshi and Kazi, if they've met, Hoshi would propably find him annoying, especially if he flirted with her, Hoshi and Ruki would probably get along.
Haru and Jenjo probably wouldn't interact much, same with Kazi, but I think Haru would have a bit of a crush on Ruki, finding her adorable.

Loki777 Loki777 Hoshi and Asahi would get along very well I think, perhaps turning into something more (I don't know man drama haha) Haru would probably avoid Asahi

Done. That took awhile haha.
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Alright, I got my poptart and coffee, let's do this.
MidnightStar MidnightStar I'm gonna change Haru up a bit so he likes kids, since I feel like that fits his personality better. Plus he's basically a kid himself haha. I'm not sure about Aya, but I feel like Haru would try to reach out to her.

RANGYOKU RANGYOKU So for Ren I feel like Hoshi would get along with him, especially since he is the only "kid" that she can stand. Haru would also enjoy Ren, not getting that his humor is covering up something, but liking him all the same.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Hoshi and Jenjo I feel would get along nicely, Hoshi and Kazi, if they've met, Hoshi would propably find him annoying, especially if he flirted with her, Hoshi and Ruki would probably get along.
Haru and Jenjo probably wouldn't interact much, same with Kazi, but I think Haru would have a bit of a crush on Kazi, finding her adorable.

Loki777 Loki777 Hoshi and Asahi would get along very well I think, perhaps turning into something more (I don't know man drama haha) Haru would probably avoid Asahi

Done. That took awhile haha.
Alright coolio, I've actually working on the relationship info right now.
Alright, I got my poptart and coffee, let's do this.
MidnightStar MidnightStar I'm gonna change Haru up a bit so he likes kids, since I feel like that fits his personality better. Plus he's basically a kid himself haha. I'm not sure about Aya, but I feel like Haru would try to reach out to her.

RANGYOKU RANGYOKU So for Ren I feel like Hoshi would get along with him, especially since he is the only "kid" that she can stand. Haru would also enjoy Ren, not getting that his humor is covering up something, but liking him all the same.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Hoshi and Jenjo I feel would get along nicely, Hoshi and Kazi, if they've met, Hoshi would propably find him annoying, especially if he flirted with her, Hoshi and Ruki would probably get along.
Haru and Jenjo probably wouldn't interact much, same with Kazi, but I think Haru would have a bit of a crush on Kazi, finding her adorable.

Loki777 Loki777 Hoshi and Asahi would get along very well I think, perhaps turning into something more (I don't know man drama haha) Haru would probably avoid Asahi

Done. That took awhile haha.

That sounds cool to me. Even if Haru didn't like Ryou, Ryou would probably still try to be friends with me anyway. Ryou is that type of person that doesn't releize some doesn't enjoy his company. All he wants to do is make friends.
SteamPoweredSev SteamPoweredSev
Also for Aya she doesn't really know all the zodiac well so she really cant be close to them. I made her that way so her character can grow with the relationships. If anything there are some zodiac she tolerates but that is about it.
I updated some of my relationship info, if anyone wants to discuses it further in relations regarding their character and mine please I'm open~
Okay, so they are currently getting along. I thought they were going to start getting along during the roleplay, Loki777 Loki777 , I apologize I got it wrong.

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